

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Anne WI When I first had my knees replaced the physical thrapist that came to the house had me do several exercises with resistance bands. They are inexpensive, very versatile and portable. You could check out YouTube for ideas.

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge: My new PJ's are comfortable, and look decent. They'll be suitable for wearing while having coffee in the mornings at DSIL's place. The top is a light blue solid and the bottoms are darker blue plaid that includes the color of the top. :One of the reasons I chose them is that they'll look great with my blue housecoat. Blue is one of my favorite colors--along with several others. smiley:

    Heather: I like the understanding that writing is like weight loss and exercise, you do it every day and eventually can see the progress you've made. I'm glad you're making progress. :flowerforyou:

    Tere: I think you have a good plan for facebook. I stop in there but don't have indepth conversations on pages that are public. I like to confine myself to positive or supportive comments. The ability to have a private conversation with friends I see rarely is the other side of things, and I love it. I've been able to reconnect with old and dear friends and stay in touch with them. :heart:

    Allie: Good luck with Florida. :smiley:

    Carol: I hope you get your heat back soon. Dress warm and stay warm! (((hugs)))

    KJLamore: I didn't know about the million woman march but I am glad someone is organizing it. Thanks for sharing the information. :star:

    This morning is my bone densIty medication day. I take alondrate, the generic for fosamax. The version I take is a time-release pill that I take one day per week. I have followed the rules and now am enjoying my first cup of coffee. The rules: Take the pill first thing with 2 cups of water, no brushing teeth or taking other meds. Sit upright for at least half an hour. I'll go upstairs and take the rest of my medicine in a few minutes. Right now I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day. After breaking both wrists in separate falls over the past few years, I thought it was time to do something to protect my bones. So far, so good.

    I had my riding lesson yesterday and I feel like I'm making good progress. I've started working with a horse that has been the bad boy of the stable for the past few years. My teacher is an excellent horse trainer, and she's been working with him, so I work with him after she's gotten some of the kinks already worked out for the day. Yesterday I worked him on the lunge line until he was bucked out, then saddled, bridled, and rode him. He was a good boy for me and has a lovely and comfortable gait. Arrow belongs to the stable owner. I'm using her saddle, which is light enough for me to lift over my head and comfortable to sit on, too. Arrow is the horse equivalent of 50+. I had to give him rest breaks during the lesson. I didn't stop riding, simply slowed down for a while and then went back at it. That is pretty much how I deal with me, too, and over time I've been getting more stamina. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

    November Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
  • Redhouse6758
    Redhouse6758 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, my name is Renee and I will be 50 in January. I am looking for support and motivation to get myself back on track to become healthy and release some weight. I live in Philadelphia, PA, single, no children Looking forward to getting to all of you better.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    morning peeps-
    as we thought (or at least i did) he wants to do the run again. he says he'll train harder to get back to his old time. i repeatedly told him, you don't have to train harder because you do train hard enough when you do. you have to train smarter and longer, that's the key. so i guess i will be doing it again with him. uhhh :0/
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning ladies. Need some suggestions for some form of exercise for my mom. She has had one knee replacement and now needs the other one done at some point. She is not a active person and getting her out with me to the gym is not going to happen. The less she moves around the worse she seems to be getting. Need something low impact and she can do at home. Something maybe her and I can do together would be great. Hoping if we work at it together she will be more motivated.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Belly dance is fun movement and very low impact. You tube has many videos. The one I like best is called Shimmy. Yep! My screen name comes from the very fact that one of my many odd jobs was dancing and teaching belly dance!

    There are also some awesome chair excercise and other knee protecting workouts right on SparkPeople I have not used them, but have a friend who does.

    Katy, shaking her booty in New Mexico
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    I'm trying to motivate the man into going to the last grower's market of the season. We are pretty lucky to have a large farm community around us. I'm going to miss going over the winter!

    Have a bit to do in the garden too. We have had our first freezes now and the peppers need to be moved to the grow room and I need to decide if I'm going to clean up the beds and adjust the water system. Seems my little half acre is getting well ahead of me. I am the tender of the yard these days...shrug. Then I fully plan to watch the second half of the Saints game. If I can make myself get on the bike during that, I will have a NSV for today! B)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- it is so nice to read your post and see how well you are doing! It is apparent that you are improving by the amount of walking you are able to do. Thanks for being such a motivational leader!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    Good morning ladies. Need some suggestions for some form of exercise for my mom. She has had one knee replacement and now needs the other one done at some point. She is not a active person and getting her out with me to the gym is not going to happen. The less she moves around the worse she seems to be getting. Need something low impact and she can do at home. Something maybe her and I can do together would be great. Hoping if we work at it together she will be more motivated.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) If your mom is willing to exercise, that is the first step....search the internet or YouTube for chair or seated exercise....there is a lot to choose from...there are a lot of things to do with lighter hand weights that can be done seated...also exercising to music or while watching TV or listening to an inspiring podcast would make the time pass in a fun way.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    I made a start on ordering Christmas cards and presents today. o:) Got five presents.
    Also got DH some bourbon for our wedding anniversary next weekend. :D We will be going out for Sunday lunch at a Michelin starred restaurant. His daughter gave us a voucher for it for our joint birthday present. Great idea! Free lunch! Who said there was no such thing!
    We will have to get a taxi both ways, so it won't end up being free, but, hey, it's our 12th anniversary. <3B)

    We've also booked a date with the grandchildren in Hove in a fortnight's time. Just the one day, but we do start pining away if we don't see them. We will stay for dinner and then drive home. We have not been asked to stay the night. :'(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    Santeeshimmy - I'm watching the Broncos game. Unfortunately it's looking like the Saints game. Lol. Dyed in the wool Bronco fan. Years and years and more years ago, I worked for the original owner of the Broncos. I'm a Denver natvie, now living in Oklahoma City. Welcome to our group of supportive ladies.

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne: My husband has major mobility issues because of MS. He also has some arthritis issues in his back. He is able to ride a recumbent bike and it can be set with pressure levels starting light and adjustable upward. His is set up in the garage. Barbie has one set up in front of her TV. Your mom might enjoy something like that. Good luck finding just the right solution. :bigsmile: (((HUGS)))

    Katla in Beautiful overcast Oregon
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    KJ - while I appreciate and understand your sentiment for the old days....I am just not going to "reward" these people for their "bad behavior" with a plate of cookies to smooth things over. I did nothing wrong asking that young man to please not walk through my site and it is not my job in life to appease these people. It is never acceptable to be mean and nasty to others and to offer cookies would tell these people that I accept their behavior. These people are emotional vampires who feed off making others miserable just because their life sucks and they are miserable themselves. I spoke to my counselor this morning about it and because of my past she agrees with what I plan to do, privatize my home and distance myself from them. She reminded me that they are not the only people on the planet and there are others who would appreciate, respect me and treat me well. So I will just focus on those kinds of people and move on. My life sucks too but you don't see me treating others badly even though all my life others have treated me badly. I may live by these people but that doesn't mean I have to like them, talk to them or involve them in any way with my life. Thanks for the suggestion though, your heart is in the right place.

    Sherry in "no more vampires stealing parts of my soul!" Portland
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    :# I'll explain later
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    A good Sunday morning to all: Went to church and sang this morning. We had five baptisms so a longer than usual service. Now am at home and trying to decide what we want to do since it is raining and the project we were going to do cannot be done.

    Becca - So glad you will have all of your boys home at Christmas.

    KJ - That was an awesome plan you had for those brownies.

    Margaret - That is one scary neighbor. Glad everyone is safe and hope he learned something.

    Katla - Congrats on those new jammies and riding the new horse.

    Anne - You might want to check into getting some PT before knee replacement to strengthen and make recovery easier. I did this. The PT can then give specific home exercises for her situation and you could work with her to do them.

    Glo - Glad you were able to help your neighbor out, so kind of you.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Emotional Eating ~ Got an upsetting Facebook email about money I owe on my Mom's house and ran to the kitchen to ease the hunger that had been eating at me all afternoon. This is on top of expenses on our rental house and having the heating system go out in my own house. Is there no end? At this point, I would love to move into an apartment and let someone come into my house and empty it in an estate sale.

    Sherry ~ I agree with you on ignoring the bad neighbors. As you said, if you brought them a treat, they would just think you were cowering to them.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    well.. bought another hrm, i am now officially part of the fitbit family. we'll see how this one works. i LOVED my wahoo tracker when it was working, but i dunno what happened but it has been failing me ever since the marathon. i was so disappointed that it didn't work for that. i have an estimate on my calories that i burned, if you know me at all, you know i track my calories burned. i think i should be a tester of these products because i will put them thru the ringer
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies, I’m so sorry for such a long post but that is what happens when I get behind. Please read what you want, skip the rest, but know I love you all and appreciate you so much!

