Do you have any "banned" foods that you won't allow in your diet?



  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    banned olives, celery, cottage cheese, marmite and avocados.
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    The only thing i have banned is soda. I am an all or nothing type when it comes to sodas. It had got to a point that i could finish a 12 pack in one day by myself.

    Its just the one thing that i can not have and still focus on losing weight.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    The only thing i have banned is soda. I am an all or nothing type when it comes to sodas. It had got to a point that i could finish a 12 pack in one day by myself.

    Its just the one thing that i can not have and still focus on losing weight.

    Not sure about 12 can, but I could kill a 2 L bottle of Coke while eating a large pizza. I still have pizza occasionally, but it takes me 2-3 days to eat the whole thing and I am honestly better having a beer with it than a pop. I can stop at one beer.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    edited February 2017
    For me, obviously things I'm allergic to: cilantro, dairy, gluten ...

    I have found my tastes have really changed. I had a little diet coke the other day. Probably haven't had stuff like that in over a year. All I could taste was chemicals. So, not "banned" per se but definitely a "No, thank you!" Yuck.
  • aldavid18
    aldavid18 Posts: 29 Member
    No, none. I eat what I want, it's just how much of it I eat:):):
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    Brussel sprouts and fish. Anything spicy. I just don't like them. So, I don't eat them.
  • inkyminky184
    inkyminky184 Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2017
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    The only foods I don't allow in my diet are foods I don't like. Period.

    ^^^ Nailed it!

    In my opinion, banning foods is a horrible idea. What happens once you hit your goal weight? Do you plan on continuing to live without those banned foods for the rest of your life? Learn to moderate your intake of the foods you love and you'll make the process of losing weight - and maintaining a healthy weight - much more enjoyable.

    It's great that some don't have to ban foods, but some of us have trigger foods that start a trip down a slippery slope. Like for me it's potato chips. I can't just have a normal serving, I will eat the whole bag. And then I will want chocolate. And then I will want pop. And then I'll think, man those chips were good, I should get some more. For me it's just easier to avoid them. That's not to say I'll avoid them my entire life, but I will for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes I feel statements like the one above are being overly judgmental. It's great that you don't have any trigger foods and can enjoy everything. I, however, know my own limits and how harmful that can be for myself. Can't we just be supportive of each other? No one's journey is smooth sailing all of the time.

  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    I allocate some foods to be for certain holidays/seasons. They are things I love but cannot eat just one of- like homemade caramel. We make one batch at Christmas and that is it. Then it is special at Christmas and I'm not eating 1000 calories in caramel in one sitting all the time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    I forgot one: Light beer. I'd much rather drink real water. (Or IPA.)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    The only foods I have banned are things I am allergic to or don't like.
    There are foods I eat much less often like crackers.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    There are plenty of foods I have to avoid due to sensitivities - wheat, gluten, most beans and legumes, and heavy dairy are my worst offenders. I also don't eat pork or drink alcohol for religious reasons.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    The only foods I don't allow in my diet are foods I don't like. Period.

    ^^^ Nailed it!

    In my opinion, banning foods is a horrible idea. What happens once you hit your goal weight? Do you plan on continuing to live without those banned foods for the rest of your life? Learn to moderate your intake of the foods you love and you'll make the process of losing weight - and maintaining a healthy weight - much more enjoyable.

    It's great that some don't have to ban foods, but some of us have trigger foods that start a trip down a slippery slope. Like for me it's potato chips. I can't just have a normal serving, I will eat the whole bag. And then I will want chocolate. And then I will want pop. And then I'll think, man those chips were good, I should get some more. For me it's just easier to avoid them. That's not to say I'll avoid them my entire life, but I will for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes I feel statements like the one above are being overly judgmental. It's great that you don't have any trigger foods and can enjoy everything. I, however, know my own limits and how harmful that can be for myself. Can't we just be supportive of each other? No one's journey is smooth sailing all of the time.

    Agreed. I wish moderators would be more empathetic of abstainers.

