

  • velvetwing
    its never too late! Welcome to the GREEN TEAM :bigsmile:
  • erinthefirst
    I don't know if you're still accepting new members, but I would love to join - it always helps to have a little healthy competition. :)

    I weigh in at 238lbs

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Felixanvk
    Hi I would like to be a member of your team, if you still welcome!
    My weight is 207...
    My goal is to loose enough to be 150
  • smendek910
    WoooooHoooooo 2.2lbs. lost!!! Not as much as I thought but I'll take it:drinker:
    Present Weight: 187.8
    Goal Weight by June 1st: 145
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Great Job Smendek!!!! And welcome New Comers!!! Its great to have you!!!

    I lost 1 pound this week- not as much as I was hoping either, but still great!
    Last Week: 155.5
    This week: 154.5
    Goal 135-140

    I had a great workout this morning, so I am feeling pretty good about my day so far- off to class!!

    Hope everyone's weigh in's go well!!!! Good luck! ;)
  • smendek910
    CONGRATS to you as well kels0724 - it's hard work (I wish it was as easy as putting it on-lol) but every pound it worth it!!!:flowerforyou:

    FYI: If anyone, like me, got hit with the snow storm last night and you have to shovel like I did at 6:30am - I just researched and found out that 1 hour of shoveling snow for a 190lb. person = 518 calories burn:laugh:
  • loser4real
    Great job guys!

    I only had a 1 lb. lost this week, but I'll take it. They all add up!

    Now keep up the great work! And welcome, newcomers!
  • smendek910
    Good Morning loser4real - GOOD JOB!!! As long as you keep losing, you're one step closer to your goal!:wink:
    Keep up the good work
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good morning GREEN TEAM!!! I too had a 1 pound loss!! 1 pd a week is a great goal. I am now 1 pd. away from when I found out I was pregnant back in jul 2006!!! Sure my body still looks different and needs to be RESHAPED!! LOL

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi team mates!! Well, I gained two lbs since my (personal) weigh-in on Friday :sad: :sad: So, now that I'm officially using Wednesday, here are my new stats (sucks to see my ticker go down not up!!!) - :noway: :frown:

    Starting: 200
    Today: 197
    Goal: 150

    I guess it could've been more, but I still feel good and hope for next week! I'm trying to smile, see:wink:
  • smendek910
    Hey Christie don't get bummed - you'll make it up next week. Remember, you weighed in on Friday and our bodies fluctuate so much I wouldn't worrry about it buddy:flowerforyou:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hang in there Porka29!! Don't get discouraged! :happy: Have a great day!!!!
  • smendek910
    Congrats lynettep - Keep it up:flowerforyou:
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    FINALLY ! it is weigh in day!! had a little bit of anxiety while sleeping last nite.....geezzzzzzzzzz! :ohwell:

    robsonraujo, erinthefirst, and felixanvk WELCOME to the Green Team, glad to have on this journey with us. check in whenever you can, we are all here for you, ANYTIME!! good luck on your wt loss!!

    Well, my initial wt was 210.4 on 1/18, last Wednesday was 205.8, and today is 202.0. So I am down 3.8 for the week and down 8.4 in 10 days. Am sure most of it is water. I am anxious to get below 200 now. Mini goal, yes.

    smendek910 ~ yippy for 2.2 GONE! i have read that too, that snow shoveling is a huge calorie burner. just be careful not to injure yourself, and stay warm! :)

    kels0724 ~ congrats on the -1! what a great way to start the day ~ exercising = energized!

    loser4real ~ good job on your loss today! scale goin the right way! keep it up!

    lynettep ~ yeah for you! what a great feeling to be at pre-preg wt! i am at my TERM wt with baby #1 :grumble:

    porka29 ~ you still show a loss since starting, and you have a positive outlook! i know you can do it! i am smiling with you!! :smile: [hugs]

    skinny vibes to the rest of the team! GO GREEN!
  • smendek910
    :drinker: Congrats to you kellya - WOW 8.4 in 10 days - that's great. Who cares if it's water weight - it's gone and that's all that matters.
    Keep up the good work & have a great day!!:flowerforyou:
  • lovejoy_nr
    lovejoy_nr Posts: 25 Member
    Kellya - I had anxiety too! I had a dream last night that I was going on a tour somewhere (vacation - what a fantasy) and the tour guide said, "ma'am, please hold your arms out (like the letter 't')". I held my arms out and then the tour guide said "please be sure to not let your arms flap in the wind during the tour, you can get caught on it". :embarassed: I don't know what it would have gotton caught on in the dream, but I was sure embarassed even when I woke up this morning!

    Anywho, initial weight was 220 and today was 216. Woohoo!
  • briakiss
    Last week: 219
    This week:218
    Goal: 160

  • smendek910
    briakiss don't be upset about only losing 1 pound - at least you lost's better than not losing or even gaining
    Keep on trying and you will be successful:wink:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    We need to give ourselves a pat on the back!! We are an awesome team! Everyone that lost 1 pd. (including me) keep positive!! Pick up something today that weighs a pound. I just did.....WOW!! Crazy to think I have lost 3 lbs....I really can do this!!! It is now hitting me...

    Congrats to everyone!!! Heading to the gym to do my 45 min. of cardio!:happy:
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Yeah it's finally weigh in day!

    Last week's weight: 279.8
    This week's weight: 277.8

    I lost 2 Lbs! I was hoping for more, but something's better than nothing right? I've just added strength training in, so hopefully that will help.

    Sounds like we all are doing well!