Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and seeking some ongoing motivation/support - here's why...

    I am an obese 22 year old. I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember and am a serial yoyo-er. I was always the 'big kid' through grade school and graduated high school with about 180 lbs on my 5'6" frame. By the winter of my second year of university I had cracked the 200 lb mark. Seeing that on the scales shocked me and I made some changes that year - started eating better and set some goals to start running, lose the weight, and feel more confident. By the fall of 2013 I had completed two 10K running races and I was down 25 lbs to 175 lb (woohoo!). But alas, it didn't last...

    The stress of completing a engineering degree coupled with turmoil in relationships, both friends and romantic, hormonal weight gain (thanks birth control!) and shear lack of motivation meant that all the weight piled back on - significantly easier than it came off! Just over two years later (December 2015) and I had creeped back up to a staggering 220 lbs. The yoyo had caught back up with me and I am now in the same position I was 3 years ago, desperately needing to make a change in order to lose the excess weight, gain back my self-confidence and reduce the likelihood of developing severe health issues.

    So here is my main goal - 60 lbs lost in 2017.

    Seems almost impossible when I consider how difficult the 25 lbs was three short years ago. But I've made good progress thus far - I'm already back down 8 lbs. My hope is that with a restricted calorie, macro based nutrition plan coupled with 3 strength training workouts and at least 2 high intensity cardio workouts a week I can drop 20-25 lbs by the end of March with a goal of being down 50 lbs by the start of fall.

    My ambitious goal are the reason I need a better support system than the last time around. I want the yoyo to stop and am looking for some friends to help keep me accountable and motivated. Based on the look of some of the posts here, I seem to have found that group :) I can't wait to be an involved member of this community!
  • kaba100
    kaba100 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I have just got back on the bandwagon after a rather lazy 2016.

    Im a 32 year old female. I have about 40 to 50kg to loose. This will be the year I am successful!!!!! I am currently living in Thailand and going to the gym daily with my fiance. He has been a great motivator.

    I have never reached my goal weight but everything feels on track to achieve it this year. I will be getting married end of 2017 so it's a very big motivator for me. We also would like to start having kids in 2018. So there are some big items I would like to achieve.

    I have no scales where I live. Which is great. Because too often I rely on them as my tracker...and we all know how fickle they can be!! So I will only weigh every few months.

    If you want to connect that would be great! Feel free to ad me :)
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Time is becoming my enemy. Free tome that is. I am up 15 pounds! I haven't been exercising instead I've been snacking. My intake has been 1600-2000 calories normal and acceptable for most men, not me. That and no walking. Free idle couch time.
    I think ive gone a little crazy too with my impending surgery. The prospect of never eating a huge meal with copious amounts of wine is weighing on me. Honestly, its been years since I have and i haven't missed it. I see junk food that i could have if i wanted and think in a week eating that will probably make me sick. Its freaking me out.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,951 Member
    @pneschich I'm no therapist and I've never been where you are but... I suspect you are not alone. Isn't there a bariatric surgery therapist? It sounds like you should change your focus. You will be able to walk again someday, and when you do, you won't be lugging around all that excess. You'll be as free as a bird! And as light as a feather! And you'll get to do things with your family that you never could before. <3 hugs
  • finzup
    finzup Posts: 78 Member
    hi everyone, i'm 44 and need to lose 115ish pounds. I'm a serial dieter and have been overweight since probably 8 years old. I've been as small as a size 12 and now at a size 20-22. I have never reached my goal weight in my life, due to issues self sabotage and emotional eating.
    I REALLY have a problem with self sabotage and emotional eating so would love to make friends with others that are going through this.
    Anyone in the same boat want work together to support each other?

  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    This morning has been both good and bad...

