5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • Anyone feel free to add me. I'm 5'3, currently have lost 25 lbs out of my 50 lb goal. :smiley:
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited December 2016
    How many calories per day should a 5'0" 20-year-old take in to lose weight? She said that her 'trainer' told her 1500. Personally, I think that is way too many (if she wants to lose the weight she has gained since being in college). She doesn't want to starve herself like she admits doing in HS. Buying healthy food to cook is expensive and sometimes her college schedule doesn't allow her to cook that often. I'm only the concerned grandmother who sees her upset and hurting; but, tries not to further hurt her feelings. I'm on MFP and I keep up with everything I eat or drink, track everything that passes my lips. I also do not 'eat back my calories'. Whatever I take in, will be within my caloric intake, or I will just mark that I am over by whatever number that is. I get weighed-in every 2 weeks and do not weigh myself between; and, I take my daily printouts to her so she can see what I am doing and make suggestions how to 'kick start' me off a 'plateau'. I try to get at least 15-20 minutes (minimum) or (sometimes more) of exercise on a daily basis. Her boyfriend can eat pizzas and junk food and his weight does not fluctuate any or if so, he can not eat junk and lose it quickly. Sometimes to buy healthy foods like fruit, etc., only means that it might go bad before she fix it and sometimes to do so or she is tired and gives in to eating pizza with him. I know at one time she was on MFP; counting macros (but, then got off because she just could not work around it) and said it was too time-consuming to be able to keep up with it and make good grades, so she would be entitled to the HOPE Scholarship. I don't know if she is back on or what? She exercises; but, I'm not sure it is on a daily basis and other than doing weights, I am not sure of what other exercising she is getting, other than walking up and down hills changing classes.

    Can anybody give me advice to pass on to her? I will tell her about this tread and maybe you can encourage and motivate her or give her some tips. I'm already on a thread for someone my age and it is very motivating. She wants to try a certain 'detoxing' program; but, it is too expensive for her at the moment. I'm on a MD-ordered weight loss control program and I had to get under a 1000 a day in order to lose. I have protein shakes and bars that I drink/eat and I have lost 40lbs; but, it has taken me about a year-and-a-half to do so, losing slowly. Supposedly, for my age group the caloric intake to 'maintain my weight' is 1100-1300 a day. If she gets on this thread I won't be checking behind her. So I am not 'bookmarking' this thread either. I know how to get to it if I need to.


    Her exact intake is going to vary a lot depending on how active she is and her current weight. I am 23 years old, 5'1" 185 lbs currently and lose 1 lb per week on 2000 calories right now while just lifting weights. A few years ago I was losing almost 3 lbs per week eating 1400 calories a day when I was running (way way too little calories for me). For an active person 1500 could actually be low.
    She can eat any type of food. I've eaten pizza and ice cream and lost weight, as long as it fits my calorie goal.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    HW- 215
    CW- 185
    GW- 160
    Just starting up a cutting cycle after some time at maintenance. I will be cutting down to 170-175 in the next few months and then going back to maintenance to prep for a power lifting meet in May. Resume cutting again after. Probably a bit different than the typical goals here, but feel free to add me.
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    edited December 2016

    Can anybody give me advice to pass on to her? I will tell her about this tread and maybe you can encourage and motivate her or give her some tips. I'm already on a thread for someone my age and it is very motivating. She wants to try a certain 'detoxing' program; but, it is too expensive for her at the moment. I'm on a MD-ordered weight loss control program and I had to get under a 1000 a day in order to lose. I have protein shakes and bars that I drink/eat and I have lost 40lbs; but, it has taken me about a year-and-a-half to do so, losing slowly. Supposedly, for my age group the caloric intake to 'maintain my weight' is 1100-1300 a day. If she gets on this thread I won't be checking behind her. So I am not 'bookmarking' this thread either. I know how to get to it if I need to.


    First congratulations on your weight loss. You are right that a 20 something has different nutritional needs that you or I.

    She has a lot of obstacles, but she can overcome them if she is serious about this.

    Questions to ask:
    How much does she weigh? How much weight does she have to lose? How active is she? Does she want a set amount she eats everyday that already includes exercise (TDEE) or a program where she can eat more on days when she exercises (MFP way)?

