Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Thury: For myself I did 45 days of Sweat 1-2 , Ab Ripper 100 and Sculpt 1-2. I started out using 3lb weights that I got at wal-mart and then about 30 days in moved up to 5lbs. I do not like using the resistance bands I personally like the weights better.

    It does suggest doing P90 1-2 for 30-45 days depending on your progress but like I said I did 45 days so I did half on 1-2 and half on 3-4 and I always have sundays as my rest day. Since I have been having my rest day on Sundays that is my fav day! I love to workout but I also love the break!

    Hope I helped you out, feel free to ask any questions you want!
  • huskeymom
    I like the resistance bands for certain workouts since you can make them challenge you or take it easy for other workouts. I use resistance bands alot but now I am using weights more just so I can actually see that I am progressing and improving on my weights. with bands you really can not tell if you are improving.. unless you are really observant.

    Sorry you guys I dont have internet at home so I can not post until I am at work, supposed to be working.. hehe

    Friday I didnt do anything since Jenn came out. Dont worry Jenn I wont force that peach crap on you again.. even with 7-up. lol Saturday I did Kenop and that made me still want more, so I think I might do my Billy Blank's Ultimate bootcamp instead since I know that is a major workout for me. Tonight is chest and back, really not looking forward to those darn pushups but I am going to "keep pushing play" lol

    I am trying as well to increase my calorie intake, man it is sad when you really need to increase your intake it is impossible but when you want to diet and take in less that seems impossible... i guess it is murpheys law. hehe

    Have a great workout everyone!!!!!!!!!
  • djandsamsmom
    HI all well I officially started Power 90 tonight and was able to get all the way through the Sculpt 1-2 but not with ease and as I type here some 2 hours later...Ouch I am going to feel that in the morning. I just have to stop my 2 year old from thinking I am a ride when I do the pushups as soon as it came time for them...on my back she jumped.
    I am very much looking forward to the whole program and can't wait to see even more results. Thanks Jen for introducing me to it.
    I know it sounds sick but i am looking forward to working my butt off and hopefully it does!!!
    Good night everyone!!!!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well tonight I did P90X Chest & Back and it was AWESOME! I whipped out those unassisted pull-ups and raised my weights to 30 and 35 lbs. It felt GREAT! My arms were like rubber when I got done and it was an amazing feeling. I also whipped out 30 boy style pushups on all the push-ups areas. I was so proud of myself. Then I did a couple 10 min ab workouts that were great too!

    Well, seems like some new people. An idea on the bands, I agree with Jen. I tried the bands at first and like the weights better because you can see your progress. I have 2 dumbbell trees and now need to buy another one! There is no plateau.

    Well, I would post longer but it is bedtime. I had a hard time getting home tonight because Oklahoma got hit with a horrible ice storm. My normal 25 minute drive took me 3 hours.

    Well, have a great evening everyone! I will type more personals to each of you tomorrow...

  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the advice on the bands vs. weights. I have been using the magenta band I believe equivalent to 20 pounds?? I am just curious if I can only buy 1 or 2 sets of dumbells what would you guys suggest. With the magenta band I find it to be a little to easy on the curls and a struggle (a good thing) on the shoulder exercises. I get a good work out with the military and swimmers press I would say about perfect weight.

    I looked at a few and thought about grabbing the 15's but didn;t know if thats enough??
    Need some suggestions.

    Also on the sculpt days and rest day does anyone do any extra cardio? treadmill or elliptical or similar? I do get exhausted on the sculpt days but like the sweat and feeling after the sweat days and would like to do that on the other days also? Is that ok or is it really important to have that rest day.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    djandsamsmom: Congrats on starting P90!!!! It is a great workout Tony kicks my butt everyday! I have never sweat so much working out in my life, not even at the gym. I know one thing I will NEVER own another gym membership again. You could pretty much buy all beachbody workouts for the same price as you'd pay for a gym membership.

    Thury: When I started P90 I just went to walmart to buy my weights and I love them cuz they have soft material around them so they dont hurt my hands. But my bf's weights are steel and have grooves so if you have ones like I would suggest investing in a pair of workout gloves.

