Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    It's a slog right now. Getting accustomed to the boot, not really. Makes my knee hurt. I just got my even up to level me out and I hope it helps. Tomorrow, Christmas shopping after I pick up my brothers at the airport. Eating slightly over my 1600. It's very hard with Christmas going on. Two words- Egg Nogueira! Feeling fat and restless but moving hurts and is unnatural. Had a thought I should get a pass to LA fitness and swim but it's 8 and I just stopped for the day. Been up since 3. I'm tired.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    My walking buddy is back for at least a month straight....well except for next week. Oh well at least I got two walks in at lunch this week.
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    I've been resisting all the Christmas goodies and going for walks during my lunch break, but somehow I've gained half a pound. Trying not to get discouraged as I know weight loss isn't linear etc, but it makes it so much harder to not give in and eat whatever I want for Christmas if I'm not losing anyway. I'll keep trusting the process though.
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    @Dalceridae , please do stick with it. My weight has done some very strange up and down spikes, seemingly not related to calorie intake (and I'm past the monthly ups and downs), but if you look at my weight chart in aggregate, the downward trend is obvious.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I have literally made 8 dozen cookies in the last 24 hours, with another 4 dozen to go. Plus other treats. And a cake. And lasagna. And cheesy garlicky buttery bread (I love kneading dough to make bread).

    The next 2 days are pretty much gonna be a free for all. Watch out scale. :-|
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,908 Member
    My goal is to be under 300 by New Year's Day.
    Last Saturday I weighed 307.7
    This morning I weighed 303.6
    That's a loss of 4.1 lbs the week before Christmas! :triumph::star:
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach awesome. I'm so happy you have found a way that works for you. You are awesome!
  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this thread but am in the 100-pound club (starting weight of 243 and goal weight of 130) and I find these MFP forums to be inspirational/helpful, so I hope you don't mind if I jump in. :)

    I guess today is Success Saturday, but frankly I'm not feeling very successful at the moment. I've lost 27 pounds so far and I'm still loving things like my watch and rings being loose, and comments/compliments on my face being thinner, but yesterday afternoon I went clothes shopping. The last time I went shopping was a month ago, and that was a huge NSV day because I discovered that I could fit into smaller pants! There were only two pairs in my size (I'm 5'3 and petites are hard to find in the plus-size area), and I happily bought them both. Yesterday I planned to buy more pants in the new size, but discovered that only some of them fit. I hate that a size 16WS is not the same from label to label! I know that's just how it is with women's clothes, and I still bought one pair in that size that fit nicely and two that I can button but are a little tight (motivation!), but it was just kind of depressing to realize that I don't fit into everything that size yet. And my top size has not changed at all: I'm still a 2X. The fact that I can fit into any 16WS pants is definitely still awesome, but it was just a stark reminder that I still need to lose a lot more weight before my size/shape changes significantly.

    Of course, none of that is going to stop me from going to holiday lunches and dinners with family/friends! :smiley:

    That's a loss of 4.1 lbs the week before Christmas! :triumph::star:
    That's amazing! :open_mouth: Congrats!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Holidays Everyone! :) What an awesome group of people here! I thought I'd drop in for a moment to wish everyone some good cheer and a bit of motivation! Tomorrow is a big holiday meal for a lot of us and there is a lot of agony and suffering behind all that. :'(
    I just want to suggest that you go to the meal with the attitude of thankfulness and enjoy yourself without any guilt. The day will be over quickly and you shall rise and shine on the 26th and continue your journey with the rest of your friends here. Its only one day - don't give it too much power over you! Eat as you wish to eat, and if an overage occurs, forgive yourself and move on. B)
    Live is full of ups and downs, I am the Queen of these dips and rises! Please, just take one step forward, and do NOT QUIT!!!!! QUITTING is much worse than "TOO MUCH TO EAT" that's my message for you.

    Much love to all of you!!! <3
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Merry Christmas from Texas to all of you
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah! I got up early this morning and cooked her part of a Christmas dinner for a friend who wasn't feeling well. Now the rest of the day will be for resting a relaxing, other than getting my steps in for the day. I'm in first place this week in my step challenge, which ends today, so I will be walking some extra steps today just to be sure I keep my 1st place. Everyone enjoy your holiday and try to be moderate if you are going to partake of the holiday goodies!
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Merry Christmas! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, everyone!

    @amy-- Hope you and Tom had a wonderful holiday!

    @campfire-- Congrats on 1st place in your step challenge!

    @pneschich --Hope your foot and knee are doing better. I've suffered form PF, but not to that extreme--sorry you have to deal with it.

    @robin-- Great to see you pop in--Happy holidays to you!

    @misnomer-- Welcome to the thread!!

    @rach-- Congrats on the loss--that's awesome, especially considering most folks are struggling to not gain at this time of year--go you!

    @fera--Wow, that's a lot of cookies! I'm so glad I don't bake because I would end up eating much of the results.

