(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    My internets been down all weekend so I haven't been able to get on I didn't even realize I was this weeks biggest loser til I got a comment from a friend...wow...that really makes me feel good since I've been n a major funk lately and having trouble staying motivated...it seems like just when I think I'm about to throw n the towel something always happens to inspire me and keep me motivated and on track...that's why I am so thankful for this site and all of my great friends here everyone is doing so great on their journeys I am proud of everyone! We rock!!!! Xoxo
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    MONDAY JULY 18 - DAY 63 - "Stretch it out!"

    *week 9 weighins are due!!! Message me today's weight!!!*

    we've got a week to go before the July 25th second 5 weeks weighin! WOW! Make sure you give it your all this week!!!

    Fill your MFP cups EVERY DAY! This will help shed those extra pounds and keep you from overeating!!!

    Today's challenge brought to us by: :drinker: rabbitslave

    To All Our Fantastic Bobbers!!! Don't Skip Stretching - Stay loose and limber for more effective workouts. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible, helping to prepare them for exercise and recover from the effort afterward. Skip the stretches, and you won't get nearly the benefits you should from aerobic exercise and resistance training.

    Stretching also helps you move freely during aerobic exercise, it enables your muscles to build more strength during weight training, and it helps keep muscles long and lean.

    At the end of any workout, take 5 minutes to do a thorough stretch to prevent stiffness and maintain the range of motion in your joints and muscles. Target the muscles you've used the most: calves, shins, quads, buttocks, hips, and hamstrings. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, or six to eight slow breaths. Repeat the cycle if you have time.

    Here are some top stretches I challenge you to do today, and stick to it every day for a healthier you!:

    Stork- (quads, shins) Stand with feet together. Bend right knee and grasp right foot with right hand, gently pulling it toward buttocks. Right knee should point toward ground, and you should feel a stretch in right thigh and shin. Hold, switch legs, and repeat.

    Giant Step- (calves, hips) With hands on hips, step left foot forward about 3 feet. Bend left knee and press right heel into ground until you feel a gentle stretch along right calf and hip. Hold, switch legs, and repeat.

    Forward Bend- (hamstrings) Stand at arm's length from a railing or wall, feet a few inches apart. Place hands on railing or wall, hinge forward from hips, and walk feet back and hands down wall until you feel a gentle stretch along backs of thighs. Keep back flat, and abs tight. Hold.

    Crossover Sit- (hips, buttocks) Stand with feet together and hold on to a post or other sturdy object. Place left foot across right leg, so left calf rests just above right knee. Slowly bend right knee and lower as if you were sitting into a chair until you feel a gentle stretch in left hip and buttocks. Hold, switch legs, and repeat.

    As always, best wishes to all of our BOB Challenge participants! Go out and make this week COUNT!

    2 great trax from the one & only - Red Hot Chili Peppers

    1. "BOB One Hot Minute" (extra track) go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrl2HuY8K8

    2. "STRETCH" (my friends B-side) go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiRnIE4IXaE

    Do you stretch after your workouts?? If so, what are some of your favorite stretches? If not, WHY NOT and what will you do to remember to stretch and ensure you stretch on a regular basis??

    1. This is Kristy here, I'd like to give a big shout out to rabbitslave who had a 5k mud run yesterday, class paper due today, and a big test this morning for class before having to go to work AND STILL find the time to do today's post!!! That's dedication!

    2. And thank you to all those who routinely participate in the BOB posts and complete postings...you are why I make the time to do this!

    3. To our new joiners this week:
    :flowerforyou: melaragno
    :flowerforyou: debun1
    Please add them as friends!

    4. mikeykeith7, one of our top losers each week, doesn't have too many friends and he does awesome work and not only needs our encouragement but we could all get inspiration from him...please add him as a friend!!!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Happy Monday! Thanks Rabbitslave! I stretch before and after all my workouts. I have flat feet and noticed I was getting lots of cramping during my spin classes. I added lots of calf & hamstring stretches before my workout and the cramping has greatly improved!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!! I am excited to get started!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks rabbitslave for the great post about stretching! Also, WTG, sounds like you have had a lot on your plate and stayed motivated!!!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member

    I always stretch before and after my workout by using the Precor stretching bench; its shows you several different ways to stretch for all the major muscle groups. Also stretching extends your calorie burn after your workout.

    Good luck to all the BOBer'sfor this week's weigh-in.
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks, rabbitslave, Kristy and all the others!

    Had a great weekend with friends and working. I couldn't log any calories and have to say, I didn't always choose the best options, even though there were none too bad and lost some lbs this weekend!!!

    Had 2 NSVs, who were completely independet from each other :)

    a friend told me she thinks I got really skinny since we got to know each other some years ago (there must be just a difference of 10 lbs or so :)

    and a friend (a male one - I didn't even know that guys see some minor changes, and would tell them) also recognized me for losing weight :) at the meeting there were a lot of girls either, but none of them said anything (my mom thinks, probably they are too competitive to say something, even though they are all really skinny)

  • Stretching is hit or miss at times I must say...sometimes I just forget and other times I'm in a time crunch.
    I do make it a habit to stretch most days now, its still a work in progress.
    I do the stork and the giant step along with some uppers as well...I don't know all the names of these stretches but it includes tricep and chest along with back.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I dont stretch all the time like I should (i knooow im so bad) lol but when i do I like stretching my calves and, quads and hamstring because normally the work outs I do really take a toll on my legs so I like to stretch them to keep my muscles from hurting :)

    hope everybody has a really great week this week!!!! :)

  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Today I burnt so many calories. I painted my sisters room and her bed. I also cleaned my house, laundry, and I might mow the lawn later. If I don't get to it today, I will be doing it tomorrow. Tonight I plan on watching a movie and cutting fabric for quilts.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    WTG Kristi! Thanks for everything!

    you really did today's challenge proud and I DO appreciate the kudos as well:blushing:

    It is so great to be part of this community:bigsmile:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Thanks ranewell! I appreciate that:flowerforyou:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    yay! great to hear that stretching helps with those cramps:cry: ouchie those darned things really hurt!