    I just finished Sculpt 3-4 and since I have been getting a lot of headaches I was told to use my 3lb weights again and do my push ups on the wall. The 3lb weights were a little light but I was still sweating. With me doing the wall push ups I can do more!

    Well off to the dr's hope he knows why Im getting so many headaches and have awesome workouts today!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well I am home today because of the ice storm. I plan to do my workout around 1 or 2 pm. Today is Tony's 1 on 1 Plyo legs. We had freezing rain last night and then an inch of sleet, then more freezing rain and it is sleeting again now! Everything is closed down, schools, malls, restaurants, etc... That's ok for me cause I plan on staying nice and cozy in my house.

    Thury: Do you go on the beachbody thread when you workout? It is free and you can win money. I am a coach on that thread and if you need a coach. You can look me up as "tenaarnett". Like I said it is free. I would be honored to assist you in your journey... I have a thread there on the message boards under P90X photo gallery called "Tena's Fountain of Youth". You can also order supplements, protein bars, Recovery drink (which is awesome) under my profile and I can track your order and assist you in any problems. That way you do not have to deal with customer service, I would!

    On the bands vs weights. I would recommend buying 10 and 15 lb weights to start. I have the cast iron ones and do use weight lifting gloves. I started using the bands but the feeling when you use weights is unreal. I feel super strong! Also the muscles started forming fast when I changed to dumbbells. On P90X, the weight workouts are so intense that I do not do cardio on those days. But, there is alot of people that do cardio in the am and the weighted workout in the PM on the weight days. It does not hurt anything but you need to make sure you get enough healthy calories to compensate for it.

    Any more questions, let me know. You can also email me at: tenaarnett@yahoo.com

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Hey all!

    Saturday I got a 35 minute run in and Sculpt 1+2.

    I moved up to Sculpt 3+4 this morning and it's GREAT! Sticking with the 15lbs dumbbells and starting out at 10 reps. Then he comes along and says do 20 of such and such! Still doing full pushups but not as many as he wants (not surprisingly)!

    I bought a set of weights years ago. Each bar is 5lbs and then you add weights and secure them. I think I can go up to 20 or 25lbs. The bar is also scored but I couldn't find my workout gloves and in this economy don't want to spend even more money so I use a pair of light fleece gloves!

    The cats still find this whole process very amusing.

    Welcome to one and all. I've just started week 5 (I think!) and am starting to think/dream of PX90!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member

    Just saw the dress. YOU LOOK FRICKIN' HOT GIRL!!! :glasses: :smokin:

    Good for you!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Paula: Way to go on your workout! You are doing great!!! Way to go on moving up to Sweat 3-4 and having a great workout! You will be doing P90X soon cause you are ROCKIN P90!!!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on the dress! You definitely put a huge smile on my face...

  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member

    I signed up right away and if I am correct I believe they actually assigned you as my coach. I emailed once and dont think I have gone on there again. I will check it out again. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  • huskeymom
    Tena - Wowy you look so good, can I borrow that dress.. hehe I am trying to keep up with you on the workouts.. hehe I can only do the normal pushups boystyle and all the other ones I did on my knees. But I did get to do 8 dive bombers, I was so proud of myself.

    Sara - welcome to the group. You know it is easier to workout with the kids not around since they tend to distract you (as I know all too well) and you are not concentrating on doing the workout properly.

    Sorry I had a doc apt and dentist apt this am so I am just finally getting caught up now to post on here. My teeth are all clean and my doc is sending me for testing on a lump on my neck.. so I guess all is good here.

    I did do back and chest P90X last night with hubby and we did pretty good. I found doing the pushups on my knees so much easier and a better workout since i could do more reps and my arms were really feeling like jello. And for me to be able to do 8 dive bombers is a miracle and what an accomplishment in my eyes. My dh still could only do 4! If you havent ever seen a dive bomb, look it up on youtube... man is it hard.

    Well tonight is plyo and I really hope I can walk normal for Friday night with Howie Mandel, thanks to Jenn!!! lol
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Jen: The things I do for you!!!!!!!!

