February 2017 Running Challenge



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    ccontr11 wrote: »
    Anyone have any tips advice on outer knee pain while running? I've been looking it up to see what it could be, in guessing maybe IT band. Let me know if anyone has experienced this type of knee pain and how you dealt with it. Thanks!

    Outer, as in the side or as in the front?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp That's totally awesome! 62 mpw is huge. I'm happy with the 40 I have this week. 62 is simply astounding to me
    @RespectTheKitty Awesome running!
    @Stoshew71 great race!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited February 2017
    16 km in 1:46:24 with 3 of the ladies in our local club.
    What we call the Manzer Route :) , 6 km uphill, 4 km loop on top, 6 km back down the same route.
    Because of the Hill's and Walk breaks every 3 km our pace was all over the place.
    You can tell that km 3, 4 and 6 were the steepest part of the climb from the pace.

    My pace Avged out to 6:39/km, but I Bonked :/ really bad for the last 3 km. You will see that on the Steepest part of the Downhill we had a 5:43 @ Km 11 and 5:44 @ km 13 {before and after a walk break} and that is when I bonked out. The ladies ran away from me but I was okay with that because I know - cause and effect. We actually had a short period at 5:20/km on the steepest section.
    1. 6:22
    2. 6:27
    3. 7:04
    4. 7:25
    5. 6:19
    6. 7:32
    7. 6:09
    8. 7:16
    9. 6.09
    10. 7:01
    11. 5:43
    12. 6:43
    13. 5:44
    14. 6:58
    15. 6:51
    16. 6:40

    Still it was a good day with good company. Ironically all of the ladies are also part of out local Adult Swim Club so between the two clubs we see each other 4-6 times a week, more than you actually realize until you start thinking about it.


    02/05 21.2 km –21.2km –118.8 km – YTD 141.3 – Chilly Willy HM PB@ 2:12:36
    02/06 3.0 km –24.2km –115.8 km – YTD 144.3
    02/11 3.0 km –27.2km –112.8 km – YTD 147.3
    02/13 5.25 km –32.42km –107.55 km – YTD 152.55
    02/18 16. km –48.42km –91.55 km – YTD 168.55 – 16 km Manzer Route

    10 days left and 91.5 km to reach monthly goal. I will lose 3 days to Swim Club so need to avg close to 14km per run day, have to really get moving.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @MobyCarp That's totally awesome! 62 mpw is huge. I'm happy with the 40 I have this week. 62 is simply astounding to me

    You got 40? Heck, you're only one 22 mile long run away from 62! :D

    More seriously, I'm on an aggressive training plan. The miles are scaled down from a stated peak of 75 to a peak of 62 because I didn't go into the structured training with as strong a base as is assumed. Last year, I was closer and peaked out with a 68 mile week..

    But this isn't my first marathon. Before my first marathon, I peaked with a 41 mile week including a 22 mile long run. Yeah, not the way you're supposed to train for a marathon; but I didn't realize at the time that I would run Buffalo. I thought I was only staying in shape to run 5 halfs that year.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    2/1/17 - 6 miles

    2/3/17 - 12 miles
    2/4/17 - 7 miles
    2/5/17 - 7 miles

    2/7/17 - 7.5 miles
    2/8/17 - 6 miles

    2/10/17 - 12 miles
    2/11/17 - 4.5 miles
    2/12/17 - 7.5 miles

    2/14/17 - 7 miles
    2/15/17 - 7.2 miles

    2/17/17 - 14 miles
    2/18/17 - 3.25 miles

    I remembered to try my new shoes today. Sadly, the right shoe is a *little* too short. I will lose a toenail if I am not careful. They may be 5k race shoes. They are ridiculously light, at 2.2 ounces. For the pair. I might need to order the next half size up, and see if that works. Or modify the toe of the right shoe to ease up on my toenail.
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member

    2/1 - 4.3
    2/2 - rest
    2/3 - 3.1
    2/4 - 5.0
    2/5 - 4.6
    2/6 - 3.1
    2/7 - 3.1
    2/8 - 6.0
    2/9 - rest
    2/10 - 5.0
    2/11 - 5.0
    2/12 - 4.0
    2/13 - 3.5
    2/14 - 5.5
    2/15 - 5.0
    2/16 - 3.1
    2/17 - rest
    2/18 - 4.0
    Feb total: 64.3/100mi.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Looking at Strava, it says I had my fastest mile ever at 10:04. Also a 5k PR of 32:34. Yeah, I was definitely going fast. :smile:

    Yay, @RespectTheKitty ! Good job.

    @MNLittleFinn Bravo on your 15 mile distance PB! You must be so happy!

    @Stoshew71 Yay, Stan! Awesome race result! Love how you wore the group T-shirt! :smile:

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @MobyCarp That's totally awesome! 62 mpw is huge. I'm happy with the 40 I have this week. 62 is simply astounding to me

    You got 40? Heck, you're only one 22 mile long run away from 62! :D

    But this isn't my first marathon. Before my first marathon, I peaked with a 41 mile week including a 22 mile long run. Yeah, not the way you're supposed to train for a marathon; but I didn't realize at the time that I would run Buffalo. I thought I was only staying in shape to run 5 halfs that year.

    LOL...I guess I better go run a 22 after tomorrow's scheduled 4 miler, so I can get my 62 in.... B)

    My plan tops out at 52 miles with a 20 mile LR. I know, I know, it breaks the 25-35% rule, but I'm comfortable with that as it's my first marathon training cycle, and I'm using it as a learning experience.

