5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'm 4'8" 134lbs. I hate when people tell me that's not a lot of weight! Not for a5'7" person!!
    If you know my struggle add me.

    Oh, I definitely know the struggle!

    Also when I say I need to lose 10#. That's like 2 dress sizes for me.
    DH just has to drink 1 less beer or something, but I have to watch everything I put into my mouth and work out a lot just to lose a few pounds.

    We can do this!

    I've plateau at 128 and then at 121, and now at 116.
    I will reach my 1st GW. I know I will.
    Just a matter of WHEN?
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    PW: 158
    CW: 156.6
    GW: 135

    With my daughter having strep and the flu last week(ate a lot of snacks because I was home with her) along with my TOM this week, I'm excited about this loss. Lots and lots of water, veggies, and exercise. Have a fantabulous Friday everyone.

  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi I'm Linda 54 years old weight 148 been as high as 160 . I'm 5 "2 and I'm having a hard time losing the weight as due to a knee surgery I can no longer do some exercises . I'm glad to be back on MFP I look forward to make friends and get support add me if you would like .
    Bless you all
  • Morganbennett1
    Morganbennett1 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey everyone!
    SW: 208
    CW: 184
    GW: 140

    I started MFP back in October and love it. I started out trying to do 2lbs per week, but feel a lot better with a slight increase in calories so I'm at about 1lb per week now. Does anyone live in the Des Moines, IA area? I would love to have a spring fitness partner to meet up with.
    I've found that taking my measurements is an amazing way to keep motivated, even when I don't lose weight, I lose inches so it's totally worth tracking!

    Happy tracking everyone!
  • Evas_back
    Evas_back Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. I'm 5,1 and 135lb. I was on mfp last year and lost almost 30lb. Struggling at the moment with working out, which I do cross trainer, running, t25 and weight training. Im in a lot of need for support people.
  • awilliamsou
    awilliamsou Posts: 3 Member
    5'0 142, got down to 128 for wedding last year but bounced back up. GW 128
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    Hey hey... I'm 5'2 and I'm currently 130 lbs. I've lost 80 lbs so far but plan on losing 15 more to compete in the 115 lbs. Feel free to add me but I curse like a sailor and talk a lot about exercise.
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    hello! I am almost 49, am 5'1 and have 25 pounds to go.
  • mavisjones58
    mavisjones58 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 56, 5'1". Currently weigh 179. Short term goal is to reach 160. Long term goal is 135.
  • jules99jd
    jules99jd Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft and 176lbs have lost 7llbs so far and would like to lose another 40-50 lbs. In past I have lost 60lbs went down to 129lbs and didn't have the tools and knowledge to maintain and gained all back. I really want to do this and keep it off!
    SW 183
    CW 176
    GW 130
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    *5* pull-ups!!!! == PR!
    Woohoo !
    Last one wasn't the prettiest, but I got it done!
    Never thought I could ever get here.
    Most I ever did was 3 about 2years ago.
    2 weeks ago I did 4.
    Told myself to go for the 5th this morning.
    ROCKED it!
    Come on!
    We can do this!
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Sunday Weigh In -- Finishing Week #8 (56 days)
    SW: 155.6 - 12/4/2016
    PW: 143.6
    GW: 122

    My illness this week resulted in a temporary plunge in my weight that was definitely unearned so I'll wait till next week to post accurate numbers. Traveled to attend a conference. No treadmill time but managed good food choices. Reunion dinner was a four course meal with wines. I just ate a little from each meal.

    The hotel had an all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast one morning. When I asked the waitress for a menu and told her I was trying to just eat my normal breakfast of 2 eggs and toast but would love some cantaloupe from the buffet -- she immediately offered me the child's buffet price! Win-win! She got a great tip and I limited temptation.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    huango wrote: »
    *5* pull-ups!!!! == PR!
    Woohoo !
    Last one wasn't the prettiest, but I got it done!
    Never thought I could ever get here.
    Most I ever did was 3 about 2years ago.
    2 weeks ago I did 4.
    Told myself to go for the 5th this morning.
    ROCKED it!
    Come on!
    We can do this!

    So inspired by your success! Congrats on your accomplishment. Was thinking about a month ago how great it would be to finally be in shape to accomplish this.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Fiddletime, I'm among the 50 somethings in the group so not too far behind you age wise. Your TDEE does present a challenge. I once did intense exercise for 20 minutes twice a day and had success in jump starting my metabolism. Don't know the research on this but do know if you increase your activity/exercise, vigorous or not, your body will need more calories. Good luck on your journey!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Fiddletime, I'm among the 50 somethings in the group so not too far behind you age wise. Your TDEE does present a challenge. I once did intense exercise for 20 minutes twice a day and had success in jump starting my metabolism. Don't know the research on this but do know if you increase your activity/exercise, vigorous or not, your body will need more calories. Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks. I do exercise intensely about 35 min 4 days a week. I can lose weight, but I can't eat more than 1200 cal. I've stopped eating all but a few exercise calories back. That's keeping me losing. I started doing that last week. If I feel too hungry I'll eat half the exercise calories back (about 100). It can be done, but takes some getting used to. My eyes sure want to eat more!!!

  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    huango wrote: »
    *5* pull-ups!!!! == PR!
    Come on!
    We can do this!

    So inspired by your success! Congrats on your accomplishment. Was thinking about a month ago how great it would be to finally be in shape to accomplish this.

    Thank you!


    Yes, we can do this.
    You have to start somewhere.
    Focus on building strength and sculpting your body.

    Sohee Fit is just a wee little thing and she is my inspiration.
    Here's her video of all sorts of work-outs to prep toward doing a pull-up.
    I did these for over a year before I could do my 1st real pull-up.

    LOOK at this transformation.
    You don't get here by just doing cardio.
    Go lift some HEAVY weight, and you'll be rewarded.

    (not me)

    Have a great day!
    Take charge of your day!

  • sonyaroseb
    sonyaroseb Posts: 6 Member
    I have hit a SERIOUS plateau, and it has been so hard to keep slogging along, but I'm sticking to my meal plan and my workouts and hoping to bust through at some point!

    SW: 165 (12/1/16)
    CW: 150 (1/27/17)
    GW: 125

    Keep reminding myself to just stick with it, but it's so frustrating to see so little progress on the scale when I'm so committed.
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    5"2 currently 151 pounds, GW 125
  • melissa1204
    melissa1204 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking for friends for motivation. Always trying to lose weight. Never ending cycle ☹️️