January 2017 Running Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I'm so exhausted - on the brink of a complete meltdown - I need a break - alone - me time - nap time - and my freaking knee is killing me for 2 days now. I could just cry. The idea of running right now is a joke.

    Oh this isn't good. can you get away for a night somewhere? (preferably near a beach, beaches always help me).

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm so exhausted - on the brink of a complete meltdown - I need a break - alone - me time - nap time - and my freaking knee is killing me for 2 days now. I could just cry. The idea of running right now is a joke.

    I feel for you. You need to get some rest even for a few hours
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @orphia - wow! Those are amazing pictures!

    Strength training for me after work. I used to only go 2x a week because I paid per session. But now I can go an unlimited # ... so aiming for 3. I thought about doubling up (run and lift) but I am really tired this week so decided to just lift today and overdo it on the weekend as usual.

  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm so exhausted - on the brink of a complete meltdown - I need a break - alone - me time - nap time - and my freaking knee is killing me for 2 days now. I could just cry. The idea of running right now is a joke.

    Hope you can get in a nice walk. Maybe the knee will tolerate that. I think you're experiencing an emotional crash. Happens to me and my DD.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    January Mile totals
    1/1 rest. Colds suck
    1/2- 5.23
    1/3- 4.03
    1/4- 4.01
    1/5- 5.0
    1/6- 4.0
    1/7- Rest calf/achilles pain
    1/8- recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/9- rest/recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/10- 2.01 YAY!
    1/11-Rest, want to be careful before PT clearance
    1/12- Rest- Saw PT, got clearance to run!
    1/13- 4.02-first run after cleared
    1/14- 6.11 test run-can I run a normal training distance? Yes, yes I can.
    1/15- Rest, prepping for beginning training tomorrow
    1/16- 5.38
    1/17- REST
    1/18- 7
    1/19- XT- Just enough elliptical and other stuff at PT to count it!
    1/20- 4.64

    Total: 51.45

    Monthly goal: stay healthy and continue base building to start marathon training at the end of the month.
    Nominal mileage goal: 70 (revised down after injury).

    Today's notes. Assignment was 4 miles at E and 4 strides. I averaged 9:39 on the 4 miles, but my splits were kind of all over the place. The strides went better. I set my garmin for 0.1 mile intervals with 1 minute rest. This seemed to work well for me. My average pace on the strides got slower as I went, but that was more because I was concentrating on reaching max speed, holding it a little, then slowing down gradually.

    After run cool down was the Myrtl routine.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @Virkati Congrats on getting the job!

    @Orphia Great photos! I'm kinda jealous because I can barely touch my knees...I'm just that inflexible!


    I've been doing mainly resistance training this week, so not much in the way of running, but I got out this morning, and will probably do a much shorter run tomorrow night as well.

    01 - 5.21 miles
    02 - 5.60
    07 - 5.56
    08 - 5.60
    10 - 10.71
    11 - 11.21
    12 - 11.19
    14 - 5.37
    16 - 10.57
    20 - 13.21

    Total: 84.23 / 100
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - Still wasn't feeling up to it.
    1/2 - Bodypump, the 2.25 miles on the 'mill
    1/3 - 4.5 miles on the treadmill (Trek class). That'll clean your lungs out.
    1/4 - Stayed in bed. Lingering cold + a bratty greyhound = not enough sleep.
    1/5 - Bodypump, then 2.25 treadmill miles.
    1/6 - 4.2 'mill miles. -3° F is way below my comfort level to run outside
    1/7 - Bodypump, then 2.25 treadmill miles.
    1/8-1/13 - Sick, sick, sick.
    1/14 - 3.4 'mill miles, then a quick upper body weight session.
    1/15 - Church / family day.
    1/16 - Too icy to run, too icy to drive. Barely left house.
    1/17 - 4.8 miles on the treadmill (Trek class). Fingers crossed my illness is done.
    1/18 - Hangin' at the hospital with my Mom while Dad had surgery.
    1/19 - 4.01 miles outside! Woo hoo!
    1/20 - 4.1 miles. 37° F at 5 a.m. on January 20? Yes, please!!

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Jan 1-5.3 miles
    Jan 2- Rest day- P90X3 yoga
    Jan 3- 6 miles w/ 3 @ tempo
    Jan 4-5.1 miles (1 with crazy Stella)
    Jan 5-5 miles treadmill fartlek run
    Jan 6- 4 miles total -1 mile warm up outside with Stella then 3 miles of intervals on dreadmill
    Jan 7-7.7 miles
    Jan 8-14 miles
    Jan 9- Rest day
    Jan 10- 4.5 miles treadmill
    Jan 11-6 miles (slow and icy)
    Jan 12-5.7 miles
    Jan 13-4.3 miles 12X30 second hill sprints
    Jan 14-16.3 miles
    Jan 15-6.2 miles
    Jan 16-Rest day
    Jan 17-5.2 miles
    Jan 18-6.6 miles
    Jan 19-4.7 easy miles
    Jan 20-4 miles of dreadmill intervals

    I did my interval work on the treadmill instead of hill sprints this morning because it was raining. It wasn't a downpour so I could have done them in the rain, but I was feeling wimpy and the dreadmill was the easier option. I also thought it might be a good change of pace for my hip flexor, which is probably nagging me because it has seen a good bit of elevation lately due to not having enough daylight to hit the bike path. My plan called for 10 X 30 seconds zone 5 with 90 seconds recovery. I would normally do the 30 seconds at 9.2-9.3 mph, but again, I was thinking of my hip, so I decided to do slightly longer, slightly slower intervals. I did 10 X 45 seconds @ 8.6 with 75 second recovery, but held the final interval for 0.25 miles. It ended up being the perfect interval workout for a cutback week. I felt like I had worked, but not killed myself. I think maybe I am getting the hang of this "easier" speedwork thing...


