Shorties like me under 5'5 positive vibes only!



  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Well done to everyone.
    I am 5ft 4 and a bit, currently 174.2lb.
    I was 178.9lb and my aim is 108lb and I have 66lbs to lose.
    I log in my foods and aiming to keep in calories but be more active on the days I am not at work. I am gluten intolerant and my doctor was very good but I have to laugh I work on the ward he works. My weight has been up and down what with having to go back onto gluten for all the test for coeliac. Since that there has been a few times that gluten has accidentally ended up in my meal (cross contamination) and I swell on my tummy and many other symptoms. It takes months to get fully out of my system.
    Before I went gluten free I tried for 2 yrs healthy eating and was going to the gym 4 times a week and nothing would shift the weight even changing my workouts didn't help.
    I went gluten free for 2 and 1/2 years to see if gluten was a problem. No daily migraines and all the other stuff went plus the weight just dropped off eating normally.
    I have been eating huge amounts of food before I restarted watching what I eat.
    Thank you for reading

    I have had a similar experience. I've had all sorts of GI and allergy tests with everything coming back "negative," but when I eat grains, pasta, etc I feel terrible: pain all over and get really swollen, esp my belly. I also worked to lose weight for years -- weighing my food, counting calories, exercising and none of it made any difference. I read about "leaky gut syndrome" about a year ago and it was like the author followed me around and was writing about me. I couldn't believe it -- after a decade of doctors, specialists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, etc, I found something that explained what I was going through perfectly. I made some tweaks to my diet and have lost over 100 lbs in the past year. (I'm 5' 1/2")

    When people say they "try to lose weight and nothing works," I really get it. I bet a lot of people have allergies or sensitivities that throw off their systems that tests don't pick up yet ....

    Anyway, good luck all!

    @youdoyou2016 get like a...bruised feeling almost? All over your body? I get this when I overeat on grains or carbs in general. I haven't been able to figure it out. It feels absolutely awful. I've been in a deficit since xmas so I haven't gotten it (not enough room for that many carbs). I've had bloodwork and some allergy tests done recently and nothing came up.
  • jules99jd
    jules99jd Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5' and I need to lose between 40-50lbs. My goal weight is 125-130. I've lost almost 8lbs so far. Feel free to add me too!
  • jroth261
    jroth261 Posts: 117 Member

    Back in the game now for 3 wks after gaining 15lbs this past yr that I had just lost. My work life has finally calmed down so I have the energy to deal with some much needed lifestyle changes. I eat for EVERY reason under the sun, but I find when I get into the rhythm of balanced eating it is much easier. From past ups & downs my Achilles heel to a downward spiral seems to be stress (i.e. work!) and starting habits of bad choices that stem from a sense of invisibility once I feel thinner. Don't suppose anyone else gets too cocky about what they can get away with once they've lost significant weight? So, I know for maintenance (when I get there) these are two areas I need to expect and prepare for.

    SW: 145.7 (Jan 11th, 2017)
    CW: 141.5 (4lbs down in 3 wks! prob a chunk is water weight, but woohoo anyway!)
    GW: 125

    Daily Cal: 1450-1500.

    I am moderately active during the day, but right now haven't started up an exercise routine yet. I hope to start strength training again within a couple wks and will add 200 cals of a protein snack on days that I do. I've found in the past strength training keeps my metabolism from plateauing and and just makes me feel so much better than simply losing weight alone can do!

    I'm new to MFP so feel free to add me if you have similar goals!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 5'2" - also on the yo yo diet. Determined to make this year count
  • trntrg
    trntrg Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'4 and the weight gain seemed to have just happened overnight. I'm considered obese according to the charts so I'm in need of losing at least 40-50. That's such a big number
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Linda 5 "2 146 working my way to 130 or maybe 125 . I'm over 50 so the weight doesn't come off easy add me if you wish
  • Curvycurly223
    Curvycurly223 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 5foot nothing and I'm down 48 pounds and have 52 to go. Feel free to add me! I follow LCHF and keep my diary open. I'm a daily weigher so if those notifications might annoy you consider this your warning :smile:
  • lodovice
    lodovice Posts: 1 Member
    My mother has a fridge magnet that says " I'm not overweight, I'm under tall" Cracks me up as she is 4'10". I am 5'3" and seems like weight is always a battle. I am down 8 lbs this past month, so doing OK. I hate being short; it feels like no matter how much you lose, you'll never have a waist! I'm just aiming for the best that I can be. I started a vegetable garden last summer, canned and froze tons of good food. I like skipping the store as much as possible; who knows what they do to the food in the processing. anyway add me if you want
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    My goal this week is to weigh all my food. I'm not so good with this!
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    lodovice wrote: »
    My mother has a fridge magnet that says " I'm not overweight, I'm under tall" Cracks me up as she is 4'10". I am 5'3" and seems like weight is always a battle. I am down 8 lbs this past month, so doing OK. I hate being short; it feels like no matter how much you lose, you'll never have a waist! I'm just aiming for the best that I can be. I started a vegetable garden last summer, canned and froze tons of good food. I like skipping the store as much as possible; who knows what they do to the food in the processing. anyway add me if you want