    The good is that I saw my doctor, and all of my numbers are awesome! I've lost three more pounds (almost eight pounds since the last time I saw her), and she was super impressed that my A1C* is at 5.9 -- just three months ago it was 7.8 (and it hasn't been under 6.0 since I was diagnosed with type 2!). She was also thrilled with my cholesterol numbers, and my blood pressure was actually normal. It's amazing the difference that 30 pounds -- and better eating habits -- has made to my overall health.

    The bad is that I lost a pearl from a double-pearl ring that used to be my mom's, and that I've worn every day since she died (14 months ago). The ring featured a white pearl and a black pearl, and sometime after I left the house this morning the black one fell off. :( It's been more upsetting than I would have expected. I'll check the car later and the house when I get home, but it's probably gone. I will take the ring to a jeweler and see about replacing the black pearl; they'll have to find one the same size and shape as the white one, which could take time, but I have to at least try.

    *A Hemoglobin A1C is a lab test that provides a 3-month-average blood sugar level. The standard range for non-diabetics is 4.3 - 5.8 (per Kaiser Permanente; WebMD says 4.0 - 5.6).

    @pinkstarberry - Like MermaidPrincessRach, I'm impressed that you were able to eat out every day but not gain any weight! That's awesome! :) I also second the questions she and skinnyjeanzbound asked about your college program. What will you be studying?

    @RobinB0812 - 2.2 pounds in your first week is amazing! Way to go!

    @gullagr - Try not to think too much about the "60" part...those big numbers can definitely start to feel impossible/overwhelming. Just try to focus on slow but steady loss, and feel proud of yourself for the 8 pounds you're already down! You've definitely got this!

    @kaba100 - No scales is kind of awesome! I think I'm finally starting to get past my scale obsession. :)

    @pneschich - I second the "therapy" recommendation. Sounds like you could really use a trained ear/shoulder. I'm sorry things are so tough for you right now!

    @finzup - I'm 45 with a total of 103 pounds to lose, overweight since I was 14, and I'm working through my own emotional eating issues. I sent you a friend request. :) At the risk of sounding like a broken record, have you considered therapy? I see someone twice a month (every other week), and it's been more helpful than I expected.
  • TheMerryBoffin
    TheMerryBoffin Posts: 15 Member
    @Misnomer971 - congrats on that A1C drop. That's truly a significant change in just a few months! Keep up the good work. :smiley:

    @finzup - Welcome! You are in the right place. Everyone here has been so supportive and encouraging, and full of useful advice/tips. You are not on this journey alone! Feels great, huh?
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @finzup - I can totally relate where emotional eating is concerned! After a bad day I am more than happy to sit down to a butter laden bowl of popcorn, bag of chips, or a good ol' tub of Ben & Jerry's while I sit on my butt and watch crap TV! My #1 suggestion - eliminate the temptation. I recently cleansed my cupboards of all the garbage snacks/junk food. It's amazing how much less likely I am to go on an emotional eating binge when the options are carrot sticks, almonds or yogurt! I've tried turning instead to a slow walk with my dog or even a short meditation session as a pick me up. There are so many online resources/apps that are great (I personally like the app Headspace which has quick 10 minute meditation sessions). Weight loss is a grueling journey - remember to take pride in even the smallest of successes :)

    @Misnomer971 - Thats an awesome drop! Keep it up :) It's too bad about the pearl - hopefully you'll find it safe and sound!

    Fitness Friday - I'm headed off on a weekend visit to my BF's family. It'll probably be difficult to fit much in where workouts are concerned but I'll be keeping up my 1+ hr walk/day with my dog and will try and find the motivation to squeeze in a quick at-home workout (body-weight squats, push-ups from knees, jumping jacks, etc.). Will let you all know how I fare!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach and @Misnomer971 this feeling seems to be quite common for other bariatric patients. I have a support group meeting next Thursday so don't worry about me. I'm feeling like everything is so much bigger than I can control so I'm treating it like the ocean. When I was young and foolhardy before kids and houses I would sometimes get myself out too far on a day I shouldn't have gone out and would surrender to the greater power of the ocean. I would have to wait until it let me chart my own path again. It always did. Sometimes I went places I didn't really want to go but I always made it home. I'm drier and warmer this time around. I can see the shore too.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pneschich --I love your ocean analogy. :)

    @gullagr --What kind of dog do you have? I love my dog for so many reasons, not the least of which is his ability to get me out the door for a walk even when I'm not motivated to go. :)

    @Misnomer971 -- congrats on your numbers! So sorry about the pearl--it hurts to lose something with sentimental value. I'm sure a good jeweler will be able to replace it so you can continue to wear your mother's ring.