    Hello-to the rest of you. Sorry I haven't been good at keeping up with personals lately, but please know I am reading your posts and rooting for everyone.

    AFM--The holidays here weren't too much of a challenge. Yesterday, we went to my sister's for a casual pizza dinner. Not a lot of food to tempt me, but I did have a piece of cake and a couple of cookies for dessert. Today was supposed to be the big Christmas dinner at my SILs house. However, my DH wasn't feeling well, so he decided to cancel and we had a quiet day at home binge-watching Shameless. It was actually really relaxing.

    Exercise has been a little bit better due to warmer temps--Gunner and I have been able to go for our regular walks again. I've also been doing this 6-minute ab video that was a part of my last Amazing Race challenge. It's easy and quick, so I've been doing it every day. Tomorrow I plan to get back to the gym, but my ankle has been feeling weird the past few days. It's not sore, like I twisted it; rather, it feels stiff, like the joint needs cracking and when it does crack, it feels better for a bit, but still not "right." I'm concerned that it may be some sort of stress fracture, so I think I will stick to the elliptical or stationary bike and avoid running for a few more days. Why put extra stress on it when it's feeling this way?

    I don't have a lot of grading over break which is nice. I am applying for an educational trip to Japan next summer, and I need to write a 300-word essay for the application process, so I want to get that done before going back to work.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/40 Scarlet Letter papers
    2. revise 1st semester AP final exam
    3. write Japan essay

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Tues-- walk gunner + ab video
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Thurs-- walk gunner + ab video
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Sat-- walk gunner + ab video
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to those who don't ... and A Happy New Year to Everyone!

    Just popping in to say hello and share my Monday Check-in for the last time in 2016 ...
    I've successfully overeaten throughout the past 12 weeks that I am the same weight on this last Monday as I was on the first one of 2016 ... with a lot of up and down in between. It's all a learning experience. It's a blessing that I'm not higher in weight than when I started. It's a good think I have a plan of action for the coming year.

    Next week my new health insurance policy kicks in and I'm hoping it will be worth the added premiums I'll be paying monthly for it to have the gym membership as part of my coverage ... the plan covers Silver Sneakers. My local YMCA participates and offers all except one of the SilverSneakers fittness classes. The semesters at my gym run for 2 months at a time, so when I go in on Tuesday (they will be closed on Monday) I will finalize my enrollment and sign up for the activities I have scheduled into my personal calendar.

    ... Silver Splash on 3 days a week, Silver Sneakers Yoga on 3 days a week, and Silver Sneakers Classic gym class on 2 days a week. The Yoga and Splash classes will take place on the same days and the Classic class will be stand alone on the other 2 ... so that will be 5 days of heading out to appointments with better fitness for the next 7 weeks, then a new schedule of offerings will be provided and I can try something different or not.

    The nice thing about the Silver Sneakers program is that I can attend fitness classes at other gyms at the same time as the ones at the YMCA, which will allow me to try another gym if it doesn't seem to work for me at the Y.

    The other part of my plan is, of course, to reduce the calories I consume. However, I think that I also need to consider how different foods affect me and make dietary changes beyond just cutting calories.

    This past year I was successful in several of my goals ... one had been to cook my own meals instead of relying on either prepared foods purchased at the grocery or from a restaurant. I want to continue that goal in 2017 because I really have had a lot of success with that change of habit and want to bring it forward with me into the future.

    Another goal accomplished was to use MFP daily. In fact, that particular goal has been overly successful because I now find myself trying to cut the amount of time I spend here. ... So in my new year I am setting limits on computer time. I've already started to implement that change in my habits by shutting down my Apple instead of just letting it 'sleep', I even shut down the DSL router. .... just that little detterent has had the effect of freeing up several hours in the day ... hours that I can use to work on other goals ... like activity, and chores around my home!

    So that's it for my posting on this thread. I'm not planning to visit here very often next year. But, if this thread doesn't entirely cease from inactivity, I do plan to pop in once in a while and see what's going on.

    So long folks, and good luck on your goals for the coming year.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @Nikion901 - Totally get it. I moved my computer down to the basement so I'd stop using it so much! Good luck to you on that (and the rest of your very admirable goals!), and hopefully we'll see you around. :)

    Avoiding all those baked treats like the plague right now... So many cookies and candies still left over. As I sit here avoiding baked treats, that have managed to sneak their way into my mouth far too many times than I'd like to admit today, I was thinking about my New Year's resolutions. I've made them before, and almost never make it past the first couple months. This past year I managed to keep my resolution, for the most part, and will finish it like I planned. It's a wonderful feeling!

    For 2017, I have decided on a couple that will be beneficial to me in different ways.

    1) Train for, and successfully complete, a 5k. I will do that this year. I am not bending on this. I have wanted to run in a 5k for years now, and this is the year I am going to do it. This is my fitness resolution.

