
  • Hey velvetwing - I feel for you sister - I'm addicted to WaWa French Vanilla Creamer, can't have coffee without it! I hope it doesn't mess up my weigh-in. I tried the Fat-Free kind but it just doesn't taste the same......
    Good luck tomorrow to everyone with our weigh-in.
    GO GREEN!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lovejoy_nr
    lovejoy_nr Posts: 25 Member
    Hi n2dfire and velvetwing! Thank you both!

    My starting weight is 220 - January 19, 2009. :embarassed:
  • my weakness is redbull. hubby is out right now getting me one, lol
    i LOVE them. :love:
    and i had a weak moment last night:grumble:
    damn that nacho cheese!
    but Im on track today, haven't even had my first snack yet.
    gooo green!
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193
    Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't been around lately. Ive been having some internet issues. I think it's ok now. It seems like everyone is doing well. Btw-I really like those 40 cal fudge pops too. And 60 cal sugar free puddings.

    Anyway, I started the 30 day shred today. OMG, I felt like jelly after. I like it because it doesnt require any dance like moves (I have no balance). I highly recomend this. Each session is only 20 minutes. I dont have a heart rate monitor that displays calories burned, but ordered one last week. I'll let ya'll know.

    I hope everone is doing well. See yall tomorrow on the scale. Good luck!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey Sexy Green Beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up and about (11am) getting ready for breakfast, have to go for the pilates today as my tendon is a little sore today.......and I fear I don't have a scale to weigh tomorrow....but can tell you I know I have lost quite a bit.......I can tell my belly is smaller and my yoga pants are fitting a little loose in the belly department. If I had to guess I would have to say that I have lost ALOT this first 1.5 weeks, but for the sake of being true to myself I think I will estimating my weight tomorrow at 1 pound.....unless :wink: I run over to someones house for a weigh in...........

    Anyway ya'll Get your water in today and push for an extra 30 mins......THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE WORKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • About to head to the gym for my last chance workout before weigh in tomorrow. Hope you all have a wonderful workout today--if you've already had yours, good job!

    Lynettep - thanks for the fudgsicle info, I'm gonna have to pick some up next time I'm at the market. And I'm glad you got in your measurements too…I was astounded to see the results after two months. Sure, my clothes were obviously looser but seeing the numbers in black and white got me really excited. I think I am going to stick to the two month frequency too. Between that, the weekly weigh-ins, and quarterly lab draws, I think together they are a good indication of progress (otherwise I'd go crazy if it were just the scale!).

    Kellya - regarding your milk question, I drink unsweetened soy or almond milk. Love it. Super low in sugar/carbs, and so tasty!

    All right, the rest of you, hope you have a great rest of day! Workout hard and no late afternoon vending machine trips. :smile:

    Go green!
  • I dont have a heart rate monitor that displays calories burned, but ordered one last week. I'll let ya'll know.

    BTW looking forward to hearing how you like your HRM once you get it, chimpoco!
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Good afternoon, greenies! Sorry I wasn't around much these last few days. Weekends are always tough for me and this past one was no exception:grumble: . I ate badly and did no exercise but I did drink all my water. Unfortunately, the weekend spilled over into yesterday and today and I just can't seem to shake it:frown: . I think staying off the scale has done more damage for me than good. I'm just hoping I don't see a gain. Even staying the same would be ok for me.

    I've got to get back to logging my food and exercise. Fortunately, The Biggest Loser is on tonight and my inspiration will be revitalized.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Hey everyone..I am ready to weigh in, even tho I am nervous because I drank so many cals sat:drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey Sexy Green Beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up and about (11am) getting ready for breakfast, have to go for the pilates today as my tendon is a little sore today.......and I fear I don't have a scale to weigh tomorrow....but can tell you I know I have lost quite a bit.......I can tell my belly is smaller and my yoga pants are fitting a little loose in the belly department. If I had to guess I would have to say that I have lost ALOT this first 1.5 weeks, but for the sake of being true to myself I think I will estimating my weight tomorrow at 1 pound.....unless :wink: I run over to someones house for a weigh in...........

    Anyway ya'll Get your water in today and push for an extra 30 mins......THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE WORKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Do you have one at your grocery? I know that's embarassing but you could do that then estimate for clothes to be taken off. Or got any friends or family who work at a dr office or hospital?
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I will see.....I am at a clients tomorrow until 4pm, maybe on my way home I will stop in at target :blushing: and weigh myself....hahahahahahaha

    I will get to a damn scale somehow.......I know I have lost...I just feel it.

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I will see.....I am at a clients tomorrow until 4pm, maybe on my way home I will stop in at target :blushing: and weigh myself....hahahahahahaha

    I will get to a damn scale somehow.......I know I have lost...I just feel it.

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is a darn good idea to go to Target!!!!! Test several products to ensure the are correct :laugh: :laugh:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Well guys I just had some soup and grilled cheese. I am done for the night...still have 3 hrs. before bed. Gotta keep busy so I don't snack later!! Wish me luck. :grumble:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Lynette- you can do it! just think of how good it will feel in the morning when you step on that scale and know you did everything you could this week!!! good luck- we are on your side so keep up the good work!!!

    Sassie- thanks for the motivating words~ your do an extra 30 minutes- made me get up and go work out a bit more!! thanks - hopefully i'll see it on the scales!!

    good luck everyone~ can't wait to hear about al your succusses and about our plan for week 2~!!! woohoo!!
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Hey Green Team!

    Just finished my last chance workout. I did strength training for 40 Minutes, doing tri's, Bi's, legs and Abs. Then i did 25 minutes on the Eliptical and burned 300 calories. I hope it is enough! I hope to lose about 3-4 lbs this week because I have worked so hard, I had no slip up, no cheating, not even really a temptation.

    Good Luck to everyone! Weight loss wishes going your way!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good job Holly!! Sounds like you had a GREAT week no matter what the scale says tomorrow you deserve a big CONGRATS!!! You have the determination!!! I know you will see good results!!

    I just brushed my teeth and busy putting my son to bed......not tempted anymore to eat. Thanks for the encouraging words KELS!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    GOOD JOB GREENIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE DID GREAT THIS WEEK! No matter what happens on the scale tomorrow I am so proud to be a part of the Green Team, it is so nice to have the support of others.......when I get pooped out during a workout, I just close my eyes and you are all in my livingroom doing it with me.....when I am tempted to sneak in the kitchen and geta snack late at night, your all there blockin the fridge, when I need a hand, your all thrown ropes my way....but kinda creeps me out when you all hang out in my bathroom from all the water I drink......but aside from that I am so glad I got started again.....and happy to be GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    YAY GREEN TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Sassie, you crack me up:laugh: BL starts here in an hour and 10 minutes. This is my most favoriste show of all time (no, really!!)

    I'm feeling better now and am eating some cottage cheese with mixed fruit for dinner.

    Good luck tomorrow, green team
  • I really really need to pull from all of your strenth tonight. Lots of drama with my teen daughter who decided to lash out then run away. She is back now but Im a wreck. I want to go have my rum and coke but Im not going to because I need to weigh tomorrow LOL. I stayed in my cal's today *yeah* but I need to go drink some water. My excercise was chasing teen down the street lol.
    Tomorrow is a good day! :happy:
  • robsonaraujo
    robsonaraujo Posts: 47 Member
    I like to be part of the green team,,, it is to late???
    name is Rob, last weak weight was 265... today 263

    got 43 to lose....
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