December 2016 Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »

    Workout home husband thinks that runners are targets and didn't want me running after dark.

    Are we married to the same person? :*:#

  • tartanhibee
    tartanhibee Posts: 63 Member
    So December didn't really go to plan. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I was out running but just not enough, so looking forward to the new year where I am going to try achieve my goals.

    Miles done 31
    Target 40
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    So December didn't really go to plan.

    You're in good company. Lots of life-getting-in-the-way for me. Looking forward to a fresh new month/year!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Didn't properly finish my log on here but I ran 44 miles in December. More than expected because after I hurt my knee (plus shin pain) I didn't expect to run the last 3 weeks at all! I did miss a few runs.
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    December goal: 100 miles
    12/1: 3.25 miles
    12/2: 2.75 miles
    12/3: 3.15 miles (m)
    12/4: Rest Day
    12/5: 5 miles (2 + 3 treadmill)
    12/6: 4 miles (m)
    12/7: 4 miles
    12/8: 4.35 miles (m)
    12/9: Rest Day
    12/10: 3.5 miles
    12/11: 5 miles (m)
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 4 miles (m)
    12/14: 5 miles (m)
    12/15: 4 miles (m)
    12/16: Rest Day
    12/17: 3 miles (m)
    12/18: 7 miles (m)
    12/19: 3.5 miles (m)
    12/20: 4 miles
    12/21: 3.5 miles
    12/22: 3.5 miles (m)
    12/23: 2.25 miles (m)
    12/24: 3 miles
    12/25: Rest Day
    12/26: 5 miles (m)
    12/27: 3.25 miles (m)
    12/28: 4 miles (m)
    12/29: 3.5 miles
    12/30: Rest Day
    12/31: 3.5 miles (m)

    My Total/December: 101 miles
    Mike's Total: 65 miles

    Took an impromptu rest day on the 30th and then didn't run yesterday morning. By 7:30 pm, I was resigned to having to get on the treadmill if I was going to make my goal when Mike suggested that we try a night time run on the greenbelt. So with our new headlamps and a very excited Fergus we went out for a run in the dark in the woods. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I may have to run at night a little more often!

    Had a ton of posts to catch up on! See you all on the January thread! :)

    Completed Races:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX (35:34.2) *PR

    Upcoming Races:
    1/22 Choco Loco 10K, Houston, TX

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member


    01 - 6.4mi
    05 - 3.4mi
    07 - 1.4mi (preXmas shopping run)
    11 - 6.2mi Over the Bay Bridge
    13 - 6.8mi
    20 - 6.6mi
    24 - 10 mi Treasure Island and back
    29 - 6.6mi
    31 - 6..5..4..3..2.1..(6:54am 3.2 mi, 1 last run) newyearplz.gif?

    YTD: 553

    Thanks to @YouALL for the words of encouragement and vids, suggestions, jokes, and shared milestones.
    Looking forward to seeing you all break tape in 2017
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Walking miles

    1---2 hours on YouTube, and a massage
    2---1.7 in the rain
    6---? Where did the day go?
    7--- pt, 0.25 treadmill
    8-19--- back to work adjustment
    29---1.93 "running"
    31---4.49 walk/run

    2.5/5 running miles
    20.06/50+ walking miles

    I made nearly half of my goal! Haha!

    Advisable races:
    March 19th 2017 RNR Half Dallas, TX
    March 26th 2017 A2A 5k Ardmore, OK
    April 30th 2017 OKC Memorial Marathon, Half

    So excited that you are running again! ☺

    Thanks. It is half as$. Haha! Cuz I only got one side that works. :wink:

    My mama always said I did everything half *kitten*'d... Must have been a premonition.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »

    Workout home husband thinks that runners are targets and didn't want me running after dark.

    Are we married to the same person? :*:#

    Haha.....should we compare notes?????

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    bmelb1 wrote: »
    Tonight was supposed to be my first time trying to run a 5 km race, but it didn't exactly go as planned. It snowed all day, 10 cm by race time, the temperature was -15*C and wind 23 km/hr. I considered not going because I knew there would be no solid footing, it was in the dark, and the race is in an open area where the wind just whips through. I decided to try it anyway and I ended up having a panic attack just before the race. My heart was pounding so hard that I decided 3 minutes into the race to stop running and just walked the 5 km. About half the people in the race ended up walking it so I wasn't the only one. When I checked after the race I realized my heart rate went as high as 195 and most of the race I spent in Zone 5. I'm so disappointed that I didn't run it and now I'm wondering if the 10 km running clinic I signed up for starting Jan 6 was too ambitious. I'm such a slow runner and couldn't even run tonight, maybe I should have signed up for the 5 km clinic instead. Sorry for the whining, I'm hoping I'll feel better about things after I have a good night's sleep tonight.