  • sarah4284
    sarah4284 Posts: 29 Member
    Cut out soda 4 months ago, generally try to avoid pasta, cheese, bread(regular bread,tortillas, pizza dough all that). Feel like for me it's too high calorie and doesn't do anything good for me, plus cheese one serving is just never enough haha. Also meat, went vegetarian when I started my diet, and eggs, just because they gross me out :0
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Creamed corn. It's disgusting.

    Same goes for the skin on top of pudding.

    Blasphemy! A pox on ye!

    The correct answer is broccoli - vile weed!

    I love creamed corn. I never get it because the wife hates it, but I love it. ;)

    I think canned cream corn is vile, but my OH likes it. I like fresh and frozen corn, and I like cream, and adapted a recipe from the Joy of Cooking that we both liked.

    It's just 2.5 C fresh corn corn and 1 C heavy cream cooked over low heat until thickened, with salt and pepper to taste.

    As heavy cream is very caloric, I may have reduced the amount and/or used half and half, but above is the original proportions.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    The only foods I don't allow in my diet are foods I don't like. Period.

    ^^^ Nailed it!

    In my opinion, banning foods is a horrible idea. What happens once you hit your goal weight? Do you plan on continuing to live without those banned foods for the rest of your life? Learn to moderate your intake of the foods you love and you'll make the process of losing weight - and maintaining a healthy weight - much more enjoyable.

    It's great that some don't have to ban foods, but some of us have trigger foods that start a trip down a slippery slope. Like for me it's potato chips. I can't just have a normal serving, I will eat the whole bag. And then I will want chocolate. And then I will want pop. And then I'll think, man those chips were good, I should get some more. For me it's just easier to avoid them. That's not to say I'll avoid them my entire life, but I will for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes I feel statements like the one above are being overly judgmental. It's great that you don't have any trigger foods and can enjoy everything. I, however, know my own limits and how harmful that can be for myself. Can't we just be supportive of each other? No one's journey is smooth sailing all of the time.

    Agreed. I wish moderators would be more empathetic of abstainers.

    That's a rather sweeping statement, don't you think?

    I don't think every moderator is unsympathetic to the idea of certain trigger foods. I'm certainly not.

    Also, I tend to think the idea moderators have issue with is against the idea of restricting whole groups of foods vs. certain ones.

    There are ways, as you yourself know, to work around some triggers like buying things in single servings. I do this myself. The other poster could do that with single serving bags of potato chips maybe, some day, in the future.

    For me? It's peanut M & M's. I have to get single serving bags at the supermarket check out or I'm doomed, but I can moderate other things just fine. Oh, and breakfast cereal. I'm terrible with that.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    The only foods I don't allow in my diet are foods I don't like. Period.

    ^^^ Nailed it!

    In my opinion, banning foods is a horrible idea. What happens once you hit your goal weight? Do you plan on continuing to live without those banned foods for the rest of your life? Learn to moderate your intake of the foods you love and you'll make the process of losing weight - and maintaining a healthy weight - much more enjoyable.

    It's great that some don't have to ban foods, but some of us have trigger foods that start a trip down a slippery slope. Like for me it's potato chips. I can't just have a normal serving, I will eat the whole bag. And then I will want chocolate. And then I will want pop. And then I'll think, man those chips were good, I should get some more. For me it's just easier to avoid them. That's not to say I'll avoid them my entire life, but I will for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes I feel statements like the one above are being overly judgmental. It's great that you don't have any trigger foods and can enjoy everything. I, however, know my own limits and how harmful that can be for myself. Can't we just be supportive of each other? No one's journey is smooth sailing all of the time.

    Agreed. I wish moderators would be more empathetic of abstainers.

    That's a rather sweeping statement, don't you think?

    I don't think every moderator is unsympathetic to the idea of certain trigger foods. I'm certainly not.

    Also, I tend to think the idea moderators have issue with is against the idea of restricting whole groups of foods vs. certain ones.

