January 2017 Running Challenge



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Time for my rant. Garmin blows when it comes to calorie calculations, at least for the FR220. It is so inconsistent. Here's my splits from yesterday. Some splits are missing because I accidentally hit the lap button a couple of times. Only full mile splits are shown below.


    If I go by the standard calculation of Calories/mile = 0.63 x weight (lbs) I get 135 calories. (for a flat grade).

    The first mile is above that, likely because my HR always spikes in that first mile, but how can my calorie split vary so wildly? On long runs Garmin always starts dropping my calories towards the end. I guess since I'm trying lose weight I should go with what it tells me, but the results have caused me to lose faith in the numbers.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Jan 1-5.3 miles
    Jan 2- Rest day- P90X3 yoga
    Jan 3- 6 miles w/ 3 @ tempo
    Jan 4-5.1 miles (1 with crazy Stella)
    Jan 5-5 miles treadmill fartlek run
    Jan 6- 4 miles total -1 mile warm up outside with Stella then 3 miles of intervals on dreadmill
    Jan 7-7.7 miles
    Jan 8-14 miles

    Thanks @skippygirlsmom for those links and to everyone else who responded to my question. Lots of great info in those links. It's always good to be smart about running in extreme weather. I did manage to get out for 14 miles yesterday afternoon. I waited until 11:30 when the temps warmed up a bit. It was 13F with wind chills in the single digits, so not nearly as cold as my Saturday run and a bit warmer than I was expecting. The sun was even melting the snow in some places on the road. I wore two pairs of gloves with hand warmers inside and ended up ditching the hand warmers at mile 5. This was completely unexpected because my hands are usually what is numb and cold. All in all, the run wasn't too bad. There was a definite difference when running into the wind though, and since I was a bit wet, that was really the only time I was uncomfortable. I could have easily finished up my 16, but I was back in my subdivision at 13 and didn't feel like doing three miles of cul de sac torture when I was cold and wet, just for the sake of getting in the extra miles. I know in past years I would have sucked it up and lumbered through those last 2 miles. Maybe I am maturing as a runner or maybe I am just becoming lazy, I'm not sure which, but I felt like I had accomplished the point of my run and didn't really have any reason to keep going. Plus, the Steelers were playing!

    @lissadecker - OMG, Fergus and George are so cute! Fergus looks like a natural runner!

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Morning non-functional check in. Achilles/calf feel about 90% today. Also, got referral for PT should hear from them by the end of the week. Go figure, I start feeling better and then get the referral. Still going to make thr appt when they contact me. I figure it's good to get checked out even if I'm feeling better.

    Planning to try a 1-3 mile run tomorrow. Plan is if I feel any pain, I stop and walk. I'll be starting early enough that I could walk most of it and still be done on time. Hoping rest and icing has taken care of it, but we'll see. Seeing thr PT will be a big help I think.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @patrikc333 - I am no expert in terminology, but I suspect the difference between riding and cycling is like the difference between running and jogging. I'm a runner. To me, jogging is recovery between speed intervals. (Insert joke of choice about difference between runners and joggers.)

    I am not a cyclist. The serious cyclists will blow right past me. I might get out an ride a few times, and I won't feel the least bit insulted to be called a bike rider and not a cyclist.

    @7lenny7 - It's not just Garmin. All calorie burned calculations are trash in terms of telling me how much I can eat. None of them are accurate enough, so I ignore them all and just watch what the scale does. I can't always tell why I need to eat more or eat less to make the weight trend sideways, but I can record the daily weight, see a trend, and take appropriate action.

    @MNLittleFinn - Glad to hear you're feeling better. If you're still feeling pretty good when you see the PT, ask what you can do to make that persist. In 20-20 hindsight, I notice that my Achilles problem happened in the wake of letting my final two months of work squeeze all the one-leg weighted calf raises out of my routine. They're back in the routine again, along with a couple things the PT gave me.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Our temps are on the rise and I'm hoping for a short run after work but it's gonna be a windy one :angry: Both today and tomorrow.

    I saw a guy ride by my office this morning on a bike that had tiny wheels. I love seeing interesting bikes. One guy rides a unicycle downtown :D

    @MNLittleFinn Good luck with the PT.

    I really struggled with asthma over the weekend so I think next time our temps plummet to single degree wind or otherwise, I should wear a buff to warm the air I'm breathing in. Frustrating because summer heat sets it off too. Rarely is the weather just right for running :p
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hey! It may actually be warm enough to walk outside at lunch today. God I hate walking laps around the atrium!

    @MNLittleFinn good luck with the PT. I've been having very slight pains in my right Achilles, which has me a little concerned. I've had three days of rest and it seems to be feeling better now. Fingers crossed.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @juliet3455 Most people have electric heat in the South and they are heat pumps, they just can't keep up when it's only 20F out.

