Started JM 30 Day Shred today, anyone else?



  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    07/07/2011 D1L1
    07/08/2011 D2L1
    07/09/11 D3L1
    07/10/11 D4L1
    07/12/11 D5L1
    07/13/11 D6L1 - Made it through!
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort
    2) Got most of the side lunges (using 10lb kettleball)
    3) Definitely more energy today then 11th or 12th! TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done!
    4) Made it through all cardio!
    5) Push-ups killed me today, usually I can do 10 real & then finish w/knees on 1st set and then 5 real & finish on knees second set, but I didn't make it today. :( My knees literally caved in (fatigue)

    6) Finished with 10 minute solutions Pilates ~ 10min Flexibility (for stretch) ALWAYS feel so refreshed! I love that one. (on Netflix instant stream)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Did Day 6 L1 today. I jogged in place for a few mintues while the video was starting up so I was a little more warm when the video started. That helped. I also got a smaller sports bra. I hadn't bought a new one since losing 50 pounds so things were getting a little giggly. Sorry for the TMI, but I found it really helped me get through all the jumping this morning. I still struggle with that first cardio circuit, but I did better today.

    I have a trampoline aerobics class I usually go to on Wednesday nights, so I will see if I can do that tonight too. That will be a real test. I think that class is why my legs haven't really been sore doing the shred, so I know I will be lots of leg work today if I do that tonight too.

    Have a great day everyone and enjoy the shred!
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Day 6 Level 1 completed!! Felt really great today too...much more endurance then day 1! Legs aren't as sore as they had been after the video on the other days so hopefully that is a good sign! How is everyone else doing today?
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    Day 4 L1 done! Today I did it as a cool down after my run, which was nice. I stretched during the warmup, swapped out boxing for the jump rope (my calves get too mad at me), and I pushed through strength and abs, doing the crunches about twice as fast as in the video. Those anterior raises still KILL, and I can only do knee pushups! Working on it...
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I am so proud of myself. Not only did I do Day 6 L1 this morning, I went to my trampoline aerobics class today. I hadn't gone in two weeks because my schedule has been wierd. I could tell my legs were tired during the class, but I could tell the shred has made a difference. I had a much easier time doing the crunches in class and my heart rate was lower throughout the class. This is making a huge difference to me.
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 completed today. Another day closer to level 2.
  • millar93
    millar93 Posts: 9
    I started it yesterday! :)
  • Sessa1984
    Sessa1984 Posts: 6
    I just started JM 30 Day Shred today too.
    Sw 192.4
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    completed day 8l1 and also went walking for 45 minutes.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Regarding the Stretching Warming Up/Cooling Down

    I do a pilates/yoga 10-25 min video (just a random one I find through netflix) the afternoon/evening after I do her video in the AM & it has kept me moving through hers smoothly! Since pilates is about flow & control, it actually helps release the tense muscles from her workout. I LOVE the combo! It usually leaves me refreshed when I wake up in the morning to get w/it on her workout (jillian) even on weekend here!

    Is that on instant stream? I have Netlifx & I LOVE yoga. I'm not good at it but I enjoy it so it won't be hard to improve (:
    I just finished D3L1. It was deffinantly better than yesterday. I'm hoping the pattern won't continue and tomorrow will be good as well.

    Yes it's the instant streaming =)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did L1D7 today - not going to badly tbh...the anterior raises - thx to whoever said they stretched their legs as wide as poss - it DOES help! Woohoo!

