

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    No gym today so walking in the house reading this

    SHERRY love your posts so funny and upbeat

    KAREN - hope your grandson is ok

    HEATHER - great that DH has found a dentist hope he will be ok

    Going to town shopping now

    Kate UK <3
  • ritabaumann77
    ritabaumann77 Posts: 2 Member
    You ladies are awesome! I have enjoyed reading your updates this morning and ready to face the day at my job with the Department of Social Services. Thank you. I am now on my 2nd month with Myfitness pal and love it because it is so easy to use (easy is good, right). I will be celebrating my 64th birthday next month and feel great.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    pitegny thanks for the new recipe sources-I love looking up new sites for food prep.

    Long day yesterday, I overdid it in the faculty room at the festival--just feeling so worried about work, how did eating that big roast beef sandwich help that?? Anyway, got a nice compliment when the host of the orchestra festival said it was a shame I wasn't up there conducting and I am in line to do it next year! :|

    We are headed for our first SNOWDAY :p tomorrow, so I am putting on the Jammie's for a terrific day at home looking out the window, cleaning or decluttering- a snow day is like finding $$ in an old coat--delightful.

    Well before the flakes fall I have to work today and make it a great one, so one more cup of coffee, pack up the lunch and snacks and gym clothes and off to work I go. <3 NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Morning again Ladies~
    I did fall back asleep thank goodness.. I worked until 6 last night and then went over to Walmart and picked up my new glasses, amazing what a little tweak in your script can do..
    tomorrow we have a winter storm coming 6-12 inches of snow. I had a kidney dr appt that I rescheduled.so I will stay home, Tom can take my car and I will do the snow blowing.. so at least I can get some exercise that way..
    will do laundry and get dinner together also..
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning everyone, just pondering my drive to work but it is above freezing at the moment so it should be ok. It was raining all night and when that freezes, it is like driving on a skating rink.

    So despite feeling stressed yesterday, I did not overeat. This morning Is my Wednesday-improve- treadmill-stats day:
    Last week 30 minutes @217k this week @231k so that was good.

    Tammy Thank you
    DJ Thanks for the support and love your "spiritual" quote
    Jayne Welcome
    Rita Welcome
    Pitegny Thanks and congrats on the loss!

    <3 Sarah in weird weather Ontario, Canada
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Just popping in to say I sorry I am for those in Mississippi and Louisiana who have seen so much destruction. It seems that there was very little warning.

    Karen ~ Congrats on the new grandchild.

    Katla ~ Best wishes for your DH's surgery.

    Marnie ~ Love the funnies.

    Sherry ~ Your minions are looked forward to by all of us.

    Carol in GA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! Reading posts. Feel too tired this morning to respond to much.
    Welcome new girls! Great group here!
    Sherry- Love the meme's! Many of them made me giggle. The popcorn/cremation one was great! I have seen that one before and told my kids, if they wanted to do that for me; that would be fine! LOL! My son said he is going to bury me in the dumpster behind my favorite chinese restaurant! My hubby gave him a look; but I found that hilarious and highly appropriate! I love my chinese food! (Yeah, I and my siblings and kids have a very dry and dark humor when it comes to death. But the alternative to laughing is crying. I would rather laugh.)
    Marcelyn- Saw the fried chicken joke before; but you made it 10x better by signing with your craving for it! Bwaawk!
    Marni- love the puppy joke!
    Yinka- the cuff links are gorgeous! Do you have a website?
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen ~ I am so sorry that your new grandchild is having problems. Prayers said for him!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Gals, I started this yesterday morning so it’s a bit dated; had to leave for work and didn’t get it posted. But here goes…..

    Joyce – enjoyed reading about the home repair/improvement. I can visualize your yard and the stump grinding and your plans. I grew up in Northern Indiana – have lived out here in the Pacific NW nearly 40 years but do like going back to the cornfields and flat land.
    We need to have our deck repaired/replaced, new shower stall, new back door. We have a good guy lined up to do the work but just getting off our duffs and getting him scheduled is the challenge – DH and I are becoming such procrastinators.
    Yesterday’s heavy snow took out the shade house (big netting over wooden frame) – broke the supports holding the netting. Thank goodness, we didn’t have any plants/little trees sitting where it collapsed. The greenhouse seems to be OK. It’s all a small operation here—we just raise our own plants/trees plus some for the Master Gardener Plant Sale.
    Because of the snow and treacherous roads – slushy, trees breaking/branches falling, I moved my doc appt to next Monday. They didn’t mind at all – the orthopedic docs were likely busy seeing patients with fractures and blown out joints due to falls and snow shoveling.
    Nancy D in Del Ray, way to go on the weight loss! Proud of you! Inspiring to think of walking on the beach ;-)
    Kelly, condolences to you and your family on the loss of your sister.
    Katla, glad the weather has cleared up and your DH can get the surgery today. Nice to get that overwith.
    Yinka, the cufflinks are beautiful. Do you make any other jewelry? And yes, do you have a website or Etsy store?
    Sherry, glad things are going well in the gorge. Beautiful area – one of my dear friends loves to spend time in Joseph OR every year and it’s on our bucket list. Love the minions and other funnies.
    Carol, hope things are going OK in your world. I said a prayer.
    Karen, hope little Reid gets over the breathing issues quickly! Prayers going out on that too.
    Pip, love it that you and Kirby ride bikes together. We used to do that on country roads when we lived in a rural area near Seattle 30 years ago. (It’s now suburbia!)

