Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @anne1k welcome to MFP!! Hope your journey goes well! Hope you get to grips with it soon (you found the community board way quicker than I did haha)
    Good luck with your goals:)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Just catching up on recent posts - congratulations on being 5 years cancer free! That must feel amazing. You should do something awesome to celebrate!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Ok so yesterday I was an utter, utter pig. No excuse for it! Not sure why really apart from I went to focus groups in the evening where the food and booze was free - I was the client so my food was all paid for - and free food is always a situation where I always go a bit mad.

    That wasn't the only thing though, I'd also had a piece of cake earlier in the afternoon for no apparent reason. That was possibly a stress / low mood thing - I'd just been for an MRI scan and had a tight deadline to meet.

    Now it stops! I think the issue is I have lost quite a lot already so I'm getting complacent. But if I continue eating like this, I will put it back on again. And anyway, I do actually want to lose at least another 5 pounds so that I am not 'overweight' anymore. Ideally I would lose 10.

    Plus, all this junk food is really bad for me and half the time I don't even like it. Why do I eat it? I think I must have been trained in my upbringing to have some caveman like mentality whereby when I see food that's bad for me I have to eat it in case the opportunity never comes again. When in reality, I can go to shops /restaurants to buy food any time I want!!!!

    Now it stops... taking this seriously again. I'm not saying I'm never going to slip, but I have to start actively trying to have more good days than bad days. Intelligent choices - not random emotional greed.

    I'm not going to report back on yesterday's commitments - summary is I didn't do any! Instead I will start afresh today:

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks. If I am HUNGRY, I can eat one of the ryvita in my drawer
    - At pub tonight, order salad and no dessert
    - At pub tonight, alternate soft drinks and alcoholic drinks - starting with soft!
    - At pub tonight, diet G&T only

    - 30 minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Work quickly and productively through to-do list; no procrastinating or perfectionism
    - Listen to music to boost mood
    - Remind myself of why I'm doing this throughout the day
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Goals for Mon 30th Jan

    - Drink 4 glasses of water :( nope
    - Stay under calorie allowance :) yep
    - Exercise 1 hr :( nope *health issues*
    - Put away all the washing. :( nope
    - Blitz house (quickly) :( nope
    - Start 30 day squat challenge :( nope *health issues*

    So yesterday can be classed as a total fail!

    Try again today!

    Goals for Tue 31st Jan
    - Drink 4 glasses of water
    - Stay under calorie allowance
    - No exercise today
    - Attempt Day 1 and Day 2 of Squat Challenge (not a must)
    - Actually tidy the house and put laundry away!
  • Sally123422
    Sally123422 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok so yesterday I was an utter, utter pig. No excuse for it! Not sure why really apart from I went to focus groups in the evening where the food and booze was free - I was the client so my food was all paid for - and free food is always a situation where I always go a bit mad.

    That wasn't the only thing though, I'd also had a piece of cake earlier in the afternoon for no apparent reason. That was possibly a stress / low mood thing - I'd just been for an MRI scan and had a tight deadline to meet.

    Now it stops! I think the issue is I have lost quite a lot already so I'm getting complacent. But if I continue eating like this, I will put it back on again. And anyway, I do actually want to lose at least another 5 pounds so that I am not 'overweight' anymore. Ideally I would lose 10.

    Plus, all this junk food is really bad for me and half the time I don't even like it. Why do I eat it? I think I must have been trained in my upbringing to have some caveman like mentality whereby when I see food that's bad for me I have to eat it in case the opportunity never comes again. When in reality, I can go to shops /restaurants to buy food any time I want!!!!

    Now it stops... taking this seriously again. I'm not saying I'm never going to slip, but I have to start actively trying to have more good days than bad days. Intelligent choices - not random emotional greed.

