Culking Bishes!!! Winter2016 / Spring 2017

JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
Whose bulking this year?

I'm enjoying the running chat we have on the "show your best X,Y and Z" lift thread- perhaps a bulking thread for those of us hammering it? I don't want to start new posts all the time- but I enjoy the fat kid club up in this joint.

Feel free to post details- stats, pictures- or air your mental dirty laundry and grievances about bulking!!!


  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I am, kinda... but taking it super slow. I'm about 181 lbs at the moment.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I'll be doing more of a hypertrophy routine for a few months. Currently weigh ~163. I'll bulk slowly and cut eventually back to below 165 for PL Meet in June.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Waist is about 30.5"... Not tracking anything else other than waist/hips, and not weighing on a weekly basis.

    This time around I'm just spot checking weight every few weeks and focusing on lift progression. Staying on point w/ diet 90-95% of the time...

    Current... no leg pics at moment.


    I'm usually a lot more numbers oriented- but this year- it hasn't hit me yet- spot checking is the plan right now.

    I'm hoping with my added size- will come the lifts as well. Because- lifts. But I needed a change of programming- Sheiko for the last 2 years- time for something new.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Also- super adorable. as usual. #mcm
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    edited November 2016
    Started my 2nd bulk a month ago. Upped the calories from maintenance which was in or around 3,100 to 3,350. Initially gained 0.4kg/0.8lbs in the first week but got sick in the 2nd weekend and didn't have much of an appetite for a few days after. Went back down to the weight I was maintaining at and remained. Might have been also to do with the program I was doing which was the Escalating Density Training Program. Today increased the calories to 3,500 and starting 5x5 stronglifts. Will give a month and re-assess. Unlike the first bulk, where I was on 4,000 and I'm seriously hoping I wont have to go back to that figure but I will see, where I reduced the running to one 5k a week, I'm going to keep running one 10k a week and eat back the majority of the calories, unlike the last month when I wasn't really. Should probably take a few pictures.

    Waist is 30.
    Current weight is 65.7kg/144lbs. First bulk went from 55kg/121lbs to 70kg/154lbs
    End goal: No weight in mind. Probably go until I hate myself though I'm going to the west coast of the States in March for 2 weeks so maybe see what I'm like in February and decide whether to continue.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Also- super adorable. as usual. #mcm

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member

    I'm usually a lot more numbers oriented- but this year- it hasn't hit me yet- spot checking is the plan right now.

    I'm hoping with my added size- will come the lifts as well. Because- lifts. But I needed a change of programming- Sheiko for the last 2 years- time for something new.

    I grew too tired of obsessively tracking weight and measurements, so just easing off a bit. Gotten better on easing up diet wise too... hit macros spot on for years ( and still do most of the time ), but goals change
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    "probably till I hate myself"

    yeah- that's pretty much it.

    where are you now if you don't mind me asking?
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    "where are you now" - if by that you mean where I am currently living, Ireland. Hence the use of KGs:)
    JoRocka wrote: »

    "probably till I hate myself"

    yeah- that's pretty much it.

    where are you now if you don't mind me asking?

    "where are you now" - if by that you mean where I am currently living, Ireland. Hence the use of KGs:)
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    I've been bulking since the beginning of September and I've gained 10 lbs so far while eating 4,000-4400 calories per day. My goal is to gain 5 more lbs for my first powerlifting meet in January so I can move up to next weight class.
  • Machokey
    Machokey Posts: 24 Member
    Finished by cut mid august or so.. I slowly increased the calories for the first 2 weeks and then I done 3 food challenges here and there.. One of them being 14k calories... Yep when it comes to food I know how to eat :D . Now im on a lean bulk habing 3.4k however ive overate quite a bit lately (5k+) and this has led to some extra fat gain :'( . Oh well I know how to lose it so i guess it's fine to pack on some extra insulation in preparation for the cold winter.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I won't be bulking until May :neutral:

    Are you worried that trying to gain 25lbs in 24 weeks is too fast? As a woman you could hope to gain 1lb of muscle a month assuming everything is optimal according to the "general internet" consensus but there is research to back this up. That means a potential 6lbs of muscle and 18lbs of fat.

    A smaller surplus and less onerous weight goal would be better for leaner gains.

    why bulking in May? bleck- I could never do that.

    6 Months to put on 25 pounds isn't egregious to me at all- I made it up to 182 last year before I cried uncle.

    Who cares about lean gains- I'm fighting a stacked deck because I'm a woman- and I'm not getting on the stage- getting back down to 160 is pretty easy- that's my "regular" weight (Getting under 160 is a mental exercise in torture for me)- so meh- whatever- my goals are usually pick up bigger things. So I'm not to terrible worried about getting fat. I'm already too "fat" to bulk. But this is the third cycle for me- so I'm firmly in the fck it camp- I just want to get huge.

    I'm competing at the end of April so dieting until then
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    "where are you now" - if by that you mean where I am currently living, Ireland. Hence the use of KGs:)
    JoRocka wrote: »

    "probably till I hate myself"

    yeah- that's pretty much it.

    where are you now if you don't mind me asking?

    "where are you now" - if by that you mean where I am currently living, Ireland. Hence the use of KGs:)
    Yes- that was my question. Very cool. Save me a bunk for when I come visit!
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I am bulking.. I am sort of taking the plunge to bulk till I hate myself... I seriously buckled down and got lean to do this..

    I can say this time around, I am not afraid of FAT GAIN!!!!!!


    fat gain for the win!