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @lporter229 I was using the TM for my intervals too, until my PT told me to stay off them. Looks like you had a good workout. How's the hip flexor doing? My PT and my training plan both have given me a decent amount of Hip Flexor exercises in them.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @karllundy how is dad doing? I know the weather is crazy right? 59F at 5:30 this morning.
    @virkati congrats on the new job, so excited for you
    @juliet3455 I've never heard about the Pine Apple Express, interesting. Sorry for all the ice sounds awful, stay safe.
    @jessicamcb sorry for your loss
    @mobycarp but an awful lot of training is mental. truer words were never spoken
    @osubuckeye906 if you don't like the PT maybe you can change it after the appointment.
    @orphia brag on girl! wow!
    @greenolivetree hang in there and seriously I know it's easy to say, but you need to make some "me" time, you can't take care of everyone if you are spent. hugs

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 - 4 miles
    1/2 - 1.5 miles
    1/3 - 0 miles
    1/4 - 3.5 miles
    1/5 - 3 miles
    1/6 - 4 miles
    1/7 - 2 miles with Skip and Macy
    1/8 - rest day
    1/9 - 0 miles
    1/10 - 4 miles
    1/11 - 2 miles
    1/12 - 3 miles
    1/13 - 0 miles
    1/14 - 5 miles some with Skip
    1/15 - 3 miles
    1/16 - 0 miles meet
    1/17 - 0 miles lazy
    1/18 - 0 miles early doc appt with Skip and I hate the cable man I waited for all day LOL
    1/19 - 4 miles
    1/20 - 4 miles

    43 of 100 miles

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Nice run @skippygirlsmom
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    My (self-made) plan gives me one run a week where distance is prescribed but no particular aim - I usually use it to do some hill work, but sometimes throw in some fartleks or if I'm tired then just take it easy. Today was 5C, sunny and only moderate wind so just about perfect for my 14.5k "free" run. Decided to go out for a flat route at my old MP, (i.e. what I've been training at before this weeks new 10k PB), and throw in a hill at the end. Misjudged the length of the route so ended up at the bottom of the hill after just 8k, upped the effort going up the 1.5k hill. Coming down the hill one of my favourite "fast finish" songs came on, (had music on shuffle), which put me in a good mood so decided to keep the pace up for the rest of the run, (the last 3k was flat and done about HM pace).

    Overall finished faster than MP, (pretty much bang on where my new MP is when adjusted for my new 10k PR though doubt I'd get close to that in a marathon!). Probably the best feeling run I've had so far this year despite having still not recovered from my cold - hopeful that once it goes away should be able to get some decent long runs in as well.

    3-Jan: 11.49k [6.7k MP + 4.8k easy - suffering with cold]
    4-Jan: 5.3k treadmill intervals [TM]
    5-Jan: 12.9k MP (slight hills)
    6-Jan: 5.2k treadmill tempo + 2.2k treadmill intervals [TM]
    7-Jan: 5.8k + 6.1k 'tired' runs (slightly slower than MP)
    11-Jan: 24.2k long run
    16-Jan: 5.6k MP
    17-Jan: 10.6k Fast
    18-Jan: 13.1k Easy
    20-Jan: 14.6k MP
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @Orphia You are like spaghetti :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    This was just posted on our We Run Huntsville Site, it's reflective skin spread. I think I might give it a try, a bit pricey, but getting hit by a car would definitely cost me more.


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @MNLittleFinn -The hip flexor is doing okay. I have been trying to do a lot of exercises for it. I would definitely not call it an injury at this point, just a weak spot that I need to pay attention to. I tend to agree with your PT about the treadmill. I definitely try to limit the amount of time I spend running on it and I have a particular pair of shoes that I think feel the best as far as keeping me on my form. In this case, I think that running hills outside would have probably done me more harm than the treadmill. Who knows...At this point in time, I am pretty much second guessing everything I think I know about running so...LOL

    @Orphia Wow woman! You look amazing in those poses!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited January 2017
    @juliet3455 that ice does not sound fun! We had a couple of days of that recently but now with temps above freezing, along with salt on the roads, we're back to good running. Our driveway is still treacherous, but one I hit the asphalt, I'm good.
    @JessicaMcB "run for your sanity" is right! I wish I had running to help me out when my brother suddenly passed away 6 years ago. I had a terrible time dealing with that.
    @orphia, I think I'd hurt myself if I tried doing those poses!
    @greenolivetree I don't that I can say anything to help but hang in there and do what you can to get in YOUR time.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn -The hip flexor is doing okay. I have been trying to do a lot of exercises for it. I would definitely not call it an injury at this point, just a weak spot that I need to pay attention to. I tend to agree with your PT about the treadmill. I definitely try to limit the amount of time I spend running on it and I have a particular pair of shoes that I think feel the best as far as keeping me on my form. In this case, I think that running hills outside would have probably done me more harm than the treadmill. Who knows...At this point in time, I am pretty much second guessing everything I think I know about running so...LOL

    That's me every couple of months......
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    6.4 miles last night with Kody. It was one of those wonderful runs where everything felt great from start to finish. All my little niggles I had been feeling over the last week were gone, my form felt great, and I felt like I was floating. More please!!
