married chit-chatters?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Do you feel smug or "superior" when you see Hollywood marriages crumble?

    Kinda falls into the discussion about "only being as faithful as your opportunities". But also says a lot about the character of people. I can have dozens of crushes in life and still not vary in who I love. I work at a college, there are so many amazingly beautiful people here and online everywhere, and so much marketing based on physical forces almost everyone to be in a constant state of physical arousal. That is the challenge for everyone, and in high profile stations in life, it becomes even more difficult to deny. SO I don't blame them, thinking I wouldn't want to be tested like that (not that I haven't been tested in my life, often even).

    The saying is true though:

    "f a man loves a woman’s soul, he will end up loving one woman, but if he just loves a woman’s body or face, all the women in the world won’t satisfy him."

    Where you put your attention and efforts is where you will go.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Read that Scarlet Johansson is getting divorced from husband #2 after two years.

    Do you feel smug or "superior" when you see Hollywood marriages crumble?

    Sometimes I wonder why do they even bother to "make it legal"?

    No. It makes me sad. At one point and time they believed they'd be forever, and then things happened and their marriage fell apart. That's always sad.

    I can't imagine trying to survive in a celebrity marriage. The pressures, stressors, and temptations they go through that a normal marriage doesn't... Two celebs get in a relationship because they believe only another celeb can understand and support that kind of career, but then they have to watch their SO kissing other people on screen, skipping a night in with them to go to a function, being gone for months while filming on location or touring, all while being surrounded by beautiful, funny, talented, charismatic people.

    Maybe when they get married they're still wildly in love and believe it will be forever. Maybe they're fulfilling expectations put on them by always being in the public eye. Maybe they're hoping marriage will bring a sense of security to an otherwise tumultuous situation. But then it falls apart, and the whole world tries to dig into the gory details of why and they don't get to mourn privately. They get bashed by faceless commenters on the internet for having no morals, and there's always rumors that someone cheated/was abusive/was on drugs that may or may not have any truth to them.

    I don't know if I'd fare any better in that environment. Why should I feel superior? Everyone's human, *kitten* happens. Just because they're rich and famous doesn't mean they deserve my judgment or my lack of compassion.
  • NisaB
    NisaB Posts: 65 Member
    hankpick77 wrote: »
    Hi fellow married chit chatters, how is everyone tonight?

    I'm a day late! HELLO! :)
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    I am so ready for this day to be over and finally my weekend can start.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Read that Scarlet Johansson is getting divorced from husband #2 after two years.

    Do you feel smug or "superior" when you see Hollywood marriages crumble?

    Sometimes I wonder why do they even bother to "make it legal"?

    I don't feel smug or superior. I've been married twice sometimes things just don't work out.

    And imagine living your life in a fishbowl with ever move you make tracked and judged. Must be hard to make a relationship work really. also to be a celebrity takes a special kind of person. To do something like that at the level these people do takes an intense kind of person. If you have 2 high powered people it must be quite the dynamic and very difficult to make things work.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Read that Scarlet Johansson is getting divorced from husband #2 after two years.

    Do you feel smug or "superior" when you see Hollywood marriages crumble?

    Sometimes I wonder why do they even bother to "make it legal"?

    I do not feel smug or superior when Hollywood marriages crumble. I actually feel kind of sad for them because they live such hectic, public lives that it's hard to have a healthy marriage, especially when married to someone who lives that same hectic, public life. I imagine that's a very difficult life, and I'm sure the money is nice, but I wouldn't trade the general privacy and simplicity of my life for the money and public notoriety.

    I'm sure they make it legal the same reason the rest of us do. They found someone they want to live their life with, someone that understands and can relate to the issues they have to deal with in their life, and someone they can be themselves with. It's not an easy thing to find.
  • dabaggoo
    dabaggoo Posts: 15 Member
    Happily married since 2002, looking fir friends on here been on MFP for over a year! Please by all means add me I don't mind. Happy dieting everyone
  • BklynFitGuy
    BklynFitGuy Posts: 712 Member
    Happy Monday fellow chit chatters.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Still married.
  • NisaB
    NisaB Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Monday fellow chit chatters.

