

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I suspect you are right that a healthy gut provides a lot of immunity. :smiley:

    Barbie: The Super Bowl had an amazing ending. I was actually glad that we watched. Pro-football is not usually of interest to us. I like high school & college football well enough but I haven't gone to a game in person since my college days. I'm not fond of crowds in the stadium or on the freeway. :noway:

    Keri: Welcome to a great group. :smiley:

    Joyce: DH is diabetic and measures his blood glucose several times every day. 98 is close to perfect (100). :heart:

    DJ: Thanks for your good wishes. Our snow has turned to slush or rainwater by now. I hope that we don't have any more snow or ice between now and the surgery early Wednesday morning. :star: I think of asphalt in a whole new way thanks to you. I may be changing the spelling from time to time. :wink:

    Pip: Of course you got up and kept going after losing your balance on a treadmill. I think of you as a real life Wonder Woman. Sorry to hear about the scrapes. (((HUGS)))

    It is only 8:45 here and I feel like it is past midnight. I don't know where my energy went today. I do know that I over-ate & I'm about to go pedal some calories away before bed.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    We have hellebores and snowdrops out in the garden. :D<3
    I'm sad that we decided not to fill our pots on the patio with spring bulbs as we usually do. We thought we would have moved house by now. :'( Usually we would have the mini irises blooming and the crocuses waiting to bloom. We have loads of daffodils in the actual garden, but the pots were gorgeous with daffs and tulips later.
    We have a viewing on Wednesday afternoon. ;)

    My friend emailed me so I have booked a lunch at the posh gastro pub on Tuesday. Yoga in the morning. I will have to get a taxi there, but she will bring me back home. Haven't been seeing her as much as usual as she currently has a job as a divorce lawyer which is four days a week. She is nearly 68. I will miss her sooooooo much when she moves to York in May/June. That is the other end of the country. I will take the train to see her, but it is a long way and expensive.
    I usually have two starters at this restaurant/pub. Lovely, light food. :D I will have a spritzer, which is why I'm not driving.

    I was very bloated last night so I have temporarily resumed the Mexican pills. Feeling better this morning.

    So sorry to hear of all the crud going round over the pond. <3 Don't know anyone over here with it, but we are waiting to see if there are any repercussions from the sneezing man sitting next to DH on the plane. :s

    Yesterday DH moved all the logs from the front of the house, where they have been since we moved in six years ago, into the back garden. They are set up in front of the compost heap where we hope they will make great bug storage for overwintering insects. <3

    Huge hugs for those suffering from colds/flu. :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3<3
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning all,

    KJ - My DH is also American. In fact, we ended up here thanks to him. He had studied in France in a junior year abroad program and had a yen for travel. His last year of grad school, he won a fellowship to work for a year with one of the United Nations agencies in Geneva, Switzerland. I only went over for six weeks because I was working, but when they offered him a short contract afterwards, I decided to join him and quit my job. We thought we would be abroad for a couple of years; never dreamed that 33 years later we would still be here.

    Nancy D - I envy you your accent. Mine is really bad even three decades later. There is something about my ear. I lived in New York and North Carolina, two states with heavy accents and never acquired either.

    Lenora - Pitegny is the name of the small hamlet where I live. When I joined an on-line trivia team years ago, I chose it for my user name. Over time, friends there have shortened it to Pit. I grew up playing cards with my family - bridge and pinocle. My husband and sons are not card players (except Poker), but they all play cards with me for my birthday.

    Cheri - sorry about your pain. I saw this clothespin reflexology tip about using clothespins this morning. Might be worth a try. You could always say that clothespins are the latest earring fashion.

    Barbie - love the skunk and dog graphic

    PHXLoser - caring for an elderly parent itself burns a lot of energy!

    Marcelyn - I am envious of your YoYoMa concert. I love the cello in general and him in particular. His Silk Road collaborations are amazing. One of my playlists is all cello crossover music, with cello in rock and folk music.

    Becca - love the hug story. You definitely raised a really caring son.

    Hope all of you with colds will feel better soon!

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Oh brother.......
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Tom and I didn't watch the game at all slept through it..working 8:30-5 today.. and I have an appt thursday with the kidney Dr that I will have to reschedule because we are supposed to get a god size snow storm and I don't want to be driving into the city in that..hopefully they have one next thursday..
    no news to report..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Leigh - I am a bit jealous of you living in France. Sometimes I think I was French in another life! :laugh: I have often thought about it, but I didn't want to move there permanently and we have found that two homes doesn't work for us. I content myself with "living" in France for as many holidays as I can manage. We like to stay in apartments or gites. Had two great winter stays in Menton and Montpellier. Lots of apartment swaps with friends in Paris when I lived in London. Many, many country holidays. The only place we haven't "lived" is the French Alps.
    My French is fairly good, but not fluent. I cannot understand the conversation if people are talking quickly amongst themselves. I still need the subtitles for films. But it is serviceable. I am lucky to have an excellent ear, so my accent is good. Unfortunately people therefore think I speak it better than I do, so they gabble at me. I like to dress French style when I am in France, so I'm often taken for French. In winter it is essential to wear your "foulard" !!!!!! B) I guess I also eat French style at home, but more modern Paris style with a lighter lunch, rather than the country style you have described.
    When I first started to learn Spanish I felt as if I was being unfaithful to my first love - France. :laugh: But I'm over that now.

