Annoyances at the gym!



  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I have a pretty annoying problem where dudes will just set their stuff down on a bench and then walk away somewhere else for god knows how long. The second i use the bench they come over and say "i'm using that".

    I straight up told one of the guys last time, "no, you weren't. you weren't even over here" while handing their stuff back to them.

    This happens almost on a weekly basis and it's always the same few rude jerks.

    YES!! I don't have the guts to do what you do though.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    People that don't use the locker room and carry bags and coats around. Oh and people that talk in the phone

    Oh, i bring my bag with me all over the gym. Aint no body got time to put their bag up. Deal with it. :)

  • HGaze
    HGaze Posts: 3 Member
    My philosophy has always been: "Leave it as you find it or better" aka. put your stuff away and wipe up your sweat.

    I don't really mind slow swimmers in the lanes - just let people pass at the ends and it is all good.
  • gojaqs
    gojaqs Posts: 471 Member
    Instructors with attitudes
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    My fitness center is so small that I'm typically the only person there. The most annoying thing to me is that the sound on the TV doesn't work, nor does the CC - which is what I prefer, since I usually use headphones while watching.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I thankfully run trail in the on season and am blessed with a treadmill in my basement for marathon training in winter so I don't have to bother with gym culture. I've got to know though, posters who mentioned they are irked by people running hard or "loud", how the hell do you hit a significant incline or speed quietly? Have I been running wrong all this time? lol ;)

    My issue is when the treadmill itself is loud and squeaky, not the runner.

    Though I remember now one woman Wahoo used to make sex noises when she was lifting weights. I know she was just working hard but it was really distracting!
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    People who play solitaire on the treadmill. They look like zombies trudging along with no expression.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I thankfully run trail in the on season and am blessed with a treadmill in my basement for marathon training in winter so I don't have to bother with gym culture. I've got to know though, posters who mentioned they are irked by people running hard or "loud", how the hell do you hit a significant incline or speed quietly? Have I been running wrong all this time? lol ;)

    My issue is when the treadmill itself is loud and squeaky, not the runner.

    Though I remember now one woman Wahoo used to make sex noises when she was lifting weights. I know she was just working hard but it was really distracting!

    Working hard at what? :huh: :tongue:
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm just going to share all the annoying things I do. You people would probably hate me.
    Eat burritos in the parking lot before going in to work out.
    Wear socks and sandals or slippers for my entire workout.
    Hog the squat rack for an hour. (Literally)
    Rest 5 minutes between sets. Look at my phone or talk to people during this time.
    Walk back across the gym in between every set, drink a lot of water and take a lot of pee breaks.
    Super set my accessories.
    Put my deadlifts down kinda loudly or drop them completely because I've lost my grip (you try to set a 300 lb bar down and make zero sound.. try it.)
    Eat DURING my workout.
    Carry a big bag o crap around.
    There's probably more buy you get the idea.
    Hit a 20 lb deadlift PR last week though, no plans to change what I do at all. :)

    Yeah, see that's the thing. If you're lifting heavy, the weights drop sometimes. Now I don't lift anything near what other people would consider remotely heavy, but I've failed lifts and had to drop weights at times. It happens. People who don't lift don't understand that people who drop weights aren't doing this to show off. It's the same with grunting.

    I also chew gum on the treadmill. And while I lift. I chew gum all the time. I have chronic dry mouth.

    I was never one to take classes, but I realize people of all levels of ability take them. I'd be worrying about my own ish if I took them and not anyone else's, frankly.

    I was just a gym neat freak and hated stuff left all over the place. That was my only pet peeve. I'm the same way about my house, tbh. I used to straighten up the lifting area while I was resting during my sets. I'd organize the dumbbells. It was nuts.

  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Guys who take their shirts off, I mean topless, in the mirror to lift

    People who spit anything in the water bottle holders

    The dude at my gym who leg presses in 70s style track shorts. No one wants to see your junk!

    People who talk smack really loud and nonstop about other gym members during supposed cardio . If you have that much air in you, you're not working hard enough
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I thankfully run trail in the on season and am blessed with a treadmill in my basement for marathon training in winter so I don't have to bother with gym culture. I've got to know though, posters who mentioned they are irked by people running hard or "loud", how the hell do you hit a significant incline or speed quietly? Have I been running wrong all this time? lol ;)

    My issue is when the treadmill itself is loud and squeaky, not the runner.

    Though I remember now one woman Wahoo used to make sex noises when she was lifting weights. I know she was just working hard but it was really distracting!

    There was one guy in my old gym who used to make sex noises when he was running on the treadmill. It was so hard not to laugh at him.
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