    Only 3 more on L1....I hated L2 last time, so it will be interesting to see if I feel any love for it this time through!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    07/07/2011 D1L1
    07/08/2011 D2L1
    07/09/11 D3L1
    07/10/11 D4L1
    07/12/11 D5L1
    07/13/11 D6L1 - Made it through!
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort
    2) Got in most of the side lunges (using 10lb kettleball)
    3) Definitely more energy today then 11th or 12th! TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done!
    4) Made it through all cardio!
    5) Push-ups killed me today, usually I can do 10 real & then finish w/knees on 1st set and then 5 real & finish on knees second set, but I didn't make it today. :( My knees literally caved in (fatigue)
    6) Finished with 10 minute solutions Pilates ~ 10min Flexibility (for stretch) ALWAYS feel so refreshed! I love that one. (on Netflix instant stream)
    07/14/11 D7L1 -
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort (also lowered 3x)
    2) Did side lunge w/arm raises using 10lb Kettleball (I think my permanent switch, I like it better)
    3) TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done! (not as much energy as yesterday)
    4) Made it through all cardio! (following natalie!!)
    5) Push-ups still killed me today, only got 3 real on first set, 1 real on 2nd set, NO upper body strength today :( (fatigue)
    6) Using 5lb weights for all strength moves
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    07/07/2011 D1L1
    07/08/2011 D2L1
    07/09/11 D3L1
    07/10/11 D4L1
    07/12/11 D5L1
    07/13/11 D6L1 - Made it through!
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort
    2) Got in most of the side lunges (using 10lb kettleball)
    3) Definitely more energy today then 11th or 12th! TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done!
    4) Made it through all cardio!
    5) Push-ups killed me today, usually I can do 10 real & then finish w/knees on 1st set and then 5 real & finish on knees second set, but I didn't make it today. :( My knees literally caved in (fatigue)
    6) Finished with 10 minute solutions Pilates ~ 10min Flexibility (for stretch) ALWAYS feel so refreshed! I love that one. (on Netflix instant stream)
    07/14/11 D7L1 -
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort (also lowered 3x)
    2) Did side lunge w/arm raises using 10lb Kettleball (I think my permanent switch, I like it better)
    3) TOM is here :-\ So I'm happy with what I got done! (not as much energy as yesterday)
    4) Made it through all cardio! (following natalie!!)
    5) Push-ups still killed me today, only got 3 real on first set, 1 real on 2nd set, NO upper body strength today :( (fatigue)
    6) Using 5lb weights for all strength moves

    Thats a great idea on the chest flies...I will have to try that today! Way to go on following Natalie!
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Did L1D7 today - not going to badly tbh...the anterior raises - thx to whoever said they stretched their legs as wide as poss - it DOES help! Woohoo!

    Only 3 more on L1....I hated L2 last time, so it will be interesting to see if I feel any love for it this time through!

    Those anterior raises are torture!! I found as well that the wider my stance the easier they are! Congrats on completing Day 7!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Did L1D7 today - not going to badly tbh...the anterior raises - thx to whoever said they stretched their legs as wide as poss - it DOES help! Woohoo!

    Only 3 more on L1....I hated L2 last time, so it will be interesting to see if I feel any love for it this time through!
    Awesome! :flowerforyou: SO glad I could help! I actually did it by accident (thinking I'd see how strong I was, and watching to get the right angle on my knee bend) and I was surprised, she says on the video to take a wide stance, but doesn't say how wide ;) Now we know! lol
  • Yesterday was d6L1, when do I move to level 2
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort (also lowered 3x)

    Thats a great idea on the chest flies...I will have to try that today! Way to go on following Natalie!

    I tried it like that today - was good! Tomorrow I may try them outstretched but no more than a foot off the floor...I think she does something like that in No More Trouble Zones. I remember it being gruelling!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    1) Raised my legs to 90 w/the chest fly and felt much more effort (also lowered 3x)
    Thats a great idea on the chest flies...I will have to try that today! Way to go on following Natalie!
    I tried it like that today - was good! Tomorrow I may try them outstretched but no more than a foot off the floor...I think she does something like that in No More Trouble Zones. I remember it being gruelling!
    Wow, so glad to know I can encourage others :love:
    I just try to keep myself working and during the parts that don't seem intense enough to me, I try to modify it to increase my results. Glad I'm sharing and can encourage others!
    Of course some mod's are to keep up too, lol :bigsmile:
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Just did D4 L1 this morning - I was a little less sore today than in the past three days, so that makes me happy! The anterior raises still really get to me... and I always have trouble not straining my neck during the ab moves - does anyone have any tips to minimize that?
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Yesterday was d6L1, when do I move to level 2

    I am curious about that as well. I know that some have said that you should do each level for 10 days but I might go a little longer since I have missed a couple days. I might even try level 2 and see how I do and decide from there.
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