

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited March 2017

    Rather than go back to sleep did cooking instead. I made some banana pudding and got another chicken ready to make more soup. The soup I made still had lots of favor even with minimal salt. I added fresh ginger and other spices to make it tasty. I felt better after eating it.

    We are going to go in to Doctor to have them check blood pressure. When we get home it might be nap time.

    DH on a low fiber diet for two weeks, so I am having to be creative to get the Vitamins from fruits and veggies into him. I think it is odd they let him eat meat but no veggies. Meat is very difficult to digest. I would think if he can eat hamburger why not veggies. If I cook them to texture of wet noodles okay. That is why soup is so good right now. My plan for dinner is chicken in coconut milk. Yum. I also have to watch the protein for him. Too much protein is hard on your kidneys too. (In his case kidney.)

    :heart: Margaret
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER - returned from Dr he has referred me for an ultrasound which you would have thought the hospital would have done at the weekend (maybe because it was weekend and late at night) Anyway Dr says he is not convinced problem is gallbladder and has given me Buscopan and Omeprazole to try

    Kate UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited March 2017
    My hair is trimmed - just half an inch and it looks better. :) I really like my young stylist who I have been going to for six years. We always have a nice catch up about kids etc.

    I forgot to put the bacon in the ragu, ;):o but it still tasted fantastic. My secret is chicken livers. I have three to freeze. I cooked it in my forty year old pressure cooker. :D Love a "freezer bank".

    Nothing on TV tonight, might watch "Behind the Candelabra" . My mum used to like Liberace, who was often on the TV when I was a child. She carefully explained what "homosexual" meant. I learnt a lot from my mum, who was obsessed with film/theatre stars etc. She had some serious failings as a mother, but also some excellent qualities. I was always encouraged to believe in myself and think big. I had a lot of female role models. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • jayne0521
    jayne0521 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks Barbie,

    I'm just getting back into fitness pal, it was nice that I had lost 6 lbs since the last time I was here.

    My goals:
    I will track daily.
    I will drink at least 64 oz of water per day.
    I will exercise at least twice a week during March.

    Will go walk on the treadmill now.

    Happy March everybody
    :| Jayne
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, hope everyone is having a nice day. I shall continue to post, even though I guess many of you can't relate to me. Most of you were taught, if you don't have anything positive to say (type) don't say (type) anything at all. It's no worries, I have been one to not follow the norm. It is interesting to post daily, but there is no response. Its just something I have noticed is all. I have decided to not mention my hair journey, or anything nudist related, because it makes you all uncomfortable I am guessing. I can understand it truly. Maybe when I type about those things it sounds like I am trying to convert people, but that is never the case. Maybe I live more outside the box than most, but oh well.

    Time to fix udon noodles, turkey broth, wasabi, spinach in a big bowl! Taking some applesauce to the donation place, so I won't be tempted to eat a cookie.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    edited March 2017
    Kate - great idea getting the ultrasound and yes, you'd have thought the hospital would have done that first off. Good gravy. Hope whatever it is, you get relief soon and it doesn't interfere with your trip.

    Welcome Nelly Marie! Everyone is glad you arrived safe and sound from your extended journey.

    Lisa, thank you for posting your NM mini-vacation pictures. What a beautiful place.

    Rita, Happy Belated Birthday! You are on my mind. TN sounds like a great place to end up if the RV thing falls through - I hope it doesn't since you had some nice visiting planned in warmer climates! But it's good to have a plan B. I was so lucky the past few times we moved, it seems I was working full time and DH took over with the clean-up, clean-out, arranging movers, etc. Now his health isn't that good and the next one may fall on me. He'll perk up when summer comes and hopefully I can encourage him to clean out his shop - sell things, take items to the dump, etc. He's a collector - I am too but not that bad and have been taking things to charity shops, giving to friends, etc. Hang in there, girly.

    Carol, way to go on your weight loss!

    Sarah - very impressive with your work-outs at the gym! You are the queen of planks, my dear. I was curious and managed 5 seconds last night. Hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

    Heather, loved the photo of your son and his friends and the greyhounds. I hear they are very loving, affectionate dogs and I'm glad he's giving them a chance at a long and healthy life - they are good for each other. Nice he has other peeps and pups in his circle.

    Katla, thankfully the weather is cooperating and DH can get that surgery overwith once and for all. What a relief - he'll be all healed up and you can resume your riding lessons!