    Funny story... my son used to be obsessed with heat pumps. Here in the Chicago area, they are pretty rare so whenever we found one he would be so happy, and want to take a video of it. He would also watch heat pump videos on YouTube. My son is very mechanically minded, and he tells me he hopes to study Mechanical Engineering in college. He loves to know how things work, and heat pumps were a particular favorite.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @lporter229 that's an interesting problem. We don't have Sub zero temps very often or for very long. Im sure there are some sub zero weather runners that will chime in.

    I have no experience. But I came across information a few years ago, because when I started running in 30°F, mentally it was sub zero, now 30 is perfect running weather. Anyhow, I came across one person that bought ski gear to run in. I'm not sure if that's the same as the thermal leggings your friend used, or if there were layers involved. What about the under garments for skiing? Chili Willie's or hot somethings?

    Sorry for the rambling... wish I had a real answer. I am anxious to hear others experiences.

    Here's RW's take in -10 (not sure if that's c/f) https://www.google.com/amp/www.runnersworld.com/ask-the-sports-doc/tips-for-running-in-sub-zero-weather?amp

    ETA when I was a kid there was this urban legend of a kid on a bike whose ear froze off because he didn't have a hat on. Texas. No kid ever had a winter hat..

    I know I'm late to respond to the question about running in the cold, but my thoughts are if I'd ski in the weather, I can certainly run in it. Now, I wouldn't wear what I wear to ski (Ski jacket and snowpants) to run in. I'd get way too hot. A lot of downhill skiing is time spent riding on the chairlifts, which are very cold. When you're actually skiing, you get warmed up pretty good. I'd ski in windchills down to -10 F. When it gets cold for running, I wear my hot chilly ski socks (they are very long and cover the shins), running tights with fleece lined running pants as an outer layer, 1 or 2 long sleeve tech shirts depending on how cold, fleece jacket, windbreaker as my exterior layer, neck warmer, fleece headband and a hat (my ears get cold easy) and glove liner with another pair of thicker gloves. I've worn this in windchill temps of -2 F and was very comfortable.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I know I'm late to respond to the question about running in the cold, but my thoughts are if I'd ski in the weather, I can certainly run in it.

    Interesting. I was with the Army at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska for several years in the late 80s/early 90s. The ski slope on post would close all operations if the air temp was colder than -10, but we were required to run outdoors for PT unless the air temp was colder than -20 (but, that said, we didn't run very far at those temps and we got to do every other part of PT indoors).

    Reflections on running at -20 and skiing at -10: neither is a very pleasant outing, lol, but with the right attire the running was less unpleasant. Being on a chairlift in the extreme cold is just brutal. Mix in even a slight wind and it's downright torture.
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    1/9 - 4 mi.
    Jan. Total: 27.5/90

    Well, it's a Monday in every sense of the word. A balmy 4 degrees here in Maine. Took morning off to meet plumber at my house for an installation and they had to reschedule last minute (grrr). Then had a crappy work-related phone call and a feeling of general gloom settled over me. On the plus side...channelled my frustration by running on the treadmill and ran my best time yet! Take that Monday!!!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    January goal: 100 miles
    1/1: 3.6 miles (m)
    1/2: Downpour Day
    1/3: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/4: 4 miles (m)
    1/5: 5 miles (m)
    1/6: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/7: 4 miles (m)
    1/8: 6 miles (m)
    1/9: Rest Day

    My Total/January: 31.6 miles
    Mike's Total: 31.7 miles

    Taking a rest day today but had a nice 6 mile afternoon run with Mike and Fergus yesterday. I actually did the second mile in under 11 minutes (10:49) which is pretty darned fast for me. The other 5 were all under 12 minutes per mile each so I am feeling pretty good about the whole run, especially considering that I was at 13-14 minutes per mile just a few months ago. Again, I have not really been actively trying to get faster; I think it is just a by-product of working on good form and being persistent. I'm sure the cooler temps and lower humidity are helping, too. Still, I'll take it!

    Looks like I am going to have to scrap my plans for the Choco Loco race this month. We've hit a bit of a rough patch financially and I just don't have the budget for entry fees right now. It is disappointing, but it isn't like it keeps me from running.

    @AdrianChr92 That stove is lovely!

    @bmelb1 I hope you get better resolution on those clinics. What a bummer! Try not to let it get you down and certainly don't let it stop you! :)

    @ddmom0811 I agree with you wholeheartedly on the cooler temps! We rarely get them here in Houston either and the past week has been such great running weather most of the time...especially when the humidity has dropped along with the temp! Enjoy it while you can!

