Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss?

Hi! I've been struggling with weight problems my entire life, (I'm 20 btw), and I am now 230 pounds. I cannot get myself back down to a normal weight. Even if I stay below my caloric intake for the day. I don't know how to fix this at all, and I am not sure if it is because of my hypothyroidism that it won't come off, or what? I know I eat high carb foods which isn't great, but I have a job where I'm moving around and pushing, pulling, + lifting. I don't really know what else to do, but I'm supposed to be around 120 pounds, (By the BMI scale anyway.)

Anyone know what to do? I do take Levothyroxine daily.


  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Hi! I've been struggling with weight problems my entire life, (I'm 20 btw), and I am now 230 pounds. I cannot get myself back down to a normal weight. Even if I stay below my caloric intake for the day. I don't know how to fix this at all, and I am not sure if it is because of my hypothyroidism that it won't come off, or what? I know I eat high carb foods which isn't great, but I have a job where I'm moving around and pushing, pulling, + lifting. I don't really know what else to do, but I'm supposed to be around 120 pounds, (By the BMI scale anyway.)

    Anyone know what to do? I do take Levothyroxine daily.

    I take Synthroid daily and have lost 94 pounds. I'm also post-menopausal.

    As long as you eat at caloric deficit, you will lose weight.

    Eating carbohydrates isn't bad unless they don't leave room in your diet for proper nutrition.

    Have you read the stickies at the top of the forums to learn how weight loss works and how to use My Fitness Pal to lose weight?

    I used to think I couldn't lose weight either and I came to learn it was because I was always eating too much food. Once I learned how to account for how much I was eating, and to eat the proper amount of calories, I had no trouble losing weight.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I've read the stickies and I'm always under my caloric goal for the day.. Some days they say I don't eat enough + that I need to eat more to safely lose weight. I am not losing weight though :/
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I've read the stickies and I'm always under my caloric goal for the day.. Some days they say I don't eat enough + that I need to eat more to safely lose weight. I am not losing weight though :/

    Are you using a food scale? How long have you been trying to lose weight? Are you using correct data base entries?

    Look over this chart and see if something helps:

  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I got down to "You may need to investigate further" :/ The only things wrong with me, digestion and food related are : Hypothyroidism, Acid Reflux Disease, Caffeine intolerance, and a general intolerance of most water based foods like lettuce, watermelon, and celery...
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2016
    Can you open your diary and post your height? Sometimes experienced users can spot things.

    How many calories are you eating a day?
  • I've been taking Synthroid as well for over 5 years now, and have managed to drop almost 30 lbs since August. You can do it!!!!
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I'm not finding a height change area in the diary..??
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @NicholeAckerman thank you :smile:
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I'm not finding a height change area in the diary..??

    I'm just asking what your height is so I can calculate how much you should be eating!
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll it says I'm 5'1'' on my profile, not sure why I'd change it. I am 5'1'' :lol:

    my caloric intake each day is between 930 and 1300 calories most days.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I'm 23 and hypo, been on medication for almost 10 years. When I was about 18 years old and 198 lbs I lost over 60 lbs and was down to the low 130's in about 6 months of exercise and calorie counting, eating whatever I pleased within my budget.
    In the years since then I gained the weight back (which I attribute entirely to my eating habits/lifestyle, not my thyroid. I simply ate too much and did too little and struggled with binge eating a lot.)
    I hit a new heavy weight of 215 lbs, and I am now back down to 185 now through calorie counting and exercise. For me, losing weight has been basically as simple as it is for a "normal" person when I really try.
    I will say it takes me many weeks of consistency to see the scale really start moving, but I think that goes for everyone. I've found that even one "eat what I want" day per week can be enough excess calories to cancel out my deficit.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2016
    @GottaBurnEmAll it says I'm 5'1'' on my profile, not sure why I'd change it. I am 5'1'' :lol:

    my caloric intake each day is between 930 and 1300 calories most days.

    I'm not asking you to change it :) Can you make your diary public, though?

    Fellow shortie fistbump! We're the same height.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I'm not finding a height change area in the diary..??

    It was 2 questions.

    Can you open your diary so someone like GBEA can see what you are eating?

    Can you post your height so someone can get a better idea of what your stats should be?

    Listen to @GottaBurnEmAll She know her *kitten*.
  • birdtobe
    birdtobe Posts: 105 Member
    I know a lot of people here might not agree with me, but I think cutting carbs will make a huge difference. I also have hypothyroidism--have for 12 years--and struggle to lose. 5 weeks ago I cut out sugar and carbs and have lots 14 pounds so far. I know it sounds very difficult (believe me, I was the word's biggest sugar fiend) but once you don't eat it, you stop craving it. There's a lot of research out there about what carbs do to your insulin levels and I found it compelling enough to give it a try. Might be worth it a try?
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll how do I do that? Let me go look.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @TresaAswegan I eat what I want but I'm always under my caloric goal. I don't get it :/
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I made it public :D
    @Tacklewasher I didn't know that "Open" meant make public, my bad. Maybe you're all from a different area :joy:

    @birdtobe I really think cutting carbs would be good..I eat a LOT of pasta..
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I'm perimenopausal with hashimotos and am losing slowly. For me I found that staying active plays a bigger role than for a lot of my friends. I have to work out. I can increase my deficit but if Im not active I still stall in weight loss. Keep playing with your routine and you will find what works for you.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited December 2016
    @SaraLynnFiske Taking a look at your diary, I have to say that things don't look quite right to me. None of your foods are weighed, and you used a LOT of "homemade" generic entries. Five cups of mac and cheese is usually a lot more than just 1200 calories, for example... Did you make these entries and calculate how much cheese and how much butter and how much milk and how much pasta was in your macaroni and cheese?

    My diary is also public. Have a peek at it and you'll notice that all of my entries, down to my bread and my pasta, are weighed in grams and on a food scale. Some of the very few non-gram entries are pre-weighed cheese slices (I weigh them and they match the 21g weight posted as a serving, so I just log one slice), and my very own recipes that you're only allowed to log as "one serving", which I still weigh religiously. :)

    Editing to add: Going back, I see that some of them ARE weighed... But where did those entries come from? Again, even the weighed ones say "homemade" and appear to be whatever you may have found on the food search list while searching for something like mac and cheese or eggplant parmesan.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    The recipe entries in your diary? Are you inputting them yourself to calculate the calories or are you just finding generic entries from the data base and using them?