Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Fritzi1037
    Fritzi1037 Posts: 2 Member
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello @Fritzi1037 welcome. What's up? Good group here jump in - or lurk. Nicest group of folks in here.
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    @pneschich Congrats on the surgery and I am happy you are recoverig well.

    Welcome to everyone new!

    As for Saturday success, I just tried on a couple jeans that I couldnt fit into anymore. One of them fits perfectly now and the other probably in another 15lbs or so. Its almost sweeter than seeing the numbers on the scale go down!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    edited February 2017
    @pneschich - You make my face smile with your super good reports!
    @Fritzi1037 -Welcome!
    @sand86802 - So happy for you! That's the most fun for me to find that something now fits that hasn't before!
    @MermaidPrincessRach - I was looking for a healthy recipe to use up some baked chicken today and found one at the Eatingwell site, and while I was looking around on the site I came across a 7 day menu for the Dash Diet. I loved the look of some of those recipes and I will be trying them. I didn't know if they were recipes you already have or not, so just thought I would mention it!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Still lurking around. Struggling to get back on routine. Lot gong on in my life. On the positive side, I purchased an Infrared Sauna and use it everyday to try to detox. As a result, I am taking my meds regularly and have been able to come off some and to take more vitamins and minerals. Still trying to get food and exercise under control.

    I miss the challenges we use to do as a group. They were extremely helpful to me
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @KATRENAJ glad you are still lurking! Why don't you restart the challenges, we could probably all benefit from them!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,093 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm still here ... lurking.
    @pneschich That is FANTASIC! So happy for your success!
    @campfirequeen1 I started with the sample menus in the book DASH Weight Loss Solution by Marla Heller. Very simple! Now I try to make up my own mostly, but stick fairly close to the day one sample menu ... but I allow fruit and dairy, and occ whole grains, bc I'm not really on phase one anymore :wink: Thank you for the recipe heads up. I will check it out.
    I have my next WIP in 2 days! I am hoping to be under 290 by then ::fingers-crossed::
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rach-- I'm rooting for you to see and 280-something!! :smile:

    @katrena-- great to see you again! Glad to hear the detox is working for you.

    @sand86802 --those NSVs are the best! Much more satisfying than the scale--congrats!!

    @pneschich --it's so great to hear your awesome progress reports!!

    @jennifer, snapdragon, brenda, and fritz-- welcome!!

    @jeanie-- sounds like you are off to a great start!!

    @birgitkwood --Woohoo!! That's so awesome!! Congrats on reaching 100 lbs lost!!

    Sorry if I missed some others and welcome to any newlings I missed.

    AFM--I'm still struggling, mostly with social events that I allow to throw me off track. Went out Wed, Thurs, and Fri with various friends, and though I tended to stay under or close to my allowance, I still wasn't making the best choices. I've tried to make up for it with more exercise, but that's difficult time-wise.

    Also, I'm a little disappointed b/c since I got my fitbit charge 2, which I have set for a 500 calorie deficit, I have met my goal most days but haven't lost any weight. Even the days I'm over, I'm still at or below maintenance, so the scale should be moving, but it's not. If I were seeing other signs of success, like a slightly looser waistband, I wouldn't care about the number on the scale, but nothing has changed except that I'm slightly hungry some days, and my frustration level is on the rise.

    On the positive side, I'm enjoying the spring-like weather we are getting here in Chicago.

  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    So glad to see all the good things happening.

    @pneschich :) super to hear you are doing so well!
    @Fritzi1037 Welcome, tells us about yourself! :)
    @KATRENAJ I miss the challenges too, even though I didn't always do so well with them, they gave me a different way to work toward my goal.

    Saturday success, well Friday and Saturday both, with my friends along I walked between two and three hours each day. I only counted 90 minutes because we slowed down or stopped several times to look at things or rest. We didn't walk fast but I did more walking in two days than I probably have in the last month! Plus, happy to say I didn't eat the extra exercise calories, kept to my original 1200 calories, both days. :smile:
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    got good workouts in wed, thurs, and friday. Saturday I was too sore to do much and had to run my stepdad around for his errands. Sunday is my day of rest, so I kinda feel like i'm letting myself down by not exercising. I don't want to over-do it, but I don't want to not-do something either. It's at the one week mark that I often stop, and I really don't want to give in/ give up. I've been encouraging others like crazy, trying to keep myself motivated, but it's not exactly being returned. I'm slightly disappointed. I'm needing a little encouragement and reassurance.
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    @JeanieWww Sounds to me like you are doing good. Don't feel disappointed by not working out on saturday. Even though it might not have been a "workout" per se it sounds to me like you have been pretty active anyway. And if you were really sore then your body is telling you it needs a breath. If you overdo it you risk getting injured. Keep up the good work!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday ugh! I have lost 15 pounds by starving myself. I was never physically hungry, however by Friday night my brain was working overtime telling me to chew something. I am enjoying a delicious Premier protein shake. I hope it stays down.
    I haven't been this light in a decade. Except for a mild continual headache and trouble sleeping I don't have any of the horrible side effects I've read about. If this drink stays down I'm definitely going to slow down on weight loss
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    weekly weigh in, I lost 7 pounds. Don't worry, I'm under doctor's care. I know this is a lot, but I'm on new thyroid meds (hypothyroidism) so I changed my diet and exercised a LOT last week. Between all three I did drop more than normal, but it will probably slow down now. Always has before (then again wasn't on thyroid meds). Ok, off to the Y to work out some more!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @pneschich great job this week. Even if drinking the protein drink slows down your weight loss you will feel better. You mentioned that you have a continual headache and tire easily, I'm sure that most of that is from lack of nutrients. I bet a little bit of substance will make you feel a million times better.

