weight watchers and mfp



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    have you opened your diary so people can give specific advice?
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    I started this thread for advise...i put my weight loss goal as 1 pound a week, I thought 1 pound is a good deficit no?

    all honesty I am very upset, I have been on the same place for a long time and i want to finally get out of it. I feel like a cometw failure, and I'm not that person whose letting tje calories creep in to my diet. I measure and weigh everything.

    I'll open my diary but today is day one
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    You started today tracking your intake on MFP? Get back to us when you have at least two weeks worth of calorie counting. Intake and exercise burns. It's hard to give advice with no history of calorie counting.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    Thank you so much, I have been doing weight watchers for ever, so this is my switch
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    and i put myself as active...it gave me 1640..not including exercises...i think I will eat 1800 calories on work out days and 1640 on non work out days...it seems sooo much for me. I'm looking to lose 1 pound a week.

    you have 10 lbs to lose,1lb a week is too aggressive with so little to lose. set it to lose .5(1/2) lb a week and go from there. the less you have to lose the slower its going to be.I was stuck for 6 months and lost 1.2 lbs then I was stuck for another few months and lost 1.8 lbs. I still have like 22lbs to lose and its very slow going. You can try eating at maintenance for a few months and try a deficit again if you like
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    i was thinking of doing that, but I never ate as high as 1640 a day, I figured I'd start there and if I need to increase 100 a week, I will...part of me was thinking of taking a diet and gym break for 2 weeks and then starting a deficit at 1800 and seeing what happens...so my body will get used to more food and no exercise and then start up again. Because to increase to maintnence is sooo time consuming...y do u think you were having an issue losing @CharlieBeansmomTracey...thank u so much foe your help, it means a lot to me
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    i was thinking of doing that, but I never ate as high as 1640 a day, I figured I'd start there and if I need to increase 100 a week, I will...part of me was thinking of taking a diet and gym break for 2 weeks and then starting a deficit at 1800 and seeing what happens...so my body will get used to more food and no exercise and then start up again. Because to increase to maintnence is sooo time consuming...y do u think you were having an issue losing @CharlieBeansmomTracey...thank u so much foe your help, it means a lot to me

    for me? no clue but it could be my BMR is lower than I think.. I have a metabolic disorder, I have went lower in calories many times and had no real success,I mean losing 0.5lb a MONTH not a week if that.I kept lowering mine and lowering mine and staying there for months at a time with no results. I weigh EVERYTHING too. I tried everything(Ive been here almost 3 years). finally in nov or dec I said to heck with it Im going to maintenance calories and will readjust in april when its warmer. for me I am eating maintenance calories BUT,Im netting less than my 1700(about 1450/1500) so I am actually in a deficit.I try not to net less than what my BMR supposedly is(I cant say what it really is as with a metabolic disorder I would have to get it tested to be more accurate).

    I started losing weight doing that. before I even tried eating less like 1500 and working out and eating about half my calories back and it still wasnt budging. its slowed down again but I decide Im just going to keep doing what Im doing,exercise and be patient. one example is I eat about 1900 calories or a little more,I work out,get my steps in and then net about 1500 or a little more.once in awhile I net about 1200 or less but I try not to net that low.but for some eating in maintenance and then going to a deficit works for them. I just had to find what works for me. I was even working out twice a day at one point and still nada. you have to find what works for you without eating too little,.I have other health issues so those could be making things work weird too.

    I would say that if you can afford it have your BMR tested,because calculators are an estimate.I just know when I ate 1500 or less I was tired,had no energy and couldnt work out.Im not saying do what I did.but you can try also doing a recomp,eat at maintenance,lift weights and give it several months and see if you lose any body fat,or gain a little muscle. Im losing some fat right now but the scale isnt moving so I doubt its muscle.my body is changing but the scale isnt and Im ok with that for now lol
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    you seem like such a nice person and i am so sorry about ur disorder. Did you jump right up to maintaince or did u ease up?

    about 1 year ago I started lifting very heavy and supersetting everything until I was at a burn out state. I was eating the same amount of calories with an occasion treat meal bwcauae I was at my goal weight. Then all of a sudden I started gaining weight and couldn't lose it. I think it's becuae I raised my bmr Nd added muscle and didnt add in the right amount of calories to sustain myself and thw extra calories I gave to myself during my treat meals my body held on to...so I think I need to start eating more to now lose...it really bothers me because i work and diet so hard
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    you seem like such a nice person and i am so sorry about ur disorder. Did you jump right up to maintaince or did u ease up?

    about 1 year ago I started lifting very heavy and supersetting everything until I was at a burn out state. I was eating the same amount of calories with an occasion treat meal bwcauae I was at my goal weight. Then all of a sudden I started gaining weight and couldn't lose it. I think it's becuae I raised my bmr Nd added muscle and didnt add in the right amount of calories to sustain myself and thw extra calories I gave to myself during my treat meals my body held on to...so I think I need to start eating more to now lose...it really bothers me because i work and diet so hard

    Thanks, Im usually a nice person or Id like to think I am :) but yeah if you were at goal weight and eating more than you burned that is what caused the weight gain.a treat meal can throw your deficit/maintenance out of existence. meaning you eat over your TDEE(maintenance) so you gain.The thing is with eating in maintenance you are trying to maintain your weight. which means to eat in maintenance you eat back any calories you burn to net that same amount. so if your maintenance is say 1800(example) and you burn 500. you want to eat that amount back,but if you start gaining then you know that you need to eat a little less back. like me.I eat 1900+ but net lower calories so for me Im in a slight deficit.

    I was eating at maintenance and maintaining my weight,I lost some but that was because I was netting lower than my maintenance calories.Im back to maintaining again.even though Im netting less, now Im not saying that will happen with you because everyone is different. but If I were you I would eat my maintenance calories and lift heavy again.stick with that for awhile and use a tape measure too. measure before you start and every couple of weeks and see if you have lost inches. sometimes the scale doesnt show the big picture either.

    when I first started losing weight,I lost inches before I even saw the scale move.so if I dont see the scale go down I will get the tape measurement out and keep track of my measurements. I am losing fat now I can see a difference.but the scale stopped moving again. But I will keep fighting until I get where I want to be.But yeah if you havent already get a blood panel done to rule out any health issues, The thing is when you get to goal weight you have to start eating less calories because your body doesnt need the extra calories to fuel your body. so anything over that you will start gaining.if you are really active though you do need to fuel your workouts.so if you want to eat more on days you workout and less on days you dont thats fine too. just keep trying and find what works for you in a healthy way. But,if you are eating low calories your body wont hold onto those calories,your body holds onto calories when you are eating more than you burn..for some its easy to lose and others we have to work hard and keep trudging on just to see a small loss. its been a hell of a journey for me I can tell you that lol.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    there is no way my Maintnance calories is between 11-1400 and my weight has not budged at all...ive been maintaining...normally treat meals or 2 dont affect me, it takes a week for me to get back and then no big deal...even now, It will take ms about a week to get back...i spoke to bodybuilding.com and they confirmed the starvstarvation and how u sometimes need to eat to lose...call them with any issues they're great to speak with and very knowledgeable.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    there is no way my Maintnance calories is between 11-1400 and my weight has not budged at all...ive been maintaining...normally treat meals or 2 dont affect me, it takes a week for me to get back and then no big deal...even now, It will take ms about a week to get back...i spoke to bodybuilding.com and they confirmed the starvstarvation and how u sometimes need to eat to lose...call them with any issues they're great to speak with and very knowledgeable.

    not going to argue here. if you think you are starving eating that little then go see a dietitian. all I can say. just because they are a bodybuilding site doesnt mean they know everything either. you spoke to someone. were they a doctor who deals with metabolism and other issues? were they a dietitian? anyone can tell you anything on the phone.. I tried to help.if you think eating more is going to help then try that.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    well eating less isnt going to
  • sweethomeaz3
    sweethomeaz3 Posts: 3 Member
    I just switched from WW and tracked my macro intake on here and WW. I realized that counting my macros put me at 15 points instead of my regular 30. I'm less hungry and have more energy.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    so you are eating 15 points a day? How many calories is that? @acmomof3 and what made you switch?
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    Thank you so much, I have been doing weight watchers for ever, so this is my switch

