Does cardio eat away muscle? Is it diet? Is it cardio? Is it GENES?

OK this is me repeatin myself again as always...I am a small dude 5'9 153lbs during the winter I eat about 1500 to 1800kcal daily with one cheat meal and do 15-to20 miles of cardio a week that's 5miles or 4miles a day . I also lift weights push day, pull day, and leg day. Once spring comes across I'll bring down my calories to about 1200kcal-1000kcaldaily (with one cheat day which is 3000kcal)and stay the same on cardio and do circuit training. Why is it that by mid July I begin to look like a crackhead? I like the ripped look but sometimes I look like I may have lost muscle and I have to bring up my carbs to get some fiuless but then I lose vascularity and that ripped dry look. I know I'm crazy loolol I am a fatties by genetics I'm not comfortable have a soft look during the summer


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited March 2017

    Plenty. They make it fit their macros.

    I'm sorry but if you are trying to get a ripped shredded look you won't be able to do that by fitting in a 400-600 calorie slice of pizza

    Google the rock eating pizza as images. I'm useless with technology but he eats a *kitten* load of the stuff
  • alexrosader
    alexrosader Posts: 79 Member
    how many ripped people have you seen that eat pizza and still look lean AF?

    Umm LOTS. Like, most of them.

    To answer your original question, to me it seems quite obvious that you are eating too little. Why are you eating so little???

    It's March right now, coming into spring I will be cutting my cal to 1200-1000kcal daily I eat little because I weight 153lbs at 5'9 32yrsold belive me I ate 2500 -3000kcal daily exercising in my younger years I looked like a water buffalo. I eat clean foods no more powdered supps none of that crap