Maintenance Check January 2017



  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    My name is Irina.
    Starting weight 220 lbs.
    Current 151 lbs.
    Took about 8 months to lose
    Maintaining for 2 months
    Would like to stay within 148-153 lbs range for now. Maybe eventually try to go down a little more or aim for recomp.
    January 2nd -152 lbs
    January 9th - 150.8 lbs
    January 16th - 152.2 lbs
    Success / struggles of the week : working on improving, aka limiting, my nightly snacking . Time after dinner and before 11.00- 11.30 seems the most difficult for me, with too little to do and too many temptations. Also, after last week's anniversary dinner out with a couple of drinks, saw a weight jump up close to 3 lbs. Somehow too muxh seafood affects me this way, took most of last week's too get the numbers back down, including a couple of rides over the weekend (yeahhhh!, always makes me happy ), but i did it. Scared of gaining back, so I'm a bit paranoid sometimes.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Snooozie wrote: »
    I would love to join once I get BACK to maintenance.. I flunked it the first time never having been there before.. But well on the way back to GW so will def come back when I get back to maintenance again - great idea to continue the support, specially when you make that transition from loss to maintenance and don't know what you're doing LOL..

    What snoozie said... I have bookmarked this thread and once I am back to maintenance I will post! Great idea!
  • Philly927
    Philly927 Posts: 14 Member
    I've recently gone from the lose weight to the 'maintain' stage. Feel free to add me!!
  • Philly927
    Philly927 Posts: 14 Member
    Name: Philip
    Total Weight lost: 15
    Time it took to lose:~90 days
    How long in maintenance:1 week
    Maintenance weight range:155-160
    Add me!
  • jazzyspender
    jazzyspender Posts: 49 Member
    Name: Jazzy
    Total Weight lost: 35 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 3 mo.
    How long in maintenance: 4.5 months
    Maintenance weight range: 130-135

    What an awesome idea!
    Gained about 5 lbs over holidays and trying to get back under the 135 mark. Working out
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Name: Em
    Total Weight lost: 70 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2+ years... but only about a year once I actually got serious about it.
    How long in maintenance: 2.5 years
    Maintenance weight range: 125 to 135 (wide range, I know, but it works for me... usually)

    Weigh in..
    28DEC16: 139 lbs
    04JAN: 137 lbs
    11JAN: 137 lbs again
    18JAN: 136 lbs... still above maintenance range, daggonit!

    Success/struggles of the week: This week's struggle has been getting up in the mornings to train. And I'm getting frustrated that I'm still hovering above maintenance... I'll just have to remember this the next time I mentally check out. Success - even though I'm still slightly above maintenance, I'm grateful I caught it before it was more than 5 lbs above, and I DID slide back down a pound. :) On a bright note, my clothes are fitting better and better. :mrgreen:

  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Name: Nia

    Week of...
    2nd January: 61 kg.
    19th January: 61 kg
    23rd January:
    30th January:

    Still at happy level! Although I revised my happy range as I have been hitting the gym really hard lately and I feel this is very comfortable weight for me
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Looks like nearly everyone is doing well this month with their maintenance goals. Yay for us!
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    Week of...
    2nd January: 185.6 pounds
    9th January: 185.0 pounds
    16th January: 185.0 pounds
    23rd January:
    30th January:

    Now three weeks in to maintenance, enough to start reporting trend weight, rather than actual daily scale weight.
    Trend seems to have leveled off just below 185 pounds (range this week has been 184.53 to 184.98 pounds), just where I'd like to be.
    Focusing this week on (a) getting daily protein to 185 grams per day and (b) implementing weightlifting routine to have incremental gains each day in number of reps and/or amount of weight.

  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Name: Sherry
    Total Weight lost: 40 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2+ years (focused on fitness)
    How long in maintenance: 2 months (although I'd ideally like to lose 3 more pounds)
    Maintenance weight range: 138-140

    Week of...
    2nd January: 141.7
    9th January: 141.8
    16th January: 143.1
    23rd January:
    30th January:

    Success/struggles of the week: My weight is up this week because I got sick from eating gluten at a restaurant. It'll come back off in a few days.

    I am "transitioning" to maintenance, although I'd like a little more cushion. I'm trying to make this a lifestyle/fitness change instead of a weight loss goal, so I'm okay with it. I do think posting here will help me to keep my eye on my weight (although it is not the main focus anymore).

  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Week of...
    2 January: 115
    9 January: 114
    16 January: 115

    Still maintaining.

    @icemom011 Try walking, reading, dancing, talking to someone, anything to keep you away from snacking. There are lots of short videos on youtube that can distract you for a short while. Also, housework (yuck) can take your mind off food. Good luck.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @sarahbums You don't need to know your weight with clothes and shoes. Disregard the weight at the doctor's office.
  • powered85
    powered85 Posts: 297 Member
    Total Weight lost: 85lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 2.5yrs
    Maintenance weight range: 165-170lbs (6' M)

    Week of...
    2nd January: 173.2lbs
    9th January: 170.4lbs
    16th January: 170.4lbs
    23rd January:
    30th January:

    Success/struggles of the week: Sigh. I can make excuses like miserable weather affecting activity level, water retention from carbs but in reality I've been ravenous and having a hard time staying under my calorie goals. I'm eating too many calories plain and simple....

    Need to focus on adjusting intake for less activity and also switch up some of my routine foods. Have a hunch I'm eating the wrong macro ratio as my cardio has gone way down due to not running near as much. Did hit the 160's on the weekend but that appears to be less water. Also continuing to lift and getting stronger. Just need to drop some lbs now.

    Hoping eating the right calories and macros help eliminate January holding pattern.

  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    mk2fit wrote: »
    Week of...
    2 January: 115
    9 January: 114
    16 January: 115

    Still maintaining.

    @icemom011 Try walking, reading, dancing, talking to someone, anything to keep you away from snacking. There are lots of short videos on youtube that can distract you for a short while. Also, housework (yuck) can take your mind off food. Good luck.

    Thank you! It's from boredom, i realize that. When I'm really busy or occupied with something I'm into, my mind isn't wondering into " what i can put in my mouth next " territory. Problem is, that it's later at night, when things are winding down. Appreciate the support, mc2fit!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    Name: Jen
    Total Weight lost:135+
    Time it took to lose: 2.5yrs
    How long in maintenance: I declared it at 140 last January, but that was too high for a petite lady. So not really in maintenance quite yet.
    Maintenance weight range: Would like to stay under 125 at morning weigh-in. Was down to 126.4 after a month of pre-Holiday dieting, but am back up to 127.3 on TrendWeight today.

    Week of...
    2nd January: 127.2lbs
    9th January: 127lbs
    16th January: 126.4lbs
    23rd January:
    30th January:

    Success/struggles of the week: Total panic bingeing over the holidays. I still need to learn to trust my body cues, be content with eating just enough, and stop asking food to be more than just fuel.

    Same struggles. Life after work is just filled with getting steps and eating food. Really need to make peace with having fewer cals to work with. Contentment and an attitude of gratitude (and maybe a hobby) are the order of the day.

    Struggles remain the same, plus I caught a cold and have forgone my regular workouts beyond getting steps. Also, just feeling really down and helpless due to stuff happening in the world.