Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bsyarber
    bsyarber Posts: 4 Member
    Since it's 9:15 pm I'm going to make these goals for tomorrow.
    Just For Today
    I will drink 64 ounces of fluids.
    I will do at least 15 minutes on the NuStep.
    I will order wisely when I eat out.
    I will find something to be joyful about.
    I will spend time with my granddaughter.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Pretty bad for the last couple of days - had an away day with my team which involved lots of eating and then the following day was hangover day which involved lots of eating!

    Will be super healthy this weekend in order to get back on track.... determined not to give up!

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks outside meals
    - No alcohol
    - Choose a healthy lunch - try to keep carbs, sugar and fat down
    - Stay within calories
    - go to gym after conference

    - Look back at week and assess how I've done with CBT actions
    - Update to-do list
    - Finish survey for Labour members and send it to the Secretary
    - Chill out!!
  • LemonadeCandy_
    LemonadeCandy_ Posts: 195 Member
    Been in a serious depression spiral, so just for today:
    -Drink 5 glasses of water (I don't think I've drank actual water for about a week now...)
    -Get between 7-10k steps
    -Take my medication
    -Clean up my house so it doesn't contribute to my horrible mood
    -Make dinner instead of ordering out (already threw some food haphazardly into the crockpot)

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited December 2016
    Did really bad yesterday. Took a day trip with the girls to Chicago to the Christkindlmarket and then walked around downtown for awhile. Was fun but didn't eat real healthy! Feelin' it today!

    1. Stick to plan and journal
    2. Hydrate
    3. 30 minutes activity and add in using light weights
    4. Meal plan and prep for week
    5. Practice patience. Try to remember people are stressed and to walk away quietly. Mental health is important too.
    6. Be grateful and be kind
    7. Try not to let Packer game give me a coronary today!
  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    I've been sticking to my fitness and diet goals but want to kick it up a notch since I haven't seen much results.
    Just for today:
    Drink 8 cups of water
    Use the foam roller
  • nubianQueen02
    nubianQueen02 Posts: 16 Member
    I will remind myself of why I want this and forgive myself for all of the times that I quit.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    So I've been really bad for the last week... things have slipped pretty much completely.

    Not giving up though.... Today I start again!

    Unfortunately today coincides with team Christmas meal so it's not going to be a good day...however if I set rules for myself and stick to them I can prevent it being a BAD day! (And then I can have good days for the rest of the week).

    So commitments are:

    - No snacks outside meals
    - Lunch less than 400 cals
    - Choose healthiest option for dinner
    - At least one water for every alcoholic drink (and keep the alcohol down - don't want another hangover day, too much to do...)
    - Log everything I ate before breakfast tomorrow

    - Stay calm and focused on priorities; ignore the small bitty tasks
    - Have a short break at lunch; close down email and work
    - listen to music to boost mood
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @slittlemeister We sure do seem to run in the same streaks. I had a horrible week last week, and today I am determined to get back on track also. Good luck with turning off your email and get your work done. That is one of my goals this week also! Also, have fun at your team Christmas meal and good luck keeping yourself on track! :smile:

    Did really bad yesterday. Took a day trip with the girls to Chicago to the Christkindlmarket and then walked around downtown for awhile. Was fun but didn't eat real healthy! Feelin' it today!

    1. Stick to plan and journal :D
    2. Hydrate :D
    3. 30 minutes activity and add in using light weights :s Time got away from me and I failed at this one again.
    4. Meal plan and prep for week :/ Meal planned and prepped for today, so I guess that's better than nothing!
    5. Practice patience. Try to remember people are stressed and to walk away quietly. Mental health is important too. :D Had a GREAT day yesterday. Didn't have to walk away or practice patience. So grateful for yesterday!
    6. Be grateful and be kind :D I think my being more aware of my response and approach helped calm the fires yesterday. Yesterday was a very pleasant day. Teenagers can be tough and it rubs off on everyone in the house.
    7. Try not to let Packer game give me a coronary today! :smiley: They won, so it made the day even better!

    J4T - Monday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan
    2. HYDRATE
    3. Be upbeat and do my best at teaching the new physician class today.
    4. Work more effectively and efficiently rather than scattered with longer hours...
    5. 30 minutes exercise
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight.
    7. EXERCISE 30 minutes.
    8. Set alarm 30 minutes earlier for exercise tomorrow morning.
    9. Read, journal and wind down one hour before bedtime tonight.
    10. One Random act of kindness today.

