Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Meredith, what a joy it is to be a teacher :). I do find that actually "exercising" is my problem too... because I do move around enough!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    In case anyone doesn't know or was wondering... the little star in the right hand corner at the top acts like a bookmark. That way you'll get notifcations of when someone posts and can follow. :) I just recently learned that is what the star was for! I just unfavored the other thread, because I know we won't use that anymore!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!
  • radicalmom
    radicalmom Posts: 54 Member
    Hi I would to join in on this thread. Sounds like positive people here! Rejoined MFP this week, trying to get back on track and develop some healthy habits. My biggest issues are stress and tired eating. I loved some of your ideas way to take care of yourself. My clothes have become ill -fitting and I don't want to go up another size, so hopefully with some tracking and exercising and community, I can fit back into my work wardrobe.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i am going to look for my hand weights and put them next to my computer table. that worked well for me before... every now and then i bend down, pick them up and do some exercises. after a few weeks, i really felt stronger! hopefully i'll be able to find them this weekend.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I should bring my 5lb weights to work and do that too! Great idea!!
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all -

    It has been a few days since I've checked in! Like many of you, I went back to work and hit a full-on schedule!! MISSED YOU GUYS! <3

    Also working with a couple of friends to teach them to crochet.

    Keeping busy keeps my mind off food and snacking.

    Doing well with eating and tracking - need to get a plan togther to get moving!! Me and a friend are joining a local gym to motivate each other.

    I tried the ginger tea and almost killed myself ! lol :p - way to strong on the first batch - but underneath all the nonsense - there was a good flavor! Gonna try again tonight with just a few slices of ginger!

    Have a great day!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    welcome, @radicalmom ! the more the merrier.

    hi, Paige, welcome back. i hope the tea works better tonight! :)

  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi ladies! Haven't checked in for a while but I have been reading, so good to read your goals and how you are all going :) tonight a couple of friends and I and the husband went out for dinner and while everyone ordered ribs, burgers and fries, I ordered a grilled chicken breast and a side salad (I do indulge from time to time but today was not the day I wanted to indulge) all my friends (and the husband) made fun of me for ordering that and it's the first time that I didn't care! I felt so much better by eating well and being active that being teased is worth it. So my goal is to be strong when my mother in law comes in two days and she does tease me about my healthy eating a lot, and in previous occasion I've always caved in and ordered something that I didn't want just to be 'normal' but this time I'm determined to be strong :) have a great day ladies!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, Sunny! good for you for ordering exactly what you want. peer pressure can be tough, but you're tougher!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, everyone! It's #%(*& freezing here today! Perhaps I'll burn off some extra calories trying to keep my body temperature up.

    I cracked a little today after two (what I would call) perfect days. I bought a muffin with my breakfast. I argued with myself about buying it all the way to the counter, and ended up saying the words "banana nut muffin". I did track it, though, and I will work on making up for the extra calories later. Probably I'll do that by having a salad for dinner.

    The shower install was halted halfway through yesterday due to a problem with the hot water, and it looks like it won't get resolved until tomorrow. I'm optimistic I will be able to shower in my own home by the weekend, a major plus in habitability.

    I've got a crazy busy day scheduled, so food won't be on my mind much. I will continue to work on my water and steps, and hope for the best.

    have a beautiful day,
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning, all!!

    My day went from starting off OK, to ending poorly. Apparently I have been showing signs that I have been too tense, at work. I of course broke down into tears. Currently I have been going through a burst of a lot of stress, between: family, friends, finances, etc. Normally I am pretty good at keeping my emotions in check, but that has not been the case. However, I have not been fueling my feelings. I have gone over in calories, but I have been pretty good with working on portion control. Plus, it does not help that shark week will commence at any day now. These feelings are just a bit extreme this month. That is probably the majority of the reason why I am feeling this way.

    I also have been having issues with my kittens. They need to be spayed/neutered. Unfortunately with the way my finances are, I've had to keep pushing it back and back and back. That time now has come to where now I am reaping the consequences. My little girl kitten is terrified of the boy cat currently and ended up peeing on my bed last night. I was SO angry, but I couldn't be mad at her, for it is my fault. I was also very angry with him, but he is not to blame, I am. So I read somewhere about putting Vicks on the back of her neck and it's supposed to be a deterrent. Well... I think it sort of helps. I am hoping to call the vet today. to get him in at least to get his remaining shots and then get him fixed ASAP. Then I will work on her. I feel like a bad fur mom!