    @JeanieWww keep up the great work. Take Sunday as your rest day and workout TODAY! You can do this. We are all here to provide motivational support.

    ASF-- I've been in an ignore it kind of mode. I've stopped tracking and trend to overeat on purpose. Then I'll be really good the next day. I haven't really tracked all month. I really want to be down to 190 by my birthday so to get to my goal I've decided what always works for me is mini goals. So my goal is to track starting now through next Sunday to earn a non-fat grande latte from Starbucks. I really do want a latte and I always feel that since we buy the kurig kcups (which is way more expensive than normal coffee) that I can't waste money on Starbucks. So now that has become my reward! I treat for my drive into work!

    Here is a little recap to help motivate me for the next couple of weeks.

    SW: 238.4 May 2016
    CW: 194.8
    Lost: 40lbs!!!!!!

    I hit onederland during the holidays and kept my goal of being less than 200 at the end of the year!

    I'm about to start a long home addition project where we are relocating our kitchen into the addition. Life is going to be crazy and food will be rough so I need to track and make sure portions are in control.

    So here is to getting back on track. I'm going to start with my bottle of water before breakfast and track it!!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @JeanieWww Congrats on your first week of a new lifestyle! I think the comment from @sand86802 was spot on! Pain and soreness are indicators that the body needs rest, so you really needed to take a day off and two won't hurt either. I used to be sooo hard on myself and the tendency is still there to think that if it's not at least a daily activity that I'm not doing my best, but that gets really old in the long haul and would eventually cause me to give up because I couldn't live up to my own rigorous expectations. This time is different. I don't have any staggering weight loss to report, but I've lost about forty pounds since last May and I'm still here working on it. I guess it's sort of like the race between the tortoise and the hare. I used to be like the hare and lost every time, but now I'm much happier with my results because I know that if I keep it up, slowly but surely, one step at the time, I will win this race, and I believe that you will too.
    It's ok to need lots of encouragement and reassurance and that is what this thread is about, so come as often as you can and join in! Also my best tip today is to read the success stories and the NSV thread. They are so encouraging and help you to see that you aren't the only one that struggles along the way. This is normal for us and we can overcome it with a little love from ourselves and our friends!!!!

    @pneschich WOW 15 pounds! Keeping you in my prayers!
    @bapcarrier You get a WOW too! I love walking and I can't wait to get back to it. I haven't met my goal much recently due to illness but it's great exercise especially when you have some friends to join you!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi all! Also on this 100+lbs journey ... I have tried MFP before, but didn't make it pass the 1st week, so quite happy now that I have been able to log for 35 days and lose weight, so far 22lbs (took me like 8 weeks). Looking forward sharing my progress with all of you. Just a bit about myself ... I am 41, married with no kids, currently working from home (which doesn't help since I have the fridge so close!). Until recently I didn't exercise at all ... but started going to the gym a couple months back and now that I am lighter I am starting to enjoy it. I wish you all the best with your weight loss and keep writing ... its great to read the posts, learn from everyone and feel that there is someone who understands what we are going through. Take care!
  • Snap___Dragon
    Snap___Dragon Posts: 17 Member
    @campfirequeen1 Thank you!

    I have not been doing as good as I'd like in the last few days but still better than my "normal". Today had been good though so I'm feeling good. I'm gonna rock tomorrow too. I weigh myself Wednesday mornings and am determined to continue my losing streak. My hubby had a short lived cold at the end of last week and we were all super careful but the rest of us (myself, 8 year old, and 1 year old) all woke up today with the sniffles and they've gotten worse. To make matters worse my hubby works long hours all week.
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Checking in - I have definitely strayed where my eating was concerned again this past long weekend. Need to get back at it this week to really push myself - a couple of upcoming DietBet weigh ins are good motivation!

    On a positive note, I ran 20 minutes straight today (C25K week 5 day 3) and it felt amazing! My hand is also healing up and I was able to get in a couple of strength training workouts without too much difficulty :)
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    checking in: went to the Y this morning and did my strength training, then got on the recumbent cross trainer for a half hour. Went back this evening and did a half hour on the tread mill. Cholesterol is a little high today, but every thing else is below levels :)