People who DON'T need to lose weight-- discouraging?



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Why don't you try looking at them as inspiration, rather than competition?
  • sjf1218
    sjf1218 Posts: 14
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    Wow. sorry to burst your bubble, but this is My FITNESS Pal. Not My Fatness Pal. People of all shapes and sizes are welcome here to record their food and exercise intake and reach whatever goal they may have, be it losing 100lbs or winning a race or competing in bodybuilding.

    I completely agree. People are allowed to worry. I bet some of those skinny girls who worry used to be bigger and are worried about regaining their weight. Maintenance is probably just as difficult as losing weight.

    exactly. i worry about things like that all the time and it's because I NEVER EVER want to go back to being 360+ pounds again, though I'm not a girl :tongue: however, before I lost weight, I think I would have agreed with you due to my lack of understanding where those people are coming from.
  • britterbrittney
    britterbrittney Posts: 256 Member
    I understand what can be discouraging about it. I myself am obese and I do get a little upset when people who are very thin complain about losing 5-10 pounds. I agree that this site is public and anyone can be a member....but they just dont understand what it feels like to be 150-200 pounds over weight and yes it can be very discouraging. Just focus on what you are here for and make friends with common issues and interests.

    They may understand what it is like to be 150-200 lbs over weight though......
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Wow. sorry to burst your bubble, but this is My FITNESS Pal. Not My Fatness Pal. People of all shapes and sizes are welcome here to record their food and exercise intake and reach whatever goal they may have, be it losing 100lbs or winning a race or competing in bodybuilding.

    LOVE Haha

    Second of all, some of us USED to be fat and have gotten thin and still have goals. Getting the last 10 lbs off is harder than the original 30

    It's just as "annoying" when obese people overeat by 2000 calories and then complain about it. It's fine. It's what we are here for but don't make it sound like one group deserves to be here over another
  • WMG1137
    WMG1137 Posts: 8
    I understand how frustrating it is to see people who we believe that are "the ideal" who speak about the difficulties they have maintaining or achieving the results they wanted.

    MFP is not only a tool, but it is a place of support, and those who need the support for achieving or maintaining a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be judged.

    Nor should we judge those who at first don't understand what this place is about.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Well. I guess my 2 cents isn't needed. I will take my superpowers elsewhere.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    We're all on our own journeys. You know it takes more effort for slimmer people to lose weight than it does for us with alot to lose? I cannot imagine the willpower and dedication it takes when there's no way there's gonna be a big number on the scale each time.

    Haha! Let me tell you, .6 lbs will eventually be sooo exciting for you. :laugh:

    WooHoo! I cannot wait!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Wow. sorry to burst your bubble, but this is My FITNESS Pal. Not My Fatness Pal. People of all shapes and sizes are welcome here to record their food and exercise intake and reach whatever goal they may have, be it losing 100lbs or winning a race or competing in bodybuilding.


    missashley, spend some more time in the forums - reading instead of posting. Intolerance is not something we like here.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    are you just jealous of the thinner people?
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Who are you to say that just because someone is trying to maintain their weight they have an eating disorder?? You must not be here to make friends and get support! I used to be on Sparkspeople when I was at my goal weight trying to maintain. If I had stuck to it I probably would not be where I am today at 50 lbs overweight. I REALLY hate when people come on here acting like someone has no right to be concerned about their health and diet because they are not obese. That is ridiculous!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member

    Everyone has a right to be here, regardless of their goals.

    Last time I checked, eating right and exercising was good for EVERYONE, not just people who need to lose weight.

    And who are you to judge who needs to eat better and exercise?