    I should add one caveat though, If I get to week 16 or so and am still 2 weeks ahead of schedule, I may have a week with a 22 miler when I fill in those 2 extra weeks.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Got my 3 mile run in around noon, with 4 trips up the 1/3 mile hill. Also walked 2 miles and did 15 min lower body exercises. Then my allergies went NUTS. Just getting over a cold and now I'm sneezing my head off, eyes watering, and once again blowing my nose every minute. It was a warm run at 65 degrees and I see the stinky Bradford pear trees are getting ready to bloom. Spring is here I think. I could try to avoid the heat by running early morning but I think I'll just go ahead and start heat acclimation! Tomorrow will be 70s.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited February 2017
    February goal: Lose 3 pounds

    2/1: rest
    2/2 3.16
    2/3 3.60
    2/4 busy
    2/5 really busy
    2/6 exhausted from being busy
    2/7 4.02
    2/8 snorkel 3.5 hours
    2/9 4.10
    2/10 3.45
    2/11 rest
    2/12 2.10 + core/strength training
    2/13 3.45
    2/14 rest
    2/15 3.60
    2/16 3.26
    2/17 rest
    2/18 2.05 + strength/core training

    Total: 32.79
    @Elise4270 Went to the neighborhood joint yesterday, where the band was entertaining: I shot a video for you....
    @JessicaMcB Birthday from hell because....?
    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and total to date:

  • cchen2015
    cchen2015 Posts: 33 Member


  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @BeeerRunner Exciting your first marathon is right around the corner! You'll do great! Also, thanks for reminding me about angel food cake :p

    @bmelb1 My sports medicine doctor also mentioned vitamin D at my follow up as well as calcium and, when I mentioned this to my PT, he said magnesium is also important to runners. My doc was a little concerned about my bone density since I've had to be on steroids several times a year for awhile due to chronic hives, so I'm now taking several vitamins/supplements to hopefully prevent further injury.

    @MNLittleFinn WTG on the distance PR! I've had my watch die on me on a few long runs as well, so I try to remember to charge it the night before long runs when I'm getting my other running things together.

    @MobyCarp Very awesome long run, especially the faster second part!

    @RespectTheKitty Congrats on the fastest mile and 5k! Even if you didn't go as far as you wanted, it looks like you still got a decent run in.

    @autumnblade75 I have the same problem with my right foot sometimes. I now buy a half size larger than non-running shoes and have started buying them in a wide width as well for a roomier toe box. Those two things seem to be doing the trick.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @MobyCarp - love the pictures of your running group! Looks like a fun bunch!
    @9voice9 - I think any age group win is a great accomplishment, even if the pool is small. You were there, you ran and succeeded. Boom! Also do they give out snickers at your HM? If they do I could probably get my husband to consider running it!
    @HonuNui - Love the video!
    @Stoshew71 - Congratulations on your HM and the AG win! Did the dog race again this year?
    @OSUbuckeye906 - Great pictures! My doctor had me stop taking Vit D and Calcium. My D was off the charts - I am sure from running outside so much. I am continuing to take Turmeric and Magnesium though. The Turmeric helps with inflammation and the Magnesium has helped immensely with the muscle cramps I get (not while running but when sleeping, training and doing yoga).

    Late afternoon run today. I didn't get to run yesterday because of the monster storm hitting So CA and I waited today until most of the rain and wind had passed. I still got wet but the sun came out while we were out. It is amazing when it is raining and the sun is shining!

    02/02......0.00........4.63 - + Strength Training and Rally
    02/04......0.00........6.98 - Race Expo
    02/05....13.36......20.18 - Surf City HM
    02/07......5.23......25.57 - + Strength Training
    02/09......5.27......36.81 - + Strength Training and Rally
    02/12......2.00......48.11 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    02/13......5.00......53.11 - + Agility
    02/14......4.42......57.53 - + Strength Training
    02/16......4.39......61.92 - + Strength Training and Rally
    02/17......0.00......61.92 - Monster storm


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 I would just call the golf course and ask. If it's a public course I would think it would be ok...especially if it's early before anyone is out, but if it's private, you'd want to get their permission.

    Loved the pics!!! Looks like a fun place to run!!

    @dkabambe Congrats on your 10K PR!! That's awesome...especially going into a strong headwind!

    Glad everyone in the north is enjoying the heat wave. It was 84 F during my run yesterday... :sweat:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @HonuNui Love the video! Thanks! I can play through "Ode to Joy" now without too many mistakes! Be a bit before I take that devil down!!!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    FEBRUARY Running challenge
    Goal: 50 km
    Done: 40.5/9.5 km
    19/2/17 Run 3.5 km
    18/2/17 Rest day
    17/2/17 (walk 8.5 km)
    16/2/17 ( Walk 8 km, Strength Training)
    15/2/17 Run 5 km (walk 8 km)
    13/2/17 Run 10 km ( walk 7 km)
    7/2/17 Run 10 km

    5/2/17 Run 5 km
    2/2/17 Run 7 km
    1/2/17 Rest day slow (walk 3 km)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    2/1- 8.1
    2/2- REST
    2/3- 4.23
    2/4- 14.11
    2/5- 3.16
    2/6- 6.16
    2/7- REST
    2/8- 8.09
    2/9- REST
    2/10- 4.04
    2.11- 14.01
    2/12- 3.04
    2/13- 6.06
    2/14- 3.16
    2/15- 8.15
    2/16- REST
    2/17- 4.66
    2/18- 15.04
    2/19- 4.03

    Total: 106.04

    Monthly goals:
    Mileage goal: 150
    Real Goal: Stay healthy enough to get into the swing of real marathon training.

    Today's notes: 4 miles easy pace, nothing really to report other than I felt pretty good, which I guess is something, after yesterday's distance PR. Finally starting to feel like I'm marathon training. Something about going the 15 made it sink in that I really am training for the 26.2....LOL...only have to run 11 miles more on race day.....Also, feeling good after running that far and running easy at 9:39 pace hammered home that a full should be within my reach in just under 4 months.