Juice fasting



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I just posted something on this and realized afterward that you posted as well! My husband and I watched the documentary the first of last week. We're on day 4 of the fast now and feeling much better than we did the first 2 days. The detoxing for us meant muscle aches and headaches and just plain feeling tired. So far, in 4 days, my husband has lost at least 15lbs. I've lost about 5lbs on the fast and 2 inches off my waist and hips. I have the energy still to be able to get a workout in and still manage the children without being completely exhausted. Today my husband said I looked vibrant. I don't think he's said that about me in the 8 years we've been married. My husband has gone a size down in shirts (in 4 days), and he's looking great. I'm so proud of him. We're doing this for 10 days at least, and then we'll reevaluate from there. How exciting to see that someone else is doing it as well! Keep me posted on your progress (and good recipes! I'm having trouble with the green stuff too! bleh!)

    Girl, yeah the veggies juice I'm not digging, but I know I need them, so I forced myself to drink it, are you getting any protein? or just doing veggies and fruits. That is fantastic on both your losses and inches lost. Keep it up and keep me posted on your progress. I'm interested on how you all do.... Yes today was VERY HARD. Major headache which I haven't had in years and hunger pangs.... But I just drink my juice and water and try to do other things to occupy myself... Going on Day 2...I hope I can stay focused...LOL
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Good luck to you. I saw the film last week, and I'll bet the juicer companies are thrilled, there are many threads about this here already.

    On the website from the film www.FatSick&NearlyDead.com, the newpaper article has his first ten day juice as being:

    1 Bunch of Kale
    4 Celery Stalks
    1 Cucumber
    2 Granny Smith Apples
    1/2 Lemon
    Ginger Root

    (There is a bit of confusion, as there are pictures of carrots, but it's not mentioned in the article.)

    That chart mentioned that talks about the nutrient breakdown in the film is at www.DrFurman.com

    Again, good luck. As far as the fats, and proteins someone mentioned, just keep in mind that you have a lot of stored fat to live on....NOT everyone does. Looking forward to your progress.

    ooooo Thanks for the info, i never visited the sight, i think i will now. and thanks for the encouragement.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    There is a fifteen day option of EATING veggies and fruit and juicing. You aren't any less hardcore if you don't all out fast so don' t set yourself up for all or nothing, that's how most of us got here.

    I wish people would research before condemning (General You) it and I wish even more they'd listen to the WHY.
    The nutritional info is there for anyone who cares to read it and no one is going to get a protein deficiency in two weeks. Most of us are large enough we have plenty of reserves anyway.

    We aren't ninnies, we aren't going to stop and then go eat a pizza cause Gosh, we didn't learn portion size. We already ate the whole damn pizza anyway.

    That being said, it needs to be veggie based with fruit 'accents' otherwise it's too high in sugar and kinda pointless.

    Edited for spelling like a kagillion times.

    Thats the plan more Veggies with a little bit of fruit
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I'm doing this too! I love juicing & luckily live next to a food co-op so I can get great local organic greens. I love the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. I've showed it to so many family members and friends already and everyone loved it. It is quite and inspiring film. I've found it hard to function quitting food cold turkey so in the mornings I've been having a egg along side of my juice. Helps satisfy my need for salty, protieny food, plus eggs are brain fuel!
    GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FAST! I did it once before and felt so amazingly good afterwards. I look forward to feeling that again!

    I might just do the egg thing, cause I LOVE Eggs, cause I will need some protein... What does everyone else think?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Benefits of Doing the Juice fasting followed by a healthy eating lifestyle:
    Boost the number of fruit/vegetable servings you can ingest in a day
    Break the cycle of unhealthy eating
    Retrain your brain to crave fruits and vegetables
    Manage your weight
    Promote a lifestyle that will lower risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, macular degeneration, cognitive decline and mental illness including depression
    Promote longevity
    Decrease aches and pains in joints and muscles
    Improve your immunity
    Promote increased energy levels
    Promote healthy skin, nails and hair
    Gain greater access to digestive enzymes locked away in whole produce through juicing

    Info found on Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead website
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    i am excited to see this post! my friend wants to start a juice fast tomorrow so now we have a support team to help us- thanks so much!- I dont do the juicing but i will do green smoothies- i like getting the "whole" fruit and veggie. Just wanted to share a few tips i have learned along the way-- even if you dont need to chew- chew away- it promotes better digestion. hemp seeds are a great source for another protien- you could add them to your juicer.

    Mostly I want to say kudos for trying something new and being open to adjusting along the way- the greatest step you have taken- IMHO is getting rid of the processed- that is soo very tough- i havnt gotten there but it is a major goal of mine (tough for myself but then throw a hubby and two kids who are NOT on board- yikesbut i WILL get there)- but am determined to throw away a little more each day as well as not purchase it amymore.

    I also encourage you to buy organic- all those pesticides just make your body work harder to sort out the good stuff from that bad and long term- that is what you need to detox.- i know that ones tough too- Im still working on it as well.