    @finzup --welcome to the group! I've also battled my weight since childhood and have gotten very close to my goal, but never quite there. I got down to a size 10-12 a couple of years ago, but have gained about 15 lbs, so now the 12s are tight and I'm living in a few older pairs of 14s b/c I'm too stubborn to buy new pants in that size. The good news is we are both fighting the fight, and we will get there.

    @kaba100 --welcome to the thread!!

    @RobinB0812 --Oh wow, welcome back!!! I'm sorry about your back, but it sounds like you are already turning it around. I'm also struggling to move the scale in the right direction after 2 years of it creeping up. We will do this together!! :smile:

    Friday Fitness:
    To be honest, this week has been pretty light on the fitness. I've really just been babying my sore Achilles and trying to focus on nutrition. Luckily that has been under control.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + ab video DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + ab video NOT DONE
    Thurs-- rest day (blood donation)
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + ab video
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym + ab video
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    edited January 2017
    A quick check in on this dreary Saturday in South Florida.

    I've lost another 1.6 pounds but won't record my weight until Wednesday. Though I am not restricting when I weigh, I am only recoding weekly.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life and it's wrecking havoc on my back problems which are not new. It was comforting to see some familiar faces when I popped back in! :)

    @finzup - with a screen name like that, would it be correct to assume you are also from south Florida? ;) Feel free to send a friend request!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! B)
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Back again after a 2 year break, when of course I gained everything I lost and more! Today is day one and staying in touch via this message board really helped me feel connected last time. Sharing the ups and downs and to know that others are going thru the same things and have often conquered the problems helps. I may not comment too often but I used to check the board daily. Hopefully, 2017 will be a banner year for all of us!

    BTW @RobinB0812 here in south west FL the sun is out and it's a balmy 77 degrees! Beautiful day, I even rode my bike for the first time in over a year! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @bapcarrier --Wow, it's like a little robin's thread reunion! So nice to see some long lost faces. Can't wait to see who else pops in. Chicago isn't quite as warm, but we're looking forward to 50s next week which is downright balmy for us in January. ;)
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - I have a Duck Tolling Retriever X. I can't agree more, having a dog is an awesome motivation to maintain some minimum exercise of just walking on daily basis!

    This weekend has been tricky for nutrition - it's been hard to keep it clean and healthy when it's others that are cooking for you! I managed to mostly keep with lean proteins and veggies but did cheat and have a few perogies and a couple glasses of red wine with dinner last night (worth it!). Did my best to make up for it this morning though with a quick body weight workout that I could do from my bedroom (lunges, modified push ups, burpees, planks, and squats).

    Sharing Sunday - My BF and I have been toying with the idea of an Iceland vacation this coming fall. Another motivation to keep me going on my weight loss journey. The less weight on = the easier hiking through Icelandic fjords will be especially since my asthma is worse when I have weight on!