    There are just so many factors.

    Not all personal trainers know about proper nutrition, but most have a pretty good idea what it takes to lose weight and still have energy to workout or they wouldn't have a job. For now the PT knows her better than we do, I'd try his/her advice.

    If she is on here and wants to chat about specifics, I'm sure many of us would be willing to discuss it.

  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm 5'3" and need support, pushing, and motivation....
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Nikki and TresaAswegan - I don't know how much she weighs, don't know how many times she works out a week, or how long, and, I don't know how much she wants or needs to lose so that her BMI will be in a 'normal' range for her. Discussing weight is a very 'touchy' subject. She is really short at 5'-nothing (as she puts it), she beautiful and very smart. On the Dean's List this last semester and her grades have been high because of the HOPE Scholarship requirements. We're very proud of her for many reasons; but, I worry about her health (body) and her feelings (when it comes to her weight, her grades, her boyfriend, and she is highly opinionated). Her boyfriend doesn't seem to have any problems when it comes to losing weight; and, I don't think that he is 'intentionally' sabotaging her; but, having pizza because it is easy and doesn't take any time overrides her desires to 'cook healthy'. Especially, during school. If I get a chance to tell her about this particular community I will do so, but, right at the moment I think I have over-stepped my boundaries with her.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    edited December 2016
    R4SNik wrote: »
    Looking for some more friends (I've added many from this thread and they are great) who are active on day to day news feed. I guess I'm needy, but I need the interaction to feel like part of a supportive community. Please consider adding me if this is you... Thanks, Nikki

    SW: 165
    CW 135.0

    Niki, knowing what works for you doesn't make you needy, it means you are self-aware. Consider it a plus! I've not been adding people because I don't expect to be active on the newsfeed. Could we check in here, in this thread? I was only expecting to check in once a week, but have been looking at this thread each day. I've spent close to 90 minutes on the treadmill twice so far this week. That's better than last week. So that makes it a win. How are you doing? Is there a weeks difference between your PW and CW?
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Nikki and TresaAswegan - I don't know how much she weighs, don't know how many times she works out a week, or how long, and, I don't know how much she wants or needs to lose so that her BMI will be in a 'normal' range for her. Discussing weight is a very 'touchy' subject. She is really short at 5'-nothing (as she puts it), she beautiful and very smart. On the Dean's List this last semester and her grades have been high because of the HOPE Scholarship requirements. We're very proud of her for many reasons; but, I worry about her health (body) and her feelings (when it comes to her weight, her grades, her boyfriend, and she is highly opinionated). Her boyfriend doesn't seem to have any problems when it comes to losing weight; and, I don't think that he is 'intentionally' sabotaging her; but, having pizza because it is easy and doesn't take any time overrides her desires to 'cook healthy'. Especially, during school. If I get a chance to tell her about this particular community I will do so, but, right at the moment I think I have over-stepped my boundaries with her.

    My suggestion is you accept her as is and stop bring up her weight. She's smart. She'll figure it out when she wants to in the way she wants to. You risk forever damaging your relationship with her.
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    R4SNik wrote: »
    Looking for some more friends (I've added many from this thread and they are great) who are active on day to day news feed. I guess I'm needy, but I need the interaction to feel like part of a supportive community. Please consider adding me if this is you... Thanks, Nikki

    SW: 165
    CW 135.0

    Niki, knowing what works for you doesn't make you needy, it means you are self-aware. Consider it a plus! I've not been adding people because I don't expect to be active on the newsfeed. Could we check in here, in this thread? I was only expecting to check in once a week, but have been looking at this thread each day. I've spent close to 90 minutes on the treadmill twice so far this week. That's better than last week. So that makes it a win. How are you doing? Is there a weeks difference between your PW and CW?