    . . .

    Resolution Run 5km - 12/31 - walked it in 55 min. 14 sec.

    @bmelb1 - Don't let this experience get you down, it's not normal. A couple weeks ago I ran a 5K with perhaps a touch less snow than you had, and turned in my slowest 5K time ever. Good runners were taking 3.5 minutes longer than normal to complete it. Average runners were taking 5 minutes longer than normal to complete it. The total number of finishers was low, and I suspect some of the slower runners and walkers missed the cutoff for getting an official time.

    The thing is, running in 10 cm of snow isn't the norm. How you did under these conditions doesn't say much about how you could do under more normal conditions. And I'd consider under an hour for walking 3.1 miles in 10 cm of snow to be an pretty good walking result.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @kristinegift-Amazing job on the 2400 miles!!!
  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    December miles total.


    Dec. 1 - Cross training.
    Dec. 2 - Rest/cross training.
    Dec. 3 - Cross training/strength training.
    Dec. 4 - 3.32 miles
    Dec. 5 - Cross training.
    Dec. 6 - 4.86 miles
    Dec. 7 - Cross training/strength training.
    Dec. 8 - Rest.
    Dec. 9 - 6.11 miles
    Dec. 10 - 4.08 miles
    Dec. 11 - 14.07 miles
    Dec. 12 - 35 mins. elliptical.
    Dec. 13 - 5.60 miles
    Dec. 14 - Core De Force/strength training.
    Dec. 15 - 6.02 miles
    Dec. 16 - Rest.
    Dec. 17 - 5.34 miles
    Dec. 18 - 13.2 miles + 20 mins. elliptical.
    Dec. 19 - Core de Force + lifting.
    Dec. 20 - 5.62 miles
    Dec. 21 - Core de Force + lifting and 10 min. weighted jump roping.
    Dec. 22 – 7 miles
    Dec. 23 – Rest day
    Dec. 24 – 5.24 miles
    Dec. 25 – 10 miles
    Dec. 26 – 6 miles + Core de Force.
    Dec. 27 – 70 mins. elliptical
    Dec. 28 – Core de Force + deadlift
    Dec. 29 – 7.38 miles + 5 min. jump rope + deadlift
    Dec. 30 – Rest day
    Dec. 31 – 5 miles + deadlift
  • bmelb1
    bmelb1 Posts: 224 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @bmelb1 - Don't let this experience get you down, it's not normal. A couple weeks ago I ran a 5K with perhaps a touch less snow than you had, and turned in my slowest 5K time ever. Good runners were taking 3.5 minutes longer than normal to complete it. Average runners were taking 5 minutes longer than normal to complete it. The total number of finishers was low, and I suspect some of the slower runners and walkers missed the cutoff for getting an official time.

    The thing is, running in 10 cm of snow isn't the norm. How you did under these conditions doesn't say much about how you could do under more normal conditions. And I'd consider under an hour for walking 3.1 miles in 10 cm of snow to be an pretty good walking result.

    Thank you for your words of encouragement! I guess I'm going to look at my first race as a learning experience. Things don't always go as planned and I need to be able to accept and adapt to whatever happens instead of panicking and getting down on myself.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    @bmelb1 I think that you did great! Heck I can barely walk in 10 cm of snow much less run in it. Kudos to you for attempting it. Don't get discouraged based on it...anything that can get in your way such as heavy wind, rain, exceptionally hot weather will affect your results.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2017
    Frick. Wrong month.... Let's just edit it to look like I'm reposting the January group.....