    There are ways, as you yourself know, to work around some triggers like buying things in single servings. I do this myself. The other poster could do that with single serving bags of potato chips maybe, some day, in the future.

    For me? It's peanut M & M's. I have to get single serving bags at the supermarket check out or I'm doomed, but I can moderate other things just fine. Oh, and breakfast cereal. I'm terrible with that.

    Oh gosh, I can so relate. I don't bake cookies because I'm doomed cause of cookie dough, but I can buy a bag of cookies at the market and moderate them just fine.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    The only foods I don't allow in my diet are foods I don't like. Period.

    ^^^ Nailed it!

    In my opinion, banning foods is a horrible idea. What happens once you hit your goal weight? Do you plan on continuing to live without those banned foods for the rest of your life? Learn to moderate your intake of the foods you love and you'll make the process of losing weight - and maintaining a healthy weight - much more enjoyable.

    It's great that some don't have to ban foods, but some of us have trigger foods that start a trip down a slippery slope. Like for me it's potato chips. I can't just have a normal serving, I will eat the whole bag. And then I will want chocolate. And then I will want pop. And then I'll think, man those chips were good, I should get some more. For me it's just easier to avoid them. That's not to say I'll avoid them my entire life, but I will for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes I feel statements like the one above are being overly judgmental. It's great that you don't have any trigger foods and can enjoy everything. I, however, know my own limits and how harmful that can be for myself. Can't we just be supportive of each other? No one's journey is smooth sailing all of the time.

    Agreed. I wish moderators would be more empathetic of abstainers.

    That's a rather sweeping statement, don't you think?

    I don't think every moderator is unsympathetic to the idea of certain trigger foods. I'm certainly not.

    Also, I tend to think the idea moderators have issue with is against the idea of restricting whole groups of foods vs. certain ones.

    There are ways, as you yourself know, to work around some triggers like buying things in single servings. I do this myself. The other poster could do that with single serving bags of potato chips maybe, some day, in the future.

    For me? It's peanut M & M's. I have to get single serving bags at the supermarket check out or I'm doomed, but I can moderate other things just fine. Oh, and breakfast cereal. I'm terrible with that.

    I was referring to the unempathetic moderators. Sorry that wasn't clear.
  • Winecraft94
    Winecraft94 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't really have anything that is off limits anymore, because when I ban foods I always end up binging them eventually and feeling miserable and guilty (and heavier :/ ). I do however make deals with myself and put together "rules" for how and when I can have high calorie foods. I have a lot of them that I've developed over the last few months and they work for me much better than cutting those foods out entirely ever would. Here are a few that I use most often.

    *Burger or fries: Pick one. - There is an amazing burger place near my office. So on Fridays for lunch I get a small burger there and a small beer. It's indulgent, but I don't feel disgustingly full. I found that when I bring a book and slowly cut up the burger over the course of half an hour I still enjoy it. If I have fries I will devour them immediately and won't be full, so I usually go with the burger.

    *Never buy pre-made deserts at the store - No ice cream, snack cakes, cookies etc. If I want a dessert I have to actually make it from scratch. This does two things: 1) I can make a healthier version than I could buy and 2) I'm usually too lazy to actually bake and then clean everything so I talk myself out of the desert pretty quickly.

    *Pizza that isn't homemade healthy pizza has a 1 slice maximum. After that, ever slice is an extra thirty minutes on the elliptical that week. Again, I'm lazy. So that usually stops me in my tracks.

    *Every glass of wine or cocktail is followed by a glass of water (keeps my sober and solvent) Also, never drink alone. Not because it's sad (it's not) but because I'm likely to drink a whole bottle of red on Thursday only to do the same thing when my girlfriends want to have wine the next night, I'd much rather save those calories for when I'm with friends then have to forgo drinking with them or else compound the damage of the two nights.

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I must be the only person on the planet who really doesn't LIKE pasta alfredo. :-)
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    What is this creamed corn everyone is talking about? Is this particular to the states?

    I've only recently tried refried beans, is this in the same category?