Looking for a detox/cleanse?



  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    January is going to be dark days indeed.

    ^ I was wondering if January gets loaded up with a lot of woo posts or challenges. I've only been here since April and read the forums. I am just barely beginning to figure out my own body's patterns and needs so rarely post. I've lost 50 pounds with simple CICO and have not done any cleanses or taken any pills or cut out one specific food group and I'm STILL confused! It's been 8 months and I hardly know what's happening but what I'm doing is working and I'm not hungry.

    So, In January the forums get a little tough to read, eh? Well, I guess we were all new to this once, right?

    You're not as confused as you think you are :)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Thank you @Cylphin60
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    January is going to be dark days indeed.

    ^ I was wondering if January gets loaded up with a lot of woo posts or challenges. I've only been here since April and read the forums. I am just barely beginning to figure out my own body's patterns and needs so rarely post. I've lost 50 pounds with simple CICO and have not done any cleanses or taken any pills or cut out one specific food group and I'm STILL confused! It's been 8 months and I hardly know what's happening but what I'm doing is working and I'm not hungry.

    So, In January the forums get a little tough to read, eh? Well, I guess we were all new to this once, right?

    Nah it's like normal, but with more people who are flash in the pans, a rare few stick around.

    You know what to do and you're doing it. Where's your confusion? You're eating fewer calories than you burn...you're losing weight at a good rate. You've got this

    Everything else people post about is simply window dressing

    It is just CICO

    And trust me, the forums aren't quite as irritating as New Year Resolutioners getting in your way at the gym :)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    joans1976 wrote: »
    January is going to be dark days indeed.

    ^ I was wondering if January gets loaded up with a lot of woo posts or challenges. I've only been here since April and read the forums. I am just barely beginning to figure out my own body's patterns and needs so rarely post. I've lost 50 pounds with simple CICO and have not done any cleanses or taken any pills or cut out one specific food group and I'm STILL confused! It's been 8 months and I hardly know what's happening but what I'm doing is working and I'm not hungry.

    So, In January the forums get a little tough to read, eh? Well, I guess we were all new to this once, right?

    Nah it's like normal, but with more people who are flash in the pans, a rare few stick around.

    You know what to do and you're doing it. Where's your confusion? You're eating fewer calories than you burn...you're losing weight at a good rate. You've got this

    Everything else people post about is simply window dressing

    It is just CICO

    And trust me, the forums aren't quite as irritating as New Year Resolutioners getting in your way at the gym :)

    Thanks! If I spend too much time on the forums (reading) I get all anxious about micros and macros and exercise and step tracking and and and...sometimes I have to force myself to take a step back and breathe. And remember this is working. (Took me 2 months to understand why my rate of loss was slowing.)
    Very much so a learning process!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    joans1976 wrote: »
    January is going to be dark days indeed.

    ^ I was wondering if January gets loaded up with a lot of woo posts or challenges. I've only been here since April and read the forums. I am just barely beginning to figure out my own body's patterns and needs so rarely post. I've lost 50 pounds with simple CICO and have not done any cleanses or taken any pills or cut out one specific food group and I'm STILL confused! It's been 8 months and I hardly know what's happening but what I'm doing is working and I'm not hungry.

    So, In January the forums get a little tough to read, eh? Well, I guess we were all new to this once, right?

    Nah it's like normal, but with more people who are flash in the pans, a rare few stick around.

    You know what to do and you're doing it. Where's your confusion? You're eating fewer calories than you burn...you're losing weight at a good rate. You've got this

    Everything else people post about is simply window dressing

    It is just CICO

    And trust me, the forums aren't quite as irritating as New Year Resolutioners getting in your way at the gym :)

    Thanks! If I spend too much time on the forums (reading) I get all anxious about micros and macros and exercise and step tracking and and and...sometimes I have to force myself to take a step back and breathe. And remember this is working. (Took me 2 months to understand why my rate of loss was slowing.)
    Very much so a learning process!

    The sheer amount of information(both good *and* bad) that you can garner on these forums can definitely be overwhelming. A lot of the posts and threads I find tend to major in the minors, getting into outlier territory that applies to a very few, if any.

    But once you figure out (like you have done) that CICO is at the heart of *all* weight loss - regardless of the vehicle used to achieve that calorie deficit - it becomes progressively easier to filter out the noise and spot the derp and woo. :)

    Congrats for figuring it out! <3
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    joans1976 wrote: »
    January is going to be dark days indeed.

    ^ I was wondering if January gets loaded up with a lot of woo posts or challenges. I've only been here since April and read the forums. I am just barely beginning to figure out my own body's patterns and needs so rarely post. I've lost 50 pounds with simple CICO and have not done any cleanses or taken any pills or cut out one specific food group and I'm STILL confused! It's been 8 months and I hardly know what's happening but what I'm doing is working and I'm not hungry.

    So, In January the forums get a little tough to read, eh? Well, I guess we were all new to this once, right?

    Nah it's like normal, but with more people who are flash in the pans, a rare few stick around.

    You know what to do and you're doing it. Where's your confusion? You're eating fewer calories than you burn...you're losing weight at a good rate. You've got this

    Everything else people post about is simply window dressing

    It is just CICO

    And trust me, the forums aren't quite as irritating as New Year Resolutioners getting in your way at the gym :)

    Home gym for the win. :)

    @joans1976 - Sued0nim covered everything nicely, but I wanted to share that I went through a period where, even though everything was working just as the regulars said it would, I was losing weight, toning up, I still drove myself crazy looking for answers I didn't need.

    Today - Keep it simple. As has been said, CICO first and foremost. If anything crops up along the way, just ask. I don't know a fraction of what the regulars here do, but I know how to follow simple instructions and suggestions. You do too. You're proving it now. :) Stay with it and don't let anything derail you.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @Cylphin60, @Sued0nim & @snickerscharlie
    THANK YOU! Your kind (and patient) words mean so much. It's all so true. I got this.

    I think. ;)
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hey MFPers.

    With the rapid increase of new users there are many posts coming up asking for detox recommendations. I figured this would be a good time to provide some links explaining why you generally don't need to detox or cleanse.

    Your body is readily equipped to handle toxins and in the event it cannot, you're in far greater need of medical attention than you are of any particular beverage or liquid diet.

    For purposes of weight loss, you're essentially choosing to replace food with liquid calories (depending on the cleanse, but most fall under this category) resulting in what usually amounts to a VLCD. This isn't typically a good idea for a variety of reasons (mood, hunger signaling, skeletal muscle maintenance, performance) and moreover it represents yet another short-cut attempt rather than establishing proper habits.

    The intent of my post isn't to insult anyone who comes here with the misinformed belief that they should detox/cleanse. The purpose is to provide information to hopefully save someone the wasted time, money, and potential ill health effects, not to mention the likely weight regain.

    Please read the following links:


    As you state so well, the body is efficiently equipped to handle the majority of toxins thrown at it - those it can't require medical attention.... just a thought
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    6 day anchovy and vinegar detox cleanse in 2017. Who's with me? :o

    You're on your own, my friend. But do let us know how it all works out in the end. ;)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    6 day anchovy and vinegar detox cleanse in 2017. Who's with me? :o

    You could have salad for six days straight using this anchovy and vinegar concoction.


    Kill two birds, so to speak.

  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Get a colonoscopy. Your intestines will never be so clean as after you get the prep done.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Holiday bump.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Quality bump.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    ccsernica wrote: »
    Get a colonoscopy. Your intestines will never be so clean as after you get the prep done.

  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thank you for sharing
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    dont waste your time on detox bump