    Happy Monday! :)
  • MsMarketeer
    MsMarketeer Posts: 24 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE! Yep, I'm in a great mood and happy to shout in ALL CAPS! LOL!

    Just returned from a week long trip to Washington D.C. and had a marvelous time! Was so proud to stay on track with eating and walking everywhere. I was discouraged to see just a .5 loss, but hey, it's a loss, right?

    I saw pa-len-ty of very interesting people and signs there since it was just a day after the Women's March, but, as an artist, I was completely in LOVE with the museums there. Crossed several things off my bucket list, namely visiting Arlington National Cemetery. Wow!

    Anyway, back home now, back on my regular schedule and am prepping, of all things, for a cake decorating class I am teaching next week. No finger licking in that one or I'll devour the whole cake! I love teaching cake decorating (and art in general) to kids. They don't judge and think everything you do is awesome!

  • ejusmc
    ejusmc Posts: 29 Member
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one
  • MsMarketeer
    MsMarketeer Posts: 24 Member
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.

    Just because you bought the dress doesn't mean you can't window shop. was always my dad's saying
  • ejusmc
    ejusmc Posts: 29 Member
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.

    People always look, I'm not saying hit him up on a messenger or nothing but that people will always look, is part of being a human, you probably already own a car right? That doesn't mean you can't say "hey look at that car I like the rims" either way you looked at it. That's my concept :)
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.

    Just because you bought the dress doesn't mean you can't window shop. was always my dad's saying

    My mom's is "appreciate the scenery just don't buy any land."

    A regular exchange in my house, usually watching TV.

    Me: he's yummy!
    Mr.: Still right here, honey.
    Me: you being there doesn't make him less hot.

    It doesn't make hubby any less hot either. I don't care if my guy thinks other girls are pretty because I know he thinks I'm pretty, too, and I'm the one he married. That said, he's not always thrilled about my fangirling over whatever tv show/actor I'm into that week. Seriously, babe, you don't need to be jealous of Sherlock. ..
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.

    Just because you bought the dress doesn't mean you can't window shop. was always my dad's saying

    My mom's is "appreciate the scenery just don't buy any land."

    A regular exchange in my house, usually watching TV.

    Me: he's yummy!
    Mr.: Still right here, honey.
    Me: you being there doesn't make him less hot.

    It doesn't make hubby any less hot either. I don't care if my guy thinks other girls are pretty because I know he thinks I'm pretty, too, and I'm the one he married. That said, he's not always thrilled about my fangirling over whatever tv show/actor I'm into that week. Seriously, babe, you don't need to be jealous of Sherlock. ..

    Whenever my husband goes to a function alone I joke if you are going to pick up make sure she's hot.
    He'll often ask me if some guy is hot. I don't see a problem with looking at enjoying the scenery haha
    And the silly men being jealous. Mine is only jealous of one of my boyfriends but i'm always like he just gets to look and fantasize hubs gets the real thing....which probably isn't much consolation hahah
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    ejusmc wrote: »
    Married.. but what's wrong with looking? I might even lick my screen.

    True that, with you in this one

    Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.

    Just because you bought the dress doesn't mean you can't window shop. was always my dad's saying're Dad bought dresses after window shopping?

  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Do you feel smug or "superior" when you see Hollywood marriages crumble?

    Kinda falls into the discussion about "only being as faithful as your opportunities". But also says a lot about the character of people. I can have dozens of crushes in life and still not vary in who I love. I work at a college, there are so many amazingly beautiful people here and online everywhere, and so much marketing based on physical forces almost everyone to be in a constant state of physical arousal. That is the challenge for everyone, and in high profile stations in life, it becomes even more difficult to deny. SO I don't blame them, thinking I wouldn't want to be tested like that (not that I haven't been tested in my life, often even).

    The saying is true though:

    "f a man loves a woman’s soul, he will end up loving one woman, but if he just loves a woman’s body or face, all the women in the world won’t satisfy him."

    Where you put your attention and efforts is where you will go.

    This is awesome^^