    I'm not going to report back on yesterday's commitments - summary is I didn't do any! Instead I will start afresh today:

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks. If I am HUNGRY, I can eat one of the ryvita in my drawer
    - At pub tonight, order salad and no dessert
    - At pub tonight, alternate soft drinks and alcoholic drinks - starting with soft!
    - At pub tonight, diet G&T only

    - 30 minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Work quickly and productively through to-do list; no procrastinating or perfectionism
    - Listen to music to boost mood
    - Remind myself of why I'm doing this throughout the day

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Monday

    Be productive. :)
    10000 steps :)
    8 glasses!!!!! Dang it!!! Still short
    Don't sweat the small stuff :)

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Drink water when I'm stressed
    Drink water when I'm hungry
    Drink water when I'm tired
    Just drink those measly 8 glasses :#
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Just for today:

    I will Log my food to the best of my ability :)
    I will enjoy the burger and fries I have already scheduled :)
    I will enjoy getting my hair done :)
    I will take one moment at a time :)


    Log all food
    Focus better at work
    Stay within 100 calories of my goal (either side)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    Now it stops... taking this seriously again. I'm not saying I'm never going to slip, but I have to start actively trying to have more good days than bad days. Intelligent choices - not random emotional greed.

    I'm not going to report back on yesterday's commitments - summary is I didn't do any! Instead I will start afresh today

    Good for you! Each day is a chance for a fresh start. Maybe try the 80/20 rule (or 90/10, whatever works): eat 80% healthy and allow 20% other.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Mon 30th Jan
    So yesterday can be classed as a total fail!

    Not true! You stayed within your calorie allowance. We can't all be perfect every day.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    Yesterday M 1/30/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES 10 :smile:
    2) Log all food - YES even though I ate two welsh cookies at work (I had to try one and it was so good, I had another), and I ate another piece of hubby's chocolate bday cake (my weakness) after supper :neutral:
    3) Walk at least 10,000 steps - maybe on treadmill this evening? YES forced myself to walk treadmill while watching the news, got >12,000 for entire day plus 27 flights of stairs :smiley:
    4) Meditate in afternoon - YES :smile:
    5) Floss - YES :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - YES 10:16 :smile:

    Just for T 1/31/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 10,000 steps with lunchtime snowshoe hike & maybe treadmill this evening
    3) Meditate (really focus this time!) in afternoon
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off
  • anne1k
    anne1k Posts: 6 Member
    Goals for Tuesday achieved so far except walk @ lunchtime (meeting ).
    JFT Weds 1st Feb
    • stay within calorie allowance
    • log all food
    • drink 4 glasses of water
    • organise something to wear for Thurs clubbercise class
    • walk at lunchtime

    Keep it in the day or hour / minute if necessary
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. did not get to the gym this morning, so try and go tonite :) Went for a 5 mile walk.
    3. drink water :/
    4. finish last embroidery block, and start putting quilt together :):/ Finished the last block, but I don't like the fabric that I got to do the sashing inbetween. So now its back to the fabric store.
    5. start charity quilt :/
    6. work on pc boards :/
    7. finish laundry :/

    Not the most productive day. I slept too long in the morning, so hard to get myself going, plus, as my hubby says, I was just grumpy all day. Not sure why. Sometimes I think I get on facebook too much, and see others with their siblings, grandkids, etc., and I miss all that. Our grandkids live 500 miles away, and I have lost all my siblings. So I guess it was just a "pity party" for me yesterday. But .... I did OK with my food intake, and went for a 5 mile walk, which got me in a much better mood.

    So JFT, Tuesday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. clean my sewing room - its a mess!
    4. get work done
    5. read success stories
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Monday

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Drink water when I'm stressed
    Drink water when I'm hungry
    Drink water when I'm tired
    Just drink those measly 8 glasses :#

    I love this! This is me totally! I need to remember I am most likely thirsty, not hungry! I struggle all the time with getting my water in.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Now it stops! I think the issue is I have lost quite a lot already so I'm getting complacent. But if I continue eating like this, I will put it back on again. And anyway, I do actually want to lose at least another 5 pounds so that I am not 'overweight' anymore. Ideally I would lose 10.