    Feel free to friend me so we can share with and encourage each other - Blessings to you all!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    So, I am not going to hijack this thread, this will be the only thing I post in here about it. People gonna do what they want, regardless of whether is a good idea or not.

    Here is what I said last time someone mentioned juicing.
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    It's really sad, because people listen to crap like this and think "Oh my god, I can lose so much weight in just 60 days" and ultimately, it ends up being no healthier for them in the long run.

    In this particular "shake diet"s defense, they try to teach exercise as well... but if your nutrition isn't right, no matter what you do you aren't going to be healthy.

    Here is a good analogy - Its like when poor people win the lottery. Statistically, they are broke in less than 5 years. Because they haven't changed their spending habits, learned how to save money, or learned how to invest!

    Please people... I am begging you. Look at the statistics of programs like this before you waste years of your life bouncing back and forth between programs. It's for your own good.

    Note: This program is at least a vast improvement over most of the planned meals programs. They are trying to throw some exercise and SOME idea of food control, but its still not enough. Especially since they are getting rich off the people that buy it. >_< <--- that's my angry face.

    I know, this is my weight loss pet peeve...
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    i am excited to see this post! my friend wants to start a juice fast tomorrow so now we have a support team to help us- thanks so much!- I dont do the juicing but i will do green smoothies- i like getting the "whole" fruit and veggie. Just wanted to share a few tips i have learned along the way-- even if you dont need to chew- chew away- it promotes better digestion. hemp seeds are a great source for another protien- you could add them to your juicer.

    Mostly I want to say kudos for trying something new and being open to adjusting along the way- the greatest step you have taken- IMHO is getting rid of the processed- that is soo very tough- i havnt gotten there but it is a major goal of mine (tough for myself but then throw a hubby and two kids who are NOT on board- yikesbut i WILL get there)- but am determined to throw away a little more each day as well as not purchase it amymore.

    I also encourage you to buy organic- all those pesticides just make your body work harder to sort out the good stuff from that bad and long term- that is what you need to detox.- i know that ones tough too- Im still working on it as well.

    Feel free to friend me so we can share with and encourage each other - Blessings to you all!

    Thanks for your thoughts and tips.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    What kind of juicer are you using?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    So, I am not going to hijack this thread, this will be the only thing I post in here about it. People gonna do what they want, regardless of whether is a good idea or not.

    Here is what I said last time someone mentioned juicing.
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    It's really sad, because people listen to crap like this and think "Oh my god, I can lose so much weight in just 60 days" and ultimately, it ends up being no healthier for them in the long run.

    In this particular "shake diet"s defense, they try to teach exercise as well... but if your nutrition isn't right, no matter what you do you aren't going to be healthy.

    Here is a good analogy - Its like when poor people win the lottery. Statistically, they are broke in less than 5 years. Because they haven't changed their spending habits, learned how to save money, or learned how to invest!

    Please people... I am begging you. Look at the statistics of programs like this before you waste years of your life bouncing back and forth between programs. It's for your own good.

    Note: This program is at least a vast improvement over most of the planned meals programs. They are trying to throw some exercise and SOME idea of food control, but its still not enough. Especially since they are getting rich off the people that buy it. >_< <--- that's my angry face.

    I know, this is my weight loss pet peeve...

    Ok I can see where your coming from, but everyone is different and when I come off the fast I'm NOT going back to my old habits and ballooning back up. Its all about eating healthier, portion control and exercise. and I plan to stick with it. I wanted to do this to help me get to eating healthier and yes losing weight, but basically trying to get my mind on more veggies and way less processed foods. If you can't unserstand that, then I'm sorry for you. Everyones body is different and work differently, yes we have the same body parts and blah, blah, blah, but Men lose easier than women for starters. My friend she can eat anything and still lose weight, but I even look at ice cream and have to work so much harder to lose weight. I'm just trying to say, I want to do this to get in a healthier eating mind set. Thats all
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    What kind of juicer are you using?

    I got the Power Juicer from Sears
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you Google juicer recipes you will find several sites with recipes for juices. This might help you get some tasty mixes without having to choke down something that didn't work out.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Okay everyone Day 2 has arrived and I feel a lot better from Yesterday, but I always feel better in the mornings anyways. We will see how this afternoon goes. Oh yeah and to those who haven't seen it, I've lost 3.5 lbs from yesterday, yeah me. I'm sure its water weight, but it still makes me feel good, I'm hoping i will finally get to the 250's by the end of the week, That would be so awesome. Well I'm fixing to go do some walking and recumbent Bike. If anyone is doing this also, let me know how its going. I love to see how everyone else is doing.

    No head ache this morning and my breakfast is oranges, strawberries, blueberries and Carrots...Juiced. Fruit for breakfast is always a good thing
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    If you Google juicer recipes you will find several sites with recipes for juices. This might help you get some tasty mixes without having to choke down something that didn't work out.

    I like that I will google it
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ok I can see where your coming from, but everyone is different and when I come off the fast I'm NOT going back to my old habits and ballooning back up. Its all about eating healthier, portion control and exercise. and I plan to stick with it. I wanted to do this to help me get to eating healthier and yes losing weight, but basically trying to get my mind on more veggies and way less processed foods. If you can't unserstand that, then I'm sorry for you. Everyones body is different and work differently, yes we have the same body parts and blah, blah, blah, but Men lose easier than women for starters. My friend she can eat anything and still lose weight, but I even look at ice cream and have to work so much harder to lose weight. I'm just trying to say, I want to do this to get in a healthier eating mind set. Thats all

    People will do what they want, regardless of the research, and I can sometimes understand that I suppose. Gotta try things for yourself sometimes. If it helps you to keep it off long term, more power to you.

    I really do hope you beat the statistics and keep it off! Best of luck, hope to be seeing before and after pictures of you!

    I have a weakness for Redheads, what can I say ;)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Yeah, don't listen to this. This is obviously this person's experience or they are just uninformed. I used juice fasting intermittently over a period of 3 years to lose 120 pounds and KEEP IT OFF. I learned to eat healthy and felt so great during the juice fasting times. You are not really fasting but giving yourself megadoses of nutrition. I did gain about 35 pounds back after I got married but it had nothing to do with the juicing but my abandonment of the healthy lifestyle I had become accustomed to.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Yeah, don't listen to this. This is obviously this person's experience or they are just uninformed. I used juice fasting intermittently over a period of 3 years to lose 120 pounds and KEEP IT OFF. I learned to eat healthy and felt so great during the juice fasting times. You are not really fasting but giving yourself megadoses of nutrition. I did gain about 35 pounds back after I got married but it had nothing to do with the juicing but my abandonment of the healthy lifestyle I had become accustomed to.

    Sigh, please don't say things like "He is uninformed". I have done my research, I've looked at MEDICAL STUDIES and Double blind peer reviews.

    This is the truth. It might not be YOUR experience, but a single persons experience is not statistically significant. I'm not going to hate on the people juicing, there is much worse "diets" out there, like HCG, but it statistically does not work long term.

    Some people can't take the facts and have to learn for themselves - Thats fine. It's their life. Hopefully it works for them.

    I don't want anyone to fail at their goals. I'm not saying these things to put anyone down, or make them fail. I am telling them the statistical truth, according to medical studies. I want them to have the best chance possible of living a healthy, fit life.

    And as far as the statement "you aren't really fasting", true. You aren't. You're on a diet. Statistically, a "diet" doesn't work long term.

    Just stating the facts supported by research, you don't need to take personal offense.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Ok I can see where your coming from, but everyone is different and when I come off the fast I'm NOT going back to my old habits and ballooning back up. Its all about eating healthier, portion control and exercise. and I plan to stick with it. I wanted to do this to help me get to eating healthier and yes losing weight, but basically trying to get my mind on more veggies and way less processed foods. If you can't unserstand that, then I'm sorry for you. Everyones body is different and work differently, yes we have the same body parts and blah, blah, blah, but Men lose easier than women for starters. My friend she can eat anything and still lose weight, but I even look at ice cream and have to work so much harder to lose weight. I'm just trying to say, I want to do this to get in a healthier eating mind set. Thats all

    People will do what they want, regardless of the research, and I can sometimes understand that I suppose. Gotta try things for yourself sometimes. If it helps you to keep it off long term, more power to you.

    I really do hope you beat the statistics and keep it off! Best of luck, hope to be seeing before and after pictures of you!

    I have a weakness for Redheads, what can I say ;)

    Thanks, and I will definately be posting before and after photos... :wink:
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Yeah, don't listen to this. This is obviously this person's experience or they are just uninformed. I used juice fasting intermittently over a period of 3 years to lose 120 pounds and KEEP IT OFF. I learned to eat healthy and felt so great during the juice fasting times. You are not really fasting but giving yourself megadoses of nutrition. I did gain about 35 pounds back after I got married but it had nothing to do with the juicing but my abandonment of the healthy lifestyle I had become accustomed to.

    Yeah I'm gonna continue to do this... and stick to it and even afterwards keep eating healthy and living a healthy life style and not go back to bad habits. Thats the plan anyways...lol
  • awandell
    awandell Posts: 62
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Hey! I hope this isn't true. I hear what you're saying. You've done the research? Can you point me in the direction where I can find this research? The goal for my husband and I (we're finishing up day 4 now on our first juice fast) is to reverse the toxic food addictions we have, change our response to how we treat food, and allow our body to recover and heal from the abuse it's received from the junk we've filled it with over the years. We also want to develop a "taste" for what is truly good for us. Like an alcoholic needs to stop drinking cold turkey, a person addicted to food can deal with food addictions in a somewhat similar way by going on a juice fast (which we know isn't really a fast because of the huge amounts of nutients we're putting into our bodies. If people are using juice fasts to cure cancer, then what is the big problem with using it to try to reverse our toxic health and poor eating habits. I sure am hoping what your'e saying isn't true, but I can't forsee where we'll be 2 years from now. Surely I hope that this starts us off on the right foot and actually helps us to learn healthy eating habits.