massage by a man or woman???? does it matter to you????



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I had my first massage recently and it was very professional/clinical. There was absolutely no sexual component.

    I had a woman but it wouldn't have mattered either way to me, as long as the therapist was good at his/her job, listened to my needs, and acted professionally.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    edited January 2017
    hey there friends! I am in desperate need of general public opinion :smile:

    If you scheduled a massage would it matter to you if your therapist were a man or a woman?
    would it make no difference? would you want the option to choose ahead of time?

    I ask because I am a massage therapist (female) and need to hire another therapist to help out in my practice but I'm not sure if I should consider any sex or only females ( is that even legal? idk and part of my fear!) I have had mostly male applicants and I find myself frozen not contacting anyone for an interview. I've realized I need some feedback! I have asked a few clients and most friends/family and almost 80% say no to a male therapist. Reasons vary from my husband wouldn't be comfortable with that/I don't want a man touching me (mostly said by men)/I would think there would be a sexual component to the massage (mostly said by women).

    I've been a therapist for over 10 years so I am well aware of how amazing any therapist can be but from a business owner stand point I must consider if it's worth going through the rigors of hiring someone only to have no on book with them :-(

    Thanks smart mfp friends! I look forward to some feedback so I can move forward!

    There are two issues here - 1. what gender should you hire and 2. what do I prefer.

    1. Hire a woman. Far more people have objections to men than women. My OH says, "I don't want a guy rubbing me."

    2. I prefer men because they tend to be stronger. (Of course there are strong women, but my sampling shows that men are stronger in general and women who go deep get injured faster.)

    For those of you who say massage isn't a sexual experience, well, it certainly is a sensual experience, and that can easily transition to sexual arousal.

    George Costanza, "I think it moved."
  • dngallimore
    dngallimore Posts: 20 Member
    I am a massage therapist who let my license lapse 2 years ago. My husband is a massage therapist who makes a good living full-time. While it is true that it is more difficult for my husband to procure clients, one or two sessions with him, and people are sold. I think the secrets to his success have been his over-the-top professionalism and high ethical standards, clean-cut appearance, the fact that he gives a damn good massage and he takes time to educate his clients about the different modalities and why he recommends them specifically for their needs. In other words, customer service!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Well I put my answer to the test the other day, the only appointment available was a male (Miles) and it was a great experience. Very relaxing and he was very skilled at both massage and being polite and courteous, even more so than the women I have had massage me! Maybe because he wanted to make extra sure to make people comfortable, who knows.

    Funnily enough the women at the front desk said he gets the most requests out of all of their massage therapists!

  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Well for me I don't mind either. Male or female are very good. I have always had respectful massages.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Neither... massages make me feel weird when they are not given by a significant other.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    I couldn't care less, just fix my hamstrings! Please!
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Still prefer male massage therapist, way more comfortable with them normally a bit more heavy handed , nothing sexual about it I'm there I sort my back and legs. So far not fond a female massage therapist I liked, would actually avoid a salon with only female massage therapist would assume it was for some weird reason they were only hiring females