40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    jp4ap wrote: »
    *Raises Hand* - Hi, my name is Jeremy, and I am 43 years old. I took my first successful journey towards a healthy lifestyle 4 years ago. I started off at 370 lbs and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without a sherpa. I got down to 250 lbs, rode a couple of hundred miles on my bike a week, and for the first time in a long time actually LIVED LIFE! A couple of shoulder surgeries later while not eating properly and with my road bike sitting on the rack at home I got back up to 350 lbs. Just starting back here for the second go round on MFP. My goals are simple...get my health back under control and stop letting my current poor health control me. I'm coming off of another recent surgery and just back to walking a few minutes a day. My goal for next week is to get the trainer set up for my road bike and start logging miles and minutes on it with the end goal being another Century Ride next summer. Anyway...thanks for letting me share with all you awesome and amazing people. Good luck, Gob bless, and please continue spreading your amazingness all over the place.

    Hi Jeremy, welcome. 200 miles/wk is some serious riding! Do you use a particular bike trainer program while you train, or do you watch movies/listen to music while you ride? There are some great training apps out there these days: Trainerroad, Zwift, Sufferfest, CyclOps virtual training, etc. Curious to know if you have favorite, since I've just put my bike back on the trainer for the winter.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 P.A.P. Upper"=Done!
  • jp4ap
    jp4ap Posts: 102 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    jp4ap wrote: »
    *Raises Hand* - Hi, my name is Jeremy, and I am 43 years old. I took my first successful journey towards a healthy lifestyle 4 years ago. I started off at 370 lbs and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without a sherpa. I got down to 250 lbs, rode a couple of hundred miles on my bike a week, and for the first time in a long time actually LIVED LIFE! A couple of shoulder surgeries later while not eating properly and with my road bike sitting on the rack at home I got back up to 350 lbs. Just starting back here for the second go round on MFP. My goals are simple...get my health back under control and stop letting my current poor health control me. I'm coming off of another recent surgery and just back to walking a few minutes a day. My goal for next week is to get the trainer set up for my road bike and start logging miles and minutes on it with the end goal being another Century Ride next summer. Anyway...thanks for letting me share with all you awesome and amazing people. Good luck, Gob bless, and please continue spreading your amazingness all over the place.

    Hi Jeremy, welcome. 200 miles/wk is some serious riding! Do you use a particular bike trainer program while you train, or do you watch movies/listen to music while you ride? There are some great training apps out there these days: Trainerroad, Zwift, Sufferfest, CyclOps virtual training, etc. Curious to know if you have favorite, since I've just put my bike back on the trainer for the winter.

    During the winter I sometimes watch indoor cycling workout YouTube videos. But tend to enjoy just blasting some tunes or watching Netflix and working sprints/recoveries with the clock. I may try an app though. I remember loving C25K when I would run because I could jam out and still get my prompts. Which app do you use/like?
  • jp4ap
    jp4ap Posts: 102 Member
    tojo_73 wrote: »
    Yoga today. I am getting (have) a cold which is sapping my exercise motivation. Hope everyone has a good weekend

    Colds suck. Get well soon!
  • jp4ap
    jp4ap Posts: 102 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "P90X2 P.A.P. Upper"=Done!

    BOOM! Great work!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well I woke up with a full blown head colf. Took some meds and went back to bed instead of kettlebell class. Got up at 8:30 and went to kickboxing class and decided the meds had kicked in so I stayed for the 10 am class too!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,093 Member
    Feel better soon @3furballs !!

    Since I missed it yesterday, got my gym workout done today after helping to set up/tear down at a church event today. Strength training, some Calisthenics on 360 Balance Step (including Sumo Squats), Radio Taiso stretching and Planks. Didn't get much sleep, so I'm tired. Probably going to crash early, AND get an extra hour of sleep since we fall back this weekend! :smiley:
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    jp4ap wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    jp4ap wrote: »
    *Raises Hand* - Hi, my name is Jeremy, and I am 43 years old. I took my first successful journey towards a healthy lifestyle 4 years ago. I started off at 370 lbs and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without a sherpa. I got down to 250 lbs, rode a couple of hundred miles on my bike a week, and for the first time in a long time actually LIVED LIFE! A couple of shoulder surgeries later while not eating properly and with my road bike sitting on the rack at home I got back up to 350 lbs. Just starting back here for the second go round on MFP. My goals are simple...get my health back under control and stop letting my current poor health control me. I'm coming off of another recent surgery and just back to walking a few minutes a day. My goal for next week is to get the trainer set up for my road bike and start logging miles and minutes on it with the end goal being another Century Ride next summer. Anyway...thanks for letting me share with all you awesome and amazing people. Good luck, Gob bless, and please continue spreading your amazingness all over the place.

    Hi Jeremy, welcome. 200 miles/wk is some serious riding! Do you use a particular bike trainer program while you train, or do you watch movies/listen to music while you ride? There are some great training apps out there these days: Trainerroad, Zwift, Sufferfest, CyclOps virtual training, etc. Curious to know if you have favorite, since I've just put my bike back on the trainer for the winter.

    During the winter I sometimes watch indoor cycling workout YouTube videos. But tend to enjoy just blasting some tunes or watching Netflix and working sprints/recoveries with the clock. I may try an app though. I remember loving C25K when I would run because I could jam out and still get my prompts. Which app do you use/like?