    Happy Monday:bigsmile:
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I definately do not stretch like I should. I am one of those - head out the door, run, come home and get ready for work. No stretch. There are times when my legs remind me of the importance of stretching!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    TUESDAY - JULY 19 - DAY 64 - "It's a lifestyle!"


    We've got a week to go before the July 25th second 5 weeks weighin! WOW! Make sure you give it your all this week!!! Fill your MFP cups EVERY DAY! This will help shed those extra pounds and keep you from overeating!!!

    Today's challenge brought to us by: :drinker: MikeyKeith7

    Diets rarely work. They rarely bring PERMANENT weight loss. The only way to true PERMANENT weight loss is to change your LIFESTYLE. You need to make Lifestyle changes that will help you make the right choices and stick to good habits. There is no way to achieve a Lifestyle Change if you hate what you are doing. I encourage you to find out what motivates you. What is the exercise that is right for you? What is the exercise that you look forward to doing? If you hate what you are doing, its only a matter of time before you quit doing it.

    Today I challenge all of you to think hard about how you can make this healthier you journey become a lifestyle. What lifestyle changes have you made to make a healthier you a way of life? What are you not doing that you will start doing to stay on the path to a healthier you?

    It's My Life - Bon Jovi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE
    It's My Life - No Doubt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubvV498pyIM
    Life is a Highway - Tom Cochrane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3sMjm9Eloo

    Everyone post your favorite exercises/workouts!! If you don't have one, ask for ideas!!
    I've tried so many things to lose weight in the past. I never found what worked for ME till this past April. I discovered a training plan called Couch 2 5K, 9 week plan to run a 3.1 mile run without walking. That training plan changed my life. It is the first time I found the exercise that I love, I couldn't get enough of it.

    In 3 months, doing the exercise that I enjoyed--- I went from 245Ibs to 187Ibs and got my 5k time to 27:26. I run 4 days a week, but wish I could do more!!!

    *Here's a great MFP post of someone who lost 95lbs in 10 months by making her weight loss journey a lifestyle change!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • I just posted a similar type question of the day in another group?! lol

    I enjoy most cardio workouts and have a love affair going with the arc trainer.
    I'm now branching outside of my gym and doing a circuit style training called crossfit and so far so good, its giving me the kick I needed!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    My favorite workout of all time is walking. I walk 5K most days and I have now started running/jogging. When I walk the 5K it usually takes me 50-55 minutes. This past weekend I walked/jogged the same distance and clocked in at 39 minutes on both days. Other things I love to do are yoga, yard work(weeding and creating flower beds), and I have started doing the elliptical on days when I do not put in over 14000 steps in a workday.
    Bringing the walking back into my life along with food changes has helped me lose 45 pounds.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Great challenges this week so far! They always are! As to what motivates me - I need for exercise to be fun or I won't stay with it. I love the Wii games - I do Wii fit Plus, Wii Zumba, and Wii Gold's Dance Gym Workout. I also like to walk and I go to a twice a week Zumba class, which is a ton of fun! I do view what I am doing as a way of life now. In the past, I would always think that when I am done with my diet I can eat this or that, or blow off exercise. Now, it's just what I do. And if Ireally want to eat something that's not the healthiest, 9 out of 10 times, it doesn't taste as good as I remember. If I do want it and eat it, I just incorporate it into my diary. Have a great week all!
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I honestly already feel in just this short time like I have made this a lifestyle change...sometimes I think about eating something I used to eat or reverting to my old ways and I can't even fathom doing it like no matter what happens in my life its just become second nature to choose the healthier option...the only thing I do need to get better on is my exercise and my food portions on CERTAIN items *cough* cereal...Honey Bunches of Oats is my crack at night time so I had to stop keeping it in the house at least right now...I wanted to start slow with this so I didn't feel bombarded all at once with all of these changes but its been almost 90 days since beginning this journey and its easier every single day...of course some days are harder than others and its with the support of my friends here on MFP that I am able to keep going and pushing myself harder than ever...so many times in the past I've not held myself accountable for my actions and I'd try a diet it would last for a little while and then I'd say screw it and go back to my old ways...not now...not EVER again will I be the weight I was when I started this and each pound I lose I look at it as gone forever because when I made the decision to begin this journey i knew there was no turning back for me this is it...I can only look forward from here and take it one day at a time :)

    My favorite exercise machine is the elliptical for me it burns the most calories and is just a really fun machine...I actually tried a new machine out yesterday that I think might come in as 2nd favoritre its called a Crossramp? or something? All i know is it made me work and my legs are mad at me today hehe
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I agree completely about making this a lifestyle change. I am changing the way I look at food and it isn't easy. That's why I am doing the beck diet solution. To change my thinking. You can check out my journey in the thread below.