January 2017 Running Challenge



  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited January 2017
    Yeah, I really need to get back to running in the morning. I just found out today that my son has a concert tomorrow night, which knocks out my running plans for then. So dang, I'm only getting Monday and today to run after work! I have a couple of doctors appointments on Friday so I'll be working from home, so MAYBE I can sneak in a run then... ugh, and next week won't be any better because of two doctors' appointments. So I don't think I'll make 100 for January... let's just hope I can make 80.

    Edit: I have been working on getting myself up earlier in the morning gradually. So far I'm able to get up at 7:30ish... I need to be able to get up at 5:30 to have enough time to run in the morning. I was able to do it before, in the summer when there was more light. I'm hoping I can get there again by spring.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @7lenny7 I haven't tried the Pickle Back either, but I definitely want to. I personally love pickle juice and pickles. In fact, I can't imagine a Bloody Mary without pickles. Pickles soaked in a Bloody Mary are the best kind of pickles!! Lol!!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    01/01/17 - 5 miles
    01/02/17 - 5 miles
    01/03/17 - 3 miles

    01/05/17 - 6 miles

    01/07/17 - 10 miles
    01/08/17 - 3.25 miles

    01/10/17 - 6 miles
    01/11/17 - 5.5 miles
    01/12/17 - 3.25 miles
    01/13/17 - 6.5 miles
    01/14/17 - 5 miles
    01/15/17 - 4 miles

    01/17/17 - 5 miles
    01/18/17 - 5 miles

  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @Orphia Haha thanks, I decided the one rest day I had I would be better to just run for 30-35 minutes because if I sat on my *kitten* I would get tight the next day. I had a small pupper tag along with me once for about a mile or so until he gave up, probably wanted some food but I don't think he liked gels lol


    January 1 - 12.1 km
    January 2 - 7.0 km
    January 3 - 12.9+5.3 km
    January 4 - 11.5 km
    January 5 - 7.0 km
    January 6 - 3.8 km
    January 7 - 9.45 km
    January 8 - 9.8+6.0 km
    January 9 - 5.2 km
    January 10- 10.0+6.0 km
    January 11- 8.0 km
    January 12- 7.0 km
    January 13- 7.0+7.4 km
    January 14- 10.0 km
    January 15- 13.1+6.1
    January 16- 6.0 km
    January 18- 10.0 km
    January 19- 13.4 km

  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    @autumnblade75 - we have the same 90 mi goal, but you're ahead of me by 12. I gotta get on it!! Thanks for the motivation! :)
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    January goal: 100 miles
    1/1: 3.6 miles (m)
    1/2: Downpour Day
    1/3: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/4: 4 miles (m)
    1/5: 5 miles (m)
    1/6: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/7: 4 miles (m)
    1/8: 6 miles (m)
    1/9: Rest Day
    1/10: 4.15 miles (m)
    1/11: Unplanned Rest
    1/12: 3.75 miles (m)
    1/13: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/14: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/15: 3 miles (m -.5)
    1/16: Rest Day
    1/17: 4 miles (m) + 2.5 miles
    1/18: 3.5 miles

    My Total/January: 61.5 miles
    Mike's Total: 55 miles

    I did go out for a second, short 2.5 mile run yesterday. It really felt good; the weather was perfect. Unfortunately, today has not been so wonderful. I woke up at 4 am and it had already been storming for some time. It continued raining fairly constantly until about 10 am when the sun actually poked its head out for a bit. Not to waste a moment, I was dressed and out the door ready to hit it. Mind you, I hate running in warm, humid weather (which is mostly what we have here) and it is about 68 degrees, sunny and 96% humidity out there. On top of that, you know what happens when it rains for over 6 hours? Puddles...lots and lots of big, no-way-around-them puddles. Some of them were more than ankle-deep. After trying to step gingerly through the first two, I said screw it and just ran through them. Honestly, they made the whole run better. Yeah, it was hot and wet and messy...but it was FUN! Weather report says we are supposed to get rain the rest of the week. One of the bridges I cross already had a trickle of water running OVER it. It could be an interesting week. :)

    @JessicaMcB My condolences on your family's loss.

    @greenolivetree Hoping for a smooth recovery for your husband!

    @Orphia That sure is a cute running buddy you picked up. I hope he made it home ok! :)

    @kellybea73 I have a hard time running in warmer temps, too. I try to run mostly early in the morning before the sun heats everything up.

    @skippygirlsmom Good to hear no stress fracture. I'm sorry she's upset but better to get her healed up.

    Have a fabulous rest of the day!

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    edited January 2017
    1/5-2.39 miles & Pilates
    1/7-Rest day
    1/9-Pilates & 2.5 miles on the treadmill
    1/11-Pilates & 2.87 miles outside(no knee pain but it was a challenge. I burn so bad)
    1/13-unintended rest day
    1/16-2.6 miles outside
    1/17-2 Pilates workouts (what was I thinking...I hurt)
    1/18-2.7 miles on treadmill and 7.5 on the bike


    Will add races soon...
  • bmelb1
    bmelb1 Posts: 224 Member
    @JessicaMcB I'm so sorry for your loss.
    @greenolivetree I hope your husband makes a good recovery from his surgery and feels better soon.
    @skippygirlsmom Good to hear your daughter doesn't have a stress fracture and she has such a good doctor. I hope she feels better soon.
    @OSUbuckeye906 Glad you weren't injured in your car accident but it must've been pretty scary if it totaled your car.
    @Orphia Between your pictures and parkrun it sounds like you live in a really nice area for running. I'm totally jealous!

    The pickle juice for cramps is something I didn't know about, but I I'd have to pretty desperate to resort to that. It's right up there with apple cider vinegar...ICK!

    Date Km Today - Km for Jan.
    1/3 5.73 - 5.73
    1/5 3.79 - 9.52
    1/6 5.41 - 14.93 10K running clinic
    1/8 6.08 - 21.01
    1/10 5.8 - 26.81
    1/11 5.96 - 32.77
    1/13 4.1 – 36.87
    1/15 7.11 – 43.98 My first LSD run
    1/17 6 - 49.98
    1/18 2.5 - 52.48
    Goal 75 km


    Upcoming Races:
    Polar Hero 5km OCR? - 2/4
    Ottawa Tamarack 10km - 5/27
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,110 Member
    04/01 3.11 miles
    07/01 3.07 miles
    10/01 3.14 miles
    17/01 3.14 miles
    18/01 3.13 miles

    @skippygirlsmom - Poor Skip, but at least it's not fractured


  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - That's great news! No doubt Skip won't see it that way now, but in a couple decades she'll be a smarter runner for having been through this.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Just a quick check in after club run. It was a bit of an annoying run actually, one girl kept going on and on that I run funny because one of my feet sticks out at an angle (it does). But no matter how many times I told her that it's fine, it's a skeletal abnormality that I've had since a baby so it isn't a problem because my muscles have adapted etc and even my PT is happy with it, she kept going on and on. "Why don't you just concentrate to land straight?" Oh yeah, I'll get right on that, you can definitely just concentrate to move bone. Or "maybe you should take supplements for your joints to help". OHH YES, that's the solution that a whole team of paediatric doctors and PTs didn't suggest, THANKS :rage:

    Anyway, rant over.

    @JessicaMcB Sorry to hear about your BIL. Wishing you and your family strength and love.

    January Running Challenge

    1st - 12.66 miles inc 5km PB 25:05
    3rd - 3.11 miles
    4th - 6.17 miles
    6th - 3.03 miles
    7th - 3.11 miles
    8th - 12.04 miles
    10th - 3.09 miles
    12th - 4.35 miles
    14th - 9.12 miles
    16th - 3.10 miles
    18th - 6.12 miles

    MTD - 65.90/100 miles

    Upcoming races:
    5th February - KFL XC Blean Woods
    19th February - Bramley 20
    12th March - North London Half Marathon
    9th April - Brighton Marathon
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2017
    1/1: 5 miles
    1/2: 2.4 miles
    1/3: Busy day
    1/4: 4.5 miles (am), 4.5 miles (pm) + lifting
    1/5: 6 miles
    1/6: 4 miles + lifting
    1/7: 4.2 miles trails
    1/8: 10 miles +0.6 (Cocoa Classic 10 miler)
    1/9: Sick day
    1/10: Sick day
    1/11: 4.5 miles
    1/12: 6 miles
    1/13: 5 miles + lifting
    1/14: Lazy day
    1/15: Lazy day
    1/16: 4 miles + lifting
    1/17: 8 miles
    1/18: 4.5 miles + 4.5 miles

    If my legs were toast this morning, then this evening they were jelly. I really thought that a second run would be easier but my legs were still wrecked from that speedwork yesterday. However my pace was about 45 seconds/mile faster than it was this morning, so my legs can't feel ALL that terrible ;)


    Catching up on all the posts but here's a few replies!

    @skippygirlsmom Glad to hear that Skip doesn't have fractures!! Keep her off those running legs and healing up! It's good that she has you to keep her seeing the long term, because as a kid it's so easy to get caught up in the right now. And that doc sounds like a keeper; very frank and straight forward is a good thing, and he seems to understand runners, so A+!

    @Orphia I want just once for a happy dog to follow me on a run, but I always get stuck with the yippy ones that hang around underfoot waiting to trip you!

    @JessicaMcB Sorry to hear about your BIL. My condolences to you and your husband and his family.

    @greenolivetree I missed what was happening with your husband, but I'm glad to hear that things are going okay now!!

    Winter/Spring 2017 Races:
    1/8: NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic 10 mile 1:21:37 (10th AG)
    2/18: FebApple Frozen 50 - 10 mile (trail)
    3/12: E. Murray Todd HM
    3/18: Looney Leprechaun 10k (trail)
    3/26: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM
    5/21 or 5/28: Cleveland or Vermont City Marathons (maybe)
    7/1: Finger Lakes Fifties 50k (trail)

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @ddmon0811 The session with your new trainer sounds really interesting! Maybe I should look into "neuromuscular activation exercises" - I can always use anything that promises to improve my balance.
    And the toe-to-butt compression thingy sounds really weird :p

    @dkabambe Congratulations on the new 10k PR, that's a really great time!

    @Orphia What a happy-looking running buddy :-)

    @RespectTheKitty I hope strength training helps against the depression! Regarding beginner programmes, "Starting Strength" and "New Rules of Lifting for Women". I think NRoLfW is more complicated, whereas the other two start with a very small number of exercises. Starting Strength is the same workouts as Strong Lifts with power cleans instead of bent rows and 3 sets of 5 exercises instead of 5 sets of 5. In any case, you'll need a barbell, and you should also have a trainer who's willing to show you how to the exercises correctly the first times.
    The one kind of strength training I really enjoyed was a class called "TRX bootcamp" - training with suspension trainers. It was in a group, took place outdoors in any kind of weather, and by adapting the position in the slings you could adjust the difficulty to your training level and make it as hard or as easy as wanted.
    Well, and then I moved to a new city and couldn't find a TRX class anymore, and the only gym around here doesn't have barbells, so now I'm doing body weight exercises. I'm currently doing Mark Laurens "You are your own gym". I only (re-)started it four weeks ago, so I can't say much yet about how effective it is.

    @7lenny7 Great trail photos! I can see where that kind of running requires a lot of stability muscles. Amazing that the pickle juice helped against the cramps so fast! I guess I need to buy a jar of pickles for emergencies.