    lol I need that magnet on my fridge!!! Lol yeah it's definitely a struggle being short. Great job on your 8 pound loss so far! My mom has a veggie garden too! I love it! You're right if we grow it ourselves we know exactly what's in it. Much success on your weight loss journey!
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    bossymom15 wrote: »
    My goal this week is to weigh all my food. I'm not so good with this!

    Weighing food is also one of my weaknesses! Ugh! But it really does help a lot with weight loss!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I am 5'4, I have already loss 33lbs but have another 46ish to go to my goal weight. I don't have no desire to be skinny I am looking for healthy & fit with curves ;)
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,301 Member
    5'2, 52, 135 trying to get to 125! Sigh! Currently with my parents' southern family trying to convince them I don't have the TB's or exercising myself into the grave!! I will just need to escape their attempts to feed me for the week.
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    KelGen02 wrote: »
    I am 5'4, I have already loss 33lbs but have another 46ish to go to my goal weight. I don't have no desire to be skinny I am looking for healthy & fit with curves ;)

    I love that! That's my goal as well! So many people strive to be skinny. I just want to be fit with curves! Amazing job on your weighloss so far. That is so inspiring!
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    5'2, 52, 135 trying to get to 125! Sigh! Currently with my parents' southern family trying to convince them I don't have the TB's or exercising myself into the grave!! I will just need to escape their attempts to feed me for the week.

    lol that's so funny! I am also from a southern family so trust me I know exactly where your coming from! You are at my goal weight so great job to you! The last 10 are always the hardest but you can do it! Great job!
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    4'11" here! Would love some new motivated friends. I've got another 30-40 to loose. Add me!
  • Jennslimp
    Jennslimp Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I need to lose 50 lbs as well. I have really struggled with this back and forth. I lost 30 lbs back last summer but then my younger brother passed away unexpectedly. When that happened I fell off the wagon and gained all of it back plus more. I'm starting off slow working out 20 minutes a day and eating smaller healthier meals. It's a struggle to lose weight and be motivated to do it. You can add me if you like I could sure use the motivation.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'2" and the struggle is very real! I have yo yoed my entire adult life, I have never been successful at maintence but I will keep trying. Right now I need to lose around 15 pounds but would be thrilled if I lost 5 pounds. Eating under 1200 calories is super challenging. I'm happy to accept any friend requests.
  • jroth261
    jroth261 Posts: 117 Member
    lodovice wrote: »
    My mother has a fridge magnet that says " I'm not overweight, I'm under tall" Cracks me up as she is 4'10". I am 5'3" and seems like weight is always a battle. I am down 8 lbs this past month, so doing OK. I hate being short; it feels like no matter how much you lose, you'll never have a waist! I'm just aiming for the best that I can be. I started a vegetable garden last summer, canned and froze tons of good food. I like skipping the store as much as possible; who knows what they do to the food in the processing. anyway add me if you want

    I haven't braved trying to can yet although I should. I started part time work the other year working for a small store run by a local farm/orchard. Can't undervalue saving half off fresh, local produce and not having to go out of my way to get it at that! Encourages me branch out my palate as well. Can't wait for summer.
  • jroth261
    jroth261 Posts: 117 Member
    Jennslimp wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and I need to lose 50 lbs as well. I have really struggled with this back and forth. I lost 30 lbs back last summer but then my younger brother passed away unexpectedly. When that happened I fell off the wagon and gained all of it back plus more. I'm starting off slow working out 20 minutes a day and eating smaller healthier meals. It's a struggle to lose weight and be motivated to do it. You can add me if you like I could sure use the motivation.

    Glad you are starting to move forward again :) . I prefer easing into a healthier routine as well. The little successes in the beginning give me confidence and then I'm motivated to put in more effort. I've also been staying motivated by reading books on health and fitness since I got back on the bandwagon a month ago. One of the books I found most helpful is Secrets from the Eating Lab. The author uses research to take away some of the guilt we feel when we just don't seem to have enough "willpower" and helps you to strategically approach better eating habits by understanding common psychological and biological pitfalls.