are you still drinking soda?



  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    No, not anymore. I used to love me some Mountain Dew.. now that I pay attention to labels and notice the sugar and carb levels I can only think "No wonder I was so damned fat"
  • fitkyriel
    fitkyriel Posts: 29
    I used to go through a 24 pack of mountain dew a week!! It's no wonder I ballooned up to 217lbs! I stopped drinking soda and now I am 193! Now I think I only have a soda once or twice a month, if that. For some reason it just makes me thirsty now.. it doesn't really quench my thirst...
  • murphysraven
    I quit drinking diet and soda containing HFCS about 2 months ago. I have lost 22 lbs with my healthy diet and exercise.

    I mostly drink water but will have an occational natural soda or 0 cal zevia soda (sweetened with the stevia plant) but I try to limit myself to 2-3 a week. I also enjoy unsweetened herbal tea from time to time.
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    I have been soda free since last November...its been a tough road, as I love a cold fizzy cola. BUT I feel better since not drinking them. I am a fan of homemade lemonade, ice tea, and of course my go to WATER!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I quit drinking them around the 2nd week of January. I had 1 about a month later - it was so sickeningly sweet that I haven't had 1 since! I do like my tea though - either sweetened with Splenda, or get it half sweet, half unsweet - sweet teas are too much for me these days!

    I also opt for either juice or milk.
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    Nope! I cut out soda of all forms as my New Year's resolution this year... I have gone 6 1/2 months without and I don't miss it a bit!
  • aprilfiege
    aprilfiege Posts: 28
    Soda is just HORRIBLE ... When you stop drinking it for awhile then go back its like "What the heck was I even enjoying in the 1st place" LOL!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee Unsweetened Iced Tea and Green Tea and of course Water :-)
  • lucamp
    lucamp Posts: 29 Member
    I have 3-4 diet sodas a day. I don't like coffee or tea and figure the sugar substiture in Crystal light is just as bad as the diet soda so I have stuck with soda for now. Try to still get in my 8 glasses of water as well. I started to cut out diet soda but have decided that I will attack that vice after reaching (or getting closer) to goal.

    I started 8 months ago and to date have lost 65 pounds. I am half way to where I need to be.
  • fireyes
    fireyes Posts: 31 Member
    I used to have soda with lunch and dinner every day, and also usually as a snack. Two years ago I switched to apple juice and completely gave up soda. Eventually I transitioned to water and also gave up fruit drinks. Now I just drink water and the occasional glass of almond milk. Best decision of my life, mostly because it started all of my healthy changed.

    I used to absolutely *hate* water. I couldn't stand it, and therefore almost never drank it. Now I find it very refreshing and fulfilling. I now drink 6-8 cups a day, and I honestly don't miss soda at all anymore. I have lost 22 pounds from when I gave up soda, and am only 8 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight.
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I am stuck on Diet Coke, and have been since High school even when I wasn't "Dieting" I just love the taste and new years 2010 my resoution was to stop drinking soda cause I know how bad it is for your body and the diet is even worse and I did really good until Oct I had a really stressful two weeks back to back and all I could think of was "I need a Diet Coke" so then I had a few and then it became a ful blown habbit again, now that I am trying to get healthy again I haven't stopped cold turkey again but now I try to limit it a couple a week, I am doing pretty good I am still nursing a 12 pk I got on the 4th of July. Now, my water bottle is my bff lol
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    wow congrats :) I'd really like to cut the soda habit, b/c I know thats where the majority of my weight came from (I was literally living off of blueberry muffins and mt. dew)

    im sure you didn't gain weight soley from drinking soda. lol...

    1 can of mt dew has 170 cals (empty, worthless cals at that). say you drink 4 a day, that's an extra 680 cals a day. Most people don't think about calories in things they drink, so they still eat as much as they normally do. So if you take in an extra 680 cals a day, that's 4760 a week EXTRA. A year = 247,520! that equals an approximate weight gain of 70 pounds! Just from soda!

    Now, I'm not saying everyone who drinks 4 cans of pop a day is going to gain 70lbs every year...but it's one of the easiest ways to cut out overages and lose weight with a small amount of effort


    Thank you for posting that! & I gained 37lbs in a year and the only thing that had changed was my soda habit (my parents didnt allow me to consume that much soda while living with them so when I moved out I would drink a 24pk of mt. dew by myself in three days. My eating habits never changed because my mother never cooked anyway b/c of her job (she wasnt home during the day), so we always cooked ourselves something to eat -- so that never changed and I do believe thats where my weight gain came from.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I used to go through a 24 pack of mountain dew a week!! It's no wonder I ballooned up to 217lbs! I stopped drinking soda and now I am 193! Now I think I only have a soda once or twice a month, if that. For some reason it just makes me thirsty now.. it doesn't really quench my thirst...

    congrats on the weight loss & yeah, that much mt. dew is a badddd baddd thing lol!
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    i have about 2 regular sodas per month. when i'm drinking mixed drinks though i order it with diet soda. i just really hate the taste of diet alone but don't mind it when its mixed with alcohol...
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 168 Member
    I started drinking soda from an early age , IV always had a weight problem, so I switched to diet. Thinking that was ok. I prob used to drink 3 cans a day , this year iv decided that my weight problem is there for a reason and I wanted to work out why??? Why was I drinking diet soda after knowing it causes cancer, slows your metabolism down, makes you crave sweet food ect. What was i realy thirsty for?? i believe its LiFE , i was thirsty to live life but didn't know how and was punishing myself by drinking cans of diet coke (nasty chemicals) and yo yo dieting. Well that's a stage in my life i can now look back on as i head towards a healthy me!!! =)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,529 Member
    drink 3 diet Pepsi's a day.
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    I gave it up at home. I went from 5 cans a day to only getting a glass with dinner when I go out. and I hardly go out to eat anymore!
  • keith863
    keith863 Posts: 12 Member
    I quit all soda years ago, switching to drinks like Vitamin Water , Lipton Green Tea Citrus, Snapple, etc. which have quite a bit of sugar and carbs for a daily staple drink. Only recently though in the past few months have got smarter and drink only diet versions of those drinks, i.e. with zero calories and zero sugar.
    It seems to be helping a lot as volume-wise I drink quite a bit (for example maybe 4 servings a day/32 oz.).
    Like some diet sodas though, the diet tea drinks above have caffeine also, so I stop drinking them about 2 hours before bedtime.
  • jragan68
    jragan68 Posts: 22
    A year ago I was drinking 8-10 regular mountain dews a day, one day while grocery shopping I decided enough was enough I needed to get my weight down. I now drink diet mountain dew ( 2-3 cans a day ) and lots of water :) I have lost over 100lbs and most of it came off after giving up the soda :)
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I quit all soda years ago, switching to drinks like Vitamin Water , Lipton Green Tea Citrus, Snapple, etc. which have quite a bit of sugar and carbs for a daily staple drink. Only recently though in the past few months have got smarter and drink only diet versions of those drinks, i.e. with zero calories and zero sugar.
    It seems to be helping a lot as volume-wise I drink quite a bit (for example maybe 4 servings a day/32 oz.).
    Like some diet sodas though, the diet tea drinks above have caffeine also, so I stop drinking them about 2 hours before bedtime.

    I love Lipton Green Tea!! Love Love Love It! & Congrats :)