    We are going to be sick of each other by the end of the weekend!!!!! But I still love you!!!!!!!
  • huskeymom
    I wont be sick of you by the end of the weekend, but having to see brian every day friday all the way till sunday might be an issue. hehe But hey I will be drinking and partying it up for superbowl, as long as he doesnt screw up the bloomin onions we will be on good terms. lol

    Have you decided what we are going to workout to on Saturday, belly dancing or kick boxing?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    NO idea.....I told Brian we are going to workout sunday too for superbowl and he said we should be social and watch it with them!!! BOOO on that!

    I dont know I could bring both and we can decide then or do both lol I will bring over all my workouts I have and you can copy them too.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my 1 on 1 Plyo Legs! It was AWESOME! My legs and booty were screaming! WOW was that an EXCELLENT workout! I just love it!! That Recovery Drink just tasted heavenly!!! Tomorrow I have Shoulders & Arms and ARX w/extra abs!

    Thury: I do not think it was that was assigned as your coach but you can change to me if you want. Just email me and I will tell you how. I know I can help you and motivate/inspire you. I am Jenn and Jen's coach too!

    Jen: Why don't you post on our thread in beachbody? Jenn can give you the info on how to do it. It is a great thread and I have a Nutrition Specialist that is certified that is helping people for free in that area. We are a great group and truly keep each other motivated. Would love for you to post there and anyone else that wants too... By the way, I HATE dive bombers... I can still only do 12 and struggle to do those! That is the only one that gives me problems. I am super proud of you for doing them and doing more than hubby! How AWESOME is that??? And to answer your question, sure you can borrow the dress. My daughter even has the same one in white and it is so pretty!

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Mornin' all,

    Well, I must say, today is the first day that I truly FEEL these workouts! Yesterday I moved to Sculpt 3+4 for the first time, CAN WE SAY LUNGES!!!!! Then today, whilst doing Cardio 3+4, oh, oh could I feel it. Now at work and sitting down hurts!!!

    Don't get me wrong, that's great stuff (I think :noway: )

    Now, the area I have to do better in is in the kitchen! I do well in the morning and lunch time and snacks and then, the evening happens. One step at a time Paula :smile:

    Be well all, we have snowey mess here today (NYC)

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Well, I am still at home! I cannot get out of the driveway! Our driveway, you have to back up hill and if you give it too much gas, you go into the ditch on the other side of the road. Now it is supposed to be a high of 31 so we will not get above freezing! But at the least the bad weather has stopped!!

    Paula: I know how the feel! My booty and the backs of my legs are sore today from 1 on 1 Plyo Legs yesterday! It is a "good" sore feeling! I love getting that feeling 1 1/2 yrs into a workout program!

    Tonight I have P90X Shoulders & Arms and ARX w/extra abs! Can't wait. The Shldrs & Arms workout is an amazing workout!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Paula: Awesome job on moving up to 3-4 thanks for joining me in feeling the pain lol. I have hardly ever done squates and lunges in my life and wow Tony is killin me with them. Yes are you right it is a good pain!

    I just got done Ab Ripper 200 and Sweat 3-4. Not sure a good workout today :sad: For some reason I just couldn't push myself today like all the other days, no energy. I walked around my basement probally for half the video and I kept talking to myself saying do it and pushing but nope wasn't happening!

    My shoulder is still sore from yesterdays Hep B shot and am feeling a little nauseous today I hope TOM isnt coming to visit he is a pain!

    Also this is the longest workout routine I've never stuck with in my life and Im starting to get bored but need to keep pushing myself to keep it up!

    Have an awesome workout everyone and push yourself a little harder today so you can burn some extra calories for me!!!!!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I just got done Ab Ripper 200 and Sweat 3-4. Not sure a good workout today :sad: For some reason I just couldn't push myself today like all the other days, no energy. I walked around my basement probally for half the video and I kept talking to myself saying do it and pushing but nope wasn't happening!

    Also this is the longest workout routine I've never stuck with in my life and Im starting to get bored but need to keep pushing myself to keep it up!


    You and I are at EXACTLY the same place! I could do SO much more in the Sculpt. I give up way too early. But we keep on pushing play. Consistency is so key.

    Look at it as breaking new ground for you! I'm approaching the same place in my diary/log where I gave up the last time! (BTW I noticed it was around 9/11 :cry: )

    We're doing this girl, and there's great support here.

