5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Age 33, I m 5 ft and 136 lbs.. my goal wt is 110 lbs... Need to reduce 26 lbs... Just starting clean eating and walk...
  • ACory69
    ACory69 Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to be added. 5'1, started at 143lbs. Down a bit, to 137ish, but frankly, it fluctuates with water gain/loss. Have gone between 163 and 104 over the past 10 years, but as I age (47) it gets way harder to stay low. Want to get back to 119. I'm a certified group fitness instructor and teach dance fitness classes, so staying active isn't the problem; eating is the problem. The older I get, the more I want to enjoy the little things, like little cupcakes, and little hand pies, and small cookies. And pecan clusters. And mini Snickers bars.
  • thandyie
    thandyie Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 25, 5ft 3 and 155. GW is 125. Feel free to add me
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    First weigh in 14 days :o


    Mini goal of 70kg for Feb.
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    meee i have about 40 pounds to lose tho. anyone on this thread can feel free to add me
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    First weigh in 14 days :o


    Mini goal of 70kg for Feb.

    Forgot to add previous weigh in 73.1 so not too bad .7kg for the 2 weeks of not logging and eating outside of calorie goal.
  • jfernadas
    jfernadas Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?
  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    jfernadas wrote: »
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?

    Your body needs rest. I would not plan on running 7 days, for many reasons (most people recommend running every other day in the beginning, and going slow and short. A app like C25K is a great resource to help you get started). You can run every other day and do something else in between, but I would still plan at least one day off/easy day for all sorts of reason.

    Also, don't forget that it's not just about exercise. The basic principle of weight loss is less calories in than out. Technically, you should be able to lose weight without exercising if you reduce your calories. I still prefer to burn some calories through exercise, anyway, both for health and appearance.

    Good luck! Try to build your weight loss plan around something you can maintain. Some people are gritty enough that they can knuckle down and do things like run 7 days a week, but I think most of us do better by acknowledging that we're human and make a plan that is easy for us!
  • patl118
    patl118 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I would love to be part of this group and can use some support in my goals. I am age 53, 5'2" 158lbs. My ideal weight is 120. I have tried to loose weight many times and usually fail within a month. I am determined to stick with it. My job is a desk job and I have a long commute so exercise is limited I need creative ideas on how to get that in to my day. I'm usually out of the house at 7:30am and back around 7:00pm. Then I make dinner for my family. I'm totally exhausted by the time dishes are done.? Since starting my job a year ago I have gained 10lbs.
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    jfernadas wrote: »
    I am 5.2
    CW 150lbs
    GW 120lbs
    I would like to lose 30lbs. I am trying to accomplish this goal by running on treadmill for 1hr daily 7 days a week. Do you guys think I can accomplish this goal this way?

    Running doesn't make you lose weight.
    It will help burn calories so if you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.
    Agree with amandadm you need to factor in rest days and also you need to factor in the boredom factor and the failure factor.
    Ie: you will get bored quicker if you don't take a break and you will feel like a failure if you don't stick to your 7 day a week plan. So all in all you are setting yourself up to fail.
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    SW 165
    PW 134
    CW 132.8
    GW 115

    Pretty surprised and happy about this loss over the holiday week. Weighed a day early, because I refuse to weigh on a holiday. Will indulge a little tonight just like I did Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day, but now I know that a little isn't going to stall my loss. Hopefully, I won't worry so much about it.
  • weightwatcher490
    weightwatcher490 Posts: 21 Member
    Amandadancemore is right on. I don't know anyone who would recommend running every day. The body needs recovery time. If you want to do something every day, look for low impact things you can do every other day. The other thing to remember is weight training of some sort...it's important. I have also learned not to count on exercise for weight loss...that is to say, I do it for my health and because I love it.....but I also focus on calories consumed. Burning them is an added bonus. Good luck to you!
  • roma270
    roma270 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone I am 5ft 2 and am currently 68kg and need to get down to 52 I've just had a beautiful baby boy
  • R4SNik
    R4SNik Posts: 37 Member
    First weigh in 14 days :o


    Mini goal of 70kg for Feb.

    Forgot to add previous weigh in 73.1 so not too bad .7kg for the 2 weeks of not logging and eating outside of calorie goal.

    Not bad at all! Now you can get back on track and watch the numbers drop.