    2) I started a Tumblr, where I will be posting a photo of something that made me smile every single day of 2017. I am doing this in an effort to focus more on, and have a greater appreciation for, the positive in my life and stop complaining about the bad so much. This is my mental health resolution.

    3) Compliment my husband every day, something big or something small. I want him to know he's loved and appreciated, and I feel like I've neglected that a little bit with the arrival of our son. This is my marriage resolution.

    4) Get dressed, do hair, do make up, make myself look nice, at least once a week, for no reason. I tend to neglect myself in favor of the kid, the hubs, the house, whatever... and I need to remind myself that I am worth my own attention sometimes, too. This is my resolution to help build my confidence.

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a Merry Christmas!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @fera-- love your goals for 2017! I also need to sign up for some races b/c it really helps keep me motivated to run regularly. Some friends at work expressed a desire to run a race in March right before our spring break, so I'm going to find a run 5k and get us all registered. When I first started running, I used couch to 5k to train for my first race. If you google it, you can get training schedules for a 5k or a 10k. There is also an app, but I've never used that (didn't have a smart phone back then. Make sure you go get fitted for good running shoes before you start, or you will risk injuries that could interfere with your progress. I'm currently suffering from some foot and ankle pain, and though I initially thought it might be some sort of stress fracture, I've come to realize it's similar to the plantar fasciitis pain I've had in the past. I know it's due to the fact that my running shoes are too worn, so tomorrow I'm going to buy some new runners.

    @niki-- totally understand with trying not to spend so much time on the computer. I've cut my time on here quite a bit since school started in August and it's made it much easier to keep up with all of my grading. I plan to check in a lot over the next couple of weeks while we're on break, but I will limit it again once school resumes January 5th.

    AFM-- I made it to the gym today, and though I said I wasn't going to run, I couldn't resist jumping on that treadmill. I did compromise and only ran 1.5 miles before switching to the elliptical for the other 1.5. I also walked gunner since the weather was so nice today and also cleaned up the back yard. I am going to do my ab video right now since I already marked that as done.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/40 Scarlet Letter papers
    2. revise 1st semester AP final exam
    3. write Japan essay

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + ab video DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner + ab video
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Thurs-- walk gunner + ab video
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Sat-- walk gunner + ab video
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    It's my Birthday today! I'm excited that I've almost made it to the New Year with a slimmer me, and a healthier me in tow! And next year when I turn 69, I plan to be at my goal weight! It has been relatively simple to get to this place, and all of you wonderful friends on this thread are a major reason. You encourage me, make me smile and laugh, and rejoice over our successes. Your transparency helps me to be more diligent about avoiding the traps and hard places, and your example has inspired me beyond measure! Companionship is such an important thing, a feeling that you aren't in this alone and that you can speak your mind, even when it's not a positive place that you are in, to people who truly understand because they are on the same journey and know first hand what a big deal this is! I wish you all the joy and comfort that you have given me. Today I will celebrate my birthday, fully enjoying all that I do and all that I eat, but I have an idea that this year, perhaps I will not feel like that gnawing hole in my heart needs to be filled with so much food that I don't feel it anymore. It's a lot smaller than it was this time last year! Hugs and Love from TN <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @campfire-- Happy birthday!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Hope everyone is doing well.

    Just checking in to update goals. I didn't have time to walk Gunner yesterday, but I spent all day at the outlet mall with a friend, so I certainly did more than enough walking to make up for it. Not sure it was enough to cancel out the dinner we ate out. She was in the mood for Italian food, and though I tried to make decent choices, I still came away feeling like I ate too much.

    Today, I had to skip the gym b/c some friends had to move a lunch date from tomorrow to this afternoon. I did take Gunner for 2 walks though, and plan to do my ab video this evening. I also will definitely make up the gym visit tomorrow.

    Missed yesterday, and I have quite a list so here are my...
    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Clean fish tank
    2. Buy new throw rug for entryway
    3. Buy xmas present for neighbors son

    Grading Goals:
    4. 2/39 Scarlet Letter papers
    5. revise 1st semester AP final exam
    6. write Japan essay

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + ab video DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + ab video NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner SDONE TWICE + gym NOT DONE + ab video
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
    Sat-- walk gunner + ab video
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,908 Member
    Yesterday I started the DASH for Weight Loss plan from the book by Marla Heller. I am following the sample menus she provides. Other than being rushed in the morning to pack my lunch and thus forgetting my jello, it was fairly easy and enjoyable. I packed my lunch for today last night so the morning rush doesnt happen again today. :smile: and i wont forget my jello.
    I am still trying to make my New Year's goal <3 of weighing less than 300 lbs on New Year's morning. This morning I was 303.4. I think I can make my goal, especially if I follow the plan.
    There are times when it is a struggle, but I respond to those times by telling myself, "It's worth it. It's always worth it." And then I just deal with whatever it is.