July 10 lb challange who whats in?



  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    gonna go walking/running right now!!!
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    I would like to do this, hopefully its still ok to join!
  • kault
    kault Posts: 26 Member
    I would like to join
  • enriquez18
    enriquez18 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm so confused... I have been sending the messages to you with my weights but I don't see my numbers. Not even a starting weight.... U haven't got any of my messages? I am currently 204
    I know it is Saturday but here are the BLUE Teams numbers

    We have Three people leading out group

    C00ncc, Cklbrown and cowenlaw1 all with three lbs lost the first week great job keep working hard only 7 pounds to goal. for everyone else encluding me lets get going we can do this. with the weights i have gotten so far we have loss 18.2 pounds last week.

    name 1-Jul 8-Jul loss
    - 164.5 161.5 3
    144.4 141.4 3
    325.5 3
    213.2 210.6 2.6
    246 244 2
    137 135 2
    fiammafiore 238 236.4 1.6
    173 171.5 1.5
    178.5 177.5 1
    289.9 289.4 0.5
    167 167 0
    260 260 0
    274.2 274.2 0
    193.2 193.2 0
    160.2 160.2 0
    264 264 0
    145 145 0
    272.8 272.8 0
    188 188 0
    355 355 0
    0 0 0
    Ashleyfunke 199 199 0
    0 0 0
    143 143 0
    220 220 0
    178 178 0
    217 217 0
    191 191 0
    194.6 194.6 0
    308 308 0
    180 180 0
    0 0 0
    249.5 249.5 0
    165.6 165.6 0
    DanaKinzer 183 0 0 0
    DawnyB1210 227.8 227.8 0
    169.6 169.6 0
    191.6 191.6 0
    269.5 269.5 0
    191 191 0
    182.6 182.6 0
    0 0 0
    158 158 0
    187 187 0
    210 210 0
    231.4 231.4 0
    185.5 185.5 0
    181 181 0
    204.5 206.5 -2

    9410.6 4343.9 18.2
  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    I wanna join! I need some help!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
  • southernbelle0364
    southernbelle0364 Posts: 10 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks

    That's a lot of water!!!! Does drinking that much water really boost your weight loss?
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    OHHHH NOOOO!!!!! What am I doing? I am falling off the banwagon... I really can't help it. This past 2 weeks it has been nothing but BBQ after BBQ and now I am going out to dinner with friends of ours to a place in Cape May Pt. who has THE BEST Crabcake sandwiches in the world!!! Also the best french fries with crab meat and bacon and cheese on them. What am I going to do? I have been looking forward to this sandwhich all summer long and I can't resist it. I don't know how many calories this will be, but I have not lost anything in the past 2 weeks. Haven't gained any either... I am stuck at 154.0... EEK!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Wednesday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member

    That's a lot of water!!!! Does drinking that much water really boost your weight loss?

    I have no scientific evidence. I just know when I boosted my water intake from around 80 oz to above 100 oz I began to lose 3+ lbs a week instead of 2 lbs. I know that even though my water is high this week I will not have that loss, I am fighting mother nature and she always wins!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    If you are new and your user name begins with I through P, send me a message with your July 1 starting weight and I'll get you added to our roster - then just send me an updated weight every Friday!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Just posting so that this is added to my topics. Good luck everyone in July!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good team well if you don't want to hear me ***** and complain stop reading now. i am about to RANT!!!! i am frustrated as you may know my goal was to ride my bike to work every day this week to work. 5 miles one way, 10 miles per day 50 miles for the week. Well 3 ½ days into it with 1 ½ days to go and I have gained .2 pounds!!!! WFT is going on I may be losing inches but I have not checked but I assumed that I would lose not gain. Monday and Tuesday I did what I could to get in at least 1200 calories (burning 1000 riding) in for the day but still no weight loss. So last night I was Way under and fully expected to see a loss how deflating to see the scale go up .2 pounds. I would probably pull my hair out but I cut it all off to stay cool in this Texas Heat. It just makes me want to say the hell with riding the bike everyday thinking is it really worth it???? The ride is getting easier and I am getting faster at getting to work. Ok done with my rant hope everyone has a great day.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Tiff go a head and have the Crabcake if you don't it will keep getting you and when you finilly break no telling how far you will go. so have a little bit and enjoy it. work off what ever you do it will be ok. you know what your doing. I am here for you to help you up. you said you have not lossed in a while but you have not gained wither so your ok.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good team well if you don't want to hear me ***** and complain stop reading now. i am about to RANT!!!! i am frustrated as you may know my goal was to ride my bike to work every day this week to work. 5 miles one way, 10 miles per day 50 miles for the week. Well 3 ½ days into it with 1 ½ days to go and I have gained .2 pounds!!!! WFT is going on I may be losing inches but I have not checked but I assumed that I would lose not gain. Monday and Tuesday I did what I could to get in at least 1200 calories (burning 1000 riding) in for the day but still no weight loss. So last night I was Way under and fully expected to see a loss how deflating to see the scale go up .2 pounds. I would probably pull my hair out but I cut it all off to stay cool in this Texas Heat. It just makes me want to say the hell with riding the bike everyday thinking is it really worth it???? The ride is getting easier and I am getting faster at getting to work. Ok done with my rant hope everyone has a great day.

    It's ok to rant, and it is very frustrating, but I would say that you are probably creating a crazy amount of quad muscles riding that bike 10 miles each day. As your quads are one of the largest muscles in your body, I'm not surprised that you would gain .2 pounds OF MUSCLE for that amount of work. The great thing about it though is the amount of fat those muscles will help burn as you keep it up. It may also be that you need to increase your calories a little more to counteract the burn.

    Either way, what you're doing is amazing!!!
  • I want in i need help!!:sad:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Can I just say that I don't remember doing a jumping jack since high school, and that they are kicking my a**!! I am only on 55 a day because I started so late, but I constantly feel like I am trying to catch up because I have never gotten them all done since day 2. This morning I did 80 and am finally caught up. I feel amazing for having done those, so I know I have no excuses for the rest of these days until I actually get to 80, but DAYUM was it hard!!!

    I may not lose any pounds, but I am gaining stamina out the wazoo...thank you for this challenge!!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    So around May of last year I started going to a zumba class with my mom and lost about 2 or 3 inches on my waist then she got sick and stopped going so I stopped going to. I bought the video game for the x box and I have to say i have lost so much stanima since I stopped going to the classes! The routines are 20 mins long on the game and it is so hard to finish them! I haven't noticed any weight loss this month but the holiday really messesd me up and my anniversary was this month also so I just hope I haven't gained! I don't have a scale so I need to go somewhere and weigh for the way in tomorrow. :/ wish me luck!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    So around May of last year I started going to a zumba class with my mom and lost about 2 or 3 inches on my waist then she got sick and stopped going so I stopped going to. I bought the video game for the x box and I have to say i have lost so much stanima since I stopped going to the classes! The routines are 20 mins long on the game and it is so hard to finish them! I haven't noticed any weight loss this month but the holiday really messesd me up and my anniversary was this month also so I just hope I haven't gained! I don't have a scale so I need to go somewhere and weigh for the way in tomorrow. :/ wish me luck!

    you will regain that stamina for sure!!!!!!!

  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Wednesday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Thursday complete! 96 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks