July 10 lb challange who whats in?



  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
  • velisha
    velisha Posts: 21
    Ummmm!!!!!....that sounds sooo delicious...I have never heard of fries with crab meat cheese and bacon...my mouth watered automatically when reading your post..LOL..but I say eat it (its not your everyday eating habits so its okay)...(*_*)
  • icejade
    icejade Posts: 13 Member
    I missed July start ,but sign me up for August!
  • calikimi
    calikimi Posts: 30
    Who's ready for todays weigh-in? I am actually slightly excited lol, whats wrong with me?
  • Jacs77
    Jacs77 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll join!

    What would I have to do? I don't weight myself every week would that be a problem?
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    A thru H Captain:-- dhiggins8
    Team BLUE
    I thru P Captain: --jrdoty8986
    Team RED
    Q thru Z Captain:-- SommerJo
    Team PURPLE

    I see lots of new faces popping in wanting to join -- I think I've gotten thru the first 10 pages (maybe) trying to add my members. Tonight I will try to catch more. Please don't be shy -- if you want to join the group -- send a friend request with your starting weight to the team captain listed above. I can't speak for my co captains but I promise I don't bite :tongue:

    You are NEVER TOO LATE!!

    On a personal note -- I've been really struggling the last month or so to keep "getting fit" high on my priority list. I've let work interfer with what used to be an evening working out and logging. I've let stress dictate my eating habits -- running out and buying a tub of french onion chip dip and crackers (they were Kashi so not AS bad as chips but still) because someone was mean to me :sad: . I made a plan for this week that even if I couldn't exercise -- I was going to STOP this ridiculous eating I've been doing. I went from an exciting 215 ish (19 pounds down...sooooo close!!!) back up to 220 Sunday morning. I sat on the bed and cried. Major pity party (without the cake and ice cream). It was a mini breakdown and a major eye opener.

    I knew it wasn't likely that all 5 ish pounds were fat -- I hadn't done well with my water as well. But I never wanted to see the 2twenties again -- and there I was. So -- enough :cry: !!! I got off my pity train and made a food plan -- AND I stuck to it!!! And gues what ladies and gents -- this morning -- my scale said......216.6 !!!:love::bigsmile:

    199 by 9/9!!!! Here I come!!!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Good team well if you don't want to hear me ***** and complain stop reading now. i am about to RANT!!!! i am frustrated as you may know my goal was to ride my bike to work every day this week to work. 5 miles one way, 10 miles per day 50 miles for the week. Well 3 ½ days into it with 1 ½ days to go and I have gained .2 pounds!!!! WFT is going on I may be losing inches but I have not checked but I assumed that I would lose not gain. Monday and Tuesday I did what I could to get in at least 1200 calories (burning 1000 riding) in for the day but still no weight loss. So last night I was Way under and fully expected to see a loss how deflating to see the scale go up .2 pounds. I would probably pull my hair out but I cut it all off to stay cool in this Texas Heat. It just makes me want to say the hell with riding the bike everyday thinking is it really worth it???? The ride is getting easier and I am getting faster at getting to work. Ok done with my rant hope everyone has a great day.

    Don... I totally understand how you feel right now! But don't give up! That is what I keep telling myself after eating that crabcake and fries LOL! The Best crab cakes in the world and I had Ben and Jerry's ice cream afterwards and still managed to stay the same weight in the morning. I was very happy! Just remember that we all go through these little mountains and reach a peak every once in a while. We just have to keep going and get through it! Wow, if I would just listen to myself telling you, I would feel so much better! HAHA. Good luck and don't stop riding your bike, it IS worth it!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    A thru H Captain:-- dhiggins8
    Team BLUE
    I thru P Captain: --jrdoty8986
    Team RED
    Q thru Z Captain:-- SommerJo
    Team PURPLE

    I see lots of new faces popping in wanting to join -- I think I've gotten thru the first 10 pages (maybe) trying to add my members. Tonight I will try to catch more. Please don't be shy -- if you want to join the group -- send a friend request with your starting weight to the team captain listed above. I can't speak for my co captains but I promise I don't bite :tongue:

    You are NEVER TOO LATE!!

    On a personal note -- I've been really struggling the last month or so to keep "getting fit" high on my priority list. I've let work interfer with what used to be an evening working out and logging. I've let stress dictate my eating habits -- running out and buying a tub of french onion chip dip and crackers (they were Kashi so not AS bad as chips but still) because someone was mean to me :sad: . I made a plan for this week that even if I couldn't exercise -- I was going to STOP this ridiculous eating I've been doing. I went from an exciting 215 ish (19 pounds down...sooooo close!!!) back up to 220 Sunday morning. I sat on the bed and cried. Major pity party (without the cake and ice cream). It was a mini breakdown and a major eye opener.

    I knew it wasn't likely that all 5 ish pounds were fat -- I hadn't done well with my water as well. But I never wanted to see the 2twenties again -- and there I was. So -- enough :cry: !!! I got off my pity train and made a food plan -- AND I stuck to it!!! And gues what ladies and gents -- this morning -- my scale said......216.6 !!!:love::bigsmile:

    199 by 9/9!!!! Here I come!!!

    See what happens?? We all get aboard that pity train and it really does help. Some people just say stop your B****ing but in reality, it helps in the long run because you don't wanna be down and out! I agree 200% (and that's a lot) with the mini breakdown being an eye opener. I have been doing not so well this whole month... Pretty upset with myself, but I am pushing forward. Been busy and my cruise is coming up... what on earth will I do then?? I already told my husband that I will be getting up early and going to the gym room on the ship. He said he wants to do it too so that will be easier! :) But ALL THAT FOOD! It's so tempting and I know I will want to try it all!

    By the way Sommer!!!!! I leave for the cruise July 31 and won't be back until Aug. 7th if you want to start over with the count and have our mini challenge again? I will not be logging in from July 31st until Aug 7th, but will log in Aug 8th bright and early! Let me know.:wink:
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Ummmm!!!!!....that sounds sooo delicious...I have never heard of fries with crab meat cheese and bacon...my mouth watered automatically when reading your post..LOL..but I say eat it (its not your everyday eating habits so its okay)...(*_*)

    HAHA My mouth was watering the entire way to Cape May! I had quite a few, then I had my crabcake, and then ben and jerry's ice cream ( Clusterfluff--- peanut butter ice cream with clusters and marshmallow fluff--- Of course kids size!) YUM! And didn't gain any weight the next morning :) That was a good day!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I am weighing in at 139.0 lbs this week.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Sorry double post!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Seeing some pretty good numbers so far for the red team! Keep 'em comin'!!

    If you're new and want to join the challenge and your screen name begins with I-P, get me a starting weight and I'll get you added to our team roster. (sorry...I don't have time to chase everyone down...so if you want to join, message me!)
  • theostlerscat
    theostlerscat Posts: 13 Member
    Never done one of these challenges, what is involved and how does it work? Can somebody send me some info?
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Wednesday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Thursday complete! 96 oz of water and 100 jumping jack
    Friday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    I would love to join!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    7/1~SW~ 215
    7/8~ 218
    7/15~ 216.4

    July 10 lb Challenge ` PURPLE Team

    1st challenge- Drink at least 64oz water daily week 2
    7/10- 113
    7/11- 96
    7/12- 96
    7/13- 80
    7/14- 80
    7/15- 80

    2nd challenge- 25 jumping jacks daily, add 5 each day week 2
    7/10- 60
    7/11- 65
    7/12- 70
    7/13- 75
    7/14- 80
    7/15- 85
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday complete! 117 oz of water and 110 jumping jacks
    Tuesday complete! 114 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Wednesday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Thursday complete! 96 oz of water and 100 jumping jack
    Friday complete! 124 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
    Saturday complete! 120 oz of water and 100 jumping jacks
  • Tiabirdie56
    7/1~SW~ 215
    7/8~ 218
    7/15~ 216.4

    July 10 lb Challenge ` PURPLE Team

    1st challenge- Drink at least 64oz water daily week 2
    7/10- 113
    7/11- 96
    7/12- 96
    7/13- 80
    7/14- 80
    7/15- 80

    2nd challenge- 25 jumping jacks daily, add 5 each day week 2
    7/10- 60
    7/11- 65
    7/12- 70
    7/13- 75
    7/14- 80
    7/15- 85

    I just saw this! Are there things like this for Team BLUE too? lol
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member

    I just saw this! Are there things like this for Team BLUE too? lol

    It's my understanding that all the teams have this standing challenge. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily and do jumping jacks, starting with 25 on day one and adding 5 each day. I have noticed in the posts that most people stop at 100 and just stick to that when they get there.