    Becca, keep us posted on the "No POO". Great idea and from what I've heard is super healthy for your hair and scalp. I knew a lady with gorgeous long hair (she kept it pinned up) who reportedly only washed it once a month. I no longer "wash daily" and "suds twice". Once or twice a week, one suds, a little conditioner and that's it unless it has actual DIRT in it from playing in the mud. Cute pony tail!

    Barbie, thanks for the reminder about daylight savings time. Does it get earlier each year or just seem that way? If this weather was like April instead of January I'd be more enthused. Yes, it will mess up the early morning walks for a while!

    Queene, Jolene, Allie, Pip, Cheri and those of you with work frustrations...like Barbie, it brings back memories of my final few years before retirement last August. My "filter" developed a gigantic hole toward the end - lucky I didn't get sacked I suppose but I really got along well with the engineers I was assigned to and they liked the sass. Yep, that's what it was, sass! HA!

    Thing is, there were parts of my job I loved so much I would have done them for free (almost). And MOST of the people in my department and building were absolute gems. But I'd had my fill of a few tasks "thrust" upon me and had lost all patience with some of the staff I had to work closely with. I'm sure it showed.

    So I took an "early out" the minute I was eligible for my pension and am waiting a bit, I hope, to draw SS. We made sure everything was paid off as much as possible and the "emergency" account was well-funded, so I turned in the paperwork, gave them 2 weeks notice and said adios.

    My casual help job ended yesterday - I'm actually on "hiatus" and will go back of they get swamped for a day but no more regularly scheduled work days, and that's OK. So much stuff to do around home here (and outside if we can get rid of winter.)

    To those of you not mentioned, way to go on your continued exercise routines and perseverance on your weight and health journeys and thank you for sharing with us.

    Have a great rest of your Tuesday!

    SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Becca, Becca, Becca ...your posts are not offensive in any way ... many times no one comments on what I've posted ... it's just how it goes. So you just keep being you!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ (#1) wrote "Janetr, congrats on the continued weight loss. Gosh I’d take some too."

    Thanks so much, but to make it clear this is NOT additional weight loss, this is weight I had already gained when I started on MFP plus more added on while on our three month trip in the motor home, plus the three months stint on steroids so I was up way too many pounds. But I'm getting closer now to my lowest weight after surgery. I'll be happy to stay there :)

    Janetr OKC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Oh Becca keep posting <3 I think checking in and posting is a great way to stay accountable, most folks don't respond to my posts, but I love just putting myself out there regardless. NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca Love your posts!
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hey everyone
    KJ thanks for the elliptical advice. I was actually pushing so hard the other day that the whole machine tipped forward. Scared the crap out of me. Not sure if this is an NSV or a warning lol!
    Lisa beautiful pics, the colour in the 2nd one is breathtaking!
    Beth congrats on the loss
    Rita just sent you a prayer
    Cheri Thanks for the NS pointers, I enjoy these little pearls of wisdom, much appreciated
    DJ very nice gesture with the "Meese" lol!
    Lanette I started at 15 seconds so you can do it too!
    Becca I am glad you said that. I feel not part of the group at times as well and then lots of people "talk" to me. I think that is the nature of a thread combined with so many posts and busy lives. I have never felt your posts were inappropriate or offensive in any way. I enjoy reading what you write. I don't always single out everyone every time because that would take forever but I do feel I try to eventually respond to everyone at some time and everyone here is my favourite! <3<3<3

    Gym stats:
    elliptical 30 min @ 335k

    Really craving chocolate these days, trying to just have a small portion to appease the monster uggh!

    Prayers and hugs to all <3 Sarah, Ontario

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    *caution to treadmill and elliptical users* I have a friend that was on her elliptical at home and was "back pedaling" to work out a different set of muscles. Well, she fell backward off her machine yesterday and broke both of her wrists. She wasn't hanging on. Please hang on! She is now off work for a minimum of four weeks and can't use her hands. :( KJ (Kelly)

    Don't Worry, Kelly... I am such a clutz I always, always hold onto the handles. I have a bit of a falling phobia (yep, falling off the curb sends my heartrate spiraling!) so I never put myself in a position where I am likely to fall.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Well, hope everyone is having a nice day. I shall continue to post, even though I guess many of you can't relate to me. Most of you were taught, if you don't have anything positive to say (type) don't say (type) anything at all. It's no worries, I have been one to not follow the norm. It is interesting to post daily, but there is no response. Its just something I have noticed is all. I have decided to not mention my hair journey, or anything nudist related, because it makes you all uncomfortable I am guessing. I can understand it truly. Maybe when I type about those things it sounds like I am trying to convert people, but that is never the case. Maybe I live more outside the box than most, but oh well.

    Time to fix udon noodles, turkey broth, wasabi, spinach in a big bowl! Taking some applesauce to the donation place, so I won't be tempted to eat a cookie.

    Becca, my Love...

    I have been watching your hair journey with interest. Having very long hair - and very fine - I don't wash it every day - because it turns to straw. I was waiting to hear your no shampoo results. I have just been so busy that I am not posting back to anyone right now. Please, Dear - don't stop. I adore you and your outside the box influence on us. It reminds me of the Northwest - as it should. In this conservative land that I have adopted, your posts are a breath of fresh air. Not that there isn't a lot to be appreciated, here, in the Bible Belt - but, we West Coast girls can get a little lonely round these parts.

    I mean, Becca - when I first started working here, I got written up for saying I was pi$sed off... I quickly learned to quote Marvin the Martian and say I was "very, very angry" but, it basically highlighted that I was a foreigner in a strange new land.

    Please - keep on telling us of your adventures in the Wild West... no matter how odd.


    Re in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Forgot to mention a few things. Got a few end tables for the one bedroom. The thing we were constricted with was that they could be no wider than 20". We found 2 at a thrift store. Vince can't get over that they only cost $10 for both. I swear, I'm going to turn him into a thrift store buyer yet....lol He was looking at suits since he couldn't find a double breasted one for his Gomez Addams costume. Why he was looking for it, I don't know. It's not like he's going to be Gomez any time soon...lol I did find a shirt that I liked - not that I needed it.

    At the Daytona I took a Boca burger on a sandwich round and used their mustard. I had some other snacks (I forget them), just check my diary for that day. We went to IHop for dinner and I got a vege egg white omlet. Then I added some snap peas with it.

    When we went to dinner with our friends the first time, I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich without the bun or cheese and instead of fries I ordered snap peas. Boy, you get so little snap peas. Had one of the sweet potato fries of my friend, but I wasn't impressed, mainly because they were deep fried. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

    Laid out by the pool today. Too windy for me to go in the pool but there were some people in there. One time my timer didn't go off but I thought 30 minutes were up and I was right. I did find that listening to audiobooks (which reminds me that I need to charge my tablet) makes the time go by faster. I swear I should own stock in Coppertone! I'm always using sunscreen, here and at home

    DJ - so glad you had such a good meeting. Newcomers is having their general meeting today and I'm sure Vince will be the treasurer again.

    Kate - hope they find the cause of the problem

    Been hard boiling eggs down here the regular way. Lexi seems to like the egg yolks better when I cook them this way rather than in the pressure cooker. Not sure what the difference is

    Kate - you had me out of breath reading all you did today.

    Becca - I honestly like reading about the nudist stuff. It's just a different way, something that I've never done and I'm learning so much. Your food sounds so delish. You do so much with what you get from the food bank I'm really impressed. There are lots of times when no one mentions my posts. But sometimes they do so that makes up for it.

    Went to Wendy's and got a salad mainly because I wanted 2 packets of ranch dressing for Vince. They charged me 25 cents for the second package, but that was still cheaper than buying a bottle of dressing that I'd only have to take back. Also went to Hobby Lobby to get this smaller embroidery loom. They don't make the kind like I used to have. I did find out that even if I used it, as long as I have the cardboard that it was on and the sales receipt, I can return it if it doesn't work out for me. My hope is that I will be able to use it in the car tomorrow. I can use my old one so hopefully I will be able to use this one, only I'll have to move it more frequently. We shall see how it goes. With the larger one you need to put it on a hard surface like a floor to get the tension part in the plastic part.

    Michele from NC in FL but not long enough
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all,

    Joyce - Happy belated birthday! Hope it was great!

    I've been slacking on keeping up with the posts. Only through page 11 right now. I am composing the most wonderful responses to your messages in my mind as I quickly read along. I hope you are able to "read my thoughts" as there is no time to officially respond!

    Toni in Tennessee