    I have a subscription to Trainerroad. It is a great program for building systematic improvement in your cycling, since there are various base and sport specific programs to follow. For example, last winter, I did the 6 week Sweet Spot Low Volume Base Building plan Phase 1, which was two 60 minute workouts and one 90 minute workout per week. I followed it up with the Phase 2, which was similar. TR also has sport specific plans for roadies, triathletes, etc.

    TR is very LOW on entertainment value, but very HIGH on skills improvement. You follow the graph and match your speed/cadence to the levels indicated. (I listen to a Spotify Playlist while punishing myself on the trainer) TR works great either with or without a power meter on your bike trainer. If you're like me and don't yet have a power meter, you can get VERY good results using TR's Virtual Power feature. You simply enter your trainer model (CycleOps Fluid 2 in my case) then hook up your speed/cadence sensor(wahoo) and your Heart Rate Monitor(Polar). TR then uses the known resistance curve info from your trainer, coupled with the speed/cadence info, to derive a power estimate. Very cool. But enough geekiness from me.

    The other app I like is TheSufferFest cycling videos. These are either downloaded to your pc/iPad, or run as an app. The two that I really like are a 51 minute interval workout called " A Very Dark Place" and a 60minute climbing video called "The Hunted". Sufferfest videos put you in a bike race setting and you just follow the on screen commands. Guaranteed to leave a large puddle on the floor beneath your bike.

    I have some friends who love the fancier apps like Zwift, where a group of riders can log on together and do a virtual race on any course in the world. Very cool, but a bit much for me.

    The other approach is to skip the indoor training completely, and just ride to China and back like fellow Cool Kid, @narak_lol.! She's a cycling machine!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did a trail run half marathon race this morning. Finished in 2:00:17, or a 9:05 pace. No PR, but I was ok with the results given my current fitness. I started out easy for the first 5 miles, knowing that miles 6-13 were a long constant uphill grade. Was able to run the second half faster than the first, so my endurance is getting better. Speed will improve when I finally commit to shedding more weight!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 X2 Recovery + Mobility"=Done!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    tojo_73 wrote: »
    Yoga today. I am getting (have) a cold which is sapping my exercise motivation. Hope everyone has a good weekend

    Feel better!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    P90X Day 14: Kenpo X and sprint work...DONE! Ok, not really. I'm not a fan of Tony Horton's attempts at MMA- or Kickboxing-style workouts. Don't get me wrong. I love everything else he's done. I just don't like these workouts. So, it's pretty safe to say that I'll be substituting something from Les Mills Combat or Insanity when this workout comes up on the calendar. Now it's time to make a couple more batches of soap before heading off to work. Happy Sunday everyone!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    misscagal wrote: »
    Half marathon completed and new PB despite lax training in last two weeks. Took almost 10 minutes off time from two weeks ago. I'm so happy although I'll have to say the course was FAST -a lot of downhill

    Congrats! Downhill or not, ten minutes faster is a HUGE chunk of time in a Half distance race!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks! I went from 2:16 two weeks ago to 2:07 (gun time but Garmin showed just over 2:06). I'm so excited and now think 2 hours is very doable, which is my goal. I still can't believe the difference losing 18 lbs made. My half in May was just over 2:20 when I started MFP.
    Edit - my next half in march will be in a new age category so if I can hit 2 hours at 50 I'd be so stoked :D
    Edit #2- chip time confirmed at 2:06:16. Woohoo!!!!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    misscagal wrote: »
    Thanks! I went from 2:16 two weeks ago to 2:07 (gun time but Garmin showed just over 2:06). I'm so excited and now think 2 hours is very doable, which is my goal. I still can't believe the difference losing 18 lbs made. My half in May was just over 2:20 when I started MFP.
    Edit - my next half in march will be in a new age category so if I can hit 2 hours at 50 I'd be so stoked :D
    Edit #2- chip time confirmed at 2:06:16. Woohoo!!!!

    Oh yeah, a sub 2 hr Half is a very attainable goal in 16 weeks! I know many runners who started out at 2:25/2:30 and dropped 20-25 minutes within a year of focused work. I'd say you're right on target.

    I'm looking for a similar improvement by March. I may not get to race another Half before April or May, since I'm signed up for a full marathon in March. I love to train, so my biggest challenge is keeping my food in check.

    Finally, Since I"m going to be 59 years old this month (ouch!) I've been re-reading two books that contain some great information for Cool Kids. They are "Racing Weight: Getting Lean for Peak Performance" by Matt Fitzgerald and Joe Friel's "Fast After 50 - How to race strong for the rest of your life" . If you're a reader, there is some great information on the significant benefits of leanness on Endurance Athletes and how to get there (Racing Weight) and also strategies for maintaining high performance as we age (Fast after 50). You're a bit young for the second book, lol, but I need all the help I can get. ;)
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    That's excellent information - much appreciated. I'm a big reader so I'll definitely look into those books. Good luck in your full marathon. I did one last fall and decided one was enough for me lol. I'll stick to half and keep trying to improve. I really appreciate the encouragement :)
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes on this @!$# cold. Decided to compound it with the flu shot yesterday. Regardless went for a bike today (yeah sudafed). 50km but not super fast and only a bit of rain :) 28 days of rain in October; the perils of living in a rain forest. Hopefully it will be snow on the mountains by the end of November ;) .

    Glad to see everyone so active. It definitely helps to get me moving