Started JM 30 Day Shred today, anyone else?



  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    There is someone out there with a huge smile on their face because of the amount of hate the plamk causes :laugh:

    So true!
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Not a fan of the plank either!!! Thanks for the insight of level 2...think I will watch it tomorrow after the kiddos go to bed so I have an idea of what I have ahead of me. Cardio with weight...serious...that could be interesting! Can't wait to hear more about L2!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I watched level 2 after I finished today, and the part that looked the hardest to me was those walk out and back pushups. I tried it, and it was such an akward movement I don't know that I will ever be able to do them in time with them.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I finished Day 7 L1 today. I am still struggling a little with the first cardio circuit but I am getting stronger every day. I am looking forward to moving up to level 2 just for something different. I will still have to follow Anita on the other levels, but I have confidence in myself that I can do just about anything eventually.

    I just realized today was day 8 not 7. That means I will be moving up really soon. I'm not sure I'm ready but I am going to try after day 10. I can always go back down to level 1 if I can't do level 2.
  • dezignz4u
    dezignz4u Posts: 26 Member
    Started today ... Day 1 Level 1 ... it was hard ... all that jumping but I am going to still with it .... will be doing it in the am again ... Lets keep each other encouraged!
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    Oh I feel like a slacker!!! Didn't work out yesterday and I am not going to today. Today is my 3rd day in a row working and it has been some hard tough days. I Work at a hospital on a surgical floor and there has been some hard cases lately. I try not to be hard on myself because I work hard and I am on my feet walking for atleast 7 hours a night while I am working.

    I dont work tomorrow so I Need someone to yell at me monday to make sure i get off my *kitten*!!! :happy:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Sorry to lead you on but cardio with weights ins Level 3...even more to look forward to and she still loves planks in that level...i never really could do with walk out thing so i jsut did it on my knees...My goal was to do it in 30 days...maybe next time i will take longer and master more of the moves...but I can say it works...stick with it husband just commented on how skinny my face is getting!:blushing:
  • zdh1112
    zdh1112 Posts: 1
    Started D1L1 today. I'm hoping to stick to it along with my other exercise. Good luck everybody! :smile:
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I got home from work and started Day 9 L1. About half way through I stopped because I just didn't have the energy to get through. I stopped. Then I was so upset with myself that after about a half hour I started over and did the whole thing from the beginning again. The ironic thing about that is that the first circuit is the hardest for me and I ended up doing that one twice.

    I noticed today that my shins were hurting during the jump rope and the butt kicks. I can't wait to get out of level 1 so I can stop jumping so much. Only one more day.
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Finish day 2 level 2 today and it was challenging. The sweat glands was in overdrive today but I made it through :happy:

    Dusty - glad to see that you stuck with it. don't know if I could have started over. Stay motivated, you are that much closer to level 2.
    zdh1112 - Welcome to the party! You can do it!!
    lazatin - Thanks for the preview:wink: glad to know that it works and to be fore warn of additional planks.
    punk_mama - You can do this, get into a routine. remember its only 20 mins of shredding a day. Let's go!! You can do this!!!!
    dezignz4u - way to go, one step closer to achieving the goal.

    Everyone stay motivated!!!!!!!
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    started level 2 today and my body is hurting but
    i was ready for the change from level 1. hopefully i can
    survive 9 more days...
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Up as far as D9...about to start it in a bit!

    Last week I didn't do any additional cardio so am gonna up that this week!

    Keep going everyone - we're doing brilliant!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Just did D4 L1 this morning - I was a little less sore today than in the past three days, so that makes me happy! The anterior raises still really get to me... and I always have trouble not straining my neck during the ab moves - does anyone have any tips to minimize that?

    Cross your arms in front of you, put your arms on your shoulders and pull your shoulders back =)

    This illustration is raising her head to far, but you get the idea =)

  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Finished L1 this morning! I am ready to start L2 tomorrow. I need to change it up, even though I am worried about it going back to being impossible again.. I will probably take measurements tomorrow, but as of weigh in this morning I have lost 4 pounds since starting. That's pretty amazing. I am so proud of myself for sticking with it.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Just finished D8 L1 today - I didn't have as much energy as I usually do, but I got through it all right. I can't wait to start L2, just to keep things interesting!
  • descohen
    descohen Posts: 1 Member
    I started 30 day shred today.felt like I was going to die. I havent done it for 2 months.Crazy how ur strength and ability deteriorate so quickly.
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Level 2 day 3 complete. planks, planks, planks and planks :laugh:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Right! Did D10! Woohoo! So that's L1 done and dusted!

    The last time I did this, I struggled on D1 on L2 & 3 because I think I was still 'learning' the routines and watching the DVD (which is hard when I'm not facing the tv and I can't wear glasses when I do JM), so I thought I would give L2 a test try straight after, to get me geared up for tomorrow!

    I think I'll get on better with L2 this time round - I hated it last time because there was so much plank, but as I've done No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat and 6 Week 6 pack, I've had a bit of a baptism by fire in plank, so it didn't seem so bad, although I was knackered from having just done L1!

    Am annoyed with my weight- I did lose a lb, but my scales are playing with me at the moment and I'm showing 1lb more than my starting weight :grumble: (of the shred). We'll see what tomorrow brings - I think it's because I didn't do much cardio last week!

    Keep going people!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Keep at it ladies...i just finished 30DS and thought my results might be an inspiration....keep at it...i think it works!

    30SD results

    Neck-1 inch
    Bust-1 inch
    Waist-2.5 inches
    Abs-5 inches
    Hips-4 inches
    Thigh-3.5 inches

    And down 10 pounds!
    Keep at it ladies it really works!

    Results since started this journey 42 days ago
    Neck-1 inch
    Bust-1 inch
    Arm-2 inches
    Waist-7 inches
    Abs-5 inches
    Hips-8 inches
    Thigh-5.5 inches

    And down 17 pounds!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    D8L1 (yesterday) (Natalie! style woohoo, after, gulp, 3 days off!)

    Was still exhausted, so slept through alarm this morning, so not likely to get double dose in today either :(
    So likely D9L1 only today (this afternoon)
    Am annoyed with my weight- I did lose a lb, but my scales are playing with me at the moment and I'm showing 1lb more than my starting weight grumble (of the shred). We'll see what tomorrow brings - I think it's because I didn't do much cardio last week!
    Did you track your inches? I would imagine if you have before & after pics, you are MUCH more toned!!
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