  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    You can do it! Good luck! :D
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    I also agree with Amandadancemore. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Start with walking up to 1/2 hour, then start to add jogs. Walking outside is great if weather permits. Runner's World has a lot of great advice for beginning runners. Your muscles, joints, heart and lungs won't be ready right away. I know from experience. It took months for me to get to jogging for 1/2 hour, and months more to get to an hour. You shouldn't increase your distance/time by more than 10% every 2 weeks. Perhaps if you're already pretty fit and exercising regularly, you can do it faster than most. Weight training and good stretching regimen are helpful too. Pain is a great way to stop exercising, so try and keep it to a minimum. Good luck!
  • Steph219
    Steph219 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'1"

    SW 164
    GW 140

    I'm starting weight watchers, so I'm not too sure about my calorie goals. I've had good luck with low carb, and wow seems to be so,ewhat lower carb.
  • graciiekim
    graciiekim Posts: 72 Member
    5'2" student looking to lose about 15-20 lbs, feel free to add me!
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm 23, currently 156 lbs and 5'2. My goal weight is 130, so I have about 25 lbs to go!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Well done, juliemargaretkim! This is day 19 for me. I started at 147, now 143.5. We've all got goals, so let's stick to them. I hope you are all involved in a challenge on MFP. I'm doing a weekly weigh-in for the whole year, and a 30-day shred to get me going. Hope we're not just talking about getting healthier, but DOING it. Go people go! :)
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    Right back at you, Sheilarhartmann! That's fantastic progress! I'm doing the lose 1 lb. a week challenge -- and going to Power Yoga in an hour. I've decided to do the unlimited for a month ($99) pricing -- so I HAVE to go at least twice a week to make it a deal...it's my own personal challenge!
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    PW: 161.6
    CW: 161.4
    GW: 140

    I'm down .2, progress is progress!! My size 4 skinny jeans are fitting perfectly! Have a fantabulous Friday everyone.
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2017
    PW: 147
    CW: 143
    GW: 125
    I am 49, 5'3 small-boned
    My change this past week was to add more biking and to stop snacking between meals..
  • SkyFerret
    SkyFerret Posts: 53 Member
    Oh goodness, yes. 5', 137 lbs, 35 years old. I lost all of the weight I wanted to a couple of years ago, then had an injury and gained it all back. Now I get to start over, woo... Trying to lose about 30 lbs, though I'm really more interested in trimming inches all around. Adds are welcome!

    Have resumed walking my 10k steps and am easing into weight training, don't want to rush and get hurt.
  • bekbek719
    bekbek719 Posts: 1 Member
    hi! i'm 5'3, currently 136 pounds. goal weight 120. i've started just this week trying to eat right and start running!
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    Pw 73.9kg
    Cw 72.8kg
    Gw 63kg
    Delighted with the loss as have been out to eat in restaurants twice this week. I made good choices food wise but the wine!
    I'm off on holidays in 5 weeks just me and my dh on our own without kids, I really want to get under the 70kg by that time. I think it's doable.
    I'm not exercising other than walking the dog, I don't know why as I have exercised all of my life- yoga,pilates, gym, c25k , weight training or swimming. I'm just not feeling it at the moment.
    I'm super busy in work so the real challenge will be eating proper lunches and not grabbing junk food.
    How is everyone else doing?
  • DCRunnerGirl78
    DCRunnerGirl78 Posts: 508 Member
    I haven't had a perfect week...one night where I ate my frustration to the point that I stopped logging, but overall I did well. Exercised everyday, I'm on day 11 of a run streak. I started the year with a new race medal for a New Year's Day 5k. My weight on Monday was 146.4. I was 144.0 this morning! I know that rate won't keep up, but just to have it going down again is encouraging. My goal right now is 135. 130 sounds good, but I'm trying to be realistic at what I can maintain. I'll reevaluate WHEN (not if) I hit 135.
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    I haven't had a perfect week...one night where I ate my frustration to the point that I stopped logging, but overall I did well. Exercised everyday, I'm on day 11 of a run streak. I started the year with a new race medal for a New Year's Day 5k. My weight on Monday was 146.4. I was 144.0 this morning! I know that rate won't keep up, but just to have it going down again is encouraging. My goal right now is 135. 130 sounds good, but I'm trying to be realistic at what I can maintain. I'll reevaluate WHEN (not if) I hit 135.

    Progress not perfection,
    You are doing great, keep at it no matter what. Don't dwell on the slip ups.