    Ahhhh...The problem with WW, even when it's been successful for you in the past, is that you learn how to manipulate the system. You start eating processed, chemical loaded, low point alternatives so you can eat more, and/or you eat TONS of fruits and veggies because they are "free" (but those calories still add up). As you get closer into your goal these little creepers, and they happen even when you weigh diligently, start to add up. Admittedly, it is harder for this to happen on the Smart Points than the old Points Plus system, but it still happens.

    I did an experiment tracking in both apps for two weeks. Wk 1 I tracked in WW first and transferred everything to MFP to compare. Wk 2 I tracked in MFP first then transferred to WW. It's a pain in the a**, and requires some time commitment, but it was very, very enlightening. I was MUCH more restricted on WW. This might be something to try to get some perspective. Maybe try tracking the same plan in MFP that worked for you in WW (include all fruits and veggies for an accurate picture) and see what your calories/points come out too. You might be surprised what you find.

    I also know several people who broke a plateau simply by going into maintenance mode for a couple weeks, then cutting again.

    Just some suggestions based on my person experience with both systems. Hopefully they help :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    well eating less isnt going to

    never said eating less would. something is off whether its not weighing or weighing incorrectly,using wrong entries,not counting every bite,lick,morsel,over estimating exercise burns and eating too many of those back,or having a health issue. but if your BMR is 1450 you shouldnt be eating less than that anyway with so little to lose either.and yes if you are eating under your BMR for a period of time BMR and maintenance level will get lower.if you were obese you may get by with eating less than your BMR for a short period of time. but not with so little to lose.and with exercise if you are not eating any calories back then yes you are starving yourself but I dont see how it would be starvation mode as once you are starving and not getting enough calories your body turns to fat and muscle. you would still lose weight though although it would be basically like being anorexic.you dont store fat or weight,your body uses whatever it can for energy and it slows your metabolism down to prevent excess energy so you would not be able to be too active as you wouldnt have the energy,and then your body will start shutting down as well. Get your BMR tested,see a registered Dietitian and go from there.That is your best bet.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    @kt3677 when you say that weight watchers is more restrictive what do u mean? MFP seems more of a diet to mw then WW. I do eat a nice amount of veggies and ony 2 fruits a day.

    on the new smart points program my frozen yogurt which is 200 calories is now 11 points...

    are you still on both? i think it is hard to track on both, I dont want to obsess but counting fibrous veggies seems crazy to me lol
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    @kt3677 when you say that weight watchers is more restrictive what do u mean? MFP seems more of a diet to mw then WW. I do eat a nice amount of veggies and ony 2 fruits a day.

    on the new smart points program my frozen yogurt which is 200 calories is now 11 points...

    are you still on both? i think it is hard to track on both, I dont want to obsess but counting fibrous veggies seems crazy to me lol

    I had to give up foods like fat free Greek yogurt and low fat cottage cheese because they were 5 or 6 points. When you have 30pts for the day that's a BIG chunk of your day. It just seemed like an insane amount of points for a healthy, 150 calorie snack with a lot of protein. Several other healthy foods I relied on with their old system doubled in points and it really made me question their methods.

    I'm definitely not doing both anymore, it was just a two week experiment to see how straight calorie counting compared to WW. My 30pt days were coming in at 1000-1250 calories which is not enough for me to feel satisfied. Having a glass of wine, a treat, or a meal out was simply out of the question on the new WW Smart Points plan (Points Plus was much better and I maintained after that for several years). I usually aim for 1300-1450 (which is 37-42 pts) and I lose 0.5-1 lb a week. Im 5'6" and 136 lbs so the weight isn't going to fly off like it did when I had 30 lbs to lose. I'll be sticking with MFP until I'm at my goal and for maintenance.