  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    jft Monday

    1.Bike or walk
    3. 1200 calories noooo moooore
    4. 20 mins on the junk room
    5. Paperwork
    6. Check back in!
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    jft Monday

    1.Bike or walk yes
    2.Woodwork yes
    3. 1200 calories noooo moooore well nearly, 1210
    4. 20 mins on the junk room yes
    5. Paperwork yes all done
    6. Check back in! check!

    ok that was an overachieve day.
    Tomorrow's a hard day travelling and working so , jft,

    1. 10000 steps
    2. 20 mins on junk room
    3. Post parcels
    4. Check back in

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Monday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan :)
    2. HYDRATE :)
    3. Be upbeat and do my best at teaching the new physician class today. :)
    4. Work more effectively and efficiently rather than scattered with longer hours... ;) kinda
    5. 30 minutes exercise :)
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight. :(
    7. Set alarm 30 minutes earlier for exercise tomorrow morning. :) Set the alarm, but didn't get up! dang...
    8. Read, journal and wind down one hour before bedtime tonight. :)
    9. One Random act of kindness today. :)

    J4T - Tuesday
    1. Stick to Medi-Weightloss plan
    2. Weigh in and take my lumps, not going to be good. :s
    3. Hydrate
    4. Finish prep for WWD go-live training today
    5. As my colleagues if any of them need any help with their go-live prep since they have to travel next week and I have about 4 more weeks before I have to go. Be kind and helpful and try to bring the stress level down a notch.
    5. 30 minutes of exercise tonight
    6. Pack tomorrow's lunch, tonight
    7. Read, journal and wind down one hour before bedtime
    8. Set alarm 30 minutes earlier to exercise in the morning
  • bsyarber
    bsyarber Posts: 4 Member
    Just For Today I Will:
    Drink 64 ounces of water.
    Log my food and exercise.
    Find joy in something that has occurred in my life.
    Be grateful for the blessings I have been given.
    Get work folders ready for tomorrow.
    Have fun.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Didn't manage to post yesterday, so here are results of Monday's commitments:

    - No snacks outside meals :/ I was doing well on this, until I had too much to drink at team meal and ended up having quite a large snack on the way home...
    - Lunch less than 400 cals :)
    - Choose healthiest option for dinner :| It turned out that we didn't get to choose options, there v were lots of different dishes that we all shared. In terms of quantity, I think I ate slightly more than I could have done but could have been worse...
    - At least one water for every alcoholic drink (and keep the alcohol down - don't want another hangover day, too much to do...) :| I drank lots of water and didn't have much of a hangover! First time recently that I managed to remember to do this.... I could have drunk a bit less though
    - Log everything I ate before breakfast tomorrow :/ Wasn't really able to do this given the small quantity of lots of unknown dishes
    - Stay calm and focused on priorities; ignore the small bitty tasks :)
    - Have a short break at lunch; close down email and work :)
    - listen to music to boost mood :)

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks outside meals
    - Buy pasta pot to eat before going for post work drinks
    - Stay within calories with a deficit of 200 (running today so will have earned a few)
    - Drink G&T only and have one water for every alcoholic drink

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Be super nice to useless manager to make up for being argumentative yesterday
    - Don't be perfectionist about report, just get it done
    - Spend some time planning projects rather than just doing
    - Listen to music to boost mood
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 The key thing is that we do keep trying again without giving up! Hope your weigh in wasn't too bad. If it was, I'm sure it will fall off again when you start eating better again! (I put on 3 pounds last week, but I'm hoping most of that is temporary bloating which will fall off...)
  • VainMommy
    VainMommy Posts: 46 Member
    Just For Today I Will
    - Drink two large bottles of water in addition to my tea and coffee
    - Make 10k Steps
    - Have veggies at all meals
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Tuesday
    1. Stick to Medi-Weightloss plan :)
    2. Weigh in and take my lumps, not going to be good. :s:s Was not good. I gained. Was feeling pretty mad at myself, but went home and really watched what I ate, measured and journaled, and hopped on treadmill for 30 minutes and used 2lb hand weights while on treadmill, so hopefully next week's weigh-in will go better! UGH.
    3. Hydrate :)
    4. Finish prep for WWD go-live training today :s Seem to be making this my goal EVERY DAY! Just GET IT DONE so you can move on.
    5. As my colleagues if any of them need any help with their go-live prep since they have to travel next week and I have about 4 more weeks before I have to go. Be kind and helpful and try to bring the stress level down a notch. :D THis was pretty easy since there were only 2 of us in the office yesterday! haha!
    5. 30 minutes of exercise tonight :) Two nights in a row. Not much to anyone else, but huge for me!
    6. Pack tomorrow's lunch, tonight :( Big fail. Oh well. I got it packed this morning and have been good all day.
    7. Read, journal and wind down one hour before bedtime :D
    8. Set alarm 30 minutes earlier to exercise in the morning :) Got up a whole hour earlier! Didn't exercise though. Had an early morning meeting. But at least I didn't hit snooze.