    Looking forward to getting back on track with my nutrition and exercise routine after a weekend away :)
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,951 Member
    You guys make me want to get a dog ... But I can't right now. Can't afford the vet bills. :confused: I have thought about getting a pet stroller so I can take my cat for a walk. But he'd probably howl the whole time like when we go for a car ride.
  • bobbi55
    bobbi55 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I've finished cooking Birthday dinner for my grandson. Waiting for the family to arrive. I made myself lot's of yummy things so I won't feel left out. But I need to stay away from the cake. Can I take 2 bites and stop, not sure. I will send it all home with him. I'm 62, married, 2 grown boys, and 4 grandchildren, 2boys 2 girls.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Went to log in and realized I hadn't done my bike riding yet today. Since I just started back counting, logging and exercising yesterday you can see I'm not yet in the habit of doing what I need to. So I went out and rode my bike! I don't ride far or for very long right now but bike riding is one of the only exercises I really enjoy so I figure it's better than nothing. Hard to change habits when you're going on70 years old and are used to reading, playing on the computer and working part time doing medical billing (sitting at a computer again!) I do walk my little dog, Jazz, but she will be 16 in 6 weeks and has been having some problems lately so I have to be careful how far I let her walk. Anyway, I'm proud to say I kept to my calories and did some exercise today. :)

    @skinnyjeanzbound I was wondering if I would recognize anyone after almost two years, glad to see familiar faces and the new ones too! I remember that you were always so good at messaging and keeping everyone's spirts up, glad to see you still are!

    @finzup I too tend to sabotage myself. Maybe with the support of people here we can both conquer it this time around!

    @Misnomer971 congrats on all the good things happening and I'm so sorry to hear about the pearl. I hope you can find a replacement so you'll have your Mom's ring back on your finger soon!

    Wishing you all a great evening, a wonderful day tomorrow and successful week ahead!
  • jazzy727
    jazzy727 Posts: 2 Member
    Newbie here too. Feel so much better when I have some constraints on my eating. I'm 56 and have not been a normal weight in thirty, gulp, thirty years. Still, here I am, keeping on keeping on. A breast cancer dx a few years ago plus other life events helped me gain an additional 30 #. Mostly I just like to eat. Happily I do like to eat healthy, but I can binge on just about anything. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • suzannesb139
    suzannesb139 Posts: 4 Member
    I joined a week ago. I just want to say y'all are inspiring to me. I feel like I have so much to lose and it comes off so slowly. It is so difficult to remain positive, but I need a hip replacement, and I have to lose weight first because of other complications. I can't walk, can't stand more than about 3 minutes a time, so exercise is non-existent. I keep saying I'm going to begin to do some chair yoga to at least start stretching, but I haven't even started that. I don't know why I don't do what I know I should, and I want. Am I lazy? Am I hardheaded? Scared? I don't know, probably some of all. Anyway, it's nice to lay out my frustrations (hopefully) without judgement to folks who may know how I feel.
  • amandaoliverio257
    Hi, Everyone! :) I've been gone for over a year. I had lost 60 lbs in 4 months before and felt great. I was dropping pants sizes and feeling better about myself... I felt attractive!

    Sadly, I gained all the weight back plus some. I even had to drag out the bag of "fat clothes" I intended to give away! Ugh! I have well over a 100 lbs to lose (like 150!) to be my ideal weight.

    I have milestones like everyone - little weight goals related to a memory or a time in life, but I'd really love to be under 200. It'd be the first time under 200 since high school! And I'm 34.

    I've lost 14 lbs so far and and am amazed at how much more energy I have and how much better I'm sleeping because I felt depressed awful. Some can relate, I'm sure.

    Right now, I'm trying to look at small victories (10lbs) at a time and not thinking of the 150. It can be too overwhelming at this point, and I don't want to quit. I can't quit. I don't want to go into another year fat, self-defeated, and not enjoying life how I'd like to. So....

    I'm going to go study (which is what I need to be doing right now, haha), but I needed to write this out. I imagine we all have moments when we question if we can do it, if the struggle is worth it, and would rather go stuff our face with our favorite foods, and I was having a moment!!!!

    I am thankful for MFP, an outlet to share this, and seeing encouraging people fighting daily with similar battles. Regardless of weight, we're worth the battle. And I'm hoping we all win.

    I apologize for the long post, and I if I don't respond to comments. I really have to study! Haha Have a great day and WE CAN DO THIS!!! ☺