    Plus, all this junk food is really bad for me and half the time I don't even like it. Why do I eat it? I think I must have been trained in my upbringing to have some caveman like mentality whereby when I see food that's bad for me I have to eat it in case the opportunity never comes again. When in reality, I can go to shops /restaurants to buy food any time I want!!!!

    Now it stops... taking this seriously again. I'm not saying I'm never going to slip, but I have to start actively trying to have more good days than bad days. Intelligent choices - not random emotional greed.

    My husband tells me our genes go back to the caveman - where we are programmed to eat to survive! I am the same way - especially if the food and drinks are free!

    But that is living - we can't have everyday to perfect in our food choices.
    I know you'll get right back on track!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    @Sally123422 - when you want to post, you can just type in whatever you want in the reply box at the bottom of the page. It took me a long time to figure out how to quote someone. Hope to hear from you again.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Why do we all find it so hard to drink water?!
    Ive literally drunk nothing all day apart from a can of Diet Coke, no bru, no juice, no water!

    I must be like a camel!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Goals for Tue 31st Jan
    - Drink 4 glasses of water :) Drunk 2and will have a third with protein shake! Good enough!
    - Stay under calorie allowance :) yep yep
    - No exercise today :smiley: Did an hour lol!!
    - Attempt Day 1 and Day 2 of Squat Challenge (not a must) :) Done Day 1
    - Actually tidy the house and put laundry away! :neutral: kind of??

    General goals for Jan(or what's left of it)

    - Exercise everyday for the remaining days - didn't manage that but I have exercised 17/31 days!
    - Log every single thing :) almost, done very well!
    - Lose 2lbs - need to weigh but won't mind as I've lost 6lb this month alone!

    Starting weight: 12st 10
    Current weight: 12st 4
    Weight lost: 6lbs

    Goals for 1st Feb

    - Drink 4 glasses of water, set reminders?!?
    - Stay under calorie allowance
    - Do Day 2 and 3 of Squat Challenge
    - Do 1hr of exercise.

    General Goals for Feb

    - Remain consistent with water intake
    - Try to workout between 18-21 days out of 28
    - Lose 4-6lb
    - Word for Feb: Unstoppable.
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    edited January 2017
    @joan6630 our tap water here is so delicious. Don't know what my problem is. In summer I drink like gallons it seems. Too much coffee I think. But I will not live without that. I'm tired lol. Maybe a trip to see your grand babies is in order?
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @cschmitz110515 The 80-20 rule is a good one. I have also done well in the past by trying to make my calories balance out over the week - so if I go over by 600 on one day, have 100 less on the other six (or other alternative). I like the idea of having 80-20 as well though!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I was better yesterday! I wasn't perfect, but stayed within calories and that's the first day in a couple of weeks that I've done that. So a step in the right direction!

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks. If I am HUNGRY, I can eat one of the ryvita in my drawer :/ Ryvita are disgusting, I couldn't bring myself to eat them and had crisps instead. Need to find alternative drawer snacks!
    - At pub tonight, order salad and no dessert :)
    - At pub tonight, alternate soft drinks and alcoholic drinks - starting with soft! :| I had 1 soft and 2 alcoholic but I did start with the soft!
    - At pub tonight, diet G&T only :)
    - 30 minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Work quickly and productively through to-do list; no procrastinating or perfectionism :)
    - Listen to music to boost mood :|
    - Remind myself of why I'm doing this throughout the day :|

    Today I'm travelling and am going to have another free food opportunity this evening which is dangerous. It's probably unrealistic to think I'll be super good, however I'm determined to be better than last time!

    Commitments are:
    - Log everything I eat
    - Light lunch
    - No snacks in afternoon
    - Choose moderately healthy dinner
    - Have max. 1 sweet snack in evening
    - Drink one glass of water for every glass of wine

    - Don't faff and procrastinate just because nobody is with me to see me do it....