your input please gentlemen...



  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    wow. this post's answers are an eye opener... Interesting...

    I know! I keep hitting the refresh button!
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    These anorexic looking Hollywood women that some people say are so beautiful just really don't do a thing for me, except make me want to take them a sandwich or two. I can't remember her name, but the lady in the Pirates of the Carribean movies doesn't even look healthy at all.

    First thing I notice usually is a woman's smile and her attitude...or at least that's the first thing that I notice that will hold my attention for more than a few seconds. If she seems to be enjoying herself and laughing, then in my mind I think "Hey, I can make her laugh...I got a shot." I may notice something else at a glance, but that's just cuz I'm a's what we do...sorry ladies, no offense meant at all.
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    wow. this post's answers are an eye opener... Interesting...

    Elaborate lol =D.

    Well personally I don't think many women have realized that this is what some men prefer! Many of us gals are conditioned to thinking that we need to physically look a certain way. I think hearing all these comments are good for us in realizing that:

    1. Its not always about looks!
    2. Guys like us, regardless of our body shape and type (weight is not the "dealbreaker"
    3. Confidence is key
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    wow. this post's answers are an eye opener... Interesting...

    I know! I keep hitting the refresh button!

    Elaborate lol!!

    Seriously...I as a male who 'voted'...would like you guys input as well. Tell us what you're thinking! =p

    And don't get me wrong...a smokin hot body is a big plus...but it's not a deal breaker is my point.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    wow. this post's answers are an eye opener... Interesting...

    Elaborate lol =D.

    Well personally I don't think many women have realized that this is what some men prefer! Many of us gals are conditioned to thinking that we need to physically look a certain way. I think hearing all these comments are good for us in realizing that:

    1. Its not always about looks!
    2. Guys like us, regardless of our body shape and type

    Thank you hun =D.

    And yes...yes, we do.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think Jam hit the nail on the head.

    This thread is like an open door into the way men see women. It's refreshing to hear that not all men want a size 0 Barbie doll.
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.


    Hey, if they're wiggling in my direction, there's not a single one of them that doesn't look completely fine. Seriously.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.

    Not sure if it's offensive - at least I don't think it is, but what I found interesting was to find what I see myself as, and what my goal would look like.

    My boyfriend said that he thinks 2 and 3 are what the media deems 'beautiful' - and he wishes that women like 8,9, and 11 would replace that. I see myself as a 9, and I want to be a 3 or 5 ;)

    I like 12 and 13. 11 is ok, but bordering on too skinny.
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    wow. this post's answers are an eye opener... Interesting...

    Elaborate lol =D.

    Well personally I don't think many women have realized that this is what some men prefer! Many of us gals are conditioned to thinking that we need to physically look a certain way. I think hearing all these comments are good for us in realizing that:

    1. Its not always about looks!
    2. Guys like us, regardless of our body shape and type (weight is not the "dealbreaker"
    3. Confidence is key

    I think on both sides of the coin, it comes down to confidence and personality that attracts us to one another in the long run. That first initial attraction is purely based on physical attraction. As this post is geared towards that, you have most of our answers... I've found (even when I was overweight) that any girl COULD find me attractive if they got to know me... because I like to flirt, say nice things, and genuinely be a nice guy. I've had close women friends call me a "genuine charmer" before, because I don't just say something to you to "get in your pants" or anything stupid... I say it cause I mean it. If someone is confident, there's not much that can stand in their way.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.


    I like 4, 8, and 15. I like pudgy the most. Most important for me is the face, the rest of the body, as long as she's not super obese is fine.
  • emciriaco
    emciriaco Posts: 41
    I think you would have a hard time finding two guys that like the exact same type.

    VERY true!!!

    I have more guy friends than girl friends (always have, probably always will) and the only thing they all agree on is that the Kate Moss waif look of the '90s is not attractive and that no one should be able to see definition in your collarbone.

    Whoever said that a guy wants to be able to hug a girl without fear of breaking her repeated something I've heard many times before. But I also know that guys like girls with confidence, and until a girl is comfortable in her skin, she's not going to exude that confidence that they like.

    Just my $0.02.
  • emciriaco
    emciriaco Posts: 41
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.


    Hey, if they're wiggling in my direction, there's not a single one of them that doesn't look completely fine. Seriously.

    THIS is written by a true man! LOL :laugh:
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member

    I like 12 and 13. 11 is ok, but bordering on too skinny.

    You just made my day. I was about to ask: "Any votes for #13?" :D
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member

    You just made my day. I was about to ask: "Any votes for #13?" :D

    If I were voting for just one, #13 would be my choice. But probably that's because of the way she's dressed and her facial expression. She looks like she's trying to decide whether to hurt me or just have her way. To which I say, "either way!"
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member

    You just made my day. I was about to ask: "Any votes for #13?" :D

    If I were voting for just one, #13 would be my choice. But probably that's because of the way she's dressed and her facial expression. She looks like she's trying to decide whether to hurt me or just have her way. To which I say, "either way!"

    LMAO!!!! Either way would work for me too!!!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I think you would have a hard time finding two guys that like the exact same type.
    So much this.

    Anyway, in regard to the chart, I'd have to say I find most of them appealing in one way or another, minus 20 and 21 and 10's boobs (although somehow 4's boobs are totes awesome).

    #1 looks like my last SO, and I liked how strong she made me feel.

    At various times I guess I've been with girls who represented all of those sizes (excluding the above exclusions, of course) and I liked them for various reasons. How much I like you is based so much more on how well we can carry a conversation together and how much I laugh when I'm with you. I hate dating girls who don't make me laugh at all, and with whom conversation is a struggle!
  • hannahbaby417
    This is a fantastic topic. I'm so glad someone brought it up. Even though we hear guys say that they like curves and confidence, it's hard to keep that in mind when most of the images of women we see in the media on a daily basis are wicked thin- and I'm not talking about normal people but people that are spotlighted as "beautiful" or "attractive." It doesn't matter how confident you are, I'm pretty sure every girl/woman is going to feel self concious about their size if they don't fit the Hollywood mold. That's why it's so nice to have confirmation like this that we're just fine the way we are. Although, google images of Marilyn Monroe and other fabulous curvy women don't hurt either : )
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think on both sides of the coin, it comes down to confidence and personality that attracts us to one another in the long run. That first initial attraction is purely based on physical attraction. As this post is geared towards that, you have most of our answers... I've found (even when I was overweight) that any girl COULD find me attractive if they got to know me... because I like to flirt, say nice things, and genuinely be a nice guy. I've had close women friends call me a "genuine charmer" before, because I don't just say something to you to "get in your pants" or anything stupid... I say it cause I mean it. If someone is confident, there's not much that can stand in their way.

    Sean and I think much alike lol.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I think on both sides of the coin, it comes down to confidence and personality that attracts us to one another in the long run. That first initial attraction is purely based on physical attraction. As this post is geared towards that, you have most of our answers... I've found (even when I was overweight) that any girl COULD find me attractive if they got to know me... because I like to flirt, say nice things, and genuinely be a nice guy. I've had close women friends call me a "genuine charmer" before, because I don't just say something to you to "get in your pants" or anything stupid... I say it cause I mean it. If someone is confident, there's not much that can stand in their way.

    Gonna have to second this one as well. I'm totally not into shy, quiet girls. If you a demure and a "stand back and let the world pass" kind of a person, I will lose interest in minutes, even if you are insanely hot.