Do you have any "banned" foods that you won't allow in your diet?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    Do you have any "banned" foods that you won't allow in your diet?

    Just foods I don't like ... like mushrooms.

    Or foods that don't like me ... like peanuts.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Yep, all the restrictions due to religion
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Even though I know I can have anything I want in moderation, I have some foods that I've just banned in my head all together. It's so weird because I seriously don't deprive myself of anything. However there are some foods that I've heard along the way that were some of the worst choices that could be made at a meal so I don't touch them. For instance - Pasta Alfredo. I mean who doesn't love this stuff? With dieting though, I feel like i have committed a sin eating it. Even when I am not dieting I avoid Pasta Alfredo sauce because somewhere I've heard it's one of the worst things in life you can eat. I also no longer eat bagels for breakfast because I heard they are just empty calories. The weird thing is that I eat all other kinds of crap foods just fine. Does anyone else do this or am I just crazy? Well I know I'm crazy but does anyone else do this???? :D

    Yes. Food that I am intolerant to, or those that I just don't like.

  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    hemlock, battery acid, and brussel sprouts
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Cheap chocolate, no brand candy, subpar baked goods... basically the stuff that isn't worth the calories because it tastes like crap.

    Every week at school, morning tea is provided for teachers - sausage rolls, cakes, biscuits (all generic, nothing fancy) - someone asked me how I resist it. Easy! It's there every week and I can bake better...or I'd go to a nice bakery!
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    No, I don't ban any items but when I'm trying to drop some pounds I do get very picky about high calorie foods. I aim to only eat the ones I really love. And if I didn't love it, it goes on my *kitten* list for wasting my calories and I avoid it in the future. So in effect that's somewhat like a ban. To paraphrase an epically old Seinfeld reference, the foods have to be calorie worthy. ;)
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    Anything made by hostess. Little Debbie I am also wary of. Margarine is a HUGE no no for me and no artificial sweeteners or soda.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    Cheap chocolate, no brand candy, subpar baked goods... basically the stuff that isn't worth the calories because it tastes like crap.

    Yes ... I did quit eating that stuff too. Traded it in for good quality chocolate and baked goods. :) I figure if I've only got a certain number of calories to work with, what I eat had better be really good. :):)

  • MAH80T50
    MAH80T50 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Lactose Intolerant, I have Fructose Malabsorption, I'm sensitive to wheat & Chicory Root, so my diet is naturally quite clean, because you'll be amazed as to how many things you'll find Wheat, Lactose, Fructose and Chicory Root in.

    There are numerous fruits I don't eat because of the amount of Fructose in them and the effects it has on my digestion; I can't drink certain teas & coffees because they contain Chicory Root/Essence, which has quite a severe impact on my digestion; they put milk is in some wines for goodness sake, oh and there is Fruit Juice in some Gluten/Wheat Free bread products, which means I can't eat them either.

    So sadly my diet is quite restricted - not out of choice though ... So if you can eat it, then you should treat yourself to it sometimes, because not all of us have the luxury of choice ... !
  • LateWinterWolf90
    LateWinterWolf90 Posts: 42 Member
    Marmite because it's bloody disgusting lol
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Asparagus, olives, tomatoes, beetroot, lager

    They are all just gross!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Only the vile, hateful foods that I loathe. All others welcome! <3
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Cheap chocolate, no brand candy, subpar baked goods... basically the stuff that isn't worth the calories because it tastes like crap.

    Oh, yeah, this is true, too. I don't like to waste my calories on mediocre garbage foods. If I'm gonna use up some calories, I'm gonna spend them on the good stuff!
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I take my cue from Michael Pollan.

    If my great grandmother would not have recognized it as food, I don't eat it.

    If it has a) more than 5 ingredients, b) unfamiliar or unpronounceable ingredients, or c) high-fructose corn syrup, I don't eat it.

    I avoid products that make 'health claims'.

    I stay out of the supermarket whenever possible, and buy from farmers' markets as much as I can. When I do visit the supermarket, I shop around the edges - produce, seafood, meat, dairy, bakery, deli - and only venture into the center aisles for staples like oils, certain condiments, and minimally processed products.

    I choose meats that have been fed a natural diet - grassfed beef and lamb, pasture-raised pork and poultry, wild-caught seafood, and free-range wild game meats.

    I eat well-grown food from healthy!

    I eat seasonally and locally as much as possible.

    I eat wild foods when I can.

    I pay more, but eat less.
  • CiaIgle
    CiaIgle Posts: 72 Member
    I decided to ban the following:
    - Foods I do not like. It seems obvious, but a lot of diets are based on eating things you don't like
    - Pizza. Pizza is an "old or nothing" choice for me. Once I bought a medium size Domino's Meat Lover pizza. When I recorded the calories, I had no choice that to eat it in THREE days to keep my goals. And it was not nice. If I can't eat the whole thing (like I did before) I prefer to skip
    - Nuts. More or less like previous one, I can't eat just a 30 grams portion of Cashews, I need to whole package and that's a lot of calories.

    If you see, all above can be summarized in the first. And I can rephrase it as "Foods I don't like for taste or for lack of joy". If I cannot enjoy a full bag of salty and hot almonds, is like I don't like it.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    The only foods I banned are the high calorie foods that I didn't care for in the first place, like donuts. I used to eat them like you would eat any random thing not caring what it is or what it tastes like.

    Some foods I haven't banned outright but I find myself not consuming them for some reason, and even though I like them I find other choices to be more deserving of the calories. Example, last time I had peanut butter was about 3 weeks ago, but before that I spent two whole years without having it.

    Some foods I don't outright ban, but I just don't like them in the house, so I end up not having them often. When I have access to them (like last Tuesday), this happens...


  • charden875
    charden875 Posts: 31 Member
    Cold cuts aka lunch meat and mayonnaise
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    I'm with the group of people who don't necessarily ban the food, just ban it from being kept in the house. I have tried to have peanut butter in my house, and I might be able to control myself around it for like a week tops, but eventually I will cave and that whole jar will be gone in two days. It's awful. When there's peanut butter in the house I am constantly and always aware of it. If I even go near the kitchen it calls to me. If I have a spoon in my hand for whatever reason I HAVE to have a couple spoons of peanut butter before I put it down. There are other things - we generally don't keep chips, cookies, etc in the house because they'll just be finished really quickly.
  • Jhenryesq88310
    Jhenryesq88310 Posts: 7 Member
    I have not banned ANYTHING. There are some things I eat way less of tho.