    So here are my beautiful behaviors I am aiming for today:

    ---Smiling and checking my attitude at the door. So far so good. (But, there are some not so friendly people that make it challenging to be friendly, sometimes)
    ---Drink all of my water. I have to work at both jobs tonight, so my movement will be limited
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Why is it that friends and family tease us about eating healthy instead of encouraging and praising us? Maybe when we are getting teased, we should pose that question. ;)

    I have a dinner meeting tonight with a limited menu selection. Plan on getting either a seafood or chicken selection and no dessert. I will track everything.

    No selling here - just friendly advice from your resident nurse practitioner....Interestingly, the US News and World Report determined that the Dash Diet is the best overall healthy eating plan, again, this year. This eating plan started out as a way to help patients control their blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health - but has turned out to be the most well-rounded way to eat. Not really a diet per se as much as a lifestyle. Check it out. This is the recommendation I make to my patients as well. Information on the plan is free - so don't get sucked into buying anything!! The Mayo clinic (great source for health information, by the way) has a good summary:

    Jess - isn't it amazing what we take for granted - like showering at home. I learned that when we had three hurricanes come through central Florida one year and our electricity was out for over a week!

    Have a great day everyone !

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Libby, sending you hugs for an easier day today! Have you checked out the local ASPCA or other places for a lower cost fixing for the kitties?

    Paige, it's nice to have a nurse on board! :) I just reviewed the info at the link you posted, and it seems like a good sense dietary plan. Thanks for sharing!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    How is everyone's day going? I am pissed at myself for having that muffin, but I'm not going to let it derail me as it may have done in the past (like, oh damn I screwed up, I might as well quit).

    It's a busy day here in the office for me, so I'm running around to different conference rooms, and of course, downstairs to Tim Horton's for bkfst, lunch, and a mid-morning iced tea to add some water consumption to my day.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Jess -- Great attitude! I defintely have your old mindset still lingering. I am working on it every day, though! You have had two good days, this little slip is ok! You are doing fantastic!

    I looked on the website and found a couple places, so I have an appointment set on Monday for both of them!! Day has been much easier so far. Less tension, for sure!

    I have also had a couple nanny potential opportunitites... whew. Thankful for better days!\

    Thanks for sharing, Paige. I am reading it as I type!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    libby, I'm so happy today is better for you!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member

    Thank you for sharing your tribulations. They make me feel like its okay to share. Yesterday, I watched my intake, exercised, ...

    Today, I couldn't move. I'm craving carrots and apples, and indulging.

    My beautiful habits for the day are mostly of the self care variety.
    1. I accept that I am no longer a youth and that rest is necessary
    2. I accept the people I already know as perfect friends and extend love to them by sending prayers and text messages to them.

    Now, I best go get those messages sent.

    Have a joyous day, all who come here!

  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    The Dash Diet sounds like a well balanced excellent diet that includes all food groups. Libby I'm glad your day is better - life can be so stressful sometimes hey, but you can always vent here :) Jess don't worry a muffin doesn't really make much difference in calories over all. Well done on keeping a good attitude.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    aw, Lea, glad we made you feel able to open up. i too am learning to accept the passage of youth. i'm much easier on myself than i used to be.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! Today is my day off, so I'm home with the construction crew. Big news for the day is: MY REFRIGERATOR is being delivered! Woohoo, there'll be a lot less takeout once I get a chance to go shopping today or tomorrow.

    I can't help comparing this time with previous weight loss efforts. Right now I'm at a place that sometimes proves dangerous... three or four days into my journey. The newness is starting to wear off. I thrive on change and get bored very easily. (Food is one of the ways I used to use to get through boredom.) (It feels good to say "used to use".)

    That's why I like to make each week a new challenge for myself with a baby step. This week, for me, it's all about staying within my calorie allotment. So far, I've done that two out of three days. I'm pleased. :)

    How do you keep yourself motivated from one day to the next?

    have a beautiful day,