    Nothing to see here.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Final posting for December ('cause I'm home, finally!):
    104.11% of goal

    01-Dec: 5.42 miles
    02-Dec: 5.26 miles
    03-Dec: 10.49 miles inc. Reindeer Run 10K
    04-Dec: <Life Day>
    05-Dec: 10.33 miles - double day
    06-Dec: 5.48 miles on dreadmill
    07-Dec: 5.56 miles
    08-Dec: 2.77 miles
    09-Dec: 5.51 miles
    10-Dec: - unplanned rest day :P
    11-Dec: <Life Day> but 10.22 miles
    12-Dec: 5.16 miles
    13-Dec: 3.30 miles
    14-Dec: 8.18 miles
    15-Dec: 6.53 miles
    16-Dec: 12.71 miles - double day
    17-Dec: 13.38 miles
    18-Dec: <Life Day>
    19-Dec: 10.16 miles
    20-Dec: 8.68 miles - double day
    21-Dec: 5.77 miles
    22-Dec: 4.03 miles
    23-Dec: 6.73 miles
    24-Dec: 10.50 miles
    25-Dec: <Life Day> - JAPAN
    26-Dec: - JAPAN
    27-Dec: - JAPAN
    28-Dec: 3.63 miles - JAPAN
    29-Dec: - JAPAN
    30-Dec: - JAPAN
    31-Dec: 1.57 miles - JAPAN

    Woke up this morning (relativistically speaking) in Tokyo, gonna sleep tonight in my own bed. It was great trip - good to see my son and how well he's doing, interesting to be in a COMPLETELY foreign country ('cause Europe is only partly foreign, being still Western and all), seeing and experiencing and eating some very different things.

    Made my goal, but lost a day of the 10K step goal on the airplane. Didn't run today (thought about putting in a couple miles tonight just because but it's raining pretty steadily with thunder and lightning, so NO GO!), and tomorrow looks like really yucky weather too, so it's looking like a long run on the dreadmill tomorrow, at or near HMGP (10:41). The race is less than 2 weeks away. I didn't do an actual training plan this time - just my regular 42.5 avg/week, changing the Saturday 10-miler to a HM once a month, for the last 4-5 months. I guess we'll see what happens on 14-Jan.


    Upcoming Races:
    14-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins
    04-Mar: Albany/Snickers HM, Albany
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    BTW - my spreadsheet says I did 1894.73 miles in 2016. And yes, my OCD is kinda having fits. :smiley:
  • ashleighgetsfit14
    ashleighgetsfit14 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm starting over and trying to be more consistent. I have ran off and on for the past two years. Completed several 5ks and walked/ran a half marathon. I'm setting a very low goal of 10 miles for January. Excited to be part of this challenge!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I imagine everyone has already gone to the January thread but I'll close out my December running with this post. I haven't been on due to the holidays and going for a short vacation with some good friends of ours.

    Runs since my last post:

    12/23 - 10.4 road miles in heavy, wet snow. The snow melted, then froze to the roads making it pretty treacherous. I was doing great until midway through the run when I cut to turn and fell on my *kitten* & elbow. It hurt, a lot.
    12/24 - 13.2 road miles in spite of my sore hip & screaming elbow. The roads were icy at the start but the ice started to melt halfway through the run and I stayed upright.
    12/25 - rest
    12/26 - 4.0 road miles in strong wind. This run sucked.
    12/27 - 19.2 road miles! This was meant to be about 10 miles between my son's games at a basketball tournament but he hit his head in the first game and was pulled out for the day as a precaution (he's turned out fine). He wanted to stay for the entire tournament and since I no longer needed to be back for his games, I ran further. An AWESOME RUN and a great pace along the Mississippi River in Minneapolis & St. Paul! An the sights! City skyline, frozen waterfalls, historic ruins, frozen river, aftermath of a car tumbling down the riverbank, and even wild turkeys on the University of Minnesota campus.
    12/28 - rest
    12/29 - 10.1 trail miles on a snowy rail trail in Wisconsin. Beautiful!
    12/30 - rest
    12/31 - 16.9 trail miles on ice covered wooded trails with a local trail running group. Holy crap was it slick! I was caught unprepared. 6 in our group of 8 had traction aids such as screws or yaktrax. I was one of the two who didn't. The other guy was smart and bailed out after 2.5 miles. I stuck with it and fell three times. Still, a great run to end the year!

    So the month ends with 159.5 miles, a new PR for me and easily beat my goal of 135.
    The year ends with 1202.5 miles, another PR (but it was just my first full year of running) but falling woefully short of my year goal of 1500 miles. I'm ok with that because I was able to spend more time sailing this past summer than running, which was awesome.









  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @7lenny7 I love the last photo, the juxtaposition of old and new is one of my favorites to photograph.
  • hootmom109
    hootmom109 Posts: 1 Member