    Lovely to have you on board. Keep writing about France so I can live vicariously. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Karen in BC Those Cinnamon Huns sound formidable LOL!!!

    Karen in Virginia
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Busy week with the boss gone... plus have a lunch meeting today and tomorrow and a writer's meeting tonight. DH is doing great, just getting bored. Reading, but not writing much this week.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Pip gorgeous!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Well, my Instant Pot weekend is over. At dinner last night, I let my DYS, Colin, know that Mother's Day is coming up and an Instant Pot would be an acceptable gift! He looked at me and said "Are you talking to me?" I said "Well, I am not HIS mother; he has told me so on many occasions!" Pointed to my DH, Tim. Tim started laughing. I love to hear him laugh. Seems to be a rare treat lately. I visited my sister and she was very much herself, unfortunately. :/ It is interesting that in books and movies, when they show people with terminal illness; they always portray them in a wonderfully, loving, accepting, martyr-like light. Not all people are like that. My sister had a rough life. It was a life of her choosing, but it made her very hard. Impending death doesn't always soften people's hearts. In her case, I think it is making her harder. Anyway, I think I visit her and try to do for her more to appease my own soul. My parents passed when I was very young (25/26) and newly married and newly mommied. I was so involved in my own life, that I didn't spend the time I should have with my parents. If I have one regret in my life; that would be it. Looking for redemption in time spent with my sister and my MIL. Sorry...serious stuff for a Monday. Onward and upward!
    Pip- You are a BEAST!! A tumble off the treadmill, getting back on, and now a ride to work in the snow. What kind of bike are you using? Is it a Fat Tire?
    Sherry <3
    Allie- Tim and Colin stayed up to watch the game; I never do. I watched the first half (for the commercials) and watched Lady Gaga, but then hopped off to bed.
    Leigh-I have been in love with France and all things French since I was 12 and took my first French lesson. I took French, Spanish, and German in high school. I haven't visited yet. My daughter, Lauren, ended up being the traveler and the linguist in the family. She is fluent in French, two years of study in Angers and a Masters in French Lit. She is currently working with Notre Dame University in the translation of a 15th century female French writer. She is translating from old French to new French and then to English. Lauren just recently (a year and a half ago) married a ND classmate and they are living in Texas. He is a fourth grade teacher, and she is an admin. assistant for the Bass family of Fort Worth. (The translation work is a side line that keeps her language skills going and brings in some extra money). She and her husband are expecting their first child in March (our first grandbaby). He is American of Mexican heritage; so Lauren is working on her Spanish, now. His mother speaks very little English, but they get along pretty well. Anyway, it is funny where life carries us! Your couple of years in France turned into a lifetime for your kids! And thanks to technology, what once seemed like a distance that would remove you from loved ones/family forever; is now made smaller and easier to bridge the distance.
    Heather- You should plant some of your spring blooms in a small pot and place them in your planters, cover it with a little moss or soil and it will make your house/garden look lovely and you can remove them easily and take them with you when you sell.
    There are more of you I want to respond to...but alas, the clock is ticking! SEnding you all much love! Kids arriving. ttfn KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Kate- I am doing a 30 squat challenge also. I added a 30 day plank challenge, 30 day crunch challenge, and a 30 day jumping jack challenge. It gives me a good 15 minute routine in the morning.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all.January got away from me......so better post before Feb does the same.

    Sounds like colds/crud have been busy.Had a cold a couple wks ago......colds are miserable! Can't complain tho,has been many years since I had a cold.

    HEATHER,sorry you were sick on vacation.Might not hurt to see your Dr for blood work.Wouldn't go by Dr away from home,but that's just me.

    Love seeing the colorful tights,but couldn't wear them in house.Too warm & don't want to give hub his laugh of the day.... :D

    One difference between Instant Pot & others is the pot is stainless steel.Pretty easy to clean.Haven't made yogurt.Hub doesn't care for the Greek style & no way I can eat it myself.
    Spaghetti is fast & tasty,also honey chicken.There are more IP recipes on line than day's to make them.

    Does anyone make zoodles?Have tried a couple zoodle cutters,but looking for a better one.....what brand do you have?

    Having a child away at college is a learning experience for parents too.We had one time when oldest DD got smart mouthed with me."because she had a friend with her.Resulted in DD getting smacked across the mouth & me raving....her crying,while I drove her 50 miles to catch ride back to college.Her Dad refused to take her.....
    Was the only time I ever layed a hand on either DD.She knew without doubt we were disappointed in her.Tough talk,but never had to do it again.

    Our weather has been up/ down,only a dusting of snow.Looking for rain & 65* tomor,then 30*Wed.
    Weight continues to be tracked,but very slow going down.Bought 4 pairs of pedal pushers for summer & they are a bit loose.Will keep them to wear around the house & try on a size down in the store.Love buying on line! Finding clearance sales with free shipping makes for great deals :o

    Making bean soup with a bit of ham today.Will add celery,onion & carrots. So good & will freeze some in a couple zip lock bags.
    Hope everyone is losing today.

    Pat in Oh
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    Starting fresh: I was doing great until T'giving and did well through December, but January was a disaster- so I'm back here now. Goals:
    ~I eat well all day until evening so: don't lose focus or make excuses for poor food choices late in the day.
    ~don't be afraid to get back on the scale- it's just a number; Thursday morning weigh-ins every week.
    ~post these goals on my home page so I don't forget- it's only a month....