    J4T - Wednesday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan
    2. Journal every bite honestly
    3. Hydrate
    4. Finish WWD outline and classroom exercises for go-live training
    5. Put on music and earbuds to tune out the negativity at the office. Try to rise above it and take the high road. Try to remember everyone is very stressed out right now.
    5. Pack tomorrow's lunch, tonight
    6. 30 minutes exercise and hand weights
    7. Read, Gratitude Journal and wind down one hour before bed
    8. Set alarm 30 minutes early to get to work earlier tomorrow.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @slittlemeister My weigh in was not good. I gained and it's embarrassing because my daughter is the manager of the clinic where I have it done! Ooops! :wink: But you are right, it's what we do with it that matters and we do keep getting back up and trying again. I'm sure you will drop that 3 lbs in no time. It's easy for that to happen this time of year. I used to love winter because I could eat as much as I wanted and just wear a big baggy sweater to hide it. Not doing that anymore! :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Wednesday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan :D
    2. Journal every bite honestly :D
    3. Hydrate :D
    4. Finish WWD outline and classroom exercises for go-live training :D YEA!!!! Finally!
    5. Put on music and earbuds to tune out the negativity at the office. Try to rise above it and take the high road. Try to remember everyone is very stressed out right now. :D Works beautifully!
    5. Pack tomorrow's lunch, tonight :( But I did chop up and bag all the veggies in the fridge for easy grabbing
    6. 30 minutes exercise and hand weights :( Gave my legs and arms a break. Still hurting this morning.
    7. Read, Gratitude Journal and wind down one hour before bed :D
    8. Set alarm 30 minutes early to get to work earlier tomorrow. :D

    J4T / Thursday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan
    2. Journal every bite honestly
    3. Hydrate
    4. Build a patient for them to use in training and practice with in Western WI. Create PLY exercises to send with providers after class
    5. Remember to breathe and count to 10 when a "certain someone" comes over and thinks she is my boss. Deal with it directly and kindly and be done with it.
    6. Do one of the Leslie "walking" DVDs tonight instead of treadmill
    7. Try on my pants I have packed away to see if I can fit into the next size down! <fingers crossed>
    8. Gratitude journal and read one hour before bedtime
    9. Be kind to everyone. Everyone has their own stress that I know nothing about. It costs nothing to smile at people and share a little happiness.

    Have a great day everyone! It's Friday EVE! Love, Love, Love it.

    Tracie in WI
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - NO snacking outside meals (even though it is Friday!)
    - Lunch under 400 cals
    - After work, other than mulled wine, only G&T to drink + one water for every alcoholic drink

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Listen to music to boost mood
    - Make a plan for what to do today, and in what order
    - Work through plan one thing at once, not flitting between different things

    Happy friday everyone!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T / Thursday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan :(
    2. Journal every bite honestly :)
    3. Hydrate :)
    4. Build a patient for them to use in training and practice with in Western WI. Create PLY exercises to send with providers after class :/ Will do this today!!!
    5. Remember to breathe and count to 10 when a "certain someone" comes over and thinks she is my boss. Deal with it directly and kindly and be done with it. :) they weren't in today.
    6. Do one of the Leslie "walking" DVDs tonight instead of treadmill :D Loved it!!!!
    7. Try on my pants I have packed away to see if I can fit into the next size down! <fingers crossed> ;) I will do this weekend when I have time to dig them out.
    8. Gratitude journal and read one hour before bedtime :)
    9. Be kind to everyone. Everyone has their own stress that I know nothing about. It costs nothing to smile at people and share a little happiness. :) I tried. Some people are negative no matter what you do. Have to rise above it and maybe even avoid them if necessary. Don't let them suck the joy out of my day.

    JFT - Friday
    1. Stick to plan. I was down 1 lb from yesterday, so I can do this.
    2. Hydrate
    3. Stick to my task list at work. Love the idea above of reminding myself to work through one thing at a time, finishing one before moving on to another.
    4. Take time to breathe....
    5. Exercise tonight
    6. Be kind. Ask others at work if they need help. Try to offer assistance and break through the tension in the air.
    7. Read and Gratitude Journal tonight one hour before bed

    Have a wonderful FRIDAY!!!!