Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Name: Nichole
    Age: Will be 30 in August
    Location: Greensboro, NC
    Baby #?: My first (I have one fur baby named Lucy, she's a yellow lab. She's really my first baby:)
    Due Date: December 19
    Baby Sex: Will find out July 25th
    Baby Name: Not sure yet, once we know if it's a boy or girl we can narrow it down better
    Occupation: Marketing/Graphic Artist
    Husband Info: Jeremy, Electrical Engineer, 30
    Best thing about being pregnant: Growing a life that comes from me and my husband
    Worst thing about being pregnant: Gaining weight and not being able to workout 100%

    Nicole, I used to live in NH. I lived in Newton, NH from when I was about 13 until I was 22. I went to School at SNHU (Southern NH University) in Manchester, NH.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Great idea everyone :o) Here's mine:

    Name: Rayna
    Age: 28
    Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada
    Baby #?: 1
    Due Date: February 23, 2011
    Baby Sex: not sure yet!
    Baby Name: Not sure yet...having a hard time with this one! I bought a baby name book so hopefully it will help!
    Occupation: Human Resources Advisor, but studying to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and hoping that I won't have to go back to my day job after the baby! That I can work from home and start my own business :)
    Husband Info: Jay, Works in a family business just him & his dad - industrial tools & supplies, home reno products - my best friend & true love!
    Best thing about being pregnant: Just SO happy to be pregnant. I thought I couldn't get pregnant, they thought I had a bicornuate or septate uterus and other fertility complications like PCOS etc, waited almost a year (after trying for a year) to get a laparoscopy & hysteroscopy to find out what we were dealing with - turns out my uterus is ok (only slightly heart shaped) and 3 weeks after the surgery I found out I was pregnant! Go figure! It's a miracle :)
    Worst thing about being pregnant: the pregnancy fatigue, nausea and acne! I look like a haggard teenager! LOL...when do you start to glow? haha
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I love this idea! And since I'm new to the board it's a great way to get to know ppl.

    Name: Cindy
    Age: 31
    Location: Anchorage, AK (Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson to be exact)
    Baby #?: 1 (2 prior miscarriages)
    Due Date: 14March2012
    Baby Sex: Don't know yet
    Baby Name: Only just now started looking. I like Jace and Keegan for boy's names so far, and Sedona for a girl. Will look more when we find out if it's a boy or a girl.
    Occupation: Housewife and Military wife
    Husband Info: Aaron, active duty Air Force and the reason for my sanity, my shinning knight in dented armor and my other half.
    Best thing about being pregnant: Actually being pregnant. After 2 miscarriages and 3 years of infertility this is truly a blessing. We had actually started going to a doctor for help getting pregnant. She wanted me to lose weight before starting me on any kind of medications. I was supposed to start metformin in a month or two, but apparently all I needed to do was lose weight.
    Worst thing about being pregnant: The exhaustion. OMG I have never been so tired!!!! And the nausea.... and the Lightheadedness and dizziness. Chocolate craving.............
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Whew! Finally had the chance to catch up on July's posts. Just taking a few minutes to respond here before I make my lunch for tomorrow and head to bed. These 12 hour days are loooooong and I'm feeling pooped lately (really noticing the fatigue in this last trimester).

    To answer Heather's questions about post-baby workouts and goal weight: I'm very much looking forward to getting a good sweat on again. My goal is to complete Lindsay Brin's 60 Day PostNatal Slim Down when the Doc gives me the go ahead to exercise again (VBAC vs C-Section dependent) and then probably carry on with P90X or even Power 90. Until the sign off I'll definitely be stroller walking. After the unexpected c-section with #1 I was moving for at least 20 minutes a day (albeit slow-paced turtle walks at first) and finally was given the go ahead to exercise after 6 weeks. I jumped into Slim in 6, 30 Day Shred and finally Insanity before getting pregnant again. :-)

    As for goal weight, I'm 5'7" and I was happy at 155 when I got pregnant with #2, fitting back into Size 6 jeans. Ultimately I'd love to be back around 147-150.

    And now for the 'getting to know you':

    Name: Amy
    Age: 36
    Location: Vancouver, BC
    Baby #: 2
    Due Date: September 18, 2011
    Baby Sex: We didn't find out!
    Baby Name: Girl - Mallory or Annie / Boy - Macks - We're finding it really tough to pick this time around!
    Occupation: 911 Fire Dept Dispatcher
    Husband Info: Tyler, Fire Fighter
    Best thing about being pregnant: People seeing me with my 14 month old and saying 'You're very brave!'. That and the baby bump. I love my big bump! Really just trying to enjoy every movement and the kind people offering to do things for me as this will more than likely (?!) be my last pregnancy.
    Worst thing about being pregnant: Swollen ankles and spider veins!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    I love all of your goals for after baby! I think with us staying so active/healthy during pregnancy, we are bound to jump right back into our routines and accomplish our goals! I keep stressing about how much weight I'm gaining (with eating healthy and working out at least 5 days a week and at LEAST 1 hour, most days 2 hours a day)...but was told by many people that women who gain more weight by eating healthy and still being active usually shed it very quickly after the baby is born as opposed to the women who eat junk and gain 25lbs and fight to get it off after baby. I truly hope this is true!

    I've been having a lot of Braxton hicks contractions and Charlee seems to not like it at all. She kicks like crazy after I have one. I've been having them at night which wakes me up with her kicking so hard. Guess I'm gearing up already for sleepless nights! lol We are also getting the nursery painted in 3 weeks. I can't wait! We are painting the room "Antiguan Sky"...I even love the name of the color! :) We should post pics of our nurseries when they are done or close to being done!

    Holly you are getting so close! That ticker is starting to run out of room at the end! :)
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Name: Michelle
    Age: 21
    Location: Houston, Texas
    Baby #?: 2
    Due Date: February 5, 2012
    Baby Sex: haven't found out yet!
    Baby Name: We haven't even began to think about that yet!
    Occupation: "Household Management Specialist" RESPONSIBILITIES: The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. WAGES AND COMPENSATION: Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more. BENEFITS: While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you play your cards right. Haha! ;)
    Husband Info: David,27 works for Union Pacific Railroad
    Best thing about being pregnant: helping God preform the miracle of life! I love each and every step of the way even when it gets tough. I love feeling my child grow inside me knowing that I am their main source of life. Oh! and hiccups are the cutest!
    Worst thing about being pregnant: the nausea and heightened sense of smell.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I got a new (well new to me) treadmill and am pretty excited to be able to use it instead of my Spinning bike today as opposed to driving 20 mins for the gym! Yay!

    Anyone else getting some pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions?! I get them in the middle of the night lately and they wake me up, especially cause Charlee despises them and starts kicking like crazy! I was told that as long as they aren't coming in timed intervals then I should be okay. Now that I'm just at 24wks my biggest worry is premature labor... Funny how our fears change throughout the pregnancy... My 24wk appointment is tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fairly uneventful.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Name: Brenda
    Age: 30
    Location: as Vegas, NV
    Baby #?: 2 ( One Ectopic Pregnancy)
    Due Date:Feb 28 possibly going into March
    Baby Sex: Unknown yet
    Baby Name: Jaelene, and my hb likes Walter but i don't-we'll have to make up our minds.
    Occupation: Accountant
    Husband Info: Gerardo, 34
    Best thing about being pregnant: This little life depending on me.
    Worst thing about being pregnant: Being paranoid of all that i eat and do, if it will affect the baby. Seriously, my first is 13, and it is a major gap.
  • kalyco78
    kalyco78 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm going to try my hand at this forum thing as I could use some motivation! I'm Kara, 33 and almost 12 weeks pregnant with surprise baby number 4. I've been slacking off this first trimester due to feeling like crap but I'm feeling better now and ready to start doing better! My weight has been all over-- from severly overweight to anorexic at 75 lbs and everywhere in between. I've completely beat the anorexia and started this pregnancy a bit chunkier than I should have. Now that I'm no longer restrictive, I just want to eat everything, especially when pregnant, but would really like to avoid a huge weight gain! I stay away from the scale except at the dr but I feel like I've already packed it on. Oh well, I can only move forward from here and do my best to have a healthy pregnancy. Look forward to getting to know you all! Congrats to everyone!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi all! I think my bambino has re-adjusted today and keeps pushing on my lungs. Feel like I have very little room to breathe! My run was a bit of a challenge today because of that, but I figure concentrating on my breathing should only help with labor right?!

    Heather, yes, I have been having some very sporadic Braxton Hicks, but mine only started over the past couple of weeks. My bambino is starting to run out of room so the movements are feeling quite different these days, feels more like twisting and stretching. My sister is a NICU RN and she would tell you that you are viable now.....not that we want Charlee to arrive this early! I'm pretty sure you've had a normal pregnancy so far so it's probably just that irrational fear that seems to catch us from time to time during this amazing process. I'll keep you and Charlee in my prayers for a full-term arrival. Good luck with the appointment tomorrow. I go for my 34 week on Thursday. Time is absolutely flying by.

    Hope everyone has a great week and is able to keep up with their nutrition and workout goals :-)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone. Hope the weekends were nice. Mine was too short. We had a super busy one. I'm looking forward to little plans this weekend. The basement is getting closer! Painting is pretty much done and flooring is coming along. We got our rubber gym floor last night - that puzzle piece tile stuff. I have been putting the gym on the back burner, but it looks like it will be completing sooner than the rest! Now, like Heather, I need to get a new to me treadmill. I used to have one but with all the moving around I've done over the last 5 years, it ended up getting sold.

    I got a great workout in last night. Did some lunges, squats, plie's (sp?) and am feeling it this morning. I also ran 2.25 miles which felt great. I was asleep my 10 and woke up starving this morning.

    Over the weekend I had my first "feel the belly" experience and I can't say I loved it. It was one of my sister in laws, but still....weird. Oh well. Guess I better get used to it the bigger I get. I started taking belly photos weekend before last and can tell a difference from the frist shot (11 weeks) to last weekend (12 weeks). I still haven't gained much weight though. It's like my body is just displacing it to my belly.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • februarybug
    so need to catch up!!! love these little question things :)

    Name: jessica
    Age: 26
    Location: connecticut
    Baby #?: 1!!!
    Due Date:February 22, 2012
    Baby Sex: we don't know yet...but will definitely be finding out!
    Baby Name: have a couple in mind...Mckinley for a girl and Parker for a boy
    Occupation: corporate world
    Husband Info: kory
    Best thing about being pregnant: the amazing fact that my husband and i created our little 'bug' and that he/she will depend on us and love us...really hard to put it all into words...but the whole reality of being pregnant and whats going on inside me is just amazing :flowerforyou:
    Worst thing about being pregnant: worrying about the little things...that everything is ok...eating/drinking the right things...exercising the right way.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Name: Misti
    Age: 26
    Location: Kooskia, ID
    Baby #?:2
    Due Date: Feb 12th
    Baby Sex: Don't know yet
    Baby Name: Broady for a boy, Avery for a girl
    Occupation: Administrative Assistant
    Husband Info: Zack, works in construction.
    Best thing about being pregnant: Knowing I am creating a beautiful little life.
    Worst thing about being pregnant: Gaining weight, tired, limited on some of the activities we do, all summer long.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ok, wasn't gonna telling yet, but you gals are having so much fun here...

    Name: Hattie
    Age: 40 (yes...)
    Location: Chicagoland, IL
    Baby #?: 2 ( 1 M/C before this )
    Due Date:Feb 23
    Baby Sex: Unknown yet
    Baby Name: don't know yet (I got a few girls names, but no name for a boy)
    Occupation: Engineer
    Husband Info: Mike, 35
    Best thing about being pregnant: everything
    Worst thing about being pregnant: kept thinking about don't get too "fat" too fast
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi all! I'm Khrys and am 17 weeks pregnant with our first. I'm 33 1/2 and have also had the comments from doctors about "being a bit old to have my first child...." Almost reached my goal weight before getting pregnant, and was also exercising a LOT. Since getting pregnant, I've slightly fallen off the wagon and have gained about 10 pounds back. Also, because of long work days (10-14 hours several days a week), the exercise has also decreased, but I'm determined to "get back on the wagon!" Glad to be part of a group like this- good luck to you all!

    I'm surprised that your doctor said that about being a bit old. I had my first child when I'm 36, and when I asked if I'll get any special treatment due to "a bit old", she said "nope". I'm healthy and age does not define my condition. So have fun and it'll be a bless.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Goodness! My head is spinning at all the activity I missed in such a short time... I LOVE that everyone is so active and smart about this! You gals are my inspiration :)

    Hoo plans? RUN, RUN, and RUN. I stopped almost immediately when I found out I was pregnant just because I was soooooo tired there was no way I could do it. But I was at the best weight ever and clocking my best times ever so I can't wait to get back into it again. Would like to spend the first year getting back into the swing of things and the second year training for an ultramarathon (this year's ultra got cancelled for obvious reasons....haha).

    On to the questionaire!

    Name: Jill
    Age: 35
    Location: Northeastern Nevada
    Baby #?: 1
    Due Date: January 11, 2012
    Baby Sex: haven't found out yet!
    Baby Name: Estelle Louise if girl, William Bloys if boy (both family names)
    Occupation: Archaeologist
    Husband Info: Bill, 58, also an archaeologist (we concieved on our 12th anniversary!)
    Best thing about being pregnant: Learning to be patient
    Worst thing about being pregnant: Learning to be patient and lack of energy
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ok, wasn't gonna telling yet, but you gals are having so much fun here...

    Name: Hattie
    Age: 40 (yes...)
    Location: Chicagoland, IL
    Baby #?: 2 ( 1 M/C before this )
    Due Date:Feb 23
    Baby Sex: Unknown yet
    Baby Name: don't know yet (I got a few girls names, but no name for a boy)
    Occupation: Engineer
    Husband Info: Mike, 35
    Best thing about being pregnant: everything
    Worst thing about being pregnant: kept thinking about don't get too "fat" too fast

    We have the same due date :happy:
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I think I'm having my first real taste of being pregnant. I love snacking on light string cheese. It's been my favorite snack throughout my weight loss journey. I went to have one today, worst idea ever!! It's like my body suddenly decided that my favorite snack is poison ( yesterday I could still eat it ). Not only does it now suddenly taste completely disgusting, but even the thought of it has me gagging. Of course my husband thinks this is hilarious and was laughing as I ran to the kitchen and was gagging over the sink.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    MidniteDayDream, I hear you. I suddenly out grow 2 of my favorite snacks: peanuts and chocolate. Now I can stare at them and have no desire to eat it at all.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I just noticed that there are a LOT of February 2012 baby momma's on here! So cool! :happy: :bigsmile: