December 2016 Running Challenge



  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    5°C, cloudy and still today so pretty perfect for my planned 10k tempo run. Plan was to negative split the run and finish sub-1hour. My previous best was 57:46 so had half an eye on beating that time. All went pretty well and despite not having the best nights sleep it came together for a 10K time of 56:31, with the second 5K about 90s faster than the first. Along the way I also shaved 3 seconds off my 5K PR (27:17 -> 27:14). December is another distance building month for me so unlikely to be setting many PRs, so really happy with that - especially as it's come on Day 10 of a running streak for me (I'd never previously ran more than 3 days in a row!).

    1-Dec: 6.2k easy run
    2-Dec: 11.5k - 10k tempo plus warm up/cool down
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited December 2016
    @MobyCarp Thanks for the comment/encouragement on my pacing. I can obsess over things sometimes...hhhmmm...I must be a runner.

    12/1- 7.04
    12/2- 4.01

    Total: 11.05

    Nominal mileage goal: 100 miles
    Real goal, get into the swing of Marathon training, and get used to doing 3 days a week of some strength/core while running 35+ MPW

    Today's notes- Dreadmill run, because it was also a strength/core day, and at just 4 miles, it made sense to get the run in at the gym so I was right where I needed to be for the rest of my workout. Run came in at a 9:53 pace, and average HR of 147, so I'm definitely helping build my cardio.

    Other exercises were:
    1 min wall sit
    15 push ups
    30 jumping jacks
    30 squats
    25 high knees
    30 lunges
    30 second plank

    The squats and lunges are killing my legs, despite the relatively low volume, really reminding me that I had neglected strength in my quest for more mileage. Hoping this added strength/core work will pay off at my marathon.....LOL....don't want to be torturing myself for no reason.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member

    @Azercord For cold weather pants: I've got some Under Armour pants with "Storm"&"Coldgear" technology. Fancy names, but I really love them in cold, rain, snow and storm. Sadly, after a few years of running they've become quite threadbare on the inside of the thighs. I ordered two new pairs, but both of them are too short! As in, even with ankle-high running socks there's some exposed skin when I'm running, which is really annoying. Since I still like the material, I'm currently considering to buy the men's version and see if those are longer.

    @Redhouse6758 Welcome!

    @RespectTheKitty Seven days in a row is a lot. Enjoy your rest day, you've earned it :smile:

    @dkabambe Awesome streak, and congrats on the PR!

    @MNLittleFinn @kristinegift (+everyone else that I'm forgetting right now) I'm impressed by your new strength training routines!
    I really need to find some strength training programme that I don't hate and give up after a few weeks...
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    I think this time, I'm going to try for 125 miles...whether I achieve that goal or not, what with the coming holiday season, is anyone's guess, but then it's not called a running challenge for nothing. I think it's time to start putting in some smaller weekend runs. :smile:

    02 - 11.77 miles

    Total: 11.77 / 125
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MNLittleFinn @kristinegift (+everyone else that I'm forgetting right now) I'm impressed by your new strength training routines!
    I really need to find some strength training programme that I don't hate and give up after a few weeks...
    Thanks! My "routine" or, what passes for one, is whatever my aunt/coach gives me as prep for my marathon. She's really big into having full body fitness for marathons, especially core, so she's "forcing" me to get in better all around shape.... Right now I really love it, but after the Burpee Death Drop next Wednesday, I may feel differently...
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 5.35 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/2 - 5 miles. Pleasant for December, about 35°

  • Getfitat54
    Getfitat54 Posts: 526 Member
    2016 Holiday Streak is still alive. Felt good this morning. Nice and slow... and chilly... 36 degrees.

    01-Dec 1.23
    02-Dec 2.19

    Total - 3.42
    Remaining Miles to Goal - 46.58

  • Getfitat54
    Getfitat54 Posts: 526 Member
    I'm doing the runners world streak through new years so I will be running at least 30 (minimum one mile per day). However the goal is to do more than the minimum lol. I'm going for 55.

    That is awesome. I'm doing the streak as well.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Dec total (goal = 80)
    12/01/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    12/02/16 :::: 2.6 :::: 2.6

    Took yesterday as a rest day (guess I'm not doing the streak :p ). This morning's run through the woods with Stella was a nice start to a Friday that will be filled with too many treats. Cake with my lab group at lunch and then work holiday party tonight. I should have run longer!

    Tomorrow morning is the St. Nick Shuffle, so I need to go pick up my Santa hat and shirt today. Looks like the weather is going to get a bit chillier with possible snow showers just in time for this race.

  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    1/12 C210K W10 D2: 2.3
    2/12 Rest

    2.3 miles

  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks for all the pants advice everyone, I'm going to have to look up a few of those brands and I'm making a trip to the running store this weekend so hopefully they will have something for me, if not I'm sure Amazon will.

    I got my first run in for December by doing sprint sets, I didn't not realize how horrible those were. Going to try doing them once a week my man do my legs hate me right now.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    December is not starting out to well. During Wednesday's run I could feel a little "something" in my right calf/Achilles. I hoped it was one of those things that pops up then goes away since it was slightly lower than the pain I had last time it was an issue.