    @skippygirlsmom It's good to hear that Skip doesn't have a stress fracture. Although tendinitis and shin splints also don't sound very good! I'm glad that you have found a good doctor, I hope she'll be back to running soon.


    I broke my five-day-no-running streak today. Finally! I had a really horrible cold since last Thursday/Friday. I don't remember the last time I was so sick I couldn't even think about running, but this time it was defenitely that bad.
    Until today, were I was tempted to go out for a short test run as soon as I noticed that I could breath through my nose again (at least most of the time). First I resisted - I took a sick day at work today, so I didn't thing I should be out and running. After dinner I decided that since I'll be back to work tomorrow, a little test run should be allowed, so I headed out for a short run (under cover of the night :sunglasses: ). Three slow and careful kilemetres, and apart from some coughing fits I was okay. I won't do the speedwork on my training plan tomorrow, but the trail race on Saturday should be fine. It's across snow and in the dark, so I won't be racing fast in any case!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    kellybea73 wrote: »
    Thanks for the welcomes! Looking forward to getting to know yall and getting some great running advice! I have a half coming up in April and am determined to break 2:30. I did my 1st half November 2015 and it was awful. Did not prepare well at all and barely finished in under 3 hours. My gf introduced me to the Galloway method and in 2016 I did 6 half's. I slowly improved from 2:44 to 2:32, but have yet to break that 2:30.

    Hi @kellybea73! I am in a similar boat as you - I have done two HMs but they were just 3 weeks apart this fall. I did 2:45 for the first and 2:39 for the second. I really want to get under 2:30 too and closer to 2:15. I'm not sure when my next race will be, but I've been working with a running group through the YMCA for a little over a year and did their HM training last spring/summer/early fall. I'll probably do that again this year - I think I'm in much better shape and will benefit more from it now - last year I was just trying to survive! :)

    Date :::: Miles:::: Jan MTD (goal = 70)
    01/01/17 :::: 4.3 :::: 4.3
    01/02/17 :::: 2.9 :::: 7.1
    01/03/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 10.3
    01/04/17 :::: 3.6 :::: 13.9
    01/05/17 :::: 3.3 :::: 17.2
    01/06/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    01/07/17 :::: 6.9 :::: 24.2
    01/08/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 26.7
    01/09/17 :::: 2.8 :::: 29.5
    01/10/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 32.1
    01/11/17 :::: 2.6 :::: 34.7
    01/12/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 38.2
    01/13/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 38.2
    01/14/17 :::: 3.4 :::: 41.6
    01/15/17 :::: 5.5 :::: 47.2
    01/16/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 50.7
    01/17/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 50.7
    01/18/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 53.2

    Work-related issues turned yesterday into an unplanned rest day. Then I forgot to bring my running clothes with me today, but managed to get out a bit early so I could still get a run in before dark outside after work. I will try to be a little better about planning for the rest of the week but I'm still getting into the swing of being back at work.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Went out for a run around town today:

  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    01.01.17 - 15 m. LR
    01.02.17 - 10 m.
    01.03.17 - 9.1 m. TM 6 M + 5K.
    01.05.17 - 9 m. TM w/ incline.
    01.06.17 - 10 m. TM. 9:10 pace.
    01.07.17 - 8.1 m. TM 5 M + 5K.
    01.08.17 - 8.8 m. incl 2x5K's.
    01.09.17 - 11 m. TM @ 8:35 pace.
    01.10.17 - 8 m. TM. EZ pace jog tonight.
    01.11.17 - 11 m. TM @ 8:27 pace.
    01.12.17 - 6.4 m. EZ. Anticipate a LR this weekend.
    01.13.17 - 19 m. TM. LR.
    01.15.17 - 10 m. 9:33 pace. Next weeks goal - 65 miles.
    01.16.17 - 11 m. TM. 8:18 pace.
    01.18.17 - 11 m. TM. 8:11 pace. #WorkingHarder