    @lporter229 Fergus is most definitely a natural runner. You can't really tell from the picture, but his back end is built like a greyhound's. He has got some giddy-up, for sure. We've gone as long as 7 miles with him and he was still bouncing around and wanting to go further. Of course, we are running pretty slow compared to what he can do. Still, I have no idea at what point we would max out his distance. At the moment, we poop out long before he does so it isn't really a concern!

    Have a fabulous rest of the day!

    Completed Races:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX (35:34.2) *PR

    Upcoming Races:
    1/22 Choco Loco 10K, Houston, TX

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @juliet3455 Most people have electric heat in the South and they are heat pumps, they just can't keep up when it's only 20F out.

    Funny story... my son used to be obsessed with heat pumps. Here in the Chicago area, they are pretty rare so whenever we found one he would be so happy, and want to take a video of it. He would also watch heat pump videos on YouTube. My son is very mechanically minded, and he tells me he hopes to study Mechanical Engineering in college. He loves to know how things work, and heat pumps were a particular favorite.

    @respectthekitty he can have my heat pump ha ha!! When I lived in Jersey the first thing I did when I brought my house was have gas hot water baseboard heat installed (it had electric forced hot air). I talked to a few people about gas here and they think I'm insane. When I stand under my ducts when the heat comes on it's actually chilly, how the heck can that heat my house. I did have to replace the unit a couple years ago and it did make a big difference on the efficiency of the unit.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I know I'm late to respond to the question about running in the cold, but my thoughts are if I'd ski in the weather, I can certainly run in it.

    Interesting. I was with the Army at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska for several years in the late 80s/early 90s. The ski slope on post would close all operations if the air temp was colder than -10, but we were required to run outdoors for PT unless the air temp was colder than -20 (but, that said, we didn't run very far at those temps and we got to do every other part of PT indoors).

    Reflections on running at -20 and skiing at -10: neither is a very pleasant outing, lol, but with the right attire the running was less unpleasant. Being on a chairlift in the extreme cold is just brutal. Mix in even a slight wind and it's downright torture.

    Also note that the reason I'm skiing in -10 is because I live in Texas and have traveled a long way to ski. If I lived near the slopes, I'd pass. Lol!! This year, I'm skiing in March so it should be nice and balmy!! :smiley:
  • melaniefay82
    melaniefay82 Posts: 34 Member
    I still have no miles for January due to illness, but am here creeping around regardless. Hoping to start easing back in tomorrow. I have a four mile prediction race, Dirty Snowflake, this weekend and only 12 weeks away from the Fools 25k. Patience with this virus is growing shorter by the minute.
  • melaniefay82
    melaniefay82 Posts: 34 Member
    @AdrianChr92 Neat stove! I'd love to have that in my house!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    1/5-2.39 miles & Pilates
    1/7-Rest day
    1/9-Pilates & 2.5 miles on the treadmill

    @jennkain97 running barefoot? Does it hurt? I'm such a princess. I couldn't do it. I have this fear of something sticking to the bottom of my feet. I love the beach but I'm the person walking around in the sand on their tippy toes whining.


  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Rest day today, only 3 miles in the snow at -17 Celsius


    January 1 - 12.1 km
    January 2 - 7.0 km
    January 3 - 12.9+5.3 km
    January 4 - 11.5 km
    January 5 - 7.0 km
    January 6 - 3.8 km
    January 7 - 9.45 km
    January 8 - 9.8+6.0 km
    January 9 - 5.2 km

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @tdbernrd Your comment made me laugh. I'm a princess who never goes barefoot also :)

    @melaniefay82 Sorry you've been ill!

    @RespectTheKitty I walk "laps" through my building which is actually a zigzag from one side to the other. I have figured 1 full trip from front corner to opposite back corner AND BACK to be only a 1/10th mile. So I have to do 10 laps (or 20 single trips) to get 1 measly mile :-p I walk inside only when everyone else leaves. I can't walk outside because I have to answer the phone.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @7lenny7 -I am always skeptical about calorie counts from any device. I no longer keep track of my calories burned from running. I spent enough time in maintenance while logging my food to pretty accurately assess my TDEE with running. If I average 35 mpw, I maintain my weight by eating a rough average of 1800 calories per day. When my weekly mileage starts to increase, I increase my daily calorie allowance proportionally by about 70 calories per mile (I weigh 100 lbs, so it works out). I have been maintaining this way for about 2 years. I continue to log my food because of other health issues and to ensure that I am eating enough to support my running. But the up side to this approach is that I no longer view my runs in terms of calories burned and I don't really tend to eat more on long run days than any other day of the week. Some days I am slightly over and other days I am under. For example, last week I was over 3 days and under 4, but I was 33 calories off from my weekly goal based on the 7 day average. I think spreading it out this way also helps a lot to keep me at a constant weight.