    Unfortunately I could feel it off and on most of yesterday so I skipped my run last night and instead massaged and rolled it. I'm debating whether I should go out tonight for 2 or 3 just to see how it responds.

    One thing's for certain, I will not be doing the 25K donut run Saturday. I have several options
    • Start out with the 25K crowd but take a shortcut between the 4th and 5th donut shop to drop it to 13 miles
    • Do the 10 mile/3 donut shop route
    • Do the 5 mile/2 donut shop route
    • Skip the donut run and hit the trails. I could run (or shuffle) slower being solo, I could bail out whenever I needed to, trails are easier on my joints, and I'd be able to run in my new trail shoes that are supposed to arrive today.

    And, for the time being, hill sprints and tempo runs are out.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @alipsie19 & @Redhouse6758 there's nothing better for motivation than this group! I don't think I'd be where I'm at today without the fine folks here.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited December 2016
    12/1- 5.2 miles solo+ 0.8 miles with Stella
    12/2-4.4 AM miles (last 0.7 with Stella)

    Stella was not much of a running partner this morning. I planned on doing an even 5, but she wasn't having much of it, so we settled at 4.4. She was super high energy and almost pulled me down the hill, but then she had to stop and smell/eat everything in her path. Not her best run. Oh well. It's Friday.

    @Kristinegift-I love that you are doing NROLFW too. It certainly does affect your speed though. Yesterday I was blaming my super sore legs on the uneven running surface the previous evening, but I then remembered that on Wed I increased my weights for lunges. That was more likely the culprit. My legs were still sore this morning. I think I will have to back off the weights, or even just ditch them entirely, since I am starting higher mileage training. This is the second time I gave the weight training/marathon training combo a try. I thought maybe I could get through the first few weeks before things got too intense with the mileage, but I think it's as much the psychological factor that has me thinking it's not a good idea. I can deal with running slow and on sore legs when I am not specifically training, but the combination begins to freak me out when I know I have an upcoming race. Kind of funny. Back to light weights/ body weight exercises, I guess.

    @_nikkiwolf_ -lovely photo of your village. Looks so peaceful.

  • mloylo0182
    mloylo0182 Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm in! I'm running my first postpartum half-marathon on December 18 (had my 2nd baby in January).
    I've ran 5 miles so far this month and will shoot for 60.


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited December 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »

    @Kristinegift-I love that you are doing NROLFW too. It certainly does affect your speed though. Yesterday I was blaming my super sore legs on the uneven running surface the previous evening, but I then remembered that on Wed I increased my weights for lunges. That was more likely the culprit. My legs were still sore this morning. I think I will have to back off the weights, or even just ditch them entirely, since I am starting higher mileage training. This is the second time I gave the weight training/marathon training combo a try. I thought maybe I could get through the first few weeks before things got too intense with the mileage, but I think it's as much the psychological factor that has me thinking it's not a good idea. I can deal with running slow and on sore legs when I am not specifically training, but the combination begins to freak me out when I know I have an upcoming race. Kind of funny. Back to light weights/ body weight exercises, I guess.

    @lporter229 I'm definitely glad I'm just focusing on weights right now and limiting myself to 30-35 miles per week (this week will be in the 25 range though as I'm still 26.2 recovering). I definitely won't be able to keep this up when training resumes in February. I'll have to drop to 1 or 2 lifting sessions a week. Like you say, it's fine to run through the soreness and fatigue in the off-season when you're just running sanity miles, but when training that's just begging for injury. Glad to see that you (and @Elise4270!) are both doing NROLFW too! I'm in good company! :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    Thanks for all the pants advice everyone, I'm going to have to look up a few of those brands and I'm making a trip to the running store this weekend so hopefully they will have something for me, if not I'm sure Amazon will.

    I got my first run in for December by doing sprint sets, I didn't not realize how horrible those were. Going to try doing them once a week my man do my legs hate me right now.

    You are in Tucson, right? I'm in Phoenix and rarely wear full tights. I have two pair, one from Old Navy and one from Under Armour (outlet). I try not to spend a lot on cold weather gear since I might wear it in January and February. The rest of the year I wear shorts and capris.

    Check out Fleet Feet. I shop the one in Scottsdale and they are great people. I'd assume Tucson would be similar. The Fleet Feet brand really seems to try to create a community.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited December 2016
    Speaking of cold weather tights, my local Dick's had these Reebok tights on sale 2 weeks ago for 2 pairs for $40, so I picked up two pairs. So far, I am loving them. They are super warm, have a soft fleece like lining, and still keep me dry. Granted, the coldest temp I have tested them in so far has been 26F, but it was windy and I had no issues. Highly recommend for the price. The second pair I got is black with the heather grey stripe down the leg.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    I'm checking in again. I have no goal. Well yes I do. The goal is to check in here at least once a week. More if possible. I miss you guys. I'm hoping things in my life settle down enough to get back on track and run again. At this point, running is a hit or miss thing. I set out for a walk and might find myself running some of it. Or I plan to run, and don't even walk enough to warm up and then just go home. So, the goal is to just keep checking in because I think doing that might help me find my way back. At least I hope so.