Everyday Healthy Habits - January challenge



  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited January 2017
    @ShaleSelkies - I think you are wise to stop focusing on steps if that was becoming a "thing" for you :). I stopped my weekly weighing for the same reason.
    Do tell about the great snack!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 25th, 2017

    Logged food intake: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: Yes
    Got at least 46g protein: Yes

    Exercised: Yes
    - 30 mins Ice Skating
    - Walking (no longer logging amount)
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No
    Practiced making ASL covers: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes

    Did at least one drawing: Yes
    Wrote a paragraph for a story: Partial
    Updated Keyframe: No
    Worked on/Finished drawing at least one IIOB page: Yes!

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 128.6
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1 lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Something came up I couldn't prioritize my diet over and I went over, it seems to happen more often since semester started especially now my friends are needing more emotional support. And that's fine, I love and care for them and whatever they need I just need to reconsider how I structure my day to leave an allowance personally since it isn't working.

    Current strengths: Got started on said reconsidering by staggering my calories to the end of my days and deciding to try not to eat unless I'm with others (unless it's like the end of the day and I'm under). Helps me get distracted and refocused easier and ritualized the action a little so it really registers. Grey fog is letting up (depression that is) and I'm feeling better about writing and drawing more again.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Pretty much just dry and slightly differently made/flavored homemade bombay snacks? Various things like flour snacks and dry bean pods all mixed together. They were pretty light on calories and healthy but had the same sort of taste as fries and really satisfying for that kind of craving.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 26, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: 30 min swim, yoga class
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,117 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sorry I've not been posting...life seems to be getting busier and still fighting off the crud this week.

    Date: 26 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Done

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Not done - 74 g Protein
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Missed - 7 cups
    Dry January: 26 of 31 days done

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 2.06 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 13.47 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): 0 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): Done - 5 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 122.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Still fighting off something. Work is increasingly taking up more time, so that means trying to balance workouts and work. Getting tough to have enough time to do it all. And need to get back to the gym.
    Strengths: Devotions done, Mileage done, Planks done. Amazing Race Challenge is in full swing, so that helps with motivation to get workouts done. Did well with protein yesterday (over 100 g).
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome back, @b3achy !

    Date: January 27, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, slightly over goal. Deliberate decision, allowed me to enjoy a meal out with the family.
    Exercised: No. Night off.
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Feeling sore all over from yoga!! Decided to take a night off, although I could have just gone for a walk for gentle activity. The family had pizza for dinner, and I decided to join them, even though it put me over a bit on calories... Life balance!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 28, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 5k run
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No, but did not get carried away with portions.
    Practiced meditation: No.

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week).

    Current struggles: Wiped out on my run! I kept going, but tore up my right knee pretty badly and shredded my new running gloves :(. Going to skip my swim today as I'm not sure the knee has fully scabbed over... It is sore, but just superficial. I'll either go for a hike or to the gym instead of the pool.

    Current strengths: Feeling strong mentally, even if I am feeling my age physically!

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,117 Member
    Hope you heal fast @newbie2143. Wiping out stinks, but take the time to heal!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks @b3achy ! Healing up pretty well.... I think it's worse because it's on my knee and keeps stretching when I bend my leg...

    Date: January 30, 2017 (reporting for the weekend)

    Logged food intake: - Sat: Yes, under calorie goal. Sun: forgot to record the evening.... Pretty sure I stayed on track
    Exercised: Yes, Sat: 5k walk, Sunday: 1 1/2 hr hike in the woods
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Sat: yes, Sun: No
    Practiced meditation: Sat: yes Sun: No.

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 134 (1.5lbs per week).

    Current struggles: Losing the motivation to keep up with my logging.... Need to refocus.

    Current strengths: Happy to have gotten outside and been active this weekend, despite the knee. I think I'll be good to get back in the pool :)
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 31, 2017 (reporting for the yesterday) LAST DAY OF CHALLENGE - how did you do?

    Logged food intake: - no... Got caught up with logging for yesterday today.
    Exercised: Yes, 1/2 hr walk in the freezing cold
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No. Kinda falling off the wagon on this one!
    Practiced meditation: Yes.

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight for tomorrow: 134. I will not be achieving this goal.

    Current struggles: Lacking motivation. Weight loss over January last year=7 lbs. Not nearly as successful this January. I know from experience this may just be a plateau and the worst thing I can do is give up.... But need to find motivation.

    Current strengths: I need to reflect on my successes- I have been active most days of the week all month, my meditation skills are improving, and I'm still here, logging daily!