    Margaret, the Christmas cactus is just beautiful. I love that you share flowers with us!!! Thank you.

    Pip, I’m so sorry about Kirby’s problems in the race but think it’s just amazing that he can do it at all after the accident last year. He has come such a long way but I know it has to be frustrating when your mind and body don’t communicate properly. You are both still my heros!!! 433965qzur0la2nd.gif Do your socks have toes in them? I love all the pictures!!

    Sherry, glad you like the new doctor. She sounds like just what the doctor ordered. 2026457j1p8s0gqi8.gif *sorry, I can’t resist being corny sometimes.* I love your new mantra.

    MicheleNC, we are getting smoke from the fires in NC all the way down here. It’s so dry the whole SE may be on fire before long.

    Purl, it sounds like you have a good plan so now the trick is to stick to it. Just report in to us each day and know we are rooting for you. You can do this!!! 2184700kurf549a68.gif

    Allie, about Ray’s memorial; whatever you decide to do, remember it is for the living and not those that passed. It’s so nice of you to want to do it for them (Ray and Ruth) but I can’t imagine that it is expected. When I asked about a possible room where Ruth lives, I was talking about her nursing home and not their house. I just wondered if there were a room where you could do a small memorial and Ruth would already be there so no worry about getting her to it. You just do what you are comfortable with. (((Hugs)))

    Kelly, you do know that those greeter jobs at Walmart are in high demand. I think you have to know someone high up to even be considered. But trust me, I know what you mean.

    KarenVA, that’s a great window washing idea. It reminds me of the 15 minute rule on decluttering. When we do any job in small batches it makes it so much less daunting.

    NYKaren, that fountain should keep the evil spirits away! (Or maybe it is one?) lol

    Katy, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. These ladies have become like sisters to me and I can’t imagine this journey without them. I actually drove through New Mexico when driving my DD from SC to CA a few years ago. So I know it’s really there. We’re glad to have you.

    Allie, so glad you told Tom off. You are so right that you don’t need to put up with being treated like that. Too bad he won’t talk to a doctor about an antidepressant or something.

    Katla, how nice to have to buy new pj’s cause the old ones outgrew you. Congrats, my friend.

    Sherry, you “ROAR” on, girlfriend! Definitely don’t let those sad people dampen your parade.

    Gloria, that is so sad about your neighbors. I have a dear friend that wants to sell her house but it would put her DD out on the street. She can’t afford a place on her own but my friend can’t afford to keep paying for it. Talk about a Catch 2??? I hope your neighbor can find something.

    Tere, you are so right about the internet. I feel that we must take it with a grain of salt. I too, read what I’m interested in or agrees with me and skip over the rest. For me, it’s better for my mental health. Plus on FB if I read it all, I might think less of some of my friends? LOL

    Allie, since Tom gets to go to Florida without you, could/would you go without him? Like you said, he’s been already! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    NYKaren, beautiful!!!

    NCCarol, when are you getting the heat checked???? It IS Cold! Does your oven still work??? They make great heaters. Lol I’m sitting in my little office right now with a small space heater on. (later) So sorry to hear about all the events of late. Hang in there, my friend. It will surely get better! ((((Hugs))))

    Anne, good luck with your Mom if she doesn’t “want” to do anything. One of my best friends is overweight and needs a knee replacement and all she wants to do is sit. She knows it would be better to get up and move but just doesn’t want to put forth the effort. It’s a sad situation, just like when I was FAT and wanted to weigh less but didn’t want to eat less to get there. *sigh*

    Katla, it sounds like a wonderful riding lesson yesterday! That is just so terrific to get to do that at this point in your life. And good for you on being brave enough to do it. Not sure I would? 255267ka53cfacgl.gif

    Renee, welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a great group of ladies so come often.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    DH rarely requests anything special for meals but today he asked if I’d make my Mexican cornbread. Of course, I will. It has ground beef, onions, corn and cheese in it. Getting out the recipe brought back memories. I got it from a lady that I met in the hospital in Houston many years ago when my Father was there for a few weeks. She had a grandson that was in there for heart surgery so we became “family waiting room friends”. She lived in the area and went home every few days for a few hours and one day brought back a delicious pan of this cornbread. It’s a bitter sweet memory but she and her family were so nice. We stayed in touch for years.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks DJ!
    You'd be surprised how many times I've been asked for my passport or told I speak English very well. LOL

    Katy, the one who struggles with any language in New Mexico