    Sure, I may not think they need to be losing weight, but I am just here to get MYSELF healthier.
    THIS. I agree. Its not only skinny teenage girls that get eating disorders. Incase you didn't know food addiction, is an eating disorder too and I know many overweight people who suffer from this.
  • nitamo
    nitamo Posts: 64
    I completely agree with you guys! This website is for *everyones* fitness goals. Not just for those of us who need to lose weight. I plan on staying on this site long after I lose all the weight I need to lose so that I can keep track of my food, continue with the responsible eating habits I have now. Each person on this site has their own personal reason for being here. For some it is to lose weight, for some it is to gain weight, for some it is to maintain the weight they have achieved and for some it is to get healthy and stay healthy. There are probably a lot more reasons for being on this site but you get the point. I'm on here because I need to lose weight, my daughter (100 lbs when soaking wet) is on here to try and gain a little weight and to get healthy after giving birth in December. I'm really sorry that you are feeling the *sour grapes* right now but it's time to get over it. Sounds more like you are "slightly" jealous of those size 2 ladies out there so you decided to bag on them. Try some compassion for all the members on this site. This is supposed to be a place where *everyone* can come and get some help and encouragement along the way.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    My first response to this is "bite me" then I realize you just don't get anyone but yourself so I can't be angry at you for you not understanding my journey being different than yours or starting somewhere other than a size 2. So while I don't need to say Bite me I do need to say that your impression that my journey/struggles are diagnoseable is quite offensive.
  • healthychelsea
    wow, how rude! People don't just USE this site to lose weight, some people use it as a tool to be healthy also! I don't have TONS of weight to lose myself, but that doesn't mean it's ANY easier for me than someone trying to lose more than me. It is tough and hard work to lose weight for most people, especially when starting out and this website can help people with that!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Ok so WTF is the deal with the size 2 chics on here, stressing about how much they've worked out and how many calories they've consumed and being worried about having some extra pasta, chicken and oreos??? I know that everyone is different & we all have our own goals. But seriously... It's ridiculous. And frankly, it concerns me. These young girls don't need MFP. They need psychiatric help to address their body dysmorphic disorders and bulimia/anorexia. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager and really DO need to lose it to, you know, LIVE! It's one thing to want to tone and strengthen your body. It is quite another to join a website and track your calories when you already only weigh 100 lbs soaking wet. It's discouraging and annoying to see posts by people who can't really sympathize or offer any type of real support to those of us who actually NEED to lose weight. Anyone else with me on this??

    Hey girl, I kinda do know what you're talking about. The ones that bother me are the little teenyboppers who want to lose 10 pounds when you and I both know they shouldn't do that....or they're just wanting attention and all the "you're not fats" and the "you don't need to lose weight you look so sexy" stuff...Just ignore them and roll on, because there's differenty types of people in this world like in MFP. Just do your thing for you!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I understand what can be discouraging about it. I myself am obese and I do get a little upset when people who are very thin complain about losing 5-10 pounds. I agree that this site is public and anyone can be a member....but they just dont understand what it feels like to be 150-200 pounds over weight and yes it can be very discouraging. Just focus on what you are here for and make friends with common issues and interests.

    What about the ones who WERE 150-200 lbs overweight and now are petite?

    I don't know if anyone remembers Tammy, but she went from 270 to 135 in a little over a year, and even maintained it through her pregnancy. At one point she only had 5 lbs to lose. And what about the people who are only, say, 30 lbs overweight? They won't see huge weekly losses upwards of 5-7 lbs that someone with 100 lbs to lose might see. Everyone is battling something. I flew off my bike today and I have a bruise on my knee like I got hit by a Smartcar. That is my battle lately. I am here to make sure I'm fueling my body. It is discouraging to fall off your bike 2 days before a race. We all feel defeated at times.
  • DancingYogini
    Quoted because:
    -- I wanted to see what it was.
    -- And I fully agree! Just pulled up a seat. :wink:

    Ha ha...I couldn't figure out how to do it....but I am glad you got it to post...thought this thread would draw a lot of debate :drinker:
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - John Watson.

    I just wanted to share that because we cannot know what things other people are dealing with and therefore it is unfair to make such a blanket judgement. And personally, I wish I had started watching my calories and using a site like this when I only had 10 pounds to lose instead of 100. Hoping you find some peace and remember other people's journeys have no affect on your own.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I've not read all the comments - too annoyed to....just read the first few and got so IRRATE....

    Sometimes, its difficult for some people like myself to put weight on. I eat loads, yeah i may need to change the type of foods I'm eating, but ffs, this site is for anyone who is trying to lose the weight, gain teh weight, hell just even maintain their weight or dietary needs.

    Sorry to be so angry about it but i have to say, orginally i was ULTRA PARANOID about some of the comments i was reading on other posts regarding skinnier people and I felt like hiding for a while. This has made me feel worse. Thank you very much.

    Deep Breath....HOWEVER, i am a person who can forgive and understand why you wrote what you did.

    Everyone on here is supposed to support each other with their individual goals etc.

    Nuf Said.
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