90 Day Transformation Challenge - Jan 1 thru March 31



  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    Tuesday Check-in
    I survived the holidays LOL -The goodies have been packaged away- I couldn't throw out the goodies - so they're in the freezer in the basement - I have no desire to eat any of it - when I'm meal prepping I need to cut extra veg since I snack on them :) so the diet side of things is going well. Although the walnuts have been calling me - a handful a day for a few weeks now !!! Yum!
    I've been good with my core exercises (modified physical therapy exs) and walking at least 20 minutes a day. I've aggravated my shoulder so I need to keep it low impact for a few more days while it works itself out, then back on track...it's not how many times I get knocked down it's how many times I get up :smile:
    Have a great week everyone
  • homey2510
    homey2510 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    just found this and still want to be apart of the challenge. I want to stay between 1200-1500; lose 25-30lbs and exercise 3-4 times per week. Will post pictures tonight
  • ilorraine221
    ilorraine221 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017

    1. Nutrition Goals: 1400 calories. Each healthy.
    2. Fitness Goals: 10,000 steps/day.
    Debbie Seiber's Slim in six.
    3. Stats:
    - weight: 150
    - msmts: 40-35-41

  • lisarudder9864
    lisarudder9864 Posts: 28 Member
    1. Nutrition goals. Stay around 1200 a day. Lower fatg in my daily routine. Lose 30 pds
    2. Fitness goal. Walk up to 10,000 steps
    3. Stats 145pds want to be 115 pds.
  • JB_DBS
    JB_DBS Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to join. I totally went off the rails. In Sep. I was 203. 1/1 I was 244. My dad has been having health problems and I handled it in the worst possible way. My ultimate goal is 180. I'm so mad at myself, but I know I have to just let it go and move on from where I am now.

    Nutrition goals:
    Eat healthy foods and maintain macros near 40,30,30. Allow one (AND ONLY ONE) cheat evening per week. Daily caloric goal is 1900.

    Fitness goals:
    6 workouts per week. I go to a gym that mixes cardio/strength. I'm also trying to run. I have a 10k scheduled in April (scheduled prior to derailment). I also have a sprint-tri scheduled for 5/20 and a half marathon scheduled for memorial day. I will need to do a workout of swim/bike/run at least once a week as part of my 6.

    I only know weight. 244. Ultimate goal is 180. Goal for 3/31 is 220.
    I will measure c/w/h and post back soon.
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    Glad to have so many join us! If you haven't already done so, add some or all people as friends...it is the easiest way to stay accountable! You can add a status daily on your page and 'like' and comment on others posts similar to FB.

    Day 3....keep up the focus everyone!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Hello. Please add me. Will add everything once I get home tonight.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Day 3 is almost done for me and was a super success. Leg day and 30 minute cardio and planks, met my calorie goal and protein macros. C'mon Wednesday...bring it on.
  • lisarudder9864
    lisarudder9864 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    Jan 3 update - planned rest day and food packed for tomorrow. Hit my macros today!

    Challenge Goal Tally To Date
    Strength: 1/38
    Cardio: 1/26
    Stretch: 0/13
    Rest: 1/13
    Macros: 2/77 (77/90 = 85%)
  • kellyalwayshikes
    kellyalwayshikes Posts: 3 Member
    Hit the gym and did crazy workout with daughter and friend. Stairclimber for 45:00, treadmill sprints and then ab workout. I think I'll stick to a nice slow run tomorrow without daughter and her friend.
  • kenneth_echo
    kenneth_echo Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join in, recently started back up P90X so this should keep me right on track with you guys/ girls. I've been very fit before, college/ work/life has kinda tossed me off track and I'm ready to hop back on board and be happy in my body.

    I'm 6ft tall 195 idea body weight being 195-200... But I'm hoping to drop body fat percentage from around 15% down to below 10%.

    Weekly routine
    Arms/ shoulders
    Rest/ stretch

    Abs every other day

    Nutrition goals are to stay around 2500 calories consuming under 50 carbs a day, 200 grams of protein and the rest of my calories in fat. Paleo style diet/Atkins/ketogenic mix.

  • pslindeman
    pslindeman Posts: 47 Member
    You'll be in shape in no time! Good luck
  • Karebear_6
    Karebear_6 Posts: 4 Member
  • Karebear_6
    Karebear_6 Posts: 4 Member
    Plan - nutrition 1200 calories, exercise 10 000 steps. Weight 169 pounds, measurements 42-36-43
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    Count me in! I'm looking forward to the added motivation.
    1. Stay at 2100 calories per day without going over. Hit my macros consistently at 40/30/30.
    2. Increase all of my major lifts. I would like to squat 225 in 90 days.
    3. 170 lbs, 33 inch waist.
  • dithie79
    dithie79 Posts: 4 Member
    I am late adding to the group, but would love to see if this helps me maintain more consistency. I have been very fit in the past (last 5 years) but wax and wane with my long term consistency. I am in an 8 month rut. My goal is to build the consistency into my life so that health and fitness don't become something I am always starting, but something that is naturally a part of my life.

    Goal: Food - try two new recipes each week to build on my healthy eating repertoire. I am not a cook, so this is a big deal for me.
    Water - get in my 8 glasses each day
    Exercise - consistently workout 3 times per week by the end of this 90 day period.

    Unsure of my measurements at this time, so I will post later.
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 512 Member
    Started well: ate well, went to spin class but still had a doozy of a migraine last night and the remnants this morning. I guess eating one day well is not enough. Still planning on attending a barre class this morning and maybe the Les Mills Body Pump- I need to see how I am feeling. I love the positivity of everyone on this page and am inspired by all your stories. I have no idea how to friend someone, maybe I can research that later today.
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    Okay, just saw this post and would like to join.

    1. Stay below the calorie goal set by MFP, currently 1720.
    2. Walk/Steps for 30 minutes per day along with Strength Training 3XWk
    3. SW: (1/1/17) 284
    CW: 279.4
    GW: (3/31/17) 260