    This winter weather is really something for everyone… terrible about the tornadoes…. Everyone who doesn’t have to drive in the snow, don’t. Starting to rain and I hope it washes the slush away. There’s lots as we had 5” of snow.

    By the way, this really IS a virtual pub. LOVE that idea.

    SW WA State

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sharon I'll have to look for that book. I do think in health and in relationships we get into a pattern that is often times difficult to change.

    Karen prayers for Reid and all of you. Tough when someone is ill in the family. Kudos for taking care of you.

    Lanette here's to continuing to make good food choices. I am using cinnamon to help replace any added sugar. It gives my tea and other things I add it to give a sweet taste without the sugar. I think it is good anti inflammatory too and may help with blood pressure. Mine has been on the high side as of late. I did just learn that ginger another spice I am using frequently is a blood thinner. So if you are on blood thinners be careful with ginger.

    Just reported a scam on Facebook. Someone pretending to be a famous figure asked me for money. So sad that they do things like that and use sad stories to try and lure you into their trap.

    :heart: Margaret
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started week 3 if my squat challenge yesterday..... 77 squats

    Link to challenge I started: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10512368/50-plus-squats-challenge#latest. Week 1 is posted with directions. I'll start adding week 2 tomorrow. Those of you trying this, how is it going?

    Weight up 3 pounds since Monday! Water retention I know. I've not been eating right. Anxiety and worry taking over. My son is currently homeless. Found out his GF was cheating on him and he reacted badly.

    Going to look at more RVs today when I get back from chiropractor.

    Yoga 15 min
    Breathe app 2 min.
    Water 10.5 cups ( more if I count 2 cans of diet root beer).
    Steps and cardio, not worth writing about

    Rita from CT
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Just read an interesting article in a major newspaper today about weight loss and cold weather. Here are some excerpts:

    A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that people actively trying to shed pounds had the best results when the temperature dropped. The more inhospitable the weather, the more conscientious people became about keeping track of their meals and calories.

    “Climate-related factors can directly change a person’s behavior, and these factors can have a certain impact on intentional efforts to lose weight,” said Sang Youl Rhee, who led the research team at Kyung Hee University Medical Center in Seoul. “In addition, various climatic factors can lead to a significant change in the level of energy expenditure in the body.”

    Researchers tracked the weight loss of 3,274 people under 42 throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia with Noom Coach, a fitness app that can pinpoint the location of users. They then used a meteorology service, called Weather Underground API, to monitor conditions, and discovered that colder temperatures and lower dew points as well as higher wind speed and precipitation were all linked to the app users’ weight loss.

    On average, people logged into Noom 110 days during the year-long study, or roughly every three days. Men tended to use the app more frequently than women and were more likely to lose weight. People who logged their meals regularly, especially dinner, lost the most weight.

    “During the weight-loss journey, it’s important to focus on changing the underlying behaviors that lead to obesity,” said Rhee, an endocrinologist. “Those who continue logging food and have an awareness around what they are eating will be most successful in losing weight.” (My emphasis added)

    So all of you on this weight loss ride with me, keep those food logs up to date, they do work!

    Charleen in Colorado (Eyeball deep into my next major quilt project)
  • choklityum
    choklityum Posts: 35 Member
    *sigh* As usual, I just can't keep up with all of you ladies! I did a LOT of skimming, so I'm sure I missed a great deal.

    Kelly - I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sister. I lost my younger brother - and only sibling - way back in 1988. He was 18 and I was 23. He was a hemophiliac and got caught up in the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. I was devastated. If you need/want someone to talk to, just send me a friend request. I have large cyber-shoulders to cry on and am a pretty good listener. My thoughts are with you.

    Karen - Thinking of your little grandson in the NICU. I hope he improves soon and can go home and be with Mommy & Daddy. And be spoiled rotten by Grandma!

    Sherry - Thank you for the Minion and cat memes! It's great to start my day with a laugh or few!

    To those who are struggling with one or more aspects of their lives: I know it's hard to be strong (I have my own issues to work out), but we can handle whatever it is. We're women and we don't give up! And we have a fabulous support group right here to help us out!!!

    For those who are reaching their goals: Way to go!!! Isn't it awesome to see all your hard work pay off? My goal is to join you!

    Have a great day ladies - catch you who-knows-how-many pages later! ;)<3