    No this week I took a mid week weight just to see how I was doing. That was Sunday to Wednesday. Doubt I'll do that again. Weighing keeps me honest but it also stresses me out.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    R4SNik wrote: »
    R4SNik wrote: »
    Looking for some more friends (I've added many from this thread and they are great) who are active on day to day news feed. I guess I'm needy, but I need the interaction to feel like part of a supportive community. Please consider adding me if this is you... Thanks, Nikki

    SW: 165
    CW 135.0

    Niki, knowing what works for you doesn't make you needy, it means you are self-aware. Consider it a plus! I've not been adding people because I don't expect to be active on the newsfeed. Could we check in here, in this thread? I was only expecting to check in once a week, but have been looking at this thread each day. I've spent close to 90 minutes on the treadmill twice so far this week. That's better than last week. So that makes it a win. How are you doing? Is there a weeks difference between your PW and CW?

    No this week I took a mid week weight just to see how I was doing. That was Sunday to Wednesday. Doubt I'll do that again. Weighing keeps me honest but it also stresses me out.

    I hear that. A double edged sword. I weigh every morning. Some days I'm glad and other days I wish I hadn't. You might consider only changing the weight in your post after your Sunday weigh in. Otherwise, it seems to me, you're setting yourself up to see failure. We just need to keep doing what we know we need to do. Eat right. Aerobic activity. We'll get there!!
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    What does PW mean? Post weight? Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and I think(hope) I will have positive results.
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    _toyatip08 wrote: »
    What does PW mean? Post weight? Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and I think(hope) I will have positive results.

    SW - Starting Weight
    PW - Previous Weight
    CW- Current Weight
    GW - Goal Weight

    Did I miss any?
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    R4SNik wrote: »
    _toyatip08 wrote: »
    What does PW mean? Post weight? Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and I think(hope) I will have positive results.

    SW - Starting Weight
    PW - Previous Weight
    CW- Current Weight
    GW - Goal Weight

    Did I miss any?

    This is perfect! I will post all tomorrow. Thanks!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Rebecca - Thank You, you're right; I don't want to risk our relationship ... for any time. She'll figure it out. And, 'when' she gets serious about it, she'll figure out what it takes.

    Thank you ladies for all your information. I will sign out now and go back to my group that helps me for women my age.

  • Taffy_Le
    Taffy_Le Posts: 176 Member
    I'd love to join! This is definitely a post I needed to see!

    5' 2"
    SW: 156.6
    CW: 142.2
    GW: 117
  • summer21forever
    summer21forever Posts: 61 Member
    If you want you can add me. I can be motivational to the right person :)
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Again, I'm saying this is a great thread! I'm with you, Rebecca -- I weigh everyday. It keeps me focused to know if I overdid or if I'm on track! So -- here are my stats today!
    Height -- 5'3"
    SW (In August) - 152
    CW -- 129 (SO HAPPY!! Feels GREAT to be in the 20's!)
    GW -- 122? Maybe I'll try for 118....

    I've been losing 1 lb./week or so eating between 1100 and 1200 /day --focusing on greens, veggies and fruit, and protein (chicken, fish, turkey, and lots of eggs!) I usually have an Atkins Harvest Trail bar sometime in the afternoon. I walk /jog with the husband and dog everyday for an hour, and try to do a power yoga class once a week. (I do yoga stretches daily, too).

    AND....I have a glass of red wine every single night!! :D

    Congrats, Julie on busting down the 120's door and walking right in! Great they you can keep something special for yourself and enjoy the wine each evening.

    Transitions have been my downfall. When I lost my weight last time, I couldn't adjust back to a reasonable 1800 calories. 1100 to 1200 is a lower than I'm going. But I"m only expecting .5 pounds per week. Any additional loss, will be because of exercise. Still working on getting something regular for exercise.

    Keep it up Julie, we're all behind you and looking strong!
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    R4SNik wrote: »
    _toyatip08 wrote: »
    What does PW mean? Post weight? Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and I think(hope) I will have positive results.

    SW - Starting Weight
    PW - Previous Weight
    CW- Current Weight
    GW - Goal Weight

    Did I miss any?

    PW is typically used, at least in my experience, to mean your last weekly weigh-in. So that the difference between PW and CW is what was lost that week.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Taffy_Le wrote: »
    I'd love to join! This is definitely a post I needed to see!

    5' 2"
    SW: 156.6
    CW: 142.2
    GW: 117

    So great to see so many of us on almost exactly the same journey. Will you post weekly? If so, which day?