Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    Add me! I'm Ben, 34 from Montreal, Canada. I've been on here forever (1200+ days streak). I recently noticed many people stopped being active on here so I cleaned my friend list. I'm ready for more amazing people ^_^
  • WickedMotivated
    WickedMotivated Posts: 48 Member
    I need more friends. Most of the people I added in January are falling off now.
  • dannybias50
    dannybias50 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me if you need motivation and inspiration
    West Virginia
  • brettr23
    brettr23 Posts: 115 Member
    edited February 2017
    I need friends lol!!!
  • rome_411
    rome_411 Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Foodie, Active, Supportive. Lost about 90lbs while on this app/site. Open Food Diary..Let's crush some goals!
  • ARO91
    ARO91 Posts: 29 Member
    Would love more friends! lets help support each other :)
  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello. I'm not new to MFP but it has been over 2 years since I have logged on. I have gotten off track as it were and the result has not been good. I'm back to get my health back in order. Not just for me but also for my new son.
  • fairymoon75
    fairymoon75 Posts: 15 Member
    Add me too please
  • mebenfie
    mebenfie Posts: 7 Member
    Looking for some extra motivation and support.. feel free to add me
  • hurth32
    hurth32 Posts: 7 Member
    looking for motivation! add me please :)
  • vwhitehorne
    vwhitehorne Posts: 3 Member
    Who can't use more friends! Please add me.
  • Cuteymcpritty
    Cuteymcpritty Posts: 64 Member
    I've been using the app for a few months but now I'm getting serious. I've gotta lose close to 90 lbs by next January. I could use any motivational and serious weight loss minded people. Add me pls. Thx
  • vanessamarruffo
    vanessamarruffo Posts: 2 Member
    I need friends!!
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member
    My friends are all inactive except 2. I'm in need of more motivation.
  • Tawfiq87
    Tawfiq87 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a new user to this application and I want to be friends
  • Tawfiq87
    Tawfiq87 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me
  • amywillloseit2015
    amywillloseit2015 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I stopped using this app about a year ago but have decided to start using it again.i could really use some friends to help motivate me. I am a Fitbit user and am working my way up on my steps per day. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Add me if you would like to help each other on this journey.
  • bworth222
    bworth222 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Lydia227
    Lydia227 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been getting very serious about my weight and have lost 10 pounds over the last month. BUT over the last week I've been totally off and have gained some back. Looking for positive people to help stay accountable! Thanks! :)
  • markph65
    markph65 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. Guess I could do with more help and motivation. I started using this site and app about a month ago when I had a check up at my doctors and was told I was obeese. That motivated me to start keeping a check on my habits. I am also a type 1 diabetic and have GORD so my diet is quite restricted but for a while I have struggled to do what I should. To make matters trickier I am a kitchen assistant so work irregular hours and over meal times which can complicate matters but I live and eat my life offset by about 3 hours so this helps apart from my days off. Would love to hear from people in similar situations and find out how they manage.