

  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    There was talk on the Main SAHMU board about before pictures..... How does the Orange Team feel about doing some before pictures today and posting them so we can all see before and after results?

    i unfortunately have not figured out how to add pics. i suggest take a couple photos and then when we finish our challenge we should have figured out how to post them by then.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I took starting pictures - I noticed that on the other board there is going to be an extra point per person who posts before pictures. So, here are mine. Don't mind the no make up, I did it early this morning. I am not sure how to post so it shows up in the post, but here is a link to my before pictures.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Go Team Orange
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Team Orange:
    i have developed a spreadsheet to keep track of our points and for those that have Office 2010, i am working on a Notebook to keep track of everyones stats, post, exercise routines, etc that is reported to me. its easier to for me to track if you just send me a msg in my email box. you are welcome to post on any and all threads that you would like too.

    Since one of the challenges for this week includes 45 mins cardio 5 times this week, i want to make sure everyone gets their credits they deserve.

    Good luck and go Team Orange!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Hi ladies,
    so I while I was walking today I was thinking about our group. Do you think havings seperate team threads is to much. I want us all to support eachother in this journey. maybe we can leave the team thread just so the captain can keep track of points but do all our posting on the main thread? There was a member who said her husband is a graphic designer so if he made team signatures so they we could see eachother better that might be good. Tell me what you think please.

    I just asked them to email me their daily accomplishments, because these threads can seem overwhelming. I think the captains should find a way to support their teams and then having one big thread is a good idea to support one another. I like the team signature ideas if we are able to see each other better. Let me know what's decided. we will see what each team comes up with this week and we will figure it out.
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Met the exercise goal today. Usually walk 40 minutes per day but decided to kick it up a notch and walked 60. Has any one had good results with zumba or insanity?
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    AFternoon everyone! I am sorry I didn't post this morning, but I spaced it out. My brain can only do so much at 5:30am. My stats are included in my signature, and I will post my emotional challenge later on tonight. I just got home from work and getting ready to do some SQUATS! I can feel the burn already! :-) I hope you guys had a wonderful day.
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Met the exercise goal today. Usually walk 40 minutes per day but decided to kick it up a notch and walked 60. Has any one had good results with zumba or insanity?

    I have never done the Insanity workout, but I have a couple of friends who say they have gotten good results from it, and that it really kicks their you-know-what. :-) If you try it let us know how you like it!
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Met the exercise goal today. Usually walk 40 minutes per day but decided to kick it up a notch and walked 60. Has any one had good results with zumba or insanity?

    I have never done the Insanity workout, but I have a couple of friends who say they have gotten good results from it, and that it really kicks their you-know-what. :-) If you try it let us know how you like it!

    Ok I will.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I am SO PROUD of team orange today.
    You all have jumped in to give yourself a good start to the challenge.
    Remember to close your kitchens tonight, I only go in mine to get water, but am thinking about putting a glass in the bathroom so I can just get it there if I need to, then it is NO excuse to open the refrigerator. Now, if any of you hear me say that I may decide to move the fridge into the bathroom, you better stop me!!

    good job girls, lets see what tomorrow brings and WIN!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Both workout goals are done for the day!!! Yay team Orange! Keep up the good work!!!
  • RunningOutOfMyMind
    Completed my workout challenges for today!

    Squats - while chatting with a good friend
    Jogged 25 minutes - about 2 miles - took it easy... it's friggin HOT.
    30 Day Shred for about 20-30 long does that workout last? LOL
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wow Team Orange, You look like the team to beat!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Good morning Orange! I managed to stay out of the kitchen last night starting at 8:30 (except for water). I think this was one of the best challenges for the week. =D
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Good morning everyone. I've been up and at it super early. Feeling really good today.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    my before pics: I'm sorry that this is so scary too look at, but wait in 60 days!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Good morning Orange! I managed to stay out of the kitchen last night starting at 8:30 (except for water). I think this was one of the best challenges for the week. =D

    WE are very PROUD OF YOU!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Good morning everyone. I've been up and at it super early. Feeling really good today.

    Thats great! and you got your exercise in for the day. you are on it!!
    good work!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Team Orange! Anyone who wants the Team Orange banner in their signature post this link in your signature and change the IMG to img and it will show up.

  • RunningOutOfMyMind
    Ok, I screwed up! I entered my food/exercise too late last night so it went on today' I am doing all of today's stuff as Wednesday. Just in case anyone can see it and wondered why my Thursday one is all done already!

    I got up early and ran 3 miles (35 min) and later today I plan on doing the 30Day Shred to get in the rest of my 45 minutes. I'll do my squats as soon as I post this.

    I also just went in the yard (thank god for owning a full acre) and lay out in my bikini with my mp3 player on and even though I only did 10 minutes on front and 10 on the back, I am more drained than after running this morning!! What the hell!

    So, I'll check back in later to announce my completed challenges.

    Great going everyone!