5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    What kind of exercise are you ladies doing to get to your goal weight? How do you stay motivated? I don't have trouble staying in my calorie range during the week but the weekends derail me and I really need help to keep the eating (and drinking) in check! Any advice is welcome & appreciated! :blush:

    As long as I'm working out, my diet seems pretty healthy. When I stop working out, I start craving high fat/carby goodness. Here are some things I do. Some are may be odd, but it's what I do.

    Weekends are tricky. I weigh on Sunday to keep me on target Friday and Saturday. I don't log at all on Sunday to give my brain a break.

    I work out 4-6 days a week. I have 2 basic workouts:

    3 (maybe 4) days a week: 15 min cardio warm up, lift (either upper or lower body) for an hour and finish with 15 min hard effort cardio.

    The other day or 2, I do pure cardio hard effort. Often this is spin class, but there are days when I run or do the arc trainer.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I have a stationary bike and ride 10 miles before work 4 mornings a week and watch the news (and am drenched in sweat). I end with some hand weights and stretching. Holidays are tough!!

    I've done workout DVD's and beast body. I also jogged for decades. My feet developed issues so it's the bike and hand weights. Some day I might join a gym and do big weights.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm 5'1'' (19) and I'm looking to lose 30-40lbs or so but Im getting close to having under 30 left! Feel free to add me too.
  • DCRunnerGirl78
    DCRunnerGirl78 Posts: 508 Member
    What kind of exercise are you ladies doing to get to your goal weight? How do you stay motivated? I don't have trouble staying in my calorie range during the week but the weekends derail me and I really need help to keep the eating (and drinking) in check! Any advice is welcome & appreciated! :blush:

    Sounds exactly like the same problem I have!
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    R4SNik wrote: »
    Haven't seen many weights posted lately. How is everyone doing? I for one do not look forward to weighing in Sunday (after the holiday), but I will. Folks need to see the ups and downs I suppose.

    By the way those who post to be added, you already are. To benefit most from the group, post your weekly weigh ins. Also nice to pick out a few folks you think you'd connect with and send friend requests. Including a message with the friend requests helps as well.


    I weigh in tomorrow morning and it has been a pretty good week so far. I had to go to work one hour early this week, so I had to cut my jog down to 2-3 miles instead of 4-5 miles. Therefore, I'm not burning as many calories, but it's cool.

  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Motivation is getting into a smaller pair of pants! Just getting my metabolism train rolling again. I'm new to serious cardio, since a heel spur developing last year- from the exclusive elliptical use (not overuse). I wish I could run, but gave that up because of my knee. I've been doing some gym classes, but anything with "bootcamp" in the title is just too much for me right now. Yoga is fine, but doesn't get my heart rate up enough. Going to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred starting Jan 1. It has some jumping jacks and stuff- but not too much, since she also has weights and abs in there too. Just enough to hurt, but still recover. I think that's where finding the right balance comes in. It'll take time to figure my body out, and adjust as I get stronger. Managing the pains everywhere is also key- I bought a foam roller to help. Any step in the right direction...and patience!
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    Motivation is getting into a smaller pair of pants! Just getting my metabolism train rolling again.... Managing the pains everywhere is also key- I bought a foam roller to help. Any step in the right direction...and patience!

    Sounds like you've got a good plan. There really is something for everyone. Sometimes it just takes time to find what fits.
  • karleeggarner
    karleeggarner Posts: 37 Member
    kamarixe wrote: »
    I would LOVE some support!! My name is Kayla and I'm 5'2 and currently 160lbs. Super new to this, but it would really to help to have people to support/supporting me. My friends and family aren't worried about health right now and it's hard to maintain focus!

    I am in the same boat! My husband could care less about health and fitness and loves to eat a bowl of ice cream in front of me every night with a smile on his face...lol! But seriously, I am on my own here and the struggle is real, especially since I have 3 little ones at home. Add me as a friend! (I can't figure out how to add people as friends yet).

    I am 5"3' and around 168-170. I would like to be under 150 by May (Honeymoon beach vacation!) and continue down to 135. I like the idea of being down to 125, but I have always been of athletic build so I think 135 is more reasonable for me, with strong lean muscle!

    Anyone can friend me. I need to be involved with people of like minds!
  • Harris_2018
    Harris_2018 Posts: 13 Member
    Same here but it.wont let me send u a friend's request
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    edited December 2016
    Age 49 .. 5'3 st 147 cw 144 gw 120. Can always tell when I am gaining .. Asthma kicks in even if it is just a little over 140 ad inner thighs attempt to touch one another
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Age 33, I m 5 ft and 136 lbs.. my goal wt is 110 lbs... Need to reduce 26 lbs... Just starting clean eating and walk...
  • ACory69
    ACory69 Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to be added. 5'1, started at 143lbs. Down a bit, to 137ish, but frankly, it fluctuates with water gain/loss. Have gone between 163 and 104 over the past 10 years, but as I age (47) it gets way harder to stay low. Want to get back to 119. I'm a certified group fitness instructor and teach dance fitness classes, so staying active isn't the problem; eating is the problem. The older I get, the more I want to enjoy the little things, like little cupcakes, and little hand pies, and small cookies. And pecan clusters. And mini Snickers bars.
  • thandyie
    thandyie Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 25, 5ft 3 and 155. GW is 125. Feel free to add me
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    First weigh in 14 days :o


    Mini goal of 70kg for Feb.
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    meee i have about 40 pounds to lose tho. anyone on this thread can feel free to add me
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    First weigh in 14 days :o


    Mini goal of 70kg for Feb.

    Forgot to add previous weigh in 73.1 so not too bad .7kg for the 2 weeks of not logging and eating outside of calorie goal.
  • jfernadas
    jfernadas Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?
  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    jfernadas wrote: »
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?

    Your body needs rest. I would not plan on running 7 days, for many reasons (most people recommend running every other day in the beginning, and going slow and short. A app like C25K is a great resource to help you get started). You can run every other day and do something else in between, but I would still plan at least one day off/easy day for all sorts of reason.

    Also, don't forget that it's not just about exercise. The basic principle of weight loss is less calories in than out. Technically, you should be able to lose weight without exercising if you reduce your calories. I still prefer to burn some calories through exercise, anyway, both for health and appearance.

    Good luck! Try to build your weight loss plan around something you can maintain. Some people are gritty enough that they can knuckle down and do things like run 7 days a week, but I think most of us do better by acknowledging that we're human and make a plan that is easy for us!
  • patl118
    patl118 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I would love to be part of this group and can use some support in my goals. I am age 53, 5'2" 158lbs. My ideal weight is 120. I have tried to loose weight many times and usually fail within a month. I am determined to stick with it. My job is a desk job and I have a long commute so exercise is limited I need creative ideas on how to get that in to my day. I'm usually out of the house at 7:30am and back around 7:00pm. Then I make dinner for my family. I'm totally exhausted by the time dishes are done.? Since starting my job a year ago I have gained 10lbs.
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    jfernadas wrote: »
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?

    Running doesn't make you lose weight.
    It will help burn calories so if you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.
    Agree with amandadm you need to factor in rest days and also you need to factor in the boredom factor and the failure factor.
    Ie: you will get bored quicker if you don't take a break and you will feel like a failure if you don't stick to your 7 day a week